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MG tracers

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This has not been as issue with scenarios the size of those in the demo, but I can imagine that being quite different with more units to keep track of under extreme FOW.

With several square km map, lots of woods and a batallion or two on either side I can imagine having to watch the replay time after time looking for faint tracers.

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

I'm finding it very difficult to locate the both the unit firing the mg and the unit fired upon. The new tracer graphics are a step back from the original in my opinion. And you?

Those yellow targetting lines are pretty easy to spot, though.

[ September 05, 2002, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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In my opinion, old long, bright tracers MUST be back. As an option preferably, if so many(?) people like them the realistic way they are now.

As seen in this and some other threads since 31.08, if CMBO grognards have difficulty to watch what`s going on during fierce combat, how new players are going to get immersed in action?? I don`t want this great game to be the same as other RTS games around that boardwargamers HATE to play because they don`t understand what`s & where & why is the hell going on...? Otherwise, some may reconsider going back to good, ole ASL.

Originally posted by KwazyDog:

Just letting you guys know that we have heard the concerns. Charles is looking into it to see how we can help those whom are concerns about this.


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I would add that, based on what I've read on this thread and other threads on the same subject, the visibility of the new tracers may be partially based upon your screen resolution and monitor quality.

I play the game at 1600x1200 on a high-quality laptop TFT screen, and I have no trouble seeing the new tracers. In fact, I prefer then as the smaller size seems more realistic to me.

I also have very good vision, which could be a factor in my preference for the new tracers.

At lower resolutions on a lesser quality monitor (or for someone with not quite perfect vision), I can see how it might be a problem, though.

It also probably depends partially on how you play the game. Since I usually play rather slow-paced PBEM games, I have plenty of time to cruise around on 1, 2, and 6 view levels looking for little things like tracers and I like having the tracers realistically small b/c I think it adds to the movie quality. IMHO The CMBO tracers look like big @ss Star Wars style laser beams on view 1 or 2. If I played time limit TCP/IP games, I'd probably want something with higher visibility than what you see in CMBB, though.

IMHO, the best solution would be to tie tracer size to unit size. When I'm watching a movie for the 'theater' of it, I usually keep unit size at realistic. OTOH, if I'm trying to figure out the subtlties of what happened in a turn, I usually bump unit size up to 3 or even 4 so I don't miss anything. If the tracers just got bigger with the unit icons, it seems to me that the game would offer the best of both worlds - realistic-looking movies and easily readable action.



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KwazyDog says they're looking into it so I guess it must be a problem. Doesn't bother me, though. I just figured it was part of their attempt to increase fog-of-war over CMBO. Some things in the game were deliberately made more difficult (like artillery spotting) specifically to cut into some of the gamey bits in CMBO.

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I'm actually finding that I'm having to micromanage squads far more than before. The smaller (and more historically accurate visually) tracer fire is hard to pick out at the higher views and I'm having to drop onto squads at very low views, look for the bullet strikes and then jump up a level and try to work out the source of the fire. I can't help but think that in a bigger engagement it's going to prove impracticable not to say annoying. Perhaps I'm simply used to the old style and given time I'd learn to adapt but at the moment given the increase in effect of suppressive fire I'm having troubles working out if I'm moving into or out of trouble.

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Actually the tracer graphics are pretty cool, much more so thatn the old ones. Anyone who has ever fired a weapon with tracer ammunition knows that the CMBO tracers are a way off from the real thing. My only note of the CMBB tracers is that they're too difficult to spot, but that could be remedied by making them brighter, eh ?

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More accurate than CMBO? Yes. More difficult to spot than CMBO? Yes. I admit they were a little cartoony and stylised before but you could certainly pick up on concentrations of firing easier and drop down into the sector to rerun the replay until you knew the situation. I'd hate to think I missed out on some great action in the replay simply because I hadn't spotted it at all. I simply think there possibly needs to be a trade off between accuracy and visual impact. Shouldn't the tracer simply be a guide to the player that there's activity and firing going on?

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A lot has been said about the new tracers and most has not been good things. I really dont have a problem with them. If you are flying around at level 4, well, what do you expect? When I expect combat, I am always down at level 2 or 3 where you can see them just fine. And anyways, it is more realisitc, atleast IMO.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Tank rounds are a little harder to spot, but they are there, Bullet Sponge. You can usually see the end result of a tank round pretty well though! If you look closely you can usually see the round bounce off a tank and rebound elsewhere if there is a ricochet, too.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

KwazyDog says they're looking into it so I guess it must be a problem. Doesn't bother me, though. I just figured it was part of their attempt to increase fog-of-war over CMBO. Some things in the game were deliberately made more difficult (like artillery spotting) specifically to cut into some of the gamey bits in CMBO.

That's what I thought as well, I quite like it.
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If you DO change the tracers, please make it optional..I play at very high res, and have no problems seeing anything..Sure, they're harder to spot from higher up but, you can always go lower when the action starts.. I like the new ones alot better than the old'lazer' flash..

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The tracers are defined by:

300.bmp=German tracers

301.bmp=Soviet Tracers

I edited the images with PaintSho Pro making them bigger and brighter.

Now I can see the tracers from nearly any level.

I wish that the tank shot was defined by a BMP, then people could make them any color they want and we could put that issue to rest as well.

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I'm actually finding that I'm having to micromanage squads far more than before. The smaller (and more historically accurate visually) tracer fire is hard to pick out at the higher views and I'm having to drop onto squads at very low views, look for the bullet strikes and then jump up a level and try to work out the source of the fire. I can't help but think that in a bigger engagement it's going to prove impracticable not to say annoying. Perhaps I'm simply used to the old style and given time I'd learn to adapt but at the moment given the increase in effect of suppressive fire I'm having troubles working out if I'm moving into or out of trouble.
i completely agree...the tracers are fine in small battles but when it comes to larger maps and more troops its harders to tell who your shooting at and whats shooting at ya
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Originally posted by Sgian Dubh:

The tracers are defined by:

300.bmp=German tracers

301.bmp=Soviet Tracers

I edited the images with PaintSho Pro making them bigger and brighter.

Now I can see the tracers from nearly any level.

Just to correct you, it is not possible to change the size of the tracer, though you *can* change it from bright blue to bright green or whatever.
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Guest Panzer Boxb

IIRC, BFC previously stated that they would look at the possibility of allowing tracer scaling akin to the unit scaling option. For me it doesn't matter as I have no problem following the ebb and flow of combat, even on large maps.

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