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Your most frustrating CM moment

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When I got the game in the mail and thought that they hadnt sent the CD!!! :eek:

Or in game, was having a single JagdPanther take on all 5 of my shermans, and winning! I have atleast three perfect flank shots from close range (under 200m's) and each time they missed and would be KO'd by the Panther!!

Chad Harrison

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Just recently actually. I had one Stug left facing about five shermans. One of the shermans came round the flank to try and turn me Hoping for some Wittman like heroics, I manovered my Stug into a depresssion in the ground directly in line of his flanking Sherman.

I moved some infantry into his LOS to distract his gunner and to remove the shell he had in his barrell.

Once I knew he had targeted my troops I used the hunt command to move my tank into a perfect fireing position. Although the shot was head on I was confident that the shot being made, which was under 75m and by a 75mm with a veteran crew, had a certain kill.

Chuffed with my craftiness, I sat back to watch the unfolding action. Sure enough the Sherman fired on my infantry at the same moment my Stug moved from cover aimed its big gun and fired :D .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................and missed :mad: The Sherman reloaded his gun, aimed for my Stug, fired and knocked out my tank. Battle is over, no more AT capabilities. Words cannot describe the feelings I experinaced at that moment. :confused:

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#1. 2 squads of Volks getting routed by rifle fire from a toon of US 45s. Big deal? They were 930 meters away WTF!

#2. Daimler AC knocking out my Panther G @ 400+ meters from the front

#3. My own spotters target round landed on him. Killing both of them and wasting 80 rounds of 120 mortars. The drop would have been perfectly landed on company of US rifles.

I am sure there are more. Just cant think of them.


[ August 20, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: LightningWar ]

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One in my current pbem fights: advancing to a kill position with my Challenger. There's a Tiger in front, you know. Then the turret starts turning almost backwards, as it aims to a damn MG in distance! And in the same time it keeps rolling forward...

The end of story isn't that obvious: the Tiger doesn't see my Challenger as it's still behind my smoke curtain. But a lone small AT gun pops from the distance and slams through the thin chin of the turret :mad:

That covered arc command (or something) would be great patch update for CMBO, IMO smile.gif

I think another great frustation was from one of the early pbem fights, where I got a King Tiger first bogged and then immobilized in the map edge with LOS of 5 m or something. It was advancing to a perfect flank position unnoticed by my opponent but it didn't want to go through open terrain. Why the heck they put tracks on those things if they can't go on field? ;)


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in the 3rd battle of drive to mortain playing as the americans. a german arty barrage in one turn knocked out a sherman 76, bazooka team, routed a mmg crew, and in the "overtime" of the 60th second, the very last round of the barrage landed in the crater my 105 spotter was in and killed both of them, rendering me 105-less for the rest of the op.

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Hm. Probably anytime I order an infantry AT team to sneak into a nice ambush position, and then instead of proceeding quietly, it decides "Ooh! Enemy AFV at 190m! I can do that..."


Losing not one, but two 88's to first-shot kills from the AI's Shermans, with much of the map in between, in the Reisberg scenario was also pretty harsh.

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Losing my last piece of armour, a Jpz IV/70, when it knocked itself out. No incoming fire. No intervening terrain. No enemy infantry within 300m. No hit and/or penetration notification, nothing. All alone on the West side of the map, on a slight rise with an excellent field of fire, he engages an infantry squad at 300m with a single 75mm HE shell, which hits the target, and then the crew promptly bails with no casualties and the vehicle is listed as disabled.

Most frustrating!


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Not a kodak moment, but many such instances where I've quietly and carefully snuck an infantry platoon into a concealed position and ordered them to hide for an impending ambush on an unsuspecting enemy. Whereupon (and it seems there's always one in the crowd), one nitwit squad leader decides to start shooting at some distant target 300 meters off giving away the entire platoons position and inviting a mortar barrage. I hate that when that happens. :mad:

[ August 20, 2002, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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There is a small valley running aprox. East-West, and on the northern rise there are some scattered trees and mainly heavy forest.

I have a platoon of infantry there on the reverse slope with a split squad working as 2 LP/OP teams about on the crest watching for the enemy advance. Down in the valley a platoon of vanilla M4 Sherman are facing West towards an opening in the trees where I suspect the likely approach of the enemy. There is an M8 scout car guarding a less likely approach to their backs towards NW... just in case. On the South side of the valley my weapons Platoon Leader is spotting for a couple 81mm mortars. He has LOS to the valley entrance and the ridge above my infantry platoon.

I have set ambush markers place down at the entrance to the valley aprox 250 meters away and targeted them with my tanks.

