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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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Let me be the first to report the startling finding that feldgrau is NOT impervious to communist bullets. Especially when trying to scamper across a large open square. MrSpkr is a, well, really, it's bad enough he is what he is, isn't it. I think I'll change my name to Major Defeat.

In other news, it's good to be the Russians defending one hundred and eleventy VLs across 400km of front. Really, it is. This is due primarily to the fact that OGSF had to try and take each one in turn, and since the game didn't go for 138 turns, he ran out of time. I'll take it. Minor Victory. Uh-rah.

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**** Ode To Panzer Leader****

Panzer Leader is his name,

Although there have been others,

Pantless, Bleader, Mouse and git,

He really should be chomping at the bit...

He's been taunted, scoffed at and made to suffer,

Like no other in the pool..

Over time I have come to think of him, as really no mans fool...

Some say he's deserved of all he gets,

And at times have even taken bets...

As to wether or not this guy will fail,

That next turn being sent by mail....

But he soldiers on oblivious to all..

From the taunts and Jeers that should make him fall...

I think this guy deserves some points

Or maybe even a title..

I really don't want to upset Joe,

But no longer can I stifle...

He'll never be an olde one,

For that would be unheard of...

But maybe something could be done,

To honour this poolers sense of fun...

He's stuck it out through thick and thin,

which really says a lot of him....

A lesser mortal would long have gone,

Not Panzer Leader for he is strong..

Either that or he's just plain stupid..

And he'll probably think I'm playing cupid...

But alas I'm only doing my duty,

To make sure he doesn't end up loopy...

If no one else cares, then don't despair,

You have the vote of the Lady Fair...

And if you believe that you're dumber than I thought........ :D

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Hiram Sedai, for someone who (zed) lives in Noo Joysee and (I am Sparticus ... no wait, Tony Curtis, no I MEANT Sparticus really) manages to sober up and show up once in a blue moon, you have NO right to be blathering on about anything that has to do with the CessPool.

Go dig up Jimmy Hoffa or something.


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I'll be incommunicado from Monday through Thursday so don't be expecting any turns. Or expect turns if you like, it's all the same to me since you'll not be getting any in any case ... this is especially true in the case of Hiram Sedai who isn't playing a game of CMBB with me currently but won't be getting any ANYWAY since he's from Noo Joysee and is, let's face it, Hiram Sedai and can you REALLY think of any girls, even ones from Noo Joysee who have remarkably low standards who would ... well, this IS a family thread I suppose so we'll just leave it at that.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hiram Sedai, for someone who (zed) lives in Noo Joysee and (I am Sparticus ... no wait, Tony Curtis, no I MEANT Sparticus really) manages to sober up and show up once in a blue moon, you have NO right to be blathering on about anything that has to do with the CessPool.

Go dig up Jimmy Hoffa or something.


Uh, Joe? That was weak. You remain a sad, sorry excuse for a geriatric philanderer. I cannot be offended by any NJ jokes because I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where the women have wonderous hips and plenty of junk in their communal trunk.

Throwing pearls to swine. You are so very ignorant of the rest of the world, that it's nonsensical for me to continue with this verbal castigation. It seems so much like thumb wrestling a leper. Somehow, I always seem to win.

Tell you what, Joe. I'll leave you alone for another six months while you stroll the grounds of the old folks home demanding to get your teeth back or else. MMkay?

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Fraim tha family album....

A recitation o' Tha Jabberwocky! (Ah cudnae remember at tae waill, sae ye kin kiss mah spotty arrse af'n tha odd worrrd as slightly askew...)


Tha slithy waody grimble groady

Slurky gimble eyes a dew,

Tha Jabbberwocky snorckled Jody

An' mangled ain tha whackadoo.

Snik snack wi' swords o' gamble

Hidin' bae tha gnarly oak

Squish sputle sprang tha jimble jamble

Thwackety eyed tha hooded cloak.

My old man's a dustman,

Hae wears a dustman's cap

Hae wears gor'blimey troosers

An' hae lives ain a council flat.

Tha aind.

Ah'm a feckin' literary god, Ah am!

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Tap tap <big><big>TAP</big></big> EEEEK!!.....I guess it works then..


Now I'm an onion man

Amazin's what I am

I can say what I think

That the lotaya stink

'Cos aarm an onion man

Oooooohhh... y'won't get me I'm peelin' the onion,

Ya won't get me I'm peelin' the onion

Ya won't get me I'm peelin' the onion

'Til m'tears run dry

On the day I die

As a onion man, I'm wise, to the lies of the outerboard spies.

And I don't get fooled by the cesspool rules,

'Cause I always read between the lines.

And I always get my way, if I taunt y'all today.

When I show ol Lard, that it's jsut too hard,

To beat me when we play.

