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43.45s still don't work

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ARGH!!! I too have experienced issues with the 43.45 drivers, most notably is the Sloooooooownesss they incur. Nvidia has usually been great about drivers until now for me. The cute thing is that most newer games/demos won't even run half right without the newer drivers. Honestly i guess its time to scrape up scraps for a second box.

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I'm using the latest NVidia drivers+Win2kPro+DX9a and seemed to have fixed my frame rate hassles by turning off FSAA and ansiotropic filtering and texture sharpening. Haven't had time to try out any large battles but did seem to have success when playing a smallish (roughly two infantry companies, foggy weather) Russian amphibious assault battle. Before I switched off the above settings it was very very jerky when panning and scanning across the map but after turning off the above it seemed to me to go back to being quite smooth (well as smooth as CMBB ever was for me anyway).

Hopefully that might help someone else.



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PCELT- You found the solution! It works! 41.09 with my EVGA GForce Ti4600 8XAGP card can now use FSAA. Turn on FSAA and when you launch Combat Mission and can't see text, just ALT-TAB to minimize the session and when you click on it to bring it back up, all is well and the gun barrels are much straighter.

Good find Kamerade!

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Yes, you can use 41.09 and Alt-Tab if you are careful and do not install XP specific hotfix update #328310 which addresses XP security issues. If you do have that hotfix installed and you Alt-Tab in CM BO/BB, this will result in a black screen.

People using DX9, 42+ series drivers (required with DX9)with the MS hotfix installed are pretty well out of luck as far as Combat Mission is concerned... bad performance with no workaround.


[ April 07, 2003, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: MRoadster ]

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The slow framrate issue in these drivers has now been confirmed with several other games so we are hopefull that Nvidia will be addressing this issue in the near future. We are also still trying to get them to fix the FSAA implementation which has been broke since the 41.09 drivers.


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I've picked up CMBB again and have CMBO. I have been a faithfull customer for Battlefront from the first day the CMBO demo was released. This is not what I expect from you guys. All my other games work fine with 43.45 only CMBB has the slide show frame rates. Please address this issue in patch 1.03. I 'm not going to keep switching back to a earlier driver everyime I want to play CMBB for a hour or so. Nividia and G4 cards are popular cards and the problem should be addressed. Hope to hear some positive news.Thanks

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And you would be wrong. Do a internet search on 43.45 and NVidia problem. You will be surprised by the number of games having problems with the drivers, from Serious Sam, to Falcon 4.0, to Splinter Cell.

Matt even stated there are other games having problems. With all these games having issues, why would it be BFC's fault?


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"And you would be wrong. Do a internet search on 43.45 and NVidia problem. You will be surprised by the number of games having problems with the drivers, from Serious Sam, to Falcon 4.0, to Splinter Cell."

You are wrong concerning this.I have 2 of the three games you mention and I have no problem with the video in these games with 43.45. I don't know about what Matt says and I respect him and his devotion to the Combat Mission games but that's not my concern.I only see this -CMBB is the only game I have that does not work with the new downloaded driver 43.45 period!

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Sorry I'm late to this party, but was curious if AA/AF really doesn't work in CMBB with ATI Catalysts? Was waiting for the 256MB version of the 9800 Pro before upgrading.

WRT Nvidia drivers not working with other games, there's plenty of anecdotal and empirical evidence about AA and texturing implementations not working in versions newer than 30.87. I haven't been able to get decent performance out of any driver rev newer than 30.82 (using an Albatron Ti4200 TURBO, overclocked to Ti4600 speed on a rig with a P4 1.8GHz oc'd to 2.65GHz, 512MB and WinXP Pro). NOLF2, Splinter Cell, WarBirds, Age of Wonders II, Morrowind--they all exhibited moderate to severe problems directly attributed to newer Nvidia drivers.

Considering the problems with other developers, it's hard to see how this is a BFC issue when it's so clearly an Nvidia issue. It's also part of the reason why my next card will be an ATI after using Nvidia cards for so many years.

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Here ya go...

From one web site:

Im wondering if this is normal, when I turn of vsync my fps will go up to 100 but it will fall down to 40 sometimes in counter-strike. Plus with vsync off everything is alittle to choppy. Non of my games actually run as smooth as they did when I had windows 98 and an older video card. I have the latest drivers and im running directx 9. My comp has a 1.7ghz intel motherboard, and 512mb of ram. What can I do to make it run games better?

From another:

icon_sad.gif I have a Sony Vaio, 1.5 GHZ, 384 MB RAM with a GeForce 2 32MB video card. I was running ME and cursing the day I bought this installed, but made the jump to XP pro a few weeks ago. Since doing that, I have also upgraded to Directx8 and then 9, also I have upgraded to the latest upgrade of drivers that are certified by Microsoft the Nvidia Graphics card - Driver version I have tried several different drivers, but ever since I went to Directx 8 and then to 9 all my games graphics are lagging about once a second, instead of smooth graphics I am getting stop and go graphics. I have been into dxdiag and both the direct draw and direct 3D tests exhibit the same characteristics. As I said, I have tried several different drivers and I even reinstalled XP then tried again. I am so frustrated by this. Please help. icon_smile.gif

From another:

I bought MOHAA when it first came out and was running it on a P3/450 Dell Dimension with Voodoo3 video card. It ran OK, but settings WAY down and still some choppiness. Last June, I upgraded processor to P3/850 and vidcard to Geforce3 Ti200 64MB AGP. Ran smooth as can be with high detail settings. Well, I couldn't leave well enough alone and, last week, bought and installed a GeForce4 Ti4200 8X AGP 128MB card; that is when the trouble started. EVERYthing else runs great EXCEPT MOHAA...even RTCW, which is also Quake3 engine and OpenGL. In RTCW, I can run at 1600X1200, with all detail "ON" and it runs smooth as silk.

