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For the Record, I Am the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Well Good Morning everybody , I do hope one and all are well and as happy as I am .

Some Updates :

Noba I await a setup from him with baited breath . After handing him the laurels of defeat twice now , surely its time for him to return the compliment .

Keep holding that breath, bucko. Feeling faint yet, no ? A little longer then. Now...flatlining time for you.

How anyone can be so cheerfull if they live there, is beyond me. Dreary, dreadfull place. Full of Poms.

How about a bigger one this time. Something to get the teeth into...2000 points, perhaps ?


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Originally posted by Noba:

Question ? Do Wives get - bolded - when mentioned ?


A very err ... BOLD question, there , Squire Noba. Perhaps your errunt Liege may wish to enlighten you. If the useless pillock still exists, that is ...

Sir AJ

Thankfully never Squire to Sir Slapphappy

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Ok, I don't get it, I just don't get it. There are certain things that are universal, and it just doesn't add up that my inbox is empty right now. Let me explain.

It's Saturday night. We've all spent a hard week working for the man (makin' good money - five dollars a day). We've all had our Saturday: Woke up (early - grrr why can't I sleep in??) had our cappucino, smoked a ciggy on the patio (quitting soon, don't want to think about it)

Then we went out and ran our errands. Some of us may have mown the lawn (not me, still trying to pick out a mower - any opinions?) We went to our local home-improvement center and bought those things the wife wanted. We came home, we fired up the grill for a dee-licious hot-dogs (The rich among us may have substitued steak for the dogs)

Now, we've put the kids to bed, we've watched the obligatory movie with the little woman (Amelie a French flick - pretty good. It's nice to see a non-Hollywood movie now and again.) And now, with our martini/beer/wine cooler in hand, (for me it is Skyy a Vodaka beverage in a cool blue bottle - just don't like beer) we've retired to the computer while the wife switches over to the Home & Garden Network. And then, the inexplicable:

"WTF?? Where are my turns? What are those jokers up to that they cant send me my FECKING turn??

This message does not pertain to our Australian comrades who have such freakish home-lives that to draw similarities would be either impossible or dangerous.

With minor variations (and major ones for some of our freakier members) this is the state of our lives, so I beseech you: WHERE THE FECK IS ME TURN??

I guess I am reduced to supplying Gamey Updates...

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I have not allowed my self to wonder into this thread except on rare occasion and for good reason. The people that routinely visit and post here are - well - a bit odd. Well, except for Seanachai and he is just mean and ugly and I personally don't like him because he is not very well informed of the proper use of exclamation points so I assume he is also ignorant of the finer use of same exclamation points. Now that said I and out of the way I would like to tell you fine gentleman, God I use that term extremely loosely, that I would personally like to shut this Peng thing down - once and for all. Yes, stop it from happening, shut down, finish, etc., etc. Yes I know that some of you may think that you actually enjoy it but what about your life's? Think about it. Go back to yard work, talking with the little misses, playing ball with little Sam ( whatever ) and start trying to improve your lifes. I think in time you will thank me. Please don't feel that you - any of you - have to personally thank me for this advice. Just knowing what I've done for this forum will be thanks enough for me. Now as far as Seanachai goes - well - I'm sure he probably doesn't have a wife, kids or yard to go back to but surely he will be able to find something better to do with his time then being involved with this totally useless Peng thing. Now please do feel free to post on the regular topic's in the future on the forum just guard against the desire or impulse to revert back to your former Peng habits. So thanks for your time and let's start shutting this puppy down. Ready 1,2,3 and go. Oh and by the way please don't feel you have to response - I can already feel the love and good wishes that will result from this post from me. God bless. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


Consider it done.

BTW, which of the three shining examples of American womanhood do these nurses most represent?

(@6) Monika Lewinski

(634.08-0) Britney Spears

(aX1) Judge Judy

I do have standards you know.

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Originally posted by lcm1947:

I have not allowed my self to wonder into this thread except on rare occasion and for good reason.

I was wondering what you were doing here myself because it's quite an embarrassment to be singled out and criticised for a lack of spelling acumen.

*singles out and criticises* It's wander, you nong!!!


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Originally posted by lcm1947:


There's a key on the right-hand side of your keyboard that's a little larger than most of the others. It's located just about halfway up the edge, and is probably labelled "return", or on some keyboards, "enter". Learn to use it.

