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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

festering and fecking give a pretty gruesome image when combined, don't they...Like Michael Dorosh on a date. Yech!<hr></blockquote>

What you don't know is that Michael is actually the porno star Jack hammer, who also likes to play CM. While I have never met him in person, I have it on good authority that although mild mannered and calm on the inside, he is actually a paid performer of the carnal acts. His nick name the Pilsbury Dorosh boy did not come about because he liked to eat xup cakes.

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Ok Hiram, this is why I chose not to taunt you. I really didn't want to hurt you more than you already are, but:

MuthaBeautifulThread - A Cesspool member who was named on the Internet as the "ugliest girl" on the Combat Mission message boards, has sued Cesspool Members, claiming they did nothing to stop "the escalating pattern of sexual harassment" by other cesspoolians.

Hiram Sedai quit The Mutha Beautiful Thread after "the taunting became unbearable," according to the lawsuit.

Hiram Sedai was teased at first about his appearance, then accused of promiscuity, the suit alleged.

After a bout of crabs, Hiram Sedai returned to the Cesspool last February to more taunting from poolians, prompting him cry like "a big girl's blouse."

"People really do mean things in the CessPool," Hiram Sedai said in an interview. "I'm really surprised nobody has brought a sense of humor to that thread."

Joe Shaw, "former" Justicar of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, said the Cesspool never comments on internal matters. But he said the pool has protocols that include notifying fellow taunters, and they are trained to handle such situations.

"We are confident the Cesspool did everything it was required to do," he said.

Hiram Sedai said he can relate to how tormented SSN's throughout the Mutha Beautiful Thread have felt. But he said he never thought of taunting anyone as a solution.

"It was not cool to be different in the Cesspool," he said.

At his new message board on the internet, which he declined to name, Hiram Sedai said board members are taught to respect each other and the kind of teasing he endured at the Mutha Beautiful Thread is not tolerated.

His friend, known only as JD, a lawyer, said he was dissatisfied with the response of Combat Mission officials to his request for their help in ending the harassment. He rejected their suggestion that Hiram Sedai leave the Cesspool and grow a set of "new ones."

"My feeling was, why does he have to stay home by himself with no internet and no socialization while the people who did this to him were still on the Mutha Beautiful Thread?" JD said.

JD sued the Cesspool and Combat Mission officials, who led an internal investigation into the complaints, on Dec. 14 in the federal court of the Justicar. In Cesspoolian fashion, JD said he was never told the results of the inquiry.

The lawsuit claims Hiram Sedai's civil rights were violated when he was "constructively expelled" from the Cesspool by the sexual and gender-based harassment. The suit seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages.

Hiram Sedai alleged his troubles began in the summer of 2000 when he was "humiliated and embarrassed" because his name appeared on a Web site under the category of "ugliest girl" in the Cesspool, according to the lawsuit.

A few weeks later, a rumor circulated around the message board that there was a videotape of Hiram Sedai having sex with several boys at a party, and Cesspoolians began calling him "git" and telling him to "sod off" the suit alleged.

Last February, Hiram Sedai got crabs and was absent for two weeks. When he returned to the Mutha Beautiful Thread, one Cesspoolian, in front of others, put his shirt over his nose and mouth and said to Hiram Sedai, "Get away from me, I don't want to get crabs," according to the lawsuit.

Other Cesspoolians also taunted him about his condition. One said, "I don't know how you got crabs. You're so ugly, no guy would ever kiss you," the suit said.

About the same time, his name appeared again on a Web site identifying him as "the ugliest girl on the Mutha Beautiful Thread," the suit alleged. The Web site, used by Cesspool members to hurl insults at one another, continues to operate despite Hiram Sedai's wishes.

[ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>

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Guest PondScum

The pool has too much whining, and not enough CHALLENGING. How are we SSNs supposed to improve ourselves when all our "role" "models" (ahem) are busy crying, mewling, puking, and PLAYING OTHER GAMES?

mensch, you pathetic excuse for an Eliza-clone, you currently hold the sorry honor of the last inhabitant of the pool to actually show evidence that they play CMBO, to wit, fleeing from the field of battle in the face of OGSF (and who wouldn't? A face that would sink a thousand ships. But I digress).

