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Everything posted by Zach

  1. I often have problems identifying the direction from which tracers are coming from. I dont know why...
  2. We may be missing each other on this point, Im not sure... But anyway, this is what I was thinking of.. Just disregard the absurdly high jpg compression. It seems like that area is "unique" to the rear of the turret (or whatever it would be called on the SU) I also recall that one of the IS tanks had a funky hatch at the rear or their turret that could be used similiarly? (Or was it a machine gun?)
  3. What about the rear of the turret? I havnt looked at the bitmaps myself, but I do beleive that the rear of the turrets arn't symmetrical. For Instance... But hell if I know if slogans were painted on the rear. Perhaps its better than a reversed slogan?
  4. A) Emphesis added. Someone call the FBI, it seems that the Ruskies developed the magic bullet long before it hit Pres. Kennedy and the guv'nar. Death timer perhaps? The first shot did the job, but your crews were doing their job and making sure it was done for before moving on to the next tank?
  5. I have to wonder if that isn't affected by the "Tribes demo" syndrome. Where people were amused enough by the demo of the game that they never bothered to purchase the full version. The CMBO demo gave you a good look at a lot of different units and scenarios, a big cat, minefields, bunkers, a good sprinkling of arty, a meeting engagement, some big IG's...perhaps too much good stuff included? Edited cause I suck at posting. [ September 03, 2002, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: Zach ]
  6. Easy to miss. Its on a mouseover of the picture of the terrain. AKA, move your mouse over what the terrain looks like, and it tells you what the terrain is. A small nits while Im at it. I also prefer the older CMBO mouse scrolling system as I use a large resolution. Its often kind of a pain to make sure that your mouse is up far enough before you 'press' your curser to the side. If you havnt gone far enough down/up, then you have to replace the angle/placement of the screen before you go back and do it right. A small mouseover/text popup would be nice in some areas as well, especially for us non-grognard/semi-grognard types. For instance, in a Russian infantry squad, do they have two varieties of rifles, or a rifle and a carbine? Something remniscant of the help-popups for Windows dummies. [ September 03, 2002, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Zach ]
  7. The way I see it, the 81mm mortars have a good enough response time that you can use them a couple times to beat on /disrupts/delay their advancing infantry. I usually targeted a bit before their next intended cover or at the beginning of it. I figured if you get them while they're moving then you're a lot more likely to split up units; send a couple squads packing to the nearest cover apart from their HQ or get their HQ stranded, leaving the other units to break a tad bit earlier. Also, if there was a particular big group of infantry that I saw moving over an open area then I would often try and drect a MG their direction until the artillery came down (the last thirty seconds of a countdown, for example). The tanks were my problem. Not that many infantry reached my lines, but by the time they did, the tanks had stripped me of most of my support units. Now playing Stare as the Ruskies, Im having the exact oppisate problem. My infantry are advancing nicely but Im not having a whole lot of luck pinning down exactly where their MGs are. I know the approximate location and harass them with my Maxims, but I want my tanks to have a go at them... Time to see if T34s have binoculars or not I suppose. Now a curious question of my own...why is it that of the two times Ive started from each side Ive always recveived a prep barrage from the Germans but never from the Russians?
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