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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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Oh now Seanachai it's no use lad, really it isn't. The transparent ploy of trying to distract me from my righteous demand for retribution by bringing up the whole odious Aussie Jeff routine is so obvious as to beggar the imagination of even an Australian and you know how little they posses to start so beggaring them in that area is truly horrific.

Got that do you?

I demanded a game from you on more than one instance. You responded with some twaddle about getting home/having a weekend/first thing you got the chance and you'd send a setup right off you can count on me, etc. But did I SEE a setup? I DID NOT!

Now, since you've obviously chosen to play others whom you might have a CHANCE to defeat you have ... NO TIME, drat the luck, too bad dash it all, wish I'd remembered and I feel terrible but what can you do and perhaps next time old man.

So now, to distract me from you slacking off, you bring up AussieJeff. But did you bother to READ my extensive and compendious AAR? YOU DID NOT!

If you HAD, you'd have noticed that the setup chosen by AussieJeff was one of those Favored By The Gawds setups that absolutely dominates the battlefield and, specifically, the small corner of the map I was allocated for my setup zone. I had no more chance, nor ... I would submit, would anyone, than the proverbial fish is a small barrel.

I'll wait Seanachai, I'll wait until you have more room on your dance card ... if indeed you ever work up the nerve to FIND your dance card that is.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

All caught up now, Sunshine?

Stop using the term 'Sunshine'. It's giving me the red-ass.

Oh, and 'Cupcake', it's not any better.

Must be a sodding Ohio thing. Women from Northern Ohio insist on calling their 'Significant Other' Punkin. This is, of course, a corruption of 'Pumpkin', an Ohio term of endearment. One could wonder at why any woman would use 'Pumpkin' as a term of endearment....unless, of course, you'd hung out in the various Burger Kings, MacDonalds, and Roy Rogers that constitute Ohio's concept of 'fine dining'.

One look at the 'Xtra Large MotoCross/Drag Racing/Monster Truck Rally T-shirt' spreading out like a ballerina's tutu over the belly of the average Ohio male, and missing the belt by 3 inches, combined with their round-faced, side-burned, dim-as-a-pit-bull look of complacent stupidity, would quickly lead anyone to the conclusion that 'Pumpkin' is not only apt, but the very nicest thing that one could say about this most primitive of 'Midwestern States'.</font>

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Phase Two of House Morse/Croda/Whatever's total war campaign has begun. I have sent Panting Bleater (back off, Mace) a set up. What a delightful omen that this should begin on a day when people are carving up turkeys all across this great land of ours. Oh look Boo and Nidan, we got a turkey with it's yarbles already removed! How convenient.


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And Phase Three of the House Morse/Croda pummeling of Panzer Leader is underway from this end too.

Last evening I sent along a little piece of toe-jam created by Aussie Jeff that ought to make PL keel over with no trouble at all.

C'mon, lads! We have him surrounded!

p.s. Happy Turkey day, ya'll.

[ November 28, 2002, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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A little something for everyone celebrating Thanksgiving,


Turkey, turkey in the pen,

It's Thanksgiving time again.

Still you strut around with pride

When you should take off and hide.

Nice big bird we have a date.

I will see you on my plate.

On that day we'll give you praise,

Talk about your better days,

When you scared us with a gobble.

Giggling at your silly wobble.

Then we pass around white meat,

Thank you for your special treat.

Then a piece of pumpkin pie,

With the whipped cream extra high.

I dream of this throughout the year

Now Thanksgiving's almost here.

Turkey, turkey, I must say,

"You're the one who makes that day!"

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On behalf of no-one but myself, let me offer you Merkin CM brethren a toast on Tanksgiving Day {or whatever you lot call it} -

"May your turkeys turn in to emus and kick yer dunnies down!! " :D

Why don't you all go and get pi$$ed, gorged and satiated. Preferably all at once!

Have a hell of a time...

