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Originally posted by Goanna:

But under no circumstances refer to her as wet Patch.

Couldn't resist. Oh boy, now I'm gonna get it.

And you got it!

a wet Patch is better than a naked Goannaroo!


Doesn't he look cute when he's embarrassed?


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Last Thread on the page! Last Bloody Thread! Damned good thing I dropped by now isn't it?

As to the proper usage of Patch as opposed to Dame Persephone, I am obliged to point out that Patch existed in another sphere so to speak, where the rules and traditions were not as well formed as they are here. And ... well, it just sort of carried over donchaknow!

Furthermore I have explicit permission from herself no less to call her Patch at any time and any place. I treasure that honor, indeed I do. It is akin to having Prince Charles give you permission to call him Charlie in public.

Finally I'd like to thank all of the posters for the support and caring they showed during my time of trial. I'll never have a tooth twinge on me again without thinking of you lot.


[ October 01, 2002, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Last Thread on the page! Last Bloody Thread! Damned good thing I dropped by now isn't it?

Ha! I beat you to it Joe! So it's a good thing I dropped by.

As to the proper usage of Patch as opposed to Dame Persephone, I am obliged to point out that Patch existed in another sphere so to speak, where the rules and traditions were not as well formed as they are here. And ... well, it just sort of carried over donchaknow!

Furthermore I have explicit permission from herself no less to call her Patch at any time and any place. I treasure that honor, indeed I do. It is akin to having Prince Charles give you permission to call him Charlie in public.


Finally I'd like to thank all of the posters for the support and caring they showed during my time of trial. I'll never have a tooth twinge on me again without thinking of you lot.

Glad you're feeling better!


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Oh, how emasculating and humiliating it is to be unemployed. Good thing I live in such a self made, self deprecating world of my own creation. As I wallow in my despondency I notice that there is a ray of light. In fact, there are several that I’d like to share with you all tonight.

First, there is CMBB. That game has replaced my need for any social interaction. Any need for outside contact is now gone as I play against the fascists or even the communists. Either way, I take the moral high ground. I know I’m doing the right thing as I smash them beneath my digital boot as reality slowly fades away. I do play some of you as an altruistic attempt to boost your self esteem. Another win against me might help you feel a bit better about yourself and give a bit more confidence with the missus. Oh, don’t pretend that you aren’t just a bit randy after a Major Victory.

Second, there is a female ray of hope named Stacy. She has a delicious posterior and a mind that is a challenge to tangle with. I get lost in her eyes and she teases my synapses with thought provoking conversations. She and I met at my old workplace before my nefarious manager saw fit to end my employment. She knew that I wanted to gently mount her sense of decency by the sounds of the yummy noises emanating from my hirsute frame. Sit down, Bauhaus!! So many times I wanted to thrust my humor into her world and titillate her complacency. She was not unaware of my amorous intentions and has decided to reward me once and for all. I now have a ticket to enter into a paradise of feminine goodness some time soon. I do hope the usual retching I hear when they see my repulsive visage won’t be the effect once more. Let’s hope she needs glasses and I get lucky!!

Third, and finally…there is a bright ray of hope every time I visit my sister. She is scheduled for six months of chemotherapy now and her white blood cells are doing quite well. She does feel a bit sleepy now and again, but that is the only weakness she will allow others to see. I visit to help in any way I can. That usually includes me playing with my three year old twin nieces. Since I relate with the youngsters because of my obvious immaturity, we get along quite well. I have so many things to teach them like declaring that an adult is “gamey” whenever it’s time to go to bed. Each visit with her refreshes my soul and helps me understand that the rest of us really shouldn’t feel sorry for ourselves.

So, boys and girls. What have we learned? When life has shat upon you and you feel like you are nothing more than the proverbial freckle on the left butt cheek of humanity, there is still something to be happy about.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

What have we learned? When life has shat upon you and you feel like you are nothing more than the proverbial freckle on the left butt cheek of humanity, there is still something to be happy about.

I'm blessing every god, goddess, demi-god, and tipsy nature spirit that I can think of that I'm not Stacy...

[ October 01, 2002, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

What have we learned? When life has shat upon you and you feel like you are nothing more than the proverbial freckle on the left butt cheek of humanity, there is still something to be happy about.

