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Hey!! Game retail says CMBB isnt out in the UK till 11 Oct!!

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The key to the current situation is : wait and see. No worth gathering stress ( if your lives resemble mine in the least bit, there's plenty more where that came from :( ) over an issue you have no control of. True, the release date seems vague at best, but this is what you get. It most certainly will be out mid-October in the least, so lay back and have patience !

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At 11:44am, board tme, on 11 September partly in response to the posted "discovery" that the UK release date was not going to be 20th September Steve posted

"And as for the release date, we did have some control over it. But we also have to be reasonable. The UK had some glitches and therefore the release is delayed until October 1st. It has nothing to do with CDV being German. But yes, I think we will have more strict language in any future agreements since for a while there it was looking like 3-4 weeks delay, which was unacceptable to us."

What those gliches were I don't know, though I did ask, but if the UK release date is really back to the 11th then CDV have got their 3-4 week delay which was unacceptable to BFC.

Or maybe its nothing to do with CDV and the problem is further down the distribution chain, or maybe a hamster ran across someones keyboard or maybe.........

At the end of the day we are all going to buy the game anyway so perhaps the best thing to do is follow Prinz Eugen's advice above. For myself I am going to drink some more malt and hope that we see some good AARs on the board soon.

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Don't get me started again! I'm living in France, and ordered my copy a couple of months ago, when the release date for the rest of Europe was still 20th September. The French version is now due out on October 18th according to Strataegis, the company that owns Focus, who have the rights to distribute the CDV catalogue in France. I'm told that the English version, which I've ordered, will be available "a few days before". But I'm now wondering whether or not I'm justified in driving the 260 km into Germany to buy the German version: the advantage of speaking three different European languages! Why wait another three/four weeks for something that I could have tomorrow? If I left after breakfast tomorrow, I could have the damn thing installed by tea-time!

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It certainly does seem to suck big style. Considering the only named changes between the US version and the "Rest of World" English version are supposed to be Waffen SS > Waffen Grenadier, and the changing of the Swastika flag, I would love to know why the release date has now slipped twice. I WILL buy the game the day it hits the shops, but it pains me to be treated like a second class citizen. the wait from 20th September till 4th October was bad enough, but now it seems a further week has been added on. Bah Humbug! Give CDV a kick up the arse from me please. Back to CMBO and the CMBB demo :(

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


As far as I know it is still Oct. 4th for the UK release. The quote of mine saying the 1st was a booboo of mine and (darn it!) I thought I went back and edited it smile.gif

Ha! At least the French and the English have been given a date. CDV responded to an e-mail of mine yesterday saying that they still can't say when it'll b e released in the Republic of Ireland. Talk about sucking on the hind tit...
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I pre-ordered CM:BB from GAME when the release date was 20 Sept. They sent me an email changing the availablilty date to 4 Oct. Though their website does now say 11 Oct for UK release i have had no official confimation from them .... but just know its gonna be later rather than sooner ... but its not their fault


As for the CDV issue ...... I can only assume that CDV stands for ....

............ Cr@p Distributor & Vendor .

If CDV wants to try salvage what little reputation they have on this board why dont they get on here and explain what the problems are and what they are doing to fix them and ensure they dont happen again ..... somehow i dont think they really care as long as they eventually get the cash !


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I must admit to being a little confused as to why CDV cannot give a more concrete release date. The game's out in the US. The German version is out (allegedly). I really don't understand why a sanitised English version should take longer - the German language version requires the extra step of translation in my (simple) mind. Okay shipping, but in today's age I still can't see this taking +2 weeks.

Still nothing on the CDV websites about the release in the rest of Europe. "tba" :-/. The main CDV website doesn't even offer a logical link to the dedicated CMBB website (which has no information anyway).

Given a complete lack of information I think it's only natural for people to start speculating about what is going on behind the scenes. It irritates me that BTS is one of the most 'open' developers I've ever encountered, while CDV seems to be the most 'closed' publisher I've ever seen.

