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Since I'm not Peng, How can I be Challenged?


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Originally posted by Marlow:

So, Algae Breath, you are actually winning a few of your games? How did you wind up as a Squire to the Earless One?

I'm a believer in quality over quantity, and Pondscum seemed a cut above the normal flotsam we get in here.

Plus I needed a squire, and he was there. Availability has a quality all its own.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Marlow:

So, Algae Breath, you are actually winning a few of your games? How did you wind up as a Squire to the Earless One?

I'm a believer in quality over quantity, and Pondscum seemed a cut above the normal flotsam we get in here.

Plus I needed a squire, and he was there. Availability has a quality all its own.</font>

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Originally posted by Dalem:

I'm a believer in quality over quantity, and Pondscum seemed a cut above the normal flotsam we get in here.

Plus I needed a squire, and he was there. Availability has a quality all its own.

Originally posted by PondScum:

Plus I didn't find out from Berli until it was too late that I was actually allowed to say no. Ahem.

It is so touching to see such a closeness between a Knight and his Squire.


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Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

Hey, which one of you lackwits scared off Pvllvs Maximvs? I've been getting his second tavnting all nice and toasty and have even received a set-vp from him, bvt it appears that one of yov frightened the poor widdle snookvms one time more than his fragile nerves could bear and he's afraid to come back. Thanks a lot. To wit, one of you mvst take his since tavnting Diceman is too easy, especially since Shaw spends more time shanking him than I do. So, in the best (albeit short) tradition of the too-long-departed-for-my-vitriolic-taste Pvllvs:

Ummm, guys. Guys? Hey, will somebody play me a game? Please. Umm, it would be just swell. I'd be, just, gosh guys, I'd be pleased as punch!

Since most of you self-appointed "knights" seem to hide from SSN's such as myself behind your "squires" (and what you're doing back there I'd rather not know, frankly) I'll wait for somebody to be sicced on me. ... Or I'll just wait awhile and randomly launch into ad hominem against one (or all) of you, I suppose. Either way, I want to get another game going.


Sock Monkey

Nope, nope, this won't do.

And you were actually showing a little promise.

Read the rules again, idjit.

and BTW, more class, less crass.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dalem:

I'm a believer in quality over quantity, and Pondscum seemed a cut above the normal flotsam we get in here.

Plus I needed a squire, and he was there. Availability has a quality all its own.

Originally posted by PondScum:

Plus I didn't find out from Berli until it was too late that I was actually allowed to say no. Ahem.

It is so touching to see such a closeness between a Knight and his Squire.


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Originally posted by Lars:

Nope, nope, this won't do.

Where's my turn, you Pelican's-beak-full-of-semi-digested herring? I need to know whether I have to chastise you for gamily immobilizing your Hetzer right where it can kill my armor without being able to shoot at (and thus be distracted by) my infantry with their silly knees-bent running around and bouncing behavior.

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I find it disgusting for a squire and a knight to be touching like that. I've never had a need for a squire. I bathe and brush quite well all by myself.


Personally I think a little touching between a knight and his squire can work wonders,especially in the bathing and brushing dept....

No complaints from this Squire....


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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I find it disgusting for a squire and a knight to be touching like that. I've never had a need for a squire. I bathe and brush quite well all by myself.


Personally I think a little touching between a knight and his squire can work wonders,especially in the bathing and brushing dept....

No complaints from this Squire....

:D </font>

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Where's my turn, you Pelican's-beak-full-of-semi-digested herring? I need to know whether I have to chastise you for gamily immobilizing your Hetzer right where it can kill my armor without being able to shoot at (and thus be distracted by) my infantry with their silly knees-bent running around and bouncing behavior.

All part of the cunning plan.

Now listen up, you chambermaid’s wringings from a village of incontinent burrito eaters.

I’m at work.

So you’ll just have to wait.


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And you were actually showing a little promise
Gosh, Lars, I don't remember promising anything to anybody. Your disapproval of my taunting of the (late?) Pvllvs has left my inner child blue, but since you mentioned class (here? Yikes, I'm hip to cultural relativism and all, but really? class?) I wonder if perchance you have time for a bit of schooling in the finer arts of blowing things up? I promise to be extra-nice and I'm a regular kitten when it comes to setups.
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Originally posted by Madmatt:

See, when you email me a new MBT title and I DONT respond back, well that means that I thought your title SUCKED, and would prefer to NOT see it posted online....But as this infection has already begun to seep and ooze about the place, I suppose I will let it exist...for now.


