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PIAT that never reloads!?

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Ok, pretty frustrated now...

I had a PIAT team, (broken, 1 cas) a bit behind the front line, and it had been in command range and not broken or panicked for a couple of rounds, then a StuG appeared, and the PIAT targeted it. But, it was still reloading, strange I thought, it had plenty of time to reload now, no worries, Im sure it will reload and fire the next turn. Did it? No. And the next? No. And the next? No. It didnt reload for 15 rounds!!!! And, no, it was NOT under fire. When it FINALLY reloaded, it fired, reloaded and fired again in approx 1.5 min. So, why wouldnt my damn PIAT reload for 15+ min in the first place?!!?

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You said the team was broken; broken units can't do anything. What was the PIAT team's quality (regular, veteran, etc.) prior to being broken? How long did it take the team survivor to recover to the point (pinned) at which he could reload? Are you aware that a unit, once broken, is rattled (!) for the rest of the game? That might've had something to do with your woes, too.


A PIAT could be operated by one man; the No. 2 acting primarily as a transporter of additional ammo and secondarily as a backup PIAT firer. There is a case from Italy in which a trooper singlehandedly destroyed several Panthers(?) with PIAT fire while standing up, each time being knocked flat by the recoil. He was awarded the Victoria Cross, and it was widely held that the abuse he took while firing the PIAT standing more than merited Britain's highest military award.


John Kettler

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First of all, Ive played this game for 2 yrs now, and I know how the broken, panic etc works. The PIAT *HAD BEEN* broken, but was not so anymore. It was rested and in command. It was a reg unit. I can find NO reason why the unit would use 15+ turns to reload. Seems like a bug to me.

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Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

Can't have been hiding because it targeted the StuG.

Targeting anything but an ambush marker will unhide any hidden targeter.

Sometimes, when unit is sneaking and spots a hostile unit, but has a "Hide" order at the end of sneak command, the unit will hide with red targeting line extending to the potential target. But i suppose it is not he case here.

Maybe there are some variable coded into the game, that when PIAT team suffers casualty, the reload time is somewhat random. But 15 minutes seems too much anyway...

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Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ciks:

Was PIAT hiding?

Can't have been hiding because it targeted the StuG.

Targeting anything but an ambush marker will unhide any hidden targeter.



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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Have a good cry and start another game.

What exactly do you want from us? :confused:

I was hopeing for a hug from you.. :rolleyes:

I thought I mention it and see if anybody had a sensible explaination for it, I havent seen any. -> just a freak occurance or a bug?

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Sorry - it's Sennachi who gives the hugs out, not MD - he's just first against the wall when the revolution comes.

they take these distinctions seriously over there y'know :D

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Originally posted by Mike:

Sorry - it's Sennachi who gives the hugs out, not MD - he's just first against the wall when the revolution comes.

they take these distinctions seriously over there y'know :D

If any of you bastards try hugging me while I am against the wall, I swear to you I will come back to haunt you. :mad: :mad:
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Got the same problem just a few weeks ago, a good PIAT (might have been broken before)in the woods, line of sight, targetted a Stug, and didn't fire for several turns. Just kept reloading.

After 5 minutes the Stug rolled away, and an other PIAT team killed it, from about the same position (they didn't have a LOS before). Very strange, very frustrating.


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Perhaps the nervous crew fumbled their attempt to load their weapon. I certainly would be under great stress if my life depended on firing a thingie called "Projector Infantry Anti-Tank" (with a spring in it) and hitting an enemy armoured vehicle with it. I'd probably hope that the enemy would not spot me and concentrate on "reloading" the weapon ;) .

Somebody managing the damn'd thing by oneself and actually getting results deserves a piece of a Russian cannon from Sebastopol. For what it is worth I think he should be given the whole cannon for such an effort :D .

It is a game. It has flaws. Too bad. Play poker as it is flawless tongue.gif .

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The long reloading piat is probably not a bug. It is 'probably' just one of the vagaries built into the CMBO system. I think that it is cool, cool, cool and quite realistic from an historic prospective. :D

One has just got to grin, (especially) grimace, whine, wine, cry, and bear it. "Thems is just the breaks." tongue.giftongue.gif

War is awful and very random. One can do everything correct and still pay the ultimate price. :(

As the noted philosopher stated (which one, I don't know :D ): "Life sucks, and then you die." tongue.gif

Cheers, Richard ;)

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Had the same happening to a Panzerschreck team in a recent PBEM. It was a conscript Volkssturm team (yeah, exactly what I needed as my reinforcements...) and after panicking due to some rather heavy incoming fire he decided to load his weapon for quite some time. 12 turns, to be exact.

I think that's ok. One of the team was dead/wounded, I guess he was scared to death sitting in that ditch listening to the sounds of enemy armour closing in...

Maybe he thougth "Hmmm. Last time Franz fired this thing he got torn apart by a grenade 10 seconds later... I guess the British don't like it when we use this thingie... And anyway, what am I doing here in France in the middle of nowhere at 2 a.m. in the morning? Nobody told me that I'd have to single-handedly stop the bloody invasion!"

[ July 27, 2002, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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I had the same thing happen to me yesterday when I was playing Ham and Jam against the AI axis. It was for a short time though. I had several piats on the allied side of the river that the Pegasus Bridge crosses (right on the river edge) shooting at two German tanks. I swear they just sat there for a couple of minutes and this was near the end when the time had become critical and I had not captured the bridge yet. I don't know if there is a good explanation. I just have learned that wierd stuff happens in battles, good luck, bad luck...just...wierd stuff. Maybe the piat guy had a broken arm or maybe his veteran ass was just scared...

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