The "return" key can be used to make paragraphs, which can be used to make text more readable and organized.

On second thought, since you don't actually have anything to say, why don't you just go away? And edit that monstrosity of a post on the way out, in order to:

m) say nothing in fewer words and/or a more organized way

6.02x10^23) Get rid of the smiley.

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Posted by the Home Boy....

Some of us may have mown the lawn (not me, still trying to pick out a mower - any opinions?)
An opinion ? Get one you can sit on and is steady enough not to spill alcholic drinks. Or, brick pave and by a broom. Far better.

Another opinion..I'll leave that open request to others. There will be many.


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Dear Gnome,




Roll up !

Roll up !

See the festering pillocks' non-WANKING post.

Be in AWE.


Be gobsmacked !! (I was)

Yes folks...this is the real kit-and-kaboodle.

The all seeing, all dancing, Non, one-word-post.

{He must of surfaced from whatever drug-induced haze is his normal condition !}


ps. I owed Mace the turn. Gotta clear his good name, you know.

pps. "Geelong" lost.

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How anyone can be so cheerfull if they live there, is beyond me. Dreary, dreadfull place. Full of Poms.

How about a bigger one this time. Something to get the teeth into...2000 points, perhaps ?


Afternoon Noba , what a lovely day , I do hope you are well , as i am .

I am happy because I am not a Pom , I am a Trinadadian you see , I'm here for the Beer , which Poms are quite good at . I hear its dreary and dreadful 'up north' as they say , but I don't plan on going there .

2000 points sounds fine to me , wing it over as soon as you like .

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Gnome,




I did manage to eek out various long tomes from Elvis, not least over some very dubious employment of MARINE ARTLILLERY... "Fine", I said to meself at the time, "Kriegsmarine tactics in a landlocked meeting engagement, I suppose they could have towed the pocket battleship behind that wood". Of course, against all odds, I maintained me dignity.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

[ July 28, 2002, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by lcm1947:

Hi! My bowels haven't been working well lately (in fact I'm typing this post from my well-worn throne, which explains the horrid spelling and format) and I've become quite cranky and downcast. It really angers me to see people having a good time, horsing around, just generally enjoying themselves in a totally benign way (well, except for any sheep or Fremch wolves that Mace or CMPlayer catch...) Therefor I've decided to descend upon this crowd like a truckload of distempered badgers and begin gnawing on everybody's ankles. Won't somebody please send me some Metamucil? Oh and by the way please don't feel you have to response - I can already feel the love and good wishes that will result from this post from me. God bless. smile.gif

Awwwww, looks like somebody needs a hug (as soon as he's good and properly out of the john, of course)


[ July 28, 2002, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Doug Beman ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Allow me to help you in telling the difference between the two states. OHIO is at the top of the United States and Texas is at the bottom of the United States.

I think you need to look at a map sometime. Maine is at the top of the US, as are Washington, Montana, North Dakota, and even Minnesota. Michigan is also at the top of the US, but Ohio? It's not particularly at the top, but it is sort of where the Michigan hand goes into the body of the US, which would suggest that Ohio is actually closer to the armpit.
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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

Awwwww, looks like somebody needs a hug (as soon as he's good and properly out of the john, of course)


Lookit Beman, if you're gonna mis-quote someone at least do it to something worthwhile, not just some lower than you are troll type. Pick on some other ssn, or sumfink.

Maybe I should have voted you for the #1 spot after all. Either way, send me a setup...anything you want. Except snow. I hate snow. Snow makes my eyes bleed worse than reading your posts. Or worse...reading OGSF's posts.

And now for the letters kinda strung together in a readable way gamey updates you have all been waiting for. Or not.

Mace actually sent a turn!! I dunno who's winning or losing but there's little sleeping pixels with Eliminated hovering over them littering the ground.

Simon (the other wannabe a Pom) is apparently too busy going to CM:BB previews and working to send a turn at all, so we should still finish this one before I'm done with Mace.

Lurker and I have just started a 3000 point gamiest bastiche game with NO rules whatsoever. We'll see how he does against 26 Shermans and an assault boat.

That is all...please continue ignoring me. Thank you.


Former squire to Sir Jow Shae

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