Still perhaps I'll buy "Wet Attack " in the meantime. Or "Space Brothel". Or "Lula Lover". Or "Playbär: Pleasure World". Or "Photo-Shooting" (the concept of using a pinball table to knock Lulu's clothes off is an amazing game concept imo).

Starting to get annoyed with this situation tbh as you may tell...

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Official date is still October 4. If your retailer says otherwise I assume it's because he's not on the list of retailers that should get the first copies.

Regarding the later release of the UK version I can only speculate. It's not only the SS stuff, but the manual is not the same as the BFC one either. I guess CDV first produces an awful lot of german versions to build a stock, they don't want to produce german version one day and english the next. So, they need 2-3 weeks to produce enough german copies. If there were more german orders than they were prepared for the english won't go to printing until a few extra german versions have been printed. They don't have unlimited printing capacity.

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TBH I don't believe the 4th is offical any more. www.Game.uk.com say the 11th and I reckon they're one of the biggest retailers of PC games in the UK? So I would expect them to be near the top of outlets CMBB is being shipped to? So in my eyes either CDV has forgotten to put Game on their list or they've not told Game of the correct date. Either which is pretty poor imo.

(add: www.EB.uk.com, also say the 11th)

As I said though, lack of any real information from CDV creates rumours and uncertainities.

[ September 26, 2002, 06:28 AM: Message edited by: Fetchez la Vache ]

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Originally posted by Visom:

If there were more german orders than they were prepared for the english won't go to printing until a few extra german versions have been printed. They don't have unlimited printing capacity.

I think it's safe to assume they sub-contract all production issues, and that being the case they should have the means to produce enough copies to satisfy demand. I wouldn't like to think that they've been surprised at the numbers. ;)
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Hi all,

I asked our contact at CDV and it appears that the UK version is delayed until roughly the 11th. Apparently there was some sort of production SNAFU (or a continuation of one, I am not clear on that) which has pushed the date back. From what I gather the date could be a bit sooner if things go better, but they have pushed the date out in any case.

France is still slated for around the same time, but I have no exact date.

Some basic facts... the UK and French componants of CDV are semi-autonomous. That means they, to some extent, call their own shots. Why are these dates further back than Germany? The UK is in part due to production problems, but both are due to their own internal reasons. Remember that the UK and French versions of CMBO came out many months later than the German version. While this doesn't make a hill of beans difference to us, it does to retail. And ultimately, they call the shots.

The staggered release dates are something we are not happy with either. There is not much we can do about this at the moment, however our contract does have some teeth in it if they delay much longer than mid-October. So we are not toothless ;) But I can say that if we do a deal with CDV again for our next game there will be 10" long fangs instead of just canine teeth written into the contract smile.gif We want a simultaneous release next time, or no deal.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Hi all,

I asked our contact at CDV and it appears that the UK version is delayed until roughly the 11th. ... France is still slated for around the same time, but I have no exact date.


...and still no mention of when it might be on Irish shelves. Ho hum. Time to look for an American sponsor, methinks.
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

the UK and French componants of CDV are semi-autonomous. That means they, to some extent, call their own shots. Why are these dates further back than Germany? The UK is in part due to production problems, but both are due to their own internal reasons.

I can understand why CDV might want to build in some more space between their CMBO and CMBB releases, if I understand their position correctly, but for existing BFC customers now locked into the CDV system it's a little irritating. ;) I do wonder whether the damage to CDV's reputation is worth the few extra sales they've gained from that clause in the contract, too.

Good luck working everything out with them in the future. smile.gif

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Hi Gary (excellent name choice smile.gif )

Originally posted by Gary T:

What a farce...

Aah the famed British understatement ;)

Just for your info couple mates got Cmbb (lucky sods) here in UK via US 'indirect' route.

One had no install problems at all other had but was able to use the 'fix' files (might be a prob if you have an old 56k internet connection as files are largish) and has been promised a replacement CD by BTS.

Just to advise the US method may have some issues (and a little added expense) but definately it seems it will get here before Cdv release (why they are so determined to clutch UK game so firmly is beyond me).

In fact if your purchaser had to swim the Atlantic with game it would still be faster method I suspect smile.gif

A chap whose flabber is hugely gasted by all this

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