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The Death Clock of the PENG CHALLENGE Thread Tolls for Thee

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Herr Oberst, I have an even better idea! I think you should send me your picture so I can do some wizardry on it...(or maybe I won't have to?)...I'm sure the whole Cesspool community is wondering if you really do look like Colonel Klink. I'll be waiting for the picture.


My Lady, you have a heart of gold, and more sense than the rest of the sorry ragtag of losers assembled here (not that it takes much). I wonder how that goes with hanging around Berli, but there we are, and have to take things as they come.

I once frequented these... netherworlds... but now I am too busy being important, otherwise I would make sure to stop by if only for the pleasure of your company.

I hope you have a lovely evening in Chicago or where ever you are, and wish you a good night.

With the kindest regards from London,


Ps. I do sincerely hope you find the picture I sent acceptable, and I look forward to the results of your endeavours.

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{snipped all the boasting and bragging by you-know-who!}

4 .50 cals and 2 .30 cals!! I told you this game was fixed! I'm gonna have your guts for garters old bean, I'm gonna rip off your arm and beat you about the head with the soggy end, then I'm gonna show you how a real soldier fights......WHEN THE ODDS ARE EVEN AND THE DICE AREN'T LOADED!


[ July 23, 2002, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Please, my man, edit your post. It's not necessary to quote everything is it? I'll chalk it up to you posting in affect...this time.

As for the game, it shall be a probe, as in a blunt surgical instrument used for examining wounds. NOT as in the posterior insertion metaphors of which you are so fond. en guido!

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Please, my man, edit your post. It's not necessary to quote everything is it? I'll chalk it up to you posting in affect...this time.

In the case of athkatla, this the only way that anything interesting gets into his posts, so lets cut him a little slack.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:


You are required to go to this thread:

I Do Not Believe This!

And there resolve your differences with Mr. Beman.

I think you should apologize to him (you can do that, there, it isn't the MBT) for accusing him of dodging out on the game. Then it would probably be appropriate to hug him. After that, of course, you should insult and belittle him, and continue making the arrangements for your PBEM

Also originally posted by Seanachai:
Hugs and kisses to Michael Emrys, Michael Dorosh, and Doug Beman for being such good sports about being targeted for execution.
WHAT is this sudden fascination you have with getting all of us to hug?


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

My dear Boo-Boo,

you...wrap...Panzer Armee Khann...in...flowers...?


An actual quote ladies and gentlemen. Now we know the ugly little truth about Pom-Pom and his aryan boy's choir (not that there's anything wrong with that). I've often wondered about the fixation on black leather boots, now I know.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

It's too hot to hate today.

Boo, before the heat in the cheap seats (i.e. no A/C) melts your brain, maybe you'd like to send a turn? It may be too hot to hate, but not too hot to die a flaming death in that Super Ronson you've got double parked in my driveway.
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Originally posted by Andreas:

My Lady, you have a heart of gold, and more sense than the rest of the sorry ragtag of losers assembled here (not that it takes much). I wonder how that goes with hanging around Berli, but there we are, and have to take things as they come.

I once frequented these... netherworlds... but now I am too busy being important, otherwise I would make sure to stop by if only for the pleasure of your company.

I hope you have a lovely evening in Chicago or where ever you are, and wish you a good night.

With the kindest regards from London,


Ps. I do sincerely hope you find the picture I sent acceptable, and I look forward to the results of your endeavours.

Andreas, The picture you sent is perfect. Thank you... and I hope I can do it justice.

You will probably read this in the morning so...

Have a good morning!

And be sure to continue being important!


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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

WHAT is this sudden fascination you have with getting all of us to hug?


Sorry, Doug, but I just think you, Emrys, and Dorosh are all quite huggable. I wouldn't touch any of you with a marlinspike in person, but in this strange, mental landscape I've constructed of the Combat Mission Forum, you three are like Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Greenjeans, and Bun Rabbit. I'll leave it to the three of you to determine who's who.

Just be glad you only get snippets of my mental landscape. My mantra as I pass through my day to day existence is the constantly repeated phrase 'Not Out Loud, Not Out Loud'. It works. Mostly.

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It has come to my attention that is is not I whom is responsible for this sickening outbreak of niceness that has plagued the Cesspool (that is what Joe would like you to believe)...It is none other than Joe Shaw the Justiciar himself who is responsible for the spread of this vile disease.

Athkatla, has lost his attitude and stopped telling poolers "Up Yours".

Dalem has abandoned House Persiflage and is off doing missionary work.

Seanachai has been writing jolly singsongs...oops...he's always been writing jolly singsongs...Well, he's been seen hugging Grogs.

Peng is using SMILIES in his posts.

Berli has gone on a religious retreat.

Lars has started a sanctuary for homeless cats.

OGSF has been nice to his wee spaniel.