I'm blessing every god, goddess, demi-god, and tipsy nature spirit that I can think of that I'm not Stacy...</font>
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Since I am too cool, (read: 'broke') to buy CMBB I thought I better just post something as I couldn't let a Peng thread go by without a sighting of your old Unca Stukey.

So there you go, your grey little lives are now enriched once again having been graced by the prescence of the gull winged one.


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A turn? Would that be in the future?
Oh, now that is rich coming from you Hiram. And correct me if I am worng, but time with 3 yr olds counts as human interaction. So, perhaps you should send me a CMBB setup too so we can keep you moving along in at least one version.

I can call you Stacy from now on if you like, Bard. I could be persuaded not to if you would also forward a move.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Sir Soundslikeasneeze has the right of it. They rank even with the Olde Ones, so Lady is more appropriate than Dame

Well said, Lady Berlichtingen</font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

Yeah, Vegemite was such a hit over here. Soooo good and nutritious, too.

Moriarty, you keep that sarcasm up and I'll be left with no choice but to recite the vegemite song (again).


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Sir Soundslikeasneeze has the right of it. They rank even with the Olde Ones, so Lady is more appropriate than Dame

Well said, Lady Berlichtingen</font>
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Originally posted by Stuka:

Since I am too cool, (read: 'broke') to buy CMBB I thought I better just post something as I couldn't let a Peng thread go by without a sighting of your old Unca Stukey.


Sod that for a game of tin soldiers.

If you haven't got the game, this will put and ugly crimp in my Quest to Crush All Australians.

We've all been contributing and saving up to buy Mace a ticket off-planet on the Mother Ship.

Shouldn't there be some sort of Stuka CMBB Defense Fund or somefink?

Stuka, the last time I checked you had a very attractive blonde wife. You can't tell me she isn't employed and bringing in a paycheck. The day that attractive blondes don't have well-paid jobs is the day I will know that patriarchy has been crushed, merit-based systems have been enacted all over the globe, and four strange looking figures on horse-back have been spotted descending on the New Jersey malls...

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Oops, my mistake. With the Ladies and the Olde Ones all even-like, I got confused.

Where's my setup, you confused, drooling, mumbling witless Illinois associate of Evil?

I taunted you days ago. I taunted you well.

I've received nothing.

It simply won't do.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Third, and finally: there is a bright ray of hope every time I visit my sister. She is scheduled for six months of chemotherapy now and her white blood cells are doing quite well. She does feel a bit sleepy now and again, but that is the only weakness she will allow others to see. I visit to help in any way I can. That usually includes me playing with my three year old twin nieces. Since I relate with the youngsters because of my obvious immaturity, we get along quite well. I have so many things to teach them like declaring that an adult is 'gamey' whenever it's time to go to bed. Each visit with her refreshes my soul and helps me understand that the rest of us really shouldn't feel sorry for ourselves.

[serious]I am very happy to hear of your sister's progress, Hiram. I've included her on my prayer list for a heck of a long time now and will keep her there until she is well.[/serious]

You, on the other hand, are NOT on my list as there are some things that simply ARE hopeless.


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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Because they're Ladies and not Dames (not to mention Chicks, Tomatoes, Broads, Skirts or any of the other baser titles that no doubt rattle around your unfurnished brain-pan like so many ping-pong balls.

Ahh... vixens, wimmen, foxes, babes, honeys, wenches, nymphs, hussies, lasses, damsels, maidens, mistresses... Mmmmmmm</font>
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Actually Seanachai old chap, the good Lady Stuka is gainfully employed but unfortunately we are both on monthly salary.

Ergo the week or two leading up to the 15th is a lean one indeed.

In any case, her salary goes toward the repayments on her new 4x4 while mine goes on roadbike and SCUBA gear repayments.

Isn't capitalism just theUberest?

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

A jolly sing-song, eh? 'aven't 'ad one of those in a while. Sing away, Mace



a one, a two, a one two three four.....

We're happy little Vegemites

As bright as bright can be.

We all enjoy our Vegemite

For breakfast, lunch, and tea.

Our mother says we're growing

stronger every single week.

Because we love our Vegemite.

We all adore our Vegemite.

It puts a rose in every cheek!


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