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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BARBELLA:

Huh, takes a Newbie to stop the MBT from ending up on page two.

Say what you like about those Aussies but at least they posted.

Seems like the rest of you are lazy gits though.

And to think when i arrived here it was from a link that promised "not just the run of the mill thread but enjoy's some stimulating conversation".

Yeah right.

Was alright till you poked your snotty nose in here, so you can now SOD OFF!!</font>
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Squire Treeburst: Barbella, you git. You'll get no "stimulating conversation" here, just a two by four up the side of the head. Now Sod Off!!

Squiress Roxanne: Well, I think it's disgusting when people come in here posing as Ladies. You can't fool me, Barbella. You're just a MEANY in disguise. You're probably Sherriff Joe.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Mace, I lay the blame for this new infestation of SSN's squarely at your unwashed, non-rules posting, bovine lusting, governmental employee feet.

And I blame life in general for you being born.


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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Squire Treeburst: Barbella, you git. You'll get no "stimulating conversation" here, just a two by four up the side of the head. Now Sod Off!!

Squiress Roxanne: Well, I think it's disgusting when people come in here posing as Ladies. You can't fool me, Barbella. You're just a MEANY in disguise. You're probably Sherriff Joe.

Another Pillock, and a fake one at that, still you smell a lot nicer than some that's probably the female element in you. I've read all about your escapades as Roxy and how you want so much to be female, frankly i wouldn't have been fooled. It takes a woman to know a woman and i hate to be the bearer of bad news but i am indeed a woman so it seems I can fool you.

BTW if i was male then i wouldn't be sheriff Joe i'd be someone with much more testosterone runing through my viens.

Anyone here fit that bill?

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Barbella the Blond Bombshell said:....i'd be someone with much more testosterone runing through my viens.

Anyone here fit that bill?

Uh, that would have to be me. Hiram would disagree; but I'm your stud, I am. BTW, you misspelled 'veins' and 'running'. Two misspellings in one sentence suggests to me you need to go back to your AOL chat room. If you don't, we'll have to shoot you.

Squire Treeburst155 out.

[ September 02, 2002, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Barbella the Blond Bombshell said:....i'd be someone with much more testosterone runing through my viens.

Anyone here fit that bill?

Uh, that would have to be me. Hiram would disagree; but I'm your stud, I am. BTW, you misspelled 'veins' and 'running'. Two misspellings in one sentence suggests to me you need to go back to your AOL chat room. If you don't, we'll have to shoot you.

Squire Treeburst155 out.</font>

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Nameless GIT Spluttered:

If i spend too much time scouring through my posts... it becomes a drag

Believe me when I tell you that it is a drag for us too. And the pre-pubescent grammatical and spelling mistakes only drag it down so much further.

Be a good boy and sod off now. Thanks!</font>

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Barbella wrote: "Feel free to shoot me anytime you want, at least it will be a testosterone fueled end, i can think of worse ways to go."

Barbella's a woman alright. She knows I'm a "testosterone fueled" stud. Only a real woman would be able to pick up on that so fast.

The only other possibility is that Barbella is Hiram.

Squire Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Great, another fake chick.

What's wrong with that? You've been a fake bloke all this time and no one's complained.

Nah, I'm betting Barbelle's a she and therefor has the Mace sign of approval.

Clothes? OK:


I think the matching paper bag for your head is worth getting.


[ September 02, 2002, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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I am NOT Hiram .

I am NOT Fionn

I am NOT Emma

I am NOT Roxy

Seems I am not the only one with grammer problems.

*makes a mental note*

Remember to check for commas.

Not that i will of course.

Thanks to Treeburst for the vote of confidence as to my sex.

When i grow up, i hope to be as clever as you.

Damn commas, who invented those anyway?

[ September 02, 2002, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: BARBELLA ]

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I'm with Mace...on Barbella that is, not sheep.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes.


Roxy: Panzer Leader, What do you mean by "another fake chick"? Are you insinuating that I'm not real? You're a MEANY, and you smell bad.

Roxanne, Keeper of Castle Moriarty

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Yeah well, when I am around a female I get a certain tingling feeling in my... wait a sec,(where did those go again?) maybe she IS a she. If not, I am sure hwoever it may be has many qualities of a she anyhow, right Treeburst?

Pardonnez moi Mace? You would put your stamp (or is it a brand?) of approval on a mailbox if it squeaked when you opened it.

[Edited to FIX whatever (few) mistakes were there. Take note, Androgyne.]

[ September 02, 2002, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Ye stankin' lecherous currs'. Didnye knoo hoo tae greet a wee lassie ain tha Pool yet? Ah thought wae waint through thas crrrap wi' Roxy (bolded, kiss mah spotty arrse)? Pillocks.

Any Kanniget tha's rude tae a lassie ain tha Pool can plah "human feckin wave" agin mah MG-34 laddie.


An' Ah didnae care af'n at's noo a lassie, ye didnae knoo tha' yet!

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Roxy: Hi boys, and Panzer Leader! I just want you all to know I've been watching Treeburst, and he's not posting as Barbella. Really he's not. He's been quite well behaved since the CMBB demo came out.

I'm off to the mall now. I want to get a little welcome gift for Barbella if Sherriff Joe doesn't kill her. Bye, bye my Heroes.

Roxanne, Keeper of Castle Moriarty

"Ladies Rule!"-Persephone

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ye stankin' lecherous currs'. Didnye knoo hoo tae greet a wee lassie ain tha Pool yet? Ah thought wae waint through thas crrrap wi' Roxy (bolded, kiss mah spotty arrse)? Pillocks.

Any Kanniget tha's rude tae a lassie ain tha Pool can plah "human feckin wave" agin mah MG-34 laddie.


An' Ah didnae care af'n at's noo a lassie, ye didnae knoo tha' yet!

Thanks for the welcome Sir, it made me feel all warm inside just reading your post, although i must admit, i did have to read it quite a few times before i got the jist.

Panzer Leader: I was about to suggest that i should post a pic to prove i am female, but that proves nothing really.

On the other hand,I'm sure there are many questions that only a woman could answer, feel free to question me all you want.

Look on me as a kinda agony aunt, who knows you may find out a few things that will give you back that tingly feeling you lost.

[ September 02, 2002, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: BARBELLA ]

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Ach! You win, me leetle loverly. (Agony Aunt?) I am v. pleased to meet you, me'mselle, and me heart would fair BURST if your posts became grammatically sound and spellingly accurate. Unt, in addition, I would weep for joy if'n you were able to go above and beyond the pale and delve into realms of entertainment.

Now, for your quiz. (A Londener, eh? This should be easy!) From whence comes this quote:

~Thursday 3 August~

123 lbs., thigh circumference 18 inches(honestly what is the bloody point), alcohol units, 0, cigatettes 25 (excellent, considering), negative thoughts: approx. 445 per hour, positive thoughts 0.

[ September 02, 2002, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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