Mace has stopped frequenting the local brothels.

Well, I could go on with this list for a long time so I will cut it short...

Well Joe, what do you have to say for yourself?


P.S. Where's FlossieJeff?

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Originally posted by Persephone:

It has come to my attention that is is not I whom is responsible for this sickening outbreak of niceness that has plagued the Cesspool (that is what Joe would like you to believe)...It is none other than Joe Shaw the Justiciar himself who is responsible for the spread of this vile disease.




Dalem has abandoned House Persiflage and is off doing missionary work.




Milady I must most gently protest. Since I have given up my titles I have no need of bolding or capitalization. And it's less "missionary work" than a quest for hatred. Or somefink.

edited to add - 'tho you're quite right in laying a fair slice of the blame at the pigeon-toed feet of Joe.

[ July 23, 2002, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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{All insignificant names have been snipped, that just leaves me!}

Originally posted by Persephone:<HR>

Athkatla, has lost his attitude and stopped telling poolers "Up Yours".<HR>

My dear lady with those luscious lips, come-to-bed eyes, and the body of Venus de Milo, and........oops, behave, the wife just came in, ahem, well I was brought to task by none other than the doddering old one SenileGuy over the use of my very tame taunt of "Up Yours". However, because his feelings were hurt and he was actually nice about it, I decided to refrain from using it in future posts. But if he thinks he can place further restrictions on me, he can just bloody well sod off.

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

Please, my man, edit your post. It's not necessary to quote everything is it? I'll chalk it up to you posting in affect...this time.

In the case of athkatla, this the only way that anything interesting gets into his posts, so lets cut him a little slack.</font>
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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

Please, my man, edit your post. It's not necessary to quote everything is it? I'll chalk it up to you posting in affect...this time.

In the case of athkatla, this the only way that anything interesting gets into his posts, so lets cut him a little slack.</font>
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Hi! smile.gif

Can I play too?

You guys are all very mean and stuff. :mad:

I bet I could win against someone here. Is this a ladder or what? I challenge everyone!!! :D

Very funny. You copped the schtick from me, but it's funny anyway.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

{All significant names have been snipped, that just leaves me!}

Originally posted by Persephone:<HR>

Athkatla, has lost his attitude and stopped telling poolers "Up Yours".<HR>

My dear (insert lascivious slobber, slobber, drool, drool......pant, pant sounds etc then *SNIP* before climax...} I was brought to task by none other than the doddering old one SenileGuy over the use of my very tame taunt of "Up Yours". However, because his feelings were hurt and he was actually nice about it, I decided to refrain from using it in future posts. But if he thinks he can place further restrictions on me, he can just bloody well sod off.



Stubbornly Maintaining The Rage

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Originally posted by Mr Smilie Peng (or should that be Mr Smelly Pong?):

Hi! smile.gif

Can I play too?


You guys are all very mean and stuff. :mad:

I bet I could win against someone here. Is this a ladder or what? I challenge everyone!!! :D
I bet you beat yourself too - often. Though having NEVER had the good fortune to have been pistol whupped by my Flosstruppen<SUP>tm</SUP>, I sense your craving for a new and enlightening experience.

Saddle up then, Olde Hoary Peng. A 1500pt deathmatch at 50 paces should do the trick. You are so - experienced in these matters that I feel YOU should have the honour of first pick of weapons. I look forward to thrashing you back into some semblance of humanity..

Sir AJ

Keeper of the Floss

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Lars has started a sanctuary for homeless cats.

At first I thought you were just joking, but then I found his website! It's here. I had no idea Lars had such a nurturing side.</font>
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Couldn't agree more, AussieJeff. Zoe, as we all undoubtedly know, means 'life'. So 'bambi killer' Lars has one hell of an alter ego. Maybe it's his way of assuaging his conscience during those periods when he lies awake at night feeling the eyes of thousands of moose, bambis, little thumpers and tony the trouts gaze mournfully upon him.

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While in the throes of a frantic Loaf-pinching session replete with bawdy show tune renditions and cries of “Sweet Mother of God, make it go away”, I realized that I have yet to receive a turn from Slapdragon or Croda. I find this most disconcerting and will have to email the parties responsibilities. How am I to open up the proverbial can upon their sorry butt’s when they won’t send a turn? I understand the Croda is somewhere playing in traffic and our Cess-Grog is sampling some narcotics taken from a sting or whatever they do down there.

Since I had plenty of time for deep thought while upon that porcelain throne, I also realized that our own MRPeng is being whimsical and gregarious. Since I know that he is bi-polar and probably experiencing his own version of a menstrual cycle, I will forgive his latest post.

It also came to my attention that there may be a chance that our beloved goose stepper, Andreas and that egocentric buffoon known as Michael Dorosh may be twins. I wonder if they are fraternal.

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