I realise that as a SSN I am not allowed to "fill" (ahem) this now-open slot on your dancecard, but you must now have at least an extra 15 seconds each day, which have previously been spent fighting the good fight against OGSF (i.e., screaming "run away! run away!", and stabbing blindly for Alt-U). So perhaps you could spare a few of those precious seconds to FIND A SECOND, whom I might beat up in your place?

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Quite a smackdown, bauhaus. That had enough heat in it to dry out my pant cuffs.

Begin Transmission.

The Cesspooligan Creatures known as OGSF and Terence currently owe me turns.

I need those turns in order to continue to do something most of us refer to as 'playing the game'.

I hereby request that those turns be sent.

I give you one of your Earth "days" to comply.

End Transmission.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PondScum:

The pool has too much whining, and not enough CHALLENGING. How are we SSNs supposed to improve ourselves when all our "role" "models" (ahem) are busy crying, mewling, puking, and PLAYING OTHER GAMES?


This creature does not displease me. This creature has quickly grasped the unsubtle nuances of our musty abode. This creature is also named after my favorite thing to make fun of hippies for eating, i.e. blue-green algae.

Has this creature been claimed?


lunch conversation three years ago:

yuppie-hippie coworker1: "I wish I had some blue-green algae to put on my salad."

coworker2: "What's blue-green algae?"

y-h cw1: "A healthy supplement."

me: "It's pond scum."

y-h cw1: "Ha ha, yeah, sort of. But it's sure not cheap!"

cw2: "Why is it expensive?"

me: "Because people that will pay to eat pond scum will pay a lot to eat pond scum."

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Here is the original, Bauhaus. You are simply a punk.

'Ugliest girl' sues school district over taunting

Los Angeles Times

Jan. 09, 2002 09:40:00

AGOURA HILLS, Calif. - A 17-year-old student who was named on the Internet as the "ugliest girl" at her school has sued her former school district, claiming officials did nothing to stop "the escalating pattern of sexual harassment" by other students.

Sophomore Alison Goller quit Agoura High School after "the taunting became unbearable," according to the lawsuit.

Alison was teased at first about her appearance, then accused of promiscuity, the suit alleged.

After a bout of mononucleosis, Alison returned to school last February to more taunting from classmates and a teacher, prompting her to leave the school.

"People really do mean things in high school," Alison said in an interview. "I'm really surprised nobody has brought a gun to school at Agoura," which is about 30 miles west of downtown Los Angeles.

Donald Zimring, deputy superintendent of the Las Virgenes Unified School District, said the school district never comments on student matters. But he said the district has protocols that include notifying police, and its administrators are trained to handle such situations.

"We are confident the school district did everything it was required to do," he said.

Alison said she can relate to how tormented students in high schools from Columbine to Santee must have felt. But she said she never thought of harming anyone as a solution.

"It was not cool to be different at Agoura," she said.

At her new high school in the Los Angeles Unified School District, which she declined to name, Alison said students are taught to respect each other and the kind of teasing she endured at Agoura High is not tolerated.

Her mother, Catherine M. Adams, a lawyer, said she was dissatisfied with the response of Las Virgenes district officials to her request for their help in ending the harassment. She rejected their suggestion that Alison leave school and complete an independent study program.

"My feeling was, why does she have to stay home by herself with no education and no socialization while the kids who did this to her were at school?" Adams said.

Adams sued the school district and Assistant Principal Brad Benioff, who led an internal investigation into the complaints, on Dec. 14 in federal court in Los Angeles. Adams said she was never told the results of the inquiry.

The lawsuit claims her daughter's civil rights were violated when she was "constructively expelled" from district schools by the sexual and gender-based harassment. The suit seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages.

Alison alleged her troubles began in the summer of 2000 when she was "humiliated and embarrassed" because her name appeared on a Web site under the category of "ugliest girl" in her school's entering 10th-grade class, according to the lawsuit.

