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I find it sad that I have to erase over half the senario's that came with the game because they are such drivil, they purport to be historical but in fact they are just gamey.

I hope we get some good game senario's soon to add to my arsenal as I don't care for the "hopless situation" ones which only serve to prove how tough it was for the german on the eastern front.

NO I am not a designer so save your carps I couldn't care less about them.

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Originally posted by Jim Harrison:

I find it sad that I have to erase over half the senario's that came with the game...

Look on the bright side: Think of how much disk space you'll be saving!

I may know what you mean in a way, although the one scenario that I've played I enjoyed well enough, so I still have hopes for the ones that come with BB. But in general I avoided designer scenarios in BO, not because I thought they were badly done or unimaginitive. My discomfort was caused by the understandable necessity on the designers' part to create battles as balanced as possible. If they hadn't done so, players would have shunned them, especially those who play competitively.

But in real life, fair fights were rare and usually meant that the attacker's higher headquarters had screwed up. So I always tended to play QBs against the AI that I could "unbalance" to my heart's content.

I note with pleasure that the QB generator in BB has had a lot of new features added which I intend to explore at length. I am presently working my way slowly through my first QB and have another in mind that I may go ahead and set up.

I hope you arrive at a solution that gives you satisfaction. In the meanwhile, you might ponder the wisdom of the old adage that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.


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How sad that you feel the need to come on here and

a) brag about destroying the work that people worked rather hard to finish with the sole intent of pleasing you (unless of course BTS scenario designers are getting rich, something I doubt)

B) decry your need for disk space, and think that deleting 18kb files is going to do anything to help (the largest scenario on the disk weighs in at...gasp...103 kb)

Dale, could you delete him a little harder next time? I could still read his drivel...

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Unfair. All scenarios were tested for balance. Some are intended to be played vs the AI, and this is indicated in the scenario briefing.

e.g. If you play "Eberswalde Last Stand" vs a human opponent you'll get trashed, but vs the AI it was a very tense experience.

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What's the bloody point [rant deleted]

I guess we should just feel sorry for you Jim, since you obviously suck very bad at playing CMBB. Reminds me of a child destroying inanimate objects in frustration. I guess it is always easier to blame somebody else.

Please never bother posting a review of any of my scenarios at the depot - I don't give a flying monkey's what you think either.

[ October 13, 2002, 04:57 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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Originally posted by Jim Harrison:

LOLOL I can hear the bugles blowing the charge in the background as the "fanboys" line up for individual swings.

Well that is a typical troll thing to say. But still, as for your original comment, there's no reason to be sad about half the original scenarios not being your cup of tea. The overwhelming majority of scenarios are always produced and distributed separately from the ones on the CD. I don't doubt that you will be able to find ones that meet your exacting standards. So basically, you're going on about nuthin. Whatever hoes your row.

[ October 13, 2002, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Jim Harrison:

LOLOL I can hear the bugles blowing the charge in the background as the "fanboys" line up for individual swings.

I feel sad that I'm going to have to delete at least half of your posts because they're such drivel :D

Dang, I'm not allowed to do that. Now they're still cluttering up cyberspace.

Btw: If you are offended at this post I'll call you a whiny little bitch ..er.. fanboy, for not seeing the reason in my argument ;)

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The price that BFC are paying for the popularity of their game is the increasing number of semi-literate mongs offering no constructive criticism, simply baying that everyone but them is right.

Jim, you're unnecessarily rude. If you don't like those scenarios, try making some that you DO like and posting them. That's what I've done.

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Guest Sgt. Emren
I find it sad that I have to erase over half the senario's that came with the game because they are such drivil, they purport to be historical but in fact they are just gamey.

I hope we get some good game senario's soon to add to my arsenal as I don't care for the "hopless situation" ones which only serve to prove how tough it was for the german on the eastern front.

What's your point? BFC are to blame for WWII history? Truly gamey scenarios would be fictional German offensive campaigns in 1944-1945, in which the Soviets get beaten like they did in 1941.
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Originally posted by Soddball:


The price that BFC are paying for the popularity of their game is the increasing number of semi-literate mongs offering no constructive criticism, simply baying that everyone but them is right...

Strange. Exactly what I thought quite sometimes during the last few weeks. I especially like all the posts with the 'mad' emoticon and at least three 'WTF!' in them...
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Originally posted by Jim Harrison:

I find it sad that I have to erase over half the senario's that came with the game because they are such drivil, they purport to be historical but in fact they are just gamey.

I hope we get some good game senario's soon to add to my arsenal as I don't care for the "hopless situation" ones which only serve to prove how tough it was for the german on the eastern front.

NO I am not a designer so save your carps I couldn't care less about them.

I must thank you kindly for your constructive criticism. With input like this, I am sure that we will all benefit from much better scenarios in the future
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Guys, Im going to simply lock this one up as from what I can tell there is no debate to be had here, just flames, and I am reasonably sure that was the intention of the origional post.

What is truely sad is that fact that politeness is becoming a lost art, particually on the internet. Its such a simple thing yet apparently easy to forget when shielded behind a computer screen.


[ October 13, 2002, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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