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Is Fion crazy, nuts or just damn good?

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He said in his post he usually ends up pushing back the attacking force. However, in a 1500 point defense you dont have enough forces to push back a wagon, let alone a battalion of veteran SMG troops, being shoved down your throught. Unless Fion has some super extra CM sense that I do not, I cant understand how you launch a major counter-attack against an opponent who outnumbers you 2-1 and has more arty and armor (assuming you have armor at all). Also, by the way, who is Fion Kelly?

In my defenses, which I am damn good at, I lay a lot of mines and barbed wire, with trigger happy ambush squads just waiting to gun down anyone unlucky enough to get caught in wire and mines. Works every time, except when an entire battalion roles up your flank. Do mines seem to be a lot less affective then they should be? A penny for your thoughts, Combat General. :eek:

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CG, his reputation in the eyes of this beholder is such that, although I would dearly like to meet him on the battlefield, I have yet to muster the courage to actually challenge him. And I cannot see it happening in the near future either. The prospect is daunting, terrifying even...and with that attitude you've lost before your even start.

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Daunting? Terrifying? All good things in a battle. Im almost done with the busiest part of the year, two more weeks, then Im free, well im my own boss, so i guess i could take off now, but no, cant do it, anyway, im not afraid. Just want to know what Fion is talking about. Ive gotten very good since playing Swamp twice and Skelley once. Im looking for a beer, I mean a fight, yeah thats what I mean. Bring it on anyone who has a death wish.

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Originally posted by Moon:

[...]There is only one counter - friendly air power tongue.gif


I've played him twice. Yes, he's pretty good, and he is a little nuts (at least in CM). When his gambits worked, they really worked.

Others know him better as a CM player.

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Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

In my defenses, which I am damn good at, I lay a lot of mines and barbed wire, with trigger happy ambush squads just waiting to gun down anyone unlucky enough to get caught in wire and mines. Works every time, except when an entire battalion roles up your flank.

I like your philosophy. smile.gif

As to Fionn, he must be quite a tactician. Otherwise he would always lose, given the fact that his doctrine is totally faulty. :D

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Fionn is better than damn good. He is in fact gifted at CM.

There is another player present in this forum that plays at the same level as Fionn.

If the two ever played each other the resulting game would be most likely end up being the match of the year; a veritable clash of the Titans if you will.

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never played him, but I agree with his tactics whole heartedly. His AARs are priceless bits of information that really explain how the basic philosophy works.

and 2-1 odds can be successfully counter-attacked, indeed i find it to be more effective that simply trying to soak up the attack.

Local counter attacks can lead to breaks in the enemy advance which can then be exploited to rollup the attackers flank, instead of waiting for the attacker to break thru your line and then roll up your flanks. Once you have attacked the attackers exposed flank, he then has to react to you, thereby giving you the initiative to continually locally attack as new flanks open when the attacker shifts troops to try and close the original breach.

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Originally posted by Tanaka:

Who is Fionn ? tongue.gif

Fionn is Fionn Kelly, the AAR guru of CM:The Early Years. Wayback in yonder years, in the time of the beta demo and before, the neophyte CMers were treated to remarkably detailed reports of the brave exploits of the Germans under the command of Herr Kelly. No allied commander was able to stay the hand of Fionn (well, almost none) and he acheived mythical status in his role of tester/consultant. Then he got in to one too many pi**ing matches on the board and got booted (and was held up as the poster child for how BTS applies a fair hand in moderating these premises--they'll even gag their friends!). He always maintained good relations with the BTS crew, so they, in their esteemed wisdom, allowed him to come back a month or two ago. So now, he is back among the living.
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Originally posted by jgdpzr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tanaka:

Who is Fionn ? tongue.gif

Fionn is Fionn Kelly, the AAR guru of CM:The Early Years. Wayback in yonder years, in the time of the beta demo and before, the neophyte CMers were treated to remarkably detailed reports of the brave exploits of the Germans under the command of Herr Kelly. No allied commander was able to stay the hand of Fionn (well, almost none) and he acheived mythical status in his role of tester/consultant. Then he got in to one too many pi**ing matches on the board and got booted (and was held up as the poster child for how BTS applies a fair hand in moderating these premises--they'll even gag their friends!). He always maintained good relations with the BTS crew, so they, in their esteemed wisdom, allowed him to come back a month or two ago. So now, he is back among the living.</font>
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Originally posted by Blackhorse:

There is another player present in this forum that plays at the same level as Fionn.