A few weeks later, a rumor circulated around school that there was a videotape of Alison having sex with several boys at a party, and classmates began calling her "slut" and "whore," the suit alleged.

Last February, Alison got mononucleosis and was absent for two weeks. When she returned to school, one teacher, in front of a class, put his shirt over his nose and mouth and said to Alison, "Get away from me, I don't want to get mono," according to the lawsuit.

Students also taunted her about the illness. One said, "I don't know how you got mono. You're so ugly, no guy would ever kiss you," the suit said.

About the same time, her name appeared again on a Web site identifying her as "the ugliest girl at Agoura High School," the suit alleged. The Web site, once used by San Fernando Valley students to anonymously hurl insults at one another, was shut down in March by its site provider.

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A quick update,

Agua Perdido– no turns.

MrSpkr – no turns.

OGSF – no turns.

Hanns – one turn and a new GF.

Noba – one turn but haven’t looked yet.

AussieJeff – a few turns, one less Firefly and one less church.

Iskander – a few turns, but who can tell what’s been going on as we’re both drunk.

So Pondscum, I suggest you challenge Agua, MrSpkr or OGSF.

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My DBA has an uncanny knack of having to take a flaming Shiite Muslim right after I tell him not to go anywhere because I have something hot for him to do.

It never fails.

Was Bauhaus' little soliloquy up there any good? It was long, and considering the artisan, I figured worthless. If it had any merit, I'll go back and read it.

And that brings up another point: For those of you worthless SSNs, and those of you worthless SSE (Scum Sucking Elders) - If you're going to post tripe, make it brief. Length does not equal wit, unless you're making a square. Heh Heh Heh...little geometry joke there.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:


You are good! I liked mine better though.<hr></blockquote>


I knew that if it sounded intelligent, then it couldn't be yours. All my stuff is original and...you're still a brainless twit. What is so funny is that Croda thinks it's really yours. I guess he traveled with you on the little bus to school.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


I knew that if it sounded intelligent, then it couldn't be yours. All my stuff is original and...you're still a brainless twit. What is so funny is that Croda thinks it's really yours. I guess he traveled with you on the little bus to school.<hr></blockquote>

The wheel's on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, the wheels on the bus.....that's all I've learned to far.

I sir demand a game. I've been shamed and humiliated because you are such a nasty nasty man. Have you been receiving one on one lessons from Berli?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Here is the original, Bauhaus. You are simply a punk.

'Ugliest girl' sues school district over taunting

Los Angeles Times

Jan. 09, 2002 09:40:00



Now, I find it interesting that Janis Joplin , who Timothy Leary (a name that does not jet the Janis bold) coined the phrase that includes chrome and trailer hitch, was voted ugliest and least talented girl in her school year book.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

The wheel's on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, the wheels on the bus...


Yep, Bauhaus has really lost it.

(Don't worry Bauhaus, I wasn't referring to your thingy!)


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


I knew that if it sounded intelligent, then it couldn't be yours. All my stuff is original and...you're still a brainless twit. What is so funny is that Croda thinks it's really yours. I guess he traveled with you on the little bus to school.<hr></blockquote>

That's pretty bold talk for a one-eyed fat-man. You're a big tough guy when you aren't sending turns. Send one on over so I can go back to teaching you a little humility.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

That's pretty bold talk for a one-eyed fat-man. You're a big tough guy when you aren't sending turns. Send one on over so I can go back to teaching you a little humility.<hr></blockquote>

Dude, here are my choices:

1. Stay home and send a turn to Croda

2. Visit two family members. One of them is smarter and better looking than both of us and the other is smarter and better looking than you even though she was born the day before yesterday. She needs to gain some weight, so I wonder if they will let me pre chew some fries for her.

I chose number two unless you can gurgle and produce green poop.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

The wheel's on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, the wheels on the bus.....that's all I've learned to far.