Enemy infantry rushes the hill, and my LP/OP teams sound the alarm. Soon the enemy infantry is fighting a losing battle with my intrepid troopers. However, at this same time my weapons platoon leader spots 3 Panzer coming into the valley that break from the tree line and trigger the ambush by my tank platoon. YES! I guessed correctly! BOOM!!, BOOM!!, BOOM!!, BOOM!! the Sherman fire at the enemy Panzer and miss each shot! Arghhh!

The Enemy infantry now fires a few wild LMG bursts at the tanks, and they button up.

The Sherman fast turrets rotate around and begin to clobber the enemy infantry squads.

Further to the south, about 600 meters or so, an M4-76 Sherm is hulldown in overwatch and fires at the enemy tanks. BANG! One Panzer down! BANG - PING!! damn a Ricochet! One of the enemy Panzer is now ID'd as a possible Panther... and CRACK! the high velocity 75mm cannon gets a clean KO on the M4-76. The Sherman platoon is now maneuvering to face the enemy infantry, as the Panzers now wheel to engage them. SMACK!, BANG!, BOOM! The M4 Platoon ceases to exist.

I cannot wait for the new Covered Arc - Armor command!

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My partisans springing a perfect little ambush on a German supply convoy deep behind enemy lines in Belorus. My ATR's opening up at optimal range, scoring hit after hit on teh german vehicles, getting penetration after penetration, and causing absolutely no damage whatsoever.

Later in the same scenario, being unable to get my partisans to use their molotov cocktails on the German halftracks.

Most frustrating.


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All armour and ATGs KOed (my opponent and I both know this due to the preset gun limit), both German and US. I however am still the proud owner of a shiney new Hummel with 19 HE rounds. A bitter, close range infanty action is well under way in the village. The reminants of the US force, perhaps a Company have formed a defensive ring around the only major flag. I have a reinforced Coy left with 2 81mm mortars and acouple of HMGs with about half their ammo left. with no other heavy weapons available the Hummel is obviously the key. The Hummel proceeds to a rather handy hill overlooking the village, range roughly 500m. Perfect me thinks, just perfect, what can go wrong. Enter lone US infantry squad, no previous marker, no HQ(I learn later) no support, nothing. These plucky little buggers decide to close assault said Hummel. One of my supporting HMGs opens up. The US squad goes to ground, wildly scrambling around in the dirt. The target line was yellow for the squad, it was obviously in "panic". The idiot, foolish, nasty, vindictive Hummel CO decides to put a 150mm HE round into these poor sods, just for good measure. In his devilish glee he forgets to back up, blowing himself, his happless crew and said US squad to kingdom come.

[ August 23, 2002, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Londoner ]

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Helplessly watching Michael Wittman, arguably the best tank commander in the Second World War, shoot at just about everything in the Villers-Bocage battle except for enemy armor. It was almost comical to see the turret swinging around like Wittman thought it was a carnival ride, chasing after fleeing conscript Vickers units and rifle squads.

ALMOST comical. :mad:

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Later in the same scenario, being unable to get my partisans to use their molotov cocktails on the German halftracks.

So in other words, some things never change!!!!

How about when sad little people email you to enquire about PBEM disputes that are none of their business, and then follow up with the classic "I will kick your ass from here to Sunday in CM", as if it makes them a better human being, and then having to take 20 seconds out of your life to go into Outlook Express, hit Tools, and add their email address to the Mail Rules that block their stuff from your email server? I don't mind the sad little emails and the taunts (that's actually quite amusing), but those 20 seconds of work are a real killer.

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Hitting Control-S shortly after getting the Full version of CM, and forgetting about those nice birdies and rumbles that are part of the Ambient sounds. Months later, I happened to hit Control-S again, and the glory of those sounds took the game to a "whole other level." I am special.

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My most frustrating moment? I was playing a hotseat game with an old chum of mine. The scenario was made by a third party friend. I had 1 veteran PzGrenadier company, a backup detachment of MG42s, a 105 spotter with extra rounds, some panzerschrecks, plus some light SP guns. The map was plagued with hedgerows, much to my benefit. There were two dirt roads running parallel n/s down the map. One on my left, and one right down the center. The hedgerows made a perfect bottle-neck for any enemy tanks.

One large VL rested in a small hamlet on the southern edge of the map, just outside the hedgerows.

Anywho, I gathered from the small scenario briefing that I was facing an over-strength, inexperienced American rifle company with various armored support. Since the roads through the hedgerows were the only way for the tanks to approach, I decided to fortify the two roads, and set up machine gun positions on my right flank just in case.

The game starts out slow. I observe a rather large force heading for the main center road. A little later, I notice smaller detachments breaking off to the western road, and east through some wheat fields towards my exposed right flank. Perhaps a platoon each is my assumption. I briefly consider pulling one of my platoons guarding the center area to reinforce the MG crews, but decide against it.

