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AAAUUUGHH! What happened to Scipio's Sounds?

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Help! Poor sod that I am, I have just moved on to my new computer and am going through the tedious process of re-downloading and installing all my mods again :( (which is a lot when you consider I had everything, EVERYTHING modded).

Having finished with the graphics I moved on to the sound mods, lo and behold, it seems that Scipio's sound mods have disappeared from WarfareHQ! Please fink or do somefix!

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Tough crowd...

Now I can attest as most of the Forum would that sometimes, the Bald Bouncer does bounce with quite a spring.

But I can testify he never said somefink like, "Be tough or be gone".

When you publish something, you do it for yourself and, because MODers are like that, for the appraisal of your fellow CMers.

That's why it always peeves a MODer when Sneaks are posted and that the only feedback received goes along the line of: "What grass are you using in the background?".

Posting something, whatever it could be, MODs, Sounds, Scenarios, is akin to ask people's feedback.

Some are nice, some are way out of the line.

As was the case for Tiger back then.

What Madmatt said was more like this:

If you can't stomach having people criticizing or tweaking your work, then don't post it.

That's the Internet.

I use Scipio's sounds and value his contributions towards the gaming Community.

It's his choice and whatever the reasons, I hope he'll be happy with it MODing for some other games.


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Originally posted by Puff the Magic Dragon:

I know Scipio personaly and talked to him.

Scipio has followed Madmatt's proposal, made in a threat a few weeks ago.

In short words: if Scipio is not able or willing to take personal insultings by the community, especialy on this board, he shall leave. So he did.

That's really bad. First JohnS (aka Tiger), now Scipio.

He was rather sensitive. I remember how he got all worked up about something Slapdragon said in a thread, even though it was really nothing at all. Maybe language had something to do with it. Damn it all.

Well, if anyone still has his sound mods and is willing to send them to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

That's why it always peeves a MODer when Sneaks are posted and that the only feedback received goes along the line of: "What grass are you using in the background?".

Indeed it does. But I guess it bothers some more than others. Me, I'm expecting thing like this, really.
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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

He was rather sensitive. I remember how he got all worked up about something Slapdragon said in a thread, even though it was really nothing at all. Maybe language had something to do with it. Damn it all.

Well, if anyone still has his sound mods and is willing to send them to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Scipio said it hasn't happened the first time.

What makes him tired most was the reaction on his plea for an excuse, and the reaction of the board admin. Sensitive? Hey, we are talking about an artist ;)

Language? IMO especially because here are so many different cultures, the admin should be more sensitive regarding the language. 'Sod' is maybe harmless for Americans, bud deadly for Turks (just an example). Well, it's not my board, I'm only guest ;)

[ February 01, 2002, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Puff the Magic Dragon ]

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I certainly do not recall personally singling out Scipio like that (I might have, I just dont have time to get all worked up about one guy) but having a tough outer skin is a requirement if one is going to create something that is to be viewed by the general public, doubly so if that something is artwork of one sort or another.

Those that know me, know that I DO NOT PULL PUNCHES (figuratively or otherwise) and say things they way they are. As I recall there was a big hooha over some mod or another of his and it being hosted or part of another mod pack. People got their ego's all bruised and the whole thing was uterly STUPID. My comments were probably made during that period of time.

So I say again, to the moding world at large: You gotta put some distance between what you CREATE and who you ARE. Someone might think that the mod you spent 50 hours on is a total pile of steamy poo but that doesnt mean YOU ARE, or that they are even right.

The best artist are those that can hack the critism and disconnect somewhat from their work. Validations are all fine and good, but the most important ones need to come from youself first and foremost...Or from me... ;)

Now, time to move on...


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Just to clarify.

a) I leave because I'm sick and tired of personal insultings I have received on this board and by email. It has nothing to do with a critic about my mods. Indeed I can't remember a single bad comment about the quality of my mods.

B) Madmatt, you have obviously no idea what is happening on this board. Of course it can not be expected that you spend all your time here, you have surly more important things to do. But if you don't know what you are talking about, just let it be. Please excuse that I don't understand what you want to say, cause I don't know you personally. When I please the board admin to do something against rude offenses and your only comment is 'grow a thick skin or leave', I leave. Who needs a board admin that doesn't cares anyway?

c) My mods were removed for a simple reason. WarfareHQ has only linked them, but they were hosted on my private site to spare webspace and traffic for WarfareHQ. Please don't expect that I will pay further hosting costs to support a CM community whose members personal insult me in public. It's very easy and cowardly to insult me here. I'm sorry that this people don't have the chance to do so in the real world.

