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For the Record, I Am the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Stop showing me your teeth, Aussie fella.
Ahh. The edited post. Quite a battle report that is. Totally untrue, of course. The points score was correct, though. The Wespe was not cowardly, it was waiting in ambush for the pesky bren carrier...

The serious problems shown up in the battle have to be fixed, or somefink! How is it that a company of 13 man Sturmboys can't wallop a bunch of tea-making, rifle-toting Englishmen ? Huh. The firepower difference alone would make mincemeat of them. The Uber Englishmen must have found the "rapid fire" button, or someone drugged their teapot, or somefink. One of the Groggly ones around here needs to answer that one. (Where is that Simon when you need him ?)

Now we are at 1-1 old Gnomish one, do you wish for a decider ? (No jokes about apples and alcohol, Boo).


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Originally posted by Noba:

The Wespe was not cowardly, it was waiting in ambush for the pesky bren carrier...

The Bren carrier was shocked and incapable of firing ever since the ill-advised attempt to duel it out with your HMG/mortar position on your far right flank. It's subsequent travels were simply to spot, and, hopefully, concern your SP Gun. Apparently it worked.

Now we are at 1-1 old Gnomish one, do you wish for a decider ? (No jokes about apples and alcohol, Boo).


Nothing more pleasant than a crisp, smooth decider on a cool fall day! And Boo wouldn't know. They drink utter swill in Ohio. It is not a land for connoisseurs of any stripe outside of stock car racing and 'drive-thru' liquor stores (there's probably a serious connection here). Oh, and the 'toy poodle death pit matches' held outside Akron. All the blood, horror, and anguish of pit-bull fighting with the distinct impression that you've wandered into a Disney flick on PCP.*

As it's high summer here and stinking hot, I'll go for a tie-breaking chance to crush an Australian.

Send a setup, Aussie fella.

*No actual toy poodles were harmed in the making of this insult to Ohions (most of whom can't correctly pronounce enough vowels and consonants strung together to convince you that they aren't Southerners attempting to pass themselves off as being on the winning side of the American Civil War.

[ July 27, 2002, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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See what happens when I try to be nice and send my turns and even post here that I've sent turns OR that I'm having unspecified ISP/Computer problems BUT I still send notification? See!

OGSF you blithering idiot I sent a turn Thursday (that would be YESTERDAY) ... if you didn't get it kindly inform and I'll resend.

Moriarty you blithering idiot I sent a notification that I think I missed/lost your last turn and a resend would be ever so loverly. Your information, while thrilling, did nothing to give the me requisite turn.

Noba you blithering idiot ... see OGSF above.

Seanachai you blithering idiot, read your email man ... then you might consider responding.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

OGSF you blithering idiot I sent a turn Thursday (that would be YESTERDAY) ... if you didn't get it kindly inform and I'll resend.


Saint fer a thirrrd teem jus' noo, ye empty box orn a disused railway station platform tae nowhere! Tha's "twit" tae yoo, Jimmy.
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More pishposh from Joe Shaw

Moriarty you blithering idiot I sent a notification that I think I missed/lost your last turn and a resend would be ever so loverly. Your information, while thrilling, did nothing to give the me requisite turn.

The message you refer to was for file No. 15, the previous one you lost/misplaced.

And you're still a simpering lackwit git.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Speedy is not the brightest South Australian (not that there are any bright South Australians)...but we've learned to accept him for what he is...err...isn't.


Good Christ, that's Speedy?! I've had pets that looked smarter than that.

Please confirm photo as: Speedy/Peng Challenge Thread.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Speedy is not the brightest South Australian (not that there are any bright South Australians)...but we've learned to accept him for what he is...err...isn't.

Obvious by the Essendon colors.

btw. Note the label, Speedy kills. Quite apt.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Speedy is not the brightest South Australian (not that there are any bright South Australians)...but we've learned to accept him for what he is...err...isn't.

Obvious by the Essendon colors.

btw. Note the label, Speedy kills. Quite apt.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Speedy is not the brightest South Australian (not that there are any bright South Australians)...but we've learned to accept him for what he is...err...isn't.