I know I am.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

On behalf of no-one but myself, let me offer you Merkin CM brethren a toast on Tanksgiving Day {or whatever you lot call it} -

"May your turkeys turn in to emus and kick yer dunnies down!! " :D

Why don't you all go and get pi$$ed, gorged and satiated. Preferably all at once!

Have a hell of a time...

I know I am.


So, is he wishing nice things on us or not?

Often times it's so hard to tell...

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Yes, well, Happy Thanksgiving, all! Oh, and to you Un-Mericuns, well, have fun at work!

Some of us are on SIX WEEKS LEAVE.

Some of have a climate that allows laying on the beach in 30Celsius temperatures listening to The Poms Getting Another Hiding.

Some of say, SOD OFF if you don't like it.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Did you realise that Melbourne has been voted the world's most liveable city?

I think my living here contributed to that outcome.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Say no MORE!

Is that a promise you overblown, over-the-hill, alcohol fuelled, sun addled, Ozzy pillock?

Just for the record, England coming over to you for the Ashes is not about playing cricket, it's about getting the 'barmy army' out of the country for a few months! You see, we're still using it as a penal colony. Didn't anybody tell you?

Australians - always the first to get to Friday and the last to realise that the joke's on them!

Clearly, you are not going to shut up until you've been metaphorically smacked around the head with a virtual lump of willow for 25 turns or so by an Englishman. So, send me some form of 'hard track, lots of sunshine, it rained 5 years ago' setup and we'll see what's what and who's who shall we?

[ November 29, 2002, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: Nestor ]

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Originally posted by Nestor:

Clearly, you are not going to shut up until you've been metaphorically smacked around the head with a virtual lump of willow for 25 turns or so by an Englishman. So, send me some form of 'hard track, lots of sunshine, it rained 5 years ago' setup and we'll see what's what and who's who shall we?

Send him one of your Special Works, AussieJeff *tee hee*


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Originally posted by Nestor:

Just for the record, England coming over to you for the Ashes is not about playing cricket, it's about getting the 'barmy army' out of the country for a few months! You see, we're still using it as a penal colony. Didn't anybody tell you?

So, you admit that you are all "barking mad" and have no choice but to send some of your ilk to Australia, Land Of The Free, for R & R in the sunshine and crisp, clean air {ahh ... sniff that, lad ..... go on - SNIFF IT!} whilst the rest of you suck up that loverly London shmog. Breath deeply, lad. Infuse your scarred and blackened lungs with more of Olde England's finest airs while the not-so-barmy-army-after-all, holiday in paradise. Your suffering is palpable....

Clearly, you are not going to shut up until you've been metaphorically smacked around the head with a virtual lump of willow for 25 turns or so by an Englishman. So, send me some form of 'hard track, lots of sunshine, it rained 5 years ago' setup and we'll see what's what and who's who shall we?
Not so fast, Rotens! I appreciate your pressing need to be humiliated on the field of byte battle ala Joe in a "Lonely Country". I see you secretly admire his "losing bitterly with panache" style of play. If I was at a loose end and couldn't think of ANYTHING to do, by crikey lad - I'd throw you a life line and massacre you in an AJ "Special" but good.

However, your whimpering and obsequious begging for a DAMNED GOOD THRASHING {sorry, I don't stock whips and chains}has come at THE WRONG TIME {trust a bloody pom to get THE TIMING wrong!}, for my special skills are presently of great wont in the Land Of Oz by various departmental knobs. Thus am I unable to accept any new challenges until after the Great Southern New Year at this point in time. I'm sure you can fathom this with even YOUR gnat-sized noggin, NoRest.

However, that be as it may, I'm a fair and ungamey type as you well know, and shall grant you leave to apply for a well-deserved AJ inspired ASS-WHUPPIN' after that auspicious date.

Go forth and mark it in blood in your DOOMSDAY calendar, lad. Quiver till then,

Sir Aussiejeff


Cricket Re-training Assistance for Poms

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