I can post countless others including the games I listed.


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Currenly we can only fully endorse the 30.82 or 30.87 series drivers. By modifying the .inf file that comes with them you can get these drivers to work with a GeForce 4 card.

I would like to know what this .inf modification is that was talked about..

I have a Ge-Force 4 Ti4200 128 MB card and the 30.82 and 30.87 driver work just fine without me having to do any modifying to any files.

Will this modification improve the working of them or what is it for.

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Well, I'm really disappointed now.

My old system, win98se, GeForce 3 Ti 500, driver 43.45, ran CM wonderfully. Good framerates, no problem with FSAA or anisotropic filtering what-so-ever. I've used several different driver versions on it, never had a problem.

So I get my new system, AMD xp 2700+, GeForce 4 4800SE (8x agp), ASUS mb A7N8X (NForce2 chipset), win2000 proffesional + sp3 + hotfixes, driver 41.09. If I turn on FSAA and try to run CM, I just get a black screen, the title music and a mousepointer. Not even the BFC logo shows up. If I Alt-tab to windows and then back to CM, I still get a black screen with music and a pointer. The music seems to be in some strange loop, and the computer is completely locked up (besides the black screen, looping music and mousepointer)!

That's some feat, locking up win2k. The only way to get away from it is to press the reset button, ctrl-alt-delete doesn't work. I haven't seen any other having this problem, most/all says FSAA works if you just alt-tab in and out of CM.

Read something about that hotfix that cause blank screen, so I removed it. Didn't help, still just a black screen.

So, I tried the 43.45 driver. No FSAA on, and I get the 2 fps deal. Didn't even try turning on FSAA...

Then I tried 30.87. Of course they didn't recognize the 4800SE. Bummer. Then I tried to "edit" the ini file. I added the line from the 41.09 ini:

"%NVidia.Nv28.3% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0282" under [NVidia.Mfg]

And added:

HKR,, NV28_Modes_Delta, blah blah under [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings]

Of course that didn't work. Had a helluva time getting it back to working condition with 41.09...

So, I can't get ANY FSAA with my new card within CM. That REALLY sucks.

Have anyone successfully managed to get 30.87 to work with a 4800SE in win2k? I have a feeling that the 30.87 nv4_disp.dll simply doesn't work with the 4800SE.

My only options seems to be:

Install the GF3 from my old system - uhm no, I like the GF4 for other programs.

Install win98se and hope that works - no, finally decided to go with 2000, other programs I use works so much better with it.

Don't play CM - yeah, right...

Play with no FSAA - this seems to be the only viable option... That just SUCKS, it looks sooo much better with FSAA :(

Nvidia/BFC/Jebus, Please fix or do sumfink!

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SuperSulo - Sorry to hear about your difficulty with your new system. Your hardware is very similar to what I am running.

I have an AGP8X Nvidia card as well but have no problems with the Alt-Tab solution. It works great. I am also running 41.09 drivers for the video card. My card is an EVGA GeForce Ti4600. Not realy that far off from what you have.

I am running Windows XP Pro which is different.

Check your BIOS settings for AGP. What are they?

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I was about to reboot to check my agp bios settings (which ones did you mean?), when I thought "one last try...". I turned on FSAA and prepared for my usual black screen... SUCCESS! I got the BFC logo! I got the usual "no text in scenario selection", so I alt-tabbed and sure enough, there was the text! Woohoo!

What was the problem then? On my old system (the one that always' worked), I used the "Quincunx Antialiasing" or "2x" settings, since that gave me best speed/image quality ratio, and I always tried the same on my new system. When I tried this last time I accidently slide the setting to "4x".

Now I have confirmed that it's only (and always) the "2x" and "Quincunx Antialiasing" settings that doesn't work for me. Now I can play with "4xS (only Direct3D)", 8x Anisotopic filtering and Detailed textures on, and still get good framerate even on fairly big maps. WOOHOO indeed!

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Ok, just got a new Area-51 ($2,800)computer from Alienware with the GeForce FX Ultra 5800. My CMBB has horrible FPS as well. Driver version says this,"". Is this the 43.45 driver?

Currenly we can only fully endorse the 30.82 or 30.87 series drivers. By modifying the .inf file that comes with them you can get these drivers to work with a GeForce 4 card.

If you don't mind disabling FSAA then the 41.09 drivers also perform well.

Here is my question. How old of a driver will work with my new FX Ultra card?
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My heart goes out to you. Quite the rig you've got there. From what you posted, I don't think that you are running 43.45. Although even if you were to download that driver, I don't think it would help you situation with the slow frame rate.

If I'm not mistaken, someone posted a success story with this Nvidia supercard using the 43.45 driver. You may want to inquire.

Nice machine!

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