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MasterGoodWaffle's Thread of Cheery Ale

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GGGGGGARRRRRRRRRRGRAGRARGAGRAGARAGRAGRAGRGGG!!! :mad: :mad: Rise and shine my foul, tnt-encrusted maggots!! Don't even think for a TNT-chucking second I'm letting all this smack talking slip! Weak!?? Weak you say???!! :mad: I'll show you weak when your paaaaaaaaathetic, whiney-faced, tnt-slathered, lard-assed, twinkle-toed, limbless Krauts are literally crawling at my feet looking for. . .no. . .no. . . BEGGING for me to hand them back their burnt, crusty, smoking shell of a face that I casually picked up as I strolled along the battlefield, kicking your dumb, cowardly, non-weapon-firing, arm-chair-warrior-wannabe grunts in the nads while at the same time lecturing them on the err of ihren Fuhrer's ways!! Many of them didn't like it! Ohh nooooo believe me mister man there were a significant number of worthless krauts that died in mid-sentence as they reached out half a limb, ranting some utterly incomprehensible garbage about "where's my leg" this or "I'm missing a lung" that who the hell cares the fact of the matter is Portabella's going down, Lt. Hortlund's going down, and by jesus christ anyone who dares step foot on my battlefield after they fall will meet the same miserable fate! :mad:

Thermopylae you brainless sack of bloated pig innards I'm gonna stuff so much molten TNT down your golf-ball-through-a-garden-hose-sucking-windshaft you're gonna wish like hell you'd slithered back up the crack of your mamma's ass!!! :mad: :mad:


Abbott!!! Aaatteeeeeeeeeeeeeennntion!!! Send me a summer scenario!, Mountainous terrain, attack/defense, Ruskies attacking (that would be me maggot), medium map, combined arms, 35-40 turns, 1500-2500 points!! :mad:

Thermopylae, from now on your name's Private Volcano Ass, got it?!

Dismissed Maggots!! :mad:

[ December 08, 2002, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: MasterGoodale ]

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Gaylord Focker,

You venal, gormless, worthless spurt of cock custard!!! I demand satisfaction!! You waltz in here with your panties in a bundle, whining and moaning about not being able to get any smack, and you want thrills?? EXCITEMENT???!!!??? RIIIIIIIGHT!!!

Expect a face-meltingly evil slaughterfest with TNT, exploding limbs, pus and monkeys drenched in spittle to be thundering your chubby-arsed way in the not-too distant future. Whatever you want, you can't have it.

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Listen Up Maggots! :mad:

I have decided that the website I am building will include a special page dedicated solely to posting my Victories over you lowly scumbags, as well as the rare loss I may experience from time to time (like when I'm sick, overtired, etc)!! :mad:

The posts will include an AAR and pics, including the final Victory screen!

I shall call it "Hall Of Victims"!! :mad: :mad:

The web page will be entitled "Molten Madness".

It will be a personal webpage, not a .com!!

All will be welcome to revel in the misery of their fallen comrades. I predict my first two entries will be Portabella and Lt. Hortlund! :mad:


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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Am I the only one thinking that MG's signature line styled How would you like a fu***n' oar across your skull!!!?"

- My Dad when I was 9, because we were in seperate rowboats on a stormy lake, and I couldn't control mine...maybe, just maybe could possibly explain his current behavioural patterns?


Jim R.

I picture the oar blade still embeddeded in his skull.

Years of turning sideways to pass through doors, coupled with the jeers and taunts of those innocents side-swiped by the handle probably added to his angst.

Edited because I care.

[ December 09, 2002, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Abbott!!! Aaatteeeeeeeeeeeeeennntion!!! Send me a summer scenario!, Mountainous terrain, attack/defense, Ruskies attacking (that would be me maggot), medium map, combined arms...

Hohohheeheehee, he wants to play combined arms in mountainous terrain. Hahahahahahah! This should be good!


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Abbott knows that "Mountainous Terrain" does not mean "Too Mountainous for any vehicles to move in". He's a good scenario/map designer just ask Portabella or one of his dying troops on the field. He knows what I mean. Basically I just hate flat maps. Hills add a lot more dynamics to the battle!! :mad: :mad:

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I just want to let anyone who's reading this and owns cats that they love to be aware of something that possibly killed my favorite cat today. His name is Max and we've had him since he was just 4 weeks old. He's 5 1/2 now and he suddenly started growling at us when we approached him, but he's normally so friendly you can't keep him away (he use to leave little bruises on our faces because he would "love bump" us at night so hard with his face on ours hehe) so we knew this behavior was really odd. He would meow and growl and hiss if we touched him. After the second day of this behavior I got really concerned thinking he might have a bad cold or something. So I took him right to the vet on the third day as soon as we could get in and they found he had a bad urinary tract blockage. His bladder was about to pop and blood was coming out of his penis at the office (didn't do that at home that we noticed). So they rushed him into surgery to release the blockage and put a catheter in but bloodwork showed high levels of toxins in his kidneys even after spending 3 days in the vet clinic. This suggests he most likely has permanent kidney damage and will have to be put down. The vet wants to give it 1-2 more days for the levels to come down but it doesn't look promising.

We all love that cat. I can't bear putting him to sleep. I certainly can't watch and neither can my wife.

we feel guilty for not taking him in the first day, it would have saved his life. So if you love your cats don't wait if they start behaving like that and appear to be not cleaning themselves or they wash their genitals more than usual. Just hoping to save a family pet perhaps.

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