The combined arms column creeps down the center road. I lose track of the two detachments on my flanks. The column in the center seems to consist of vanilla shermans and a butt load of infantry. I order my spotter, residing in a tall building overlooking the center road, to let loose about 100 meters or so in front of my positions. A more perfectly executed barrage I could never hope to plan. It fell right on top of them.

Meanwhile, on my flanks, the small detachments ran into my trap. On the left, my Pz Grenadier platoon cut down the enemy detachment, while my StuH took out a couple of stewarts. Nice. On the right, my MGs managed to disrupt the enemy platoon

long enough to render them almost useless for the assault on the town.

So far, things are going quite well. I even begin to ponder a full out counter attack as his forces in the center begin to pull back in rapid fashion after losing a few shermans to shreck teams.

"Poor Bastards", thought I as I began to plot the orders for the counter attack. I move out towards the retreating enemy, mopping up the stray 'zook team and routed mortar crew along the way. Victory seemed at hand. Until...

The sound of a 14" naval barrage was quite unnerving to say the least. The spotting round landed right on top of one of my squads. result: Wiped out squad. I never experienced a 14" barrage before, so I wasn't quite sure how to proceed. I figured the barrage would be rather inaccurate, so I ordered my remaining squads to crawl forward. Bad idea. The full effect of the barrage was devastating. My two center platoons were obliterated. I now had nothing noteworthy protecting the town.

The enemy regrouped, and made a drive towards the town. I tried rushing my remaining platoon to the defense of the town, but it was not enough. I ended up losing the battle. :(

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Originally posted by LightningWar:

#3. My own spotters target round landed on him. Killing both of them and wasting 80 rounds of 120 mortars. The drop would have been perfectly landed on company of US rifles.

I am sure there are more. Just cant think of them.


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One of my first PBEM QickBattles: 1000points.

My armour: Hetzer and PzIV

The map is flat but has a higher center with good LOS and with a few houses around.

My inf is proceeding forwards on both sides of the big plateau. My sMG42s are also in excellent positions.

I also predicted where the enemy will drop his arty and a hidden platoon survived the attack with no losses.

I was feeling like a general. What a great game!

Then the enemy moves a Jackson exactly where i guessed on the plateau.

Everything's developing fine.

The Jackson has good LOS to all further positions where the infantry could move to.

So i decide what i always dreamt of to do since i own CM: to proove the enemy, that i'm the best.

I make a genius plan for eliminating the positive aspects of the fast turret and the excellent position:

I'll move both of my tanks down the street and when the LOS of the Jackson starts after the house on the left beside the street, i'll face the direction of the fast turret with two veteran tanks!

I'm really the best commander.

I move the tanks closer to their last position before attack.

I give smoke orders around the corner of the house for giving my beloved tanks the time for turning into the Jackson's direction and add 30 seconds to be on the safe side with the development of the smoke.

The turn starts, my tanks are shooting their smoke straight ahead somewhere into the woods aand they take their positions where i ordered them to go...

[ August 23, 2002, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]

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My most frustrating moment is trying to play the german forces in Chance Encounter.

a. priority #1, get rid of the shermans, always try to isolate the shermans and destroy them with 2 or more stugs.

b. wait for the US troops to appear after the church before engaging.

I always wait behind the hill and zero the stugs on the first victory flag. I usually split the forces 1:3 into the trees on the left and the forest to the right. And I wait to kill off the yanqi tanks first before letting the troops into the killing zone, (those SMGs are low ranged).

But I usually get killed...any tips would be grateful.


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Chance Encounter is a tough one, even for experienced players. Almost everthing you get for the krauts is green. I try to cluster all my troops together (minus one toon that rides with the STuGs) with some space between (to avoid mass routs due to incoming Sherman fire) and head for the large cluster of trees directly ahead. I send the STuGs with their support toon together around on a left flank to try to catch the Sherms one at a time as they emerge from that cluster of trees they like to hug. Give it a try if you would like. :cool:

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Two in one of the PBEMs I'm currently playing. First, a Cromwell VI had recklessly careened down a road into a village partially held by my infantry. The 95mm was keeping their heads down though. So it turned to present its side to me, woot!

Or so I thought. I hunted a StuH up over a crest, perfect position. Fire, miss. Fire, miss. *WHAM* a shot from another Cromwell further away takes my StuH out on the first shot!!!

Then, my only other AFV (Wespe) hunts up and KOs the original Cromwell. Plays hide & seek with my opponents Cromwell (another VI). This goes on for a bit, neither side doing much.

Finally, another perfect set-up where I've got him in my sights but he doesn't see me. Fire, miss. Fire, miss. ARGH, turn over.

Now my opponent has targeted me, obviously. Turn starts, 3 seconds later (or so)... dead Wespe in a hull down position against the Cromwell on its first shot after having to rotate to even aim at me. What the hell is he feeding that crew! Two first shot, hull down kills.

It was frustrating, to say the least smile.gif sigh.

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