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Massively Disappointed with Demo

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We were promised in a long ago thread that CM2 would have CM in it. There is definitely CM in CM2, but not enough for my liking. When will we see more CM in CM?

Will there be a demo patch?

Can we delay the game while you put more CM-Free in the demo - I think this would ensure that CM2 has the right amount of CM in it. And by "we" I mean you, and by "us" I mean we who play CM.

Really, I am too dumb to figure out how to load old PBEM files and insist that we have instant one-click access to every

game I ever played, because it is really crucial that I be able to relive all those great moments 10 turns, or 10 years, later.

I also find the lack of CM in CM has had a profound effect on play balance. In fact, I find most run throughs of the demo results in a winner and a loser. How unbalanced is that? This certainly doesn't live up to the promises you made in your own blood while standing on the graves of your great-grandmothers. I guess a game is only as good as the word of the lying

corporate sellouts who made it.

This is to serve you notice that if you don't include more CM in future CM (not just CM-Free, either), I will lead a consumer action the likes of which your grandmother would never have imagined. I will demand all stores in North America not stock your pathetic little vanity project - take that!

Now get to work putting more CM in CM and make sure the patch the demo, sharpish, because we are waiting!

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You are obviously upset I am just not 100% sure what it is you want... I might actually agree with you...

So the scenarios are not balanced. So what?

I think AT Rifle is too weak. OK.

Soviet 76mm Tank guns might be weaker than expected...

Finally you must have large numerical advantage to succeed - that seems right...

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Michael, if "CM" means "Cosumer Marketing" then I agree with you.

The product must be accessible to the blind, deaf and mentally challenged.

The demo fails totally.

For instance, I tried to simulate blindness by unplugging my monitor.

To my horror, I found the game was unplayable! This is totally unacceptable. There is no Braille mod yet and I have not heard rumors of any forthcoming.

This is obviously one more example of BTS blundering in an area in which they are total dimwits.

So, I must concur and request to be added to your consumer action lawsuit.

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Originally posted by killmore:

You are obviously upset I am just not 100% sure what it is you want... I might actually agree with you...

So the scenarios are not balanced. So what?

I think AT Rifle is too weak. OK.

Soviet 76mm Tank guns might be weaker than expected...

Finally you must have large numerical advantage to succeed - that seems right...

<font color=tan"><small>psst...killmore...it's satire...I love the demo and if I read one more whiney thread about who is disappointed with what, I'll scream.....</small></font>

Thank you killmore, I will take that under advisement.

[ September 09, 2002, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Guest Panzer Boxb

Watch out or they will use this thread as evidence to pass another death sentence upon you. Theoretically speaking so as to not be found guilty through association, I enjoyed the post. :D

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"Ooooooh! 'E doesn't fink there's enough CM in 'is CM, does 'e? Oooooh! Cheeky, 'e is, in't 'e? 'Mummy, mummy, make the big, bad bald-'eaded man put in more CM, or I shant drink my tea!"'

Pah, back when I was young we 'ad to do wif almost no CM in our CM, and did we complain? No sir! We played wif our CM-less CM and we kept our bleedin' moufs shut, we did!"

You should consider yourself lucky you have any CM at all, you little toffey-nose!"

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Yeah, and how about putting more demo into the demo as well. I tried not just unplugging my monitor, but going as far as pulling my eyes out with a corkscrew and jabbing daggers into my ears. I even shot myself twice with my neighbor's Kar98 to simulate how a wounded commander could still control his troops. I found the game unplayable as well. This is such a rip off! How's my typing? I'm not used to the brail keyboard yet.

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How about the insidious threat to personal choice contained in the Demo?

After playing it I feel compelled, compelled mind you to send BFC $45, plus s/h, for the game.

Where is my freedom of choice; how come I feel I must have the game?

Somebody owes me some answers!

[ September 09, 2002, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: dfgardner1 ]

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I haven't seen this level of whining since the Great Tunguska Whine of 1908. You remember...

"It wasn't a meteor, it was a comet".

"Looked at what it did to the forest"

"It was a uranium deposit gone bad"

"What about the animals?"

and of course...

"Who is going to clean up this mess?"


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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

Michael, if "CM" means "Cosumer Marketing" then I agree with you.

The product must be accessible to the blind, deaf and mentally challenged.

The demo fails totally.

For instance, I tried to simulate blindness by unplugging my monitor.

To my horror, I found the game was unplayable! This is totally unacceptable. There is no Braille mod yet and I have not heard rumors of any forthcoming.

This is obviously one more example of BTS blundering in an area in which they are total dimwits.

So, I must concur and request to be added to your consumer action lawsuit.

I'll simulate being mentally challenged by asking myself "what would Goanna do?" as often as possible.

The answer's quite simple, really: I'll drive my tank platoons right through the middle of a barrage of 8" shells.

Some people live by the credo "kick 'em while they're down." I live by the credo "kick 'em while they're Australian."



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Originally posted by IronChef4:

To my utter dismay, I discovered that the game is not joystick compatible! Can you believe it! And I thought that I was going to be able to fly around in a Yak!

Thanks alot BTS! :mad:

What, IronChef4, you plan to walk your Yak over a cliff?...damn things don't fly worth a crap, just ask any Peruvian.
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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

Yeah, and how about putting more demo into the demo as well. I tried not just unplugging my monitor, but going as far as pulling my eyes out with a corkscrew and jabbing daggers into my ears. I even shot myself twice with my neighbor's Kar98 to simulate how a wounded commander could still control his troops. I found the game unplayable as well. This is such a rip off! How's my typing? I'm not used to the brail keyboard yet.

Maybe, that guy FRUIT LOOPS was on to something afterall, Hmmm....... :eek:
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psst...killmore...it's satire...I love the demo and if I read one more whiney thread about who is disappointed with what, I'll scream.....
You shouldn't take the whining so seriously..It's endemic to the computer game player mentality, I dunno why, but it is. As soon as something new shows up, the last edition instantly reaches nigh mythical status of virtue and quality, even though IT was the subject of the whining until the the new version stepped up to take the abuse.

It's not just CM, this goes on everywhere.

[ September 09, 2002, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

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I think more suckage needs to be applied, it clearly doesn't suck enough. I think if we tried we could add several more rounds to sending PBEMs and increase the file sent size to 10Mb or so (and grow by 1mb per turn as the game progresses). That would provide the appropriate level of suckage in that no one has an email mailbox large enough to accept or send PBEM files. This would promote the complete sessation of all CMing to ensure maximum suckage.

This has all the makings of a fine alternative to the Peng stagnation cesspool. One that other mere mortals could even understand and relate to ....

Nah, Mom won't let it go on.

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