Ya won't get me I'm peelin' the onion

Ya won't get me I'm peelin' the onion

Ya won't get me I'm peelin' the onion

'Til m'tears run dry

On the day I die


Thanks you...thanks you.....thank you vry murch.

And remember folks

Next time you see a dustman looking all pale and sad

Don't kick him in the dustbin it might be OG-thingies old dad so he's got a good excuse for it!

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Leeo sucks and lost.

Treeburst sucks, and only got a minor victory in CMBO on the attack, so I'll chalk that up as a MAJOR WIN for me.

Grog Dorosh is a Canuck. He lost; another MAJOR VICTORY for me.

Now, with those three spots on my dance card open, I'll be continuing on with the List!! as soon as I get back from my business trip sometime Tuesday night )i.e., no turns for anyone until then).

Now, sod off, the lot of you (and especially Yeknod, who STILL owes me a turn or surrender and Wildman, who also owes me a turn or surrender).


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OGSF has taken to calling me "Cap'n." I like it, it's fitting considering how much I've been swabbing the deck with him lately. In our present game he appears to have undertaken a religious jihad to rid the world of shacks.

In other news, I've FINALLY finished a 47 turn battle with Grog Dorosh. It was a draw due to my soldiers utter disinterest after about turn 40 or so. A draw is fine with me, I'm just glad it's OVER.

Um, YK2? As much as I appreciate the Ode, and like the idea of a title (I was thinking of something like "Blade" or maybe "The Cap'n" - not to be confused with that freak of nature "The_Capt") well.... don't quit yer day job, kay?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The amount of aimless, useless, pointless poncing about that goes on in this Thread lately, often for days at a time, simply defies human description.

Noticed that, did ya? Makes one wonder why the powers that be haven't put an end to this pale shadow of a Cesspool. Probably due to the Ladies and a few others that liven things up from time to time. Kind of unfortunate that... with the vast majority of posters here doing their level best to realize Peng's dream.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

OGSF has taken to calling me "Cap'n." I like it, it's fitting considering how much I've been swabbing the deck with him lately. In our present game he appears to have undertaken a religious jihad to rid the world of shacks.


Ahem. That would be a delayed kneejerk reaction to a CMBO QB I foisted on the blighter some eons back, in which my 30 or so Churchill V8's rode out from my corral in line abreast formation and proceeded to completely level the City that he had hidden his Battalion of Ubermenschen in. It was NOT a pretty sight - for him.

The remnants of his XIth Army Korpse were last seen running flat chat for the infinitely long drop off the map edge {that's "Coward's Cliff" to the weakminded of you lot..} The lil' buggers are still falling for all I know.

So, obviously the age old rumour holds true - an elefant never forgets... *snort!*


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

SNIP ......simply defies human description.
Taking a lot of literary license lately ...I guess you are assuming that there are creatures of that type in here.

Aussie Jeff: thinks he has me snockered in our Stalingrad battle, little does he know....

hey that last line fits him well under any circumstance.

Total War Update: PL is complaining about my Arty, must mean that he had units hidden in the area where it is falling, my Ubertroops are advancing rapidly his days are numbered.

[ December 02, 2002, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

[bNow, with those three spots on my dance card open, I'll be continuing on with the List!! as soon as I get back from my business trip sometime Tuesday night )i.e., no turns for anyone until then).

Wasn't number 8 my original spot on the list? I think you should put "got my butt kicked by Marlow and am getting it kicked again" in that spot.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The amount of aimless, useless, pointless poncing about that goes on in this Thread lately, often for days at a time, simply defies human description.

Oh, I'm sorry, could you please show us how it's done? Thanx!

Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Noticed that, did ya? Makes one wonder why the powers that be haven't put an end to this pale shadow of a Cesspool. Probably due to the Ladies and a few others that liven things up from time to time. Kind of unfortunate that... with the vast majority of posters here doing their level best to realize Peng's dream.

Oh, I'm sorry, could you please show us how it's done? Thanx!
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Um, YK2? As much as I appreciate the Ode, and like the idea of a title (I was thinking of something like "Blade" or maybe "The Cap'n" - not to be confused with that freak of nature "The_Capt") well.... don't quit yer day job, kay?

"Blade" or "The Cap'n" are both much too sharp a title for you sir, I mean.... I wouldn't want you to cut yourself now would I!!

On the other hand, "Poopy Haid" has a fitting Ring to it..... don't you think?

As for the day job.... too late with your advice, I already quit.

BTW. The term "Jungle Drums" springs to mind.....

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

[bNow, with those three spots on my dance card open, I'll be continuing on with the List!! as soon as I get back from my business trip sometime Tuesday night )i.e., no turns for anyone until then).

Wasn't number 8 my original spot on the list? I think you should put "got my butt kicked by Marlow and am getting it kicked again" in that spot.</font>
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