Obvious by the Essendon colors.

btw. Note the label, Speedy kills. Quite apt.


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Well Good Morning everybody , I do hope one and all are well and as happy as I am .

Some Updates :

Noba I await a setup from him with baited breath . After handing him the laurels of defeat twice now , surely its time for him to return the compliment .

Lurker A new fight will soon begin , I've just sent him a setup . After such a crushing defeat , helped by my mind control over his artillery spotters , he is now ready for some more nemesis hehe

Lars We have only just begun here , there's town on a hill , and its mine .

A J Just over halfway with this fight and whats left of my toothless old gimmers are running away , however my reinforcements have arrived and will exact a terrible retribution

Harv Another fight with him begins , its too early to tell what may happen here

The Capt He somehow is managing to send turns at a rate that will coincide with the release of the new game , that won't prevent his inevitable defeat though .

Boo May have reduced his pbem pile to something more managable to play a reply to his recent crushing defeat .

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<BIG>*World Class Rugby Update*</BIG>

At half time a few minutes ago in the 'Gabba Test Match between the Wallabies and the Springboks the score is:

Wallabies (Aussies) 27

Springboks (RSA) 10


Even with 2 men in the "sin bin" courtesy of an RSA initiated stoush (which WE won of course) we are giving them a roight royal thrashing...



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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

<BIG>*World Class Rugby Update*</BIG>



And GO the GOOD THANGS did!

At fulltime a few minutes ago in the 'Gabba Test Match between the Wallabies and the Springboks the score was:

Wallabies (Aussies) 38

Springboks (RSA) 27



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Hello, scum!

As you read this, I am off to Aggieland, a place where men are men, and family trees don't fork too much.

Why am I travelling to such a dark and foreboding place?

Why, to experience CMBB in all its Beta Version glory!

Enjoy the Western Front, lads.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Wallabies (Aussies) 27

Springboks (RSA) 10

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

(added solely for annoyance value, to counter good squire's Simon's cheerful and pleasant *shudder* good morning.

Simon is such a happy go lucky squire, I do my best in tutoring the lad.

'Fluff my sheep up' I tell him, and he smiles.

'go change the Kitty litter for her next appearance', and he still smiles, even as the fetid fumes waft up to him.

But this terrible cheerfullness.

Crikey, he's a pom! What does he have to smile about?

Can anyone tell me?



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And Boo wouldn't know. They drink utter swill in Ohio. It is not a land for connoisseurs of any stripe outside of stock car racing and 'drive-thru' liquor stores (there's probably a serious connection here). Oh, and the 'toy poodle death pit matches' held outside Akron. All the blood, horror, and anguish of pit-bull fighting with the distinct impression that you've wandered into a Disney flick on PCP.*

Oh, Seany-baby. You could not be more wrong. You could try, but you would not succeed. There are no drive-through liquor stores in Ohio. They are in Texas. And if you are confusing Texas with Ohio, that in itself is enough of an insult to me to make me want to slap you silly (but I fear someone beat me to it).

Allow me to help you in telling the difference between the two states. OHIO is at the top of the United States and Texas is at the bottom of the United States. As it should be.

We also do not have "toy poodle death matches". Something of that nature can probably only be found deep within the Freudian fun house of your mind. We do, although, have "bare baiting". Something I always wanted to try, but for which I could never get my socks off quickly enough.

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Hmmmm, heard from OGSF, unutterable thrill as always. Heard from Moriarty, did my best to avoid piddling on the carpet from the excitment. DIDN'T hear from Noba, big surprise, he's Australian you know, has a big alphabet chart on the wall to help him remember which letter follows which. DIDN'T hear from Seanachai, not that I'm playing him mind but I did send an email asking several pertinent and impertinent questions and I, by GAWD, expect an answer!


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Noba you blithering idiot...
Joe you poor excuse for a travelling salesman. Get your mail in order. NOTHING in my inbox from anything remotely represented by the name SHAW. You obviously don't surface from your booze induced haze often enough to press the SEND button. (The old codgers just can't cope with the pressures of ripping people off, AND playing a simple game. Look. Just organise a Wife to do it for you.

Question ? Do Wives get - bolded - when mentioned ?


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