Jeez, you try to perform a public service with a brain-dead mis-inspiration, and look at the thanks ya get!

Besides, don't we all remember (well, at least have had folks tell us about the time) when our parents didn't specifically say no to something, we knew they meant yes?

My one regret is that Wildman (bolded because, gosh darn it, it's how it ought to be done) didn't get his panties in more of a bunch.

Besides, Seldge59 said I could!

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Originally posted by PondScum

Yeknod (Does Prozac Work On Donkeys?) is skulking with intent in our little meeting engagement.

Intravenous ProDuckz is me choice...

Me muse whispers, I cannot resist:

Yeknod's Skulking Song

Skulkinnnnnng, skuuuuuuuulking!

Amid the forests we dip and peep

To stoop around in joyous creep

And in the glade me prize is found...

Thistles.... firm and round.

Skulkiiiiiiiiing, skuuuuuuuuuulllllking!

Behind the ridge and through the fog

We sneak to hide and crawl to mock

And when the sneak is snorked no more

Thistles.... up grog Joe Shaw

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

I'm a regular kitten when it comes to setups.

Sorry, Sock Junkie, theres only one kitten around these here parts right Mace?

Although she may not have laid paw upon scratching post in many a thread, there may be copyright issues here and god knows we don't need the Lawyer handing out business cards to all and sundry.

No-ones laid claim to being a puppy as I recall, so you can be a puppy with setups if you like.

You pick another small furry animal if you'd prefer but it'd be wise for you to first peruse all incarnations of the MTB to ensure there is no prior claim on it.

Off you go then......have fun.......

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Your version does, however, have the advantage of extending the suckitude beyond the mere thread title to encompass the whole Leeo, which is, I'm sure, the original intent of MadMatt

That was exactly the point I was trying to make. We have a given (Leeo sucks), so it would be inapropriate to state that JUST his title sucks. That would seem to raise him up well beyond his worth
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Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

Gosh, Lars, I don't remember promising anything to anybody. Your disapproval of my taunting of the (late?) Pvllvs has left my inner child blue, but since you mentioned class (here? Yikes, I'm hip to cultural relativism and all, but really? class?) I wonder if perchance you have time for a bit of schooling in the finer arts of blowing things up? I promise to be extra-nice and I'm a regular kitten when it comes to setups.

No sign of a taunt.

No sign of a pair.

Did pick someone specific.

Grade = FAIL.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by PondScum

Yeknod (Does Prozac Work On Donkeys?) is skulking with intent in our little meeting engagement.

Intravenous ProDuckz is me choice...

Me muse whispers, I cannot resist:

Yeknod's Skulking Song

Skulkinnnnnng, skuuuuuuuulking!

Amid the forests we dip and peep

To stoop around in joyous creep

And in the glade me prize is found...

Thistles.... firm and round.

Skulkiiiiiiiiing, skuuuuuuuuuulllllking!

Behind the ridge and through the fog

We sneak to hide and crawl to mock

And when the sneak is snorked no more

Thistles.... up grog Joe Shaw

Idjit Yeknod</font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

That was exactly the point I was trying to make. We have a given (Leeo sucks), so it would be inapropriate to state that JUST his title sucks. That would seem to raise him up well beyond his worth

Damnit, Berli, stop be-deviling me already. If you're not careful, I'll say 5 Hail Mary's and a couple mea culpas, and then see if you will ever get your nicotine-stained fingers on my soul.


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Can one of you knight buggers tell me what the blistering earlobes Mensch is doing in our grog thread on the general forum? He's making less sense than that GFOS chap, and he's getting captain wacky all pert and excited with his perverted overtones.

I demand you summon him before you upon charges of treason, or, by jimminy, we'll be forced to feed him lard until he pops.

