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Originally posted by Speedbump:

My wife brought home an example of Australian culture today. I have had to endure 3 sittings of the ... {hack, cough} o.k. spit it out ... the Wiggles!

Come on, tell me you weren't bopping to the song "Wake up Jeff"!


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Originally posted by Sledge59:


I've discovered what makes you tick! Yes, you're one of those mod artists from way back in the dark ages of early last year. I must say that your work looks terribly dry, desert dry. Obviously playing you would carry the danger that you might suck all the water out of my pixel warriors before returning a file, yet I've got an anti-mod worked up that'll give you fits! Prepare for your punishment, silly madcap.


Ha!! I hope you can stomach a diet of mangy Desert Rats, Sludge39! Prepare your bitty minions then ......... to battle men!!!!
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Originally posted by Speedbump:

It's official. I now hate everything Australian (okay, I will allow an exception for several of their wines). My wife brought home an example of Australian culture today. I have had to endure 3 sittings of the ... {hack, cough} o.k. spit it out ... the Wiggles!

I hope every one of you Aussies (except the ones making the wines) burn in Berli!


Ha ha!! First, Kylie conquers the US male and now The Wiggles make their all out assault on their sensitised ears! ROFL!!!! So, If you haven't been ravaged by TW's, here is a weeny sample of their great lyrics to bop along to......

Song Lyrics for 'Hot Potato' Song (wow!)

Hot potato, hot potato (Hot potato hot potato)

Hot potato, hot potato (Hot potato hot potato)

Hot potato, hot potato, potato, potato, potato, potato... potato, potato, potato

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti (cold spaghetti, cold spaggetti)

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti (cold spaghetti, cold spaggetti)

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti... spaghetti, spaghetti..etc



{Edited because I am addicted....}

[ March 10, 2002, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedbump:

My wife brought home an example of Australian culture today. I have had to endure 3 sittings of the ... {hack, cough} o.k. spit it out ... the Wiggles!

Come on, tell me you weren't bopping to the song "Wake up Jeff"!


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hot potato, hot potato (Hot potato hot potato)

Hot potato, hot potato (Hot potato hot potato)

Hot potato, hot potato, potato, potato, potato, potato... potato, potato, potato

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti (cold spaghetti, cold spaggetti)

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti (cold spaghetti, cold spaggetti)

Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti... spaghetti, spaghetti..etc



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After 40 hours in transit -- with critter in tow -- I have, such as it is, returned.

I am tired to the point of psychosis and hallucinations; that is, I am ready to return to the 'Pool.

Turns to the undeserving will likely go out tomorrow as I take a day from work to find out which planet I find myself upon. That same day will also find a final update to the story on my blog.

Please wank, piss, bugger or sod off at your leisure.

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Slowdip you dork ! Fancy thinking you have to sit and watch with the kids. I suppose you do have kids to watch with ? Watching the Wiggles is for females...and kids, sigh. Men watch Aussie Rules.

(ps, Mace, did you see the pussies lost to the mighty West Coast ?)

Anyway, you obviously have more time than you know what to do with, so I answer your attempted 'slight' on Australians by asking...can you do any better than the last pillock on a crusade against us, The headless Gnome ? He got kicked well and truly, I would love to be given the opportunity to do the same to you. Tear yourself away from the tv and send a setup. QB 1500 points will do.


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The harsh reality of a Monday kicks me in the seat of my pants once more. Oh it hurts. Sunlight and noise are the bane of my existence this day. The weekend was good. I was at a bachelor party this weekend with trips to Hooters and a Strip Club. I was hunting and reversing all night. I was making gamey flag rushes with my dollar bills. They charged entirely too much to do a hotseat with me and frowned upon my attempt at a quick battle. Trying to stuff a dollar bill into the ample bosom of the diner waitress netted me a slap and an ejection from the diner. She didn’t even want a cease-fire. Our bachelor party was finished up by going to the bowling alley. (I bowled a 213!!)

Nice memories to ponder as I sit and suffer from my Monday. You know that the “Sit and Suffer” is a game created by Berli. (Milton Berli)

Oh, by the way. My video card is kaput. I installed Myth III and then attempted an upgrade of my drivers etc. It will take me a while to fix the PC. Talk amongst yourselves until later.

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Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

...My video card is kaput. ...It will take me a while to fix the PC.

Talk to Justagrog. I hear he can perform upgrades like dalem can perform stoopid tank tricks.</font>
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Bah! You all disgust me more than words can say so I'll not even attempt to say how much you all disgust me but you can take it to the bank that I AM disgusted by you all A LOT!

And to show the degree of my disgust with some of you I even sent out turns! Let that be a lesson to you.

That being said ... I'm off for Dallas until late Thursday ... talk amongst yourselves or something.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

That being said ... I'm off for Dallas until late Thursday ... talk amongst yourselves or something.


I think I will or something. Oh and BTW, Joe, while you are driving down in Texas watch out for those "Road-hobos". I hear they go right through your windshield and get lodged there until they bleed to death.


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For all those who are getting their butts kicked by me in PBEMS:

My email address has changed. Check my profile or, for the lazily inclined, use dalemq@attbi.com.

For all those who are kicking my butt in PBEMs:

Please stop. For the children, if for nothing else. My god, think about the children!!!

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

while you are driving down in Texas watch out for those "Road-hobos". I hear they go right through your windshield and get lodged there until they bleed to death.

Hmmmm, nasty, in poor taste but also topical.

You are a complex creature jshavedoff.

[ March 11, 2002, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jshandorf:

Hmmmm, nasty, in poor taste but also topical.

You are a complex creature jshavedoff.</font>

When have I been accused of having good taste? Sheesh...


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:



That was funny, definitely comic material. Search ended, quest completed.

Idjit Yeknod</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Bah! You all disgust me more than words can say so I'll not even attempt to say how much you all disgust me but you can take it to the bank that I AM disgusted by you all A LOT!

And to show the degree of my disgust with some of you I even sent out turns! Let that be a lesson to you.

That being said ... I'm off for Dallas until late Thursday ... talk amongst yourselves or something.


Dear Joesephine

The pathetic paucity of this peurile post compared to your verbose virtual former self leads me to believe that you are now a MERE SHADOW of your former id.

This bodes not well for the Cesspit, metinks.....

Please fix or do somefink!!!


Concerned Pool Resident.

[ March 11, 2002, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Seanachai - whatever you do ..... don't open this link: www.kylie.com

Well, I gave it a look. Her head seems disproportionately large compared to the rest of her, which is definitely not what I've come to expect from female popstars.

Upon arriving at her home page and wondering about the size of her head, I next, as is my want, clicked on the 'lyrics' link. They were definitely lacking. Almost magically uninspiring.

I then, against my better judgement, actually clicked on the 'audio' link, and listened to a few minutes of something called 'Fragile', which is most likely a metaphor for her talent. It was icky. The voice wasn't unappealing, but the style and delivery made me shudder, as if Kate Bush had been reincarnated as Britney Spears with even less to say.

Also, a question. Why don't you Aussie's ever sound like Australians when you sing? You sound just like us, and the very worst of us, on top of it. Or, at best, you sound like Brits that want to make it in America as recording stars. It's just ghastly.

[ March 11, 2002, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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