If the two ever played each other the resulting game would be most likely end up being the match of the year; a veritable clash of the Titans if you will.

Heh, they actually did start up 2 games on the Rugged Defense ladder, but AFAIK they were never finished.
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"There is another player present in this forum that plays at the same level as Fionn." Posted by Blackhorse. (How do you take snippets of someone elses response and put it in yours?)

Yeah, im sure Blackhorse was talking about me, just look at my name, CombatGeneral, that infers that I am a general of combat, or a good combat general. Either way, combat is my game. And my eyes appear to be getting accustomed to these new colors. By the way, Fionn bring it on!!!! (Thats my war cry before immenant death and defeat)

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Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

" (How do you take snippets of someone elses response and put it in yours?

Just hit the reply with quotes button and delete everything between the ] and the [ except what you want to quote.
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"He said in his post he usually ends up pushing back the attacking force. However, in a 1500 point defense you dont have enough forces to push back a wagon, let alone a battalion of veteran SMG troops, being shoved down your throught."

anybody who will allow germans using SMGs to attack is absolutely nuts or just plain doesn't like winning. Letting germans attack without SMGs is screwy as well. Germans get way too much cheap infantry with very effective FP ratings. And if you don't know by now, Infantry is what wins battles.

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Originally posted by skelley:

"He said in his post he usually ends up pushing back the attacking force. However, in a 1500 point defense you dont have enough forces to push back a wagon, let alone a battalion of veteran SMG troops, being shoved down your throught."

anybody who will allow germans using SMGs to attack is absolutely nuts or just plain doesn't like winning. Letting germans attack without SMGs is screwy as well. Germans get way too much cheap infantry with very effective FP ratings. And if you don't know by now, Infantry is what wins battles.

I second that. And arty.
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I have beaten several people allowing them to use whatever they want. Vet SMG's and panthers seem to be very popular. Yes, at times I am slaughtered, but when I use my arty right (thanks skelley for the help) I slaughter them. Proper placement of AT guns is essential. Anyways, I like meeting engagements with infantry, thats a lot of fun.

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Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

"There is another player present in this forum that plays at the same level as Fionn." Posted by Blackhorse. (How do you take snippets of someone elses response and put it in yours?)

Yeah, im sure Blackhorse was talking about me, just look at my name, CombatGeneral, that infers that I am a general of combat, or a good combat general. Either way, combat is my game. And my eyes appear to be getting accustomed to these new colors. By the way, Fionn bring it on!!!! (Thats my war cry before immenant death and defeat)

I think he's talking about Titan from the Rugged Defence ladder.
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Originally posted by Blackhorse:

Fionn is better than damn good. He is in fact gifted at CM.

There is another player present in this forum that plays at the same level as Fionn.

If the two ever played each other the resulting game would be most likely end up being the match of the year; a veritable clash of the Titans if you will.

Inquiring minds want to know... who are you talking about? The only person I know of (in my limited CM experience) who has stomped everyone he met into the ground is Wreck -- he went 10-0 in Wild Bill's Rumblings of War Tourney. Someone on the board even changed their sig to state something like "ROW Section III veteran (aka Wreck's bitches". :eek: :D
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Originally posted by Jazza:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

"There is another player present in this forum that plays at the same level as Fionn."

I think he's talking about Titan from the Rugged Defence ladder.</font>
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