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Some of my family is from Minnesoda, Lars and I've spent my fair share of time there, so I understand that sarcasm is largely lost on you sub-Canadians, due probably to the combined action of the numbing effects of winter and exsanguination by mosquitos throughout the rest of the year (and plus lots of them are Swedes ya betcha, but that's another matter), but you really are beginning to try my patience. Anyway, I doubt that you could pry yourself away from editing your Lake Woebegon fan-fiction 'zine or scrawling yet another angry letter on tree bark to the Coen brothers for their portrayal of your state in Fargo (I've been to Brainerd, Lars and it isn't half as pretty in real life -- much more of a strip mall and less of an idyllic woodsy town) to play anything like a serious game of Combat Mission, but thanks for cranking up the ol' kerosene generator long enough to share your thoughts. If however sometime in the distant future they ever run a real power line over the empty schnapps bottles out to your icehouse and the lake sturgeon aren't biting, you can feel free to send a setup. How about a nice winter scenario with lots and lots of snow and foul weather, preferably in the dark with nary a building in sight. I'm new here, so I figure the least I can do is spot you the home field advantage.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Jeez, you try to perform a public service with a brain-dead mis-inspiration, and look at the thanks ya get!

Besides, don't we all remember (well, at least have had folks tell us about the time) when our parents didn't specifically say no to something, we knew they meant yes?

My one regret is that Wildman (bolded because, gosh darn it, it's how it ought to be done) didn't get his panties in more of a bunch.

Besides, Seldge59 said I could![/QB]

Well Leeo (bolded because he's right, just like a broken clock is right twice a day), I try not to make too much fun of the the fact that you've obviously taken the short, yellow bus to school. Its way to easy and not near as much fun as providing you with a fade-and-dodge taunt that leaves you reeling.

I know your a git, the Pool knows your a git, and the irritated Mad, Bald One knows your a git. Perhaps, just perhaps, if the title had a little creativity, a little, Panache, it would have been alright. But its not, and we're stuck here with a mild pre-fab thread housing. Its like going to Chili's for good food and beer. Its there, but is it really good?

The next incarnation cannot come soon enough, where are the UBB deamons when you need them.

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Originally posted by Lars:

I'm at work.

So you'll just have to wait.

Why you slack-assed pile of leavings from the soiled prophylactic receptacle at the VD clinic! I'm never one to argue with forcing someone to wait for the sake of forcing someone to wait, but pleading work as an excuse? That's weak even from a sand-eating dullard of your sub-98-pound stature. Now, don't send away for the Atlas course--I'm sure the pictures would just addle what few connections function in the curdled mess of protoplasm between your ears. Try this: install CM at work! Fer criminy's sake, that's the only place I can get any turns done.

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Can one of you knight buggers tell me what the blistering earlobes Mensch is doing in our grog thread on the general forum?

You're an adult, right? Why don't you ask him? Maybe he's teaching you the folly of anarchy.
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by PondScum

Yeknod (Does Prozac Work On Donkeys?) is skulking with intent in our little meeting engagement.

Intravenous ProDuckz is me choice...

Me muse whispers, I cannot resist:

Yeknod's Skulking Song

Skulkinnnnnng, skuuuuuuuulking!

Amid the forests we dip and peep

To stoop around in joyous creep

And in the glade me prize is found...

Thistles.... firm and round.

Skulkiiiiiiiiing, skuuuuuuuuuulllllking!

Behind the ridge and through the fog

We sneak to hide and crawl to mock

And when the sneak is snorked no more

Thistles.... up grog Joe Shaw

Idjit Yeknod</font>

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Oh, erm Dark Lady? Erm, a matter of delicacy. Yer see, I have a letter, a secret letter from... erm... well, er somewhere near an airforce base suggesting.... er... yer might be... well, errrrrrr, opposite of "she" and that this inclination produces testosterone to such a level so as produce activity of a harsh and violent nature. Me Lady, I have to report, the word "aggressive" was bandied about. Me Lady, as yer know, since me little "incident", violence is swift and sharp but I've never noticed any whiskers. Dark Lady, I only hope the villainous cur falls on yer mercy as a supplicant to beg forgiveness for this horrendous slur. Needless, to say, me Lady, this donkey defends yer honour in the fog.

Ashamed is the sponsor who gives shelter to such a foul and ignorant quire.

Name the knave! I'll have his liver for lunch!
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