I sir demand a game. I've been shamed and humiliated because you are such a nasty nasty man. Have you been receiving one on one lessons from Berli?<hr></blockquote>

Taunt me first, ya fairy!! Original taunting. I don't even care if it's nonsensical jibberish like what you've already shared. Berli taught me nothing about taunting. Just smoke. hehe

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Now, I find it interesting that Janis Joplin , who Timothy Leary (a name that does not jet the Janis bold) coined the phrase that includes chrome and trailer hitch, was voted ugliest and least talented girl in her school year book.<hr></blockquote>

But, Slap-ass, my dog wouldn't f*ck Janis Joplin, so I really don't see your point, besides she was a drug addled hippy that obviously lost herself to her drug induced hazed to avoid staring in the mirror. And another thing..Timothy Leary is a walking butt with hair on it. Plus he is also a drug addled hippie, worse thing is, he believed all that crazy **** he was preaching.

Whooops, didn't mean to stop on your idols. Not.


Die, hippy! Die!



P.S. Just because Janis Joplin could suck start a Harley doesn't mean shes hot. Everyone knows ugly chicks are great sausage smokers. Sheeeesh.

[ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: jshandorf ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PondScum:

[QB]The pool has too much whining, and not enough CHALLENGING. How are we SSNs supposed to improve ourselves when all our "role" "models" (ahem) are busy crying, mewling, puking, and PLAYING OTHER GAMES


While I agree with the basic substance (composed, I'm sure, while you were under the influence of sort of illegal substance...) of your ranting, I find the presentation similar to the infantile mewling one hears from those privates who find themselves assigned the glorious role of Lawn Mower Patrol after showing up late for morning formation. As long as you refrain from such simpering refrains, I would be more than pleased to administer some corporal punishment on the digital field of honor. Consider yourself challenged dear PondScum and may higher powers have mercy on you flourescent yellow, microbe infested soul, for I will not...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Now, I find it interesting that Janis Joplin was voted ugliest and least talented girl in her school year book.<hr></blockquote>

Funny how she continued with these traits until the day she died!

btw, Slap, can I point out that Janis is not a Kinnigit of the MBT and thus should not have her name bolded. In fact, she's just a lowely SSN who has a further 7 feet on all the other lowely SSNs.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Taunt me first, ya fairy!! Original taunting. I don't even care if it's nonsensical jibberish like what you've already shared. Berli taught me nothing about taunting. Just smoke. hehe<hr></blockquote>

Fairy???Fairy you say? Well I say........Takes one to know one! And Croda, I was about to use the one-eyed fat man reference. I guess you snooze you loose.

You do need to get your priorities straight however. Going to see a brand new baby or sending off a turn? C'mon man, Croda still soils himself hourly and you get to still play the game. Though I have a feeling that Croda would make an ugly child...........PATCH, can you help me on that one?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Though I have a feeling that Croda would make an ugly child...........PATCH, can you help me on that one?<hr></blockquote>

I would love to help you on that one. Do we have a picture of Croda? I quickly skimmed the Cessphoto pages and I didn't find his photo. If we don't have one...I expect you to email me your photo Croda. Don't worry, it's quite painless.


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Guest PondScum

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

Has this creature been claimed?


What part of "SSN" did you not understand, oh befuddled one?

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars, who has received no turns from Agua, MrSpkr or OGSF:

So Pondscum, I suggest you challenge Agua, MrSpkr or OGSF.


Lars, you landlocked Norwegian, I like turns. Your mind-games are too subtle for me. Or maybe for you. Either way, things don't too look good when you're pitting your wits against blue-green algae.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by some complete loon who likes jumping out of perfectly good airplanes

Consider yourself challenged dear PondScum and may higher powers have mercy on you flourescent yellow, microbe infested soul, for I will not...


Actually, Berli and I are currently contesting a prior claim on my soul, so there's not much chance of mercy coming into it. And it's only fluorescent yellow when unit bases are turned on, so there. But since you have apparently grasped the point of the MBT, it would be churlish to refuse your excessively prolix offer. Let it be war.

[ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: PondScum ]</p>

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So Hiram, ya poxy bollocks, ya sending a setup or not. My kubelwagons of death shall dismember you, you poofta as aways and your torment and humiliation shall continue, or not depending.....I await your pleasure, no on second thought that is just too, tooo awful to contemplate....

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