Scipio over and out

[ February 03, 2002, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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Scipio, why would people insult you? If you were not attacked for the quality of your mods, then what was it? I've had a few people say rude things to me on this forum. It's unfortunate, but a normal part of life. Were you attacked by one or more people on several occasions? For the most part, the CM players and designers on this board are great people.

Why??? :(

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Jester I have also noticed that some members are just try to affront other members when they notice that they have no better arguments. You know, like 'hey, whatever you say, we all know what a..-kind of person-..e you are, so who cares that you are right'. This can be very annoying & frustating. I know about a janitor from the Dep. of Justice who do so regulary here.

I guess some people haven't figured out that we don't live to be important. We only live to enjoy the trip ;)

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All I have to say is that we, and me in particular, are the target of more abuse and disrespect on this forum than any other person here. Add to this the fact that this Forum is here at significant cost to us, not to mention only because of the game we made. Yet we do not leave the forum and remove all our materials from the public. Yes, partly it is because we run a business and it would be hard to do without having customers smile.gif , but it is also because we refuse to let a few bad apples spoil the barrel for everyone else.

I am not going to judge Scipio as a person, but I think it is unfair to punish the majority simply because he has a problem with a few people on this forum. If he doesn't want to host his own stuff, there are any number of places that will do so (like our own CMHQ). If he doesn't wish to do this, that is his choice. It is his stuff to do with as he pleases. But he is only punishing good people.

As for moderation of this BBS... well, I think people must have a certain thickness of skin to be here, and an even thicker one if they are to present materials which can be criticized. I personally saw Tiger and how he left and was not impressed. An artist who can not take even mild criticism should look for a different line of work. We are artists too, and look at all the crap we have to deal with. Yet we are still here smile.gif


P.S. We live in a flawed world where people can not be nice to each other 100% of the time even when they try (i.e. rulling out honest miscommunications and language issues). But compare this BBS with anything unmoderated and I think you will see why we are happy with how things work here. It isn't perfect, but man... imagine if we didn't care what went on here?

[ February 03, 2002, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: Big Time Software ]

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How to begin...? Its always sad to see a good modder leave, as it was with Tiger. My line will remain the same: It was their mods, and therefore, their right to take them and leave. They will both be missed, I'm sure. On the subject of BTS and this boards moderation, I wish only to stare down those who would insult Matt, Steve, or Dan. They do a great job! I was temperally banned several weeks ago... But I'm not bitter. Matt does what he has to do, and does it in good nature. I was surprised at how willing he was to listen to my side of the banning story. The whole thing worked out, and I'm back here. I'm a modder and senerio designer; but I didn't take all of my mods & senerios off the server and delete them, did I. Everything that happens on this furom needs to be taken with a grain of salt- before posting a realy scathing reply, ask yourself, "Was this just worthless Peng humor? Or was it soemthing more seruis? Is this a furom issue or an E-mail issue?"... etc.

The way I see it.

[ February 03, 2002, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]

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Originally posted by Puff the Magic Dragon:

I guess some people haven't figured out that we don't live to be important. We only live to enjoy the trip ;)

I agree. Life is nothing more than a collection of memories that are valuable only to the individual in question. So as you just said: ". . .enjoy the trip." smile.gif

[ February 03, 2002, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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Originally posted by Lord General MB:

Its always sad to see a good modder leave

Yes it is.

But it's also great that there is quite a lot of talented Modders out there, and I'm sure that someone will no doubt fill any mod 'gaps' with quality products.


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Originally posted by Simon Fox:


I read this thread was all about banning the words "sod" and "idjit" from the forum. So where do I sign my name to the petition?

Just in case your wondering what the hell (oops is that allowed?) I am talking about:


What a silly sod, that is the Peng Challenge thread. No one there cares about the other stuff, just that the term Sod may be politically incorrect for Turkish people or some such.

Originally posted by Puff the Magic Dragon:

Language? IMO especially because here are so many different cultures, the admin should be more sensitive regarding the language. 'Sod' is maybe harmless for Americans, bud deadly for Turks (just an example). Well, it's not my board, I'm only guest ;)

[ February 03, 2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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