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In the Peng Challenge Are Many Mansions, And I Go to Prepare A Place For You Now

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Aww....Panty Litter - you're such a sentimental fool - shucks - makes me feel as if I'd never left...much as I wish I had!

Nah - this is the Cess pool isn't it, so you should expect bad smells to hang around a bit - you have so why wouldn't another one?

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(Rubs sleep from eyes whilst gazing wistfully into a blurry monitor screen...}

<BIG>RISE AND SHINE!!!</BIG> It's early morning downunder and time to re-BOOT this thread into life again. Thnak HELL for us Aussies!

Geez. Looks a bit SPARTAN in here Seanachai. NO ssn's spit-roasting? Just dying embers and the faint hint of Chanel perfume? Hmmm.. methinks yon Ladies are close by - speaking of which, where's that bloody beer fridge Emma promised to stock? Can't find it in this dimlight. Fer cryin' out loud, how's a bloke supposed to wake up proper without a decent heart starter??

Macey - where's that bottle of Vegemite you've been fingerpainting lately with? I could do with some of that real tucker too!


Aww .. phew, you northern bloody lot snore and fart something chronic. No more beans and haggis for YOU!

Sigh.... another day in the 'Pool. Can there be any life without it?


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Not bad Seanachai not bad at all ... not up to MY standards of course but not bad.

I'm here but I have a headache, no doubt brought on by my toothache ... or the lack of solid food that it pre-empted. Either way ... NO TURNS FOR A BIT.


p.s. Of course on the flip side I AM here.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


(Rubs sleep from eyes whilst gazing wistfully into a blurry monitor screen...}

<BIG>RISE AND SHINE!!!</BIG> It's early morning downunder and time to re-BOOT this thread into life again. Thnak HELL for us Aussies!

Geez. Looks a bit SPARTAN in here Seanachai. NO ssn's spit-roasting? Just dying embers and the faint hint of Chanel perfume? Hmmm.. methinks yon Ladies are close by - speaking of which, where's that bloody beer fridge Emma promised to stock? Can't find it in this dimlight. Fer cryin' out loud, how's a bloke supposed to wake up proper without a decent heart starter??

Macey - where's that bottle of Vegemite you've been fingerpainting lately with? I could do with some of that real tucker too!


Aww .. phew, you northern bloody lot snore and fart something chronic. No more beans and haggis for YOU!

Sigh.... another day in the 'Pool. Can there be any life without it?


Good Morning Bro, feel free to help yourself to Haggis or beans, but there's no beer as yet.

Something about the Brits using up all the brewers yeast for Marmite.

Would a nice black coffee help?

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Originally posted by YK2:

Just as I was reading Yeknods post a Pot Noodle commercial came on T.V.

Now that's scary..... :eek:

OK, I've heard the name "Pot noodle" before, but I have absolutely no idea what it may be, other than it's considered to be almost like food. I assume it's fairly nasty. Is there anything on this side of the pond which would be comparable? Roadkill, perhaps?
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>OK, I've heard the name "Pot noodle" before, but I have absolutely no idea what it may be, other than it's considered to be almost like food</font>

Fear It
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>OK, I've heard the name "Pot noodle" before, but I have absolutely no idea what it may be, other than it's considered to be almost like food</font>

Fear It</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

OMG Seanacoochiecoo is this the best you could do? I know you didn't have much time, but a "Pink Door". :eek:

It's not pink, it's 'salmon'.


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Originally posted by YK2:

AJ Good Morning Bro, feel free to help yourself to Haggis or beans, but there's no beer as yet.

Something about the Brits using up all the brewers yeast for Marmite.

Would a nice black coffee help?

Hi bonnie Sis! Nice evening over there? As long as the beans are Heinz. We know what beanz meanz!! And yes thanks, a strong, hot brew of "43 beans in every cup" might hit the spot as well in lieu of the damn Brits flogging OUR beer! Sod'em. *sniff*

Well, Joan and I are about to head orf to the Perth Royal Show for the day with 5yo grand-daughter Sophie. Please say a little prayer for us to return at least partly sane and not totally broke!! {I swear I am NOT riding the SupaDoopa Dizzy-Wizzy Loop-The-Loop thingy!!}

Chiz till later,

Big Bro.

[ October 02, 2002, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Lars is playing more quickly, but this is apparently because he isn't doing anything at all. Hel-loooo!!! I'm defending in this one.

One movie file.

He gives me one bloody movie file…

Did it occur to you that I need to clear the hill before my troops can pretend they’re Scots and wave their private parts at you? That it might take a little time for the poor sods to trundle their way forwards? That if you had placed a scout somewhere up there you would know all this?

No, I imagine it didn’t.

In other news,

In a bitterly fought battle, full of cries of “how many guns did you buy?, you gamey bastard!”, “aren’t you out of arty yet?” and “that was my only tank!” (oops, that was me), the forces of the not-so-good have prevailed.

Allies – 36

Axis - 55

Axis Minor Victory

Buzzsaw has plucked the wings off of Victory and gone down in flaming defeat.

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I will not spend my valuable time helping you compose your posts to the MBT anymore unless you send me a CMBB setup. I will also quit balancing your checkbook for you, AND quit explaining the plots of your favorite cartoons to you. IOW, if I'm to continue helping you hide your lackwit nature from the world, you must send me a setup. Nothing is free in this world, boyo.

I would prefer to play one of the CD scenarios double-blind. The only one I've seen is the one I'm playing with The Justicar. Unfortunately, I don't remember which one that is because it's been an age since THAT lackwit has sent me a turn. Hopefully he sodded off as I requested each and every time he fouled my mailbox with his drivel.

You pick the side and the scenario. I'll play anything you want. I'll be happy to call you COLLECT and read the scenario descriptions to you over the phone. That is all. You can go back to looking at your comic book pictures now, especially if that means you'll be sodding off to do so.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of a certain Cesspooler (who shall remain anonymous to protect his/her image) your old Unca Stukey is now flush with the necessary readies and has ordered CMBB.


Sold your soul to the Devil, eh? Contrary to popular belief, Lucifer's an old softie at heart.

[ October 02, 2002, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Macey can be a devil, and he's definitely soft at heart (or at least he is after yuo bash him a few times with a cricket bat), but he isn't the devil.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>OK, I've heard the name "Pot noodle" before, but I have absolutely no idea what it may be, other than it's considered to be almost like food</font>

Fear It</font>
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