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One Flew Over the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:

No, not all of us...but you apparently have...



I didn't know I was allowed visitors. Must be that that "mirror" isn't really just a mirror after all....

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Just a quick note to inform several folks that they are approaching being named as a wuss here in this hallowed forum by the ÜberLizard for the following misdeeds:

mrspkr Owes us a turn since 13 Jan in a game with only two turns left. We think he is not liking his chances and is hiding behind Hiram's couch. He wussiness is grwoing by the minute.


Been there. The next thing will be his routine infamous excuse: "I lost the file and I also forgot my password so I can't play even if you send it to me." This guy wears Pampers on his head to cover the bald spot(s), and he doesn't expect people to notice either.

And MrSpkr wants to be a real attorney?? Brazen Lies as excuses are okay, but they MUST be credible to the average apple in order to get your bill paid.

Patch, I checked the mailbox everyday, but the logo you promised hasn't arrived. Hell, even Joe's check will get here sooner if you don't make more effort. Remember, we can still snatch the Justicar back to the Cess Patrol page. A warning....

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Broke out the old Iron Maiden albums this weekend I see Persephone?

What the hell is a Persephone by the way?<hr></blockquote>

In greek mythology Persephone was basicly mother natures daughter who made a bad deal with Hades. 6 months out of the year Persephone is forced to sit at the side of the greek god of the dead, and when this happens her mother becomes so sad sge neglects the earth and thats when winter occurs. Upon Persephones return, her mother is over joyed and the flowers begin to bloom.(spring) This is how the ancient greeks explained the changing of the seasons.

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Guest PondScum

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:

No, not all of us...but you apparently have...



Oh dear. That is mon petite general? Can I get a recount? Or failing that, a blindfold?

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba:

Never mind. All life is transient, yours especially and that of your froggie friends. Make sure they stop at the pub on the way into the village, they will need some dutch courage to face the might of the German Army.

By the way ! Who took down the road signs ?


Road signs? Who needs road signs? Filled with joie de vivre, my Gaullist forces are on a care-free jaunt through the countryside, letting the road take them where it will. We will certainly stop in at the pub on the way, to ensure that it is filled with authentically lazy French waiters: no Prussian efficiency will be allowed.

Parlez-vous .45 ?

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Apropos of nothing at all, please be reminded that once an SSN has been sent to Coventry, no further communication with said SSN shall be allowed within the bounds of the CessPool. Therefore, if such an SSN should post to the CessPool regarding, oh say, someone's name just to pull a sample out of the hat, CessPoolers are NOT to respond regardless of the idiocy of the post.

I've no particular reason for reminding you all of this ... I just felt like being officious again. Damn ... that felt good. Maybe I'll do some CM turns tonight.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Apropos of nothing at all, please be reminded that once an SSN has been sent to Coventry, no further communication with said SSN shall be allowed within the bounds of the CessPool. Therefore, if such an SSN should post to the CessPool regarding, oh say, someone's name just to pull a sample out of the hat, CessPoolers are NOT to respond regardless of the idiocy of the post.

I've no particular reason for reminding you all of this ... I just felt like being officious again. Damn ... that felt good. Maybe I'll do some CM turns tonight.


Who is this guy?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Apropos of nothing at all, please be reminded that once an SSN has been sent to Coventry, no further communication with said SSN shall be allowed within the bounds of the CessPool. Therefore, if such an SSN should post to the CessPool regarding, oh say, someone's name just to pull a sample out of the hat, CessPoolers are NOT to respond regardless of the idiocy of the post.

I've no particular reason for reminding you all of this ... I just felt like being officious again. Damn ... that felt good. Maybe I'll do some CM turns tonight.


Er... did someone return from Coventry?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Sad to see that you have forgotten what its like to defend against a competant attack<hr></blockquote>

Well, you did see the list of who I am playing above, I assume?

Disclaimer: The above is not to infer that Berli is capable of mounting a competent attack however. Throwing around more smoke than the recent bushfires will only serve to obscure his ultimate demise from him until he is much, much closer.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

How I long to suckle at the teat of the nicotene goddess. I am quitting smoking and I am slowly smelling New Jersey now as my senses return. <hr></blockquote>

Waill done, laddie! Ah daid tha deed back ain '96. Ah foond tha Nicorette gum made tha difference fer mae!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

(circling the paddock with solemn, morose steps)


Nobbit by name and Nobbit by nature,

Nobbits are born in Nostrilasia

(stopping to think)

...cacophony....hmmmm... cacophony.... suppose its a long word...

(circling restarts at funereal pace)


[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]<hr></blockquote>

Wha a marvelous squire Ah have. Joe Ah'd play ye boot Ah cannae shut-oop long enough Shaw may ha' raised three rancid squires, but tha's dawdlin' pillock o' mine as a refreshin' breath o' stale air.

Sae YuckyThuddadump, ye weepin' scab, arrrre ye smackin' tha lolly-gobble-bliss-bombs oot o' them filthy opponaints o' yours? Are ye cuttin' a swathe o' misery thru their varicose legions? Are ye dwin ye ol' Leige prood?

Waill, are ye?


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The Gates-slut scores a kill.

the boils on OGSFLMNOP's wee spaniel known as Croda have surrender monkeyed to the Army of Sluts.

The Score:

Volksturm Militia Sluts: 84

Sissy French Croda Bum Boils: 16

The humiliation:

Armorless, Artyless company of Alt Volks und Kinder beat the snot out of a company of Damned French Persons who had Arty, a Sherman and a Grayhound. We met at night and danced with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight. Thanks be to Berilo and his minions for this victory. The forces of evil must have truly been at work for the Army of Sluts to win with the uberwuss crew we had. Either that or Croda really smells like butt.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Sae YuckyThuddadump, ye weepin' scab, arrrre ye smackin' tha lolly-gobble-bliss-bombs oot o' them filthy opponaints o' yours? Are ye cuttin' a swathe o' misery thru their varicose legions? Are ye dwin ye ol' Leige prood?

Waill, are ye?


Hey yoo! The one who's talkin funny again. My squire can out-squire your squire any day of the week. PondScum! PondScum!! dammit they're never around when you need them... Pinch it off and show this here Kaniggit of Many Letters what a fine job of picking you off the block I did. If you haven't challenged his whelp Longears yet, add him to your list.

Wait a minute. Young lads, donkeys...

Hanns, any advice on how to supervise?

[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: dalem ]</p>

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Guest PondScum

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

Hey yoo! The one who's talkin funny again. My squire can out-squire your squire any day of the week. PondScum! PondScum!! dammit they're never around when you need them...


Grovelling apologies for the inexcusable delay, mon liege. I was listening out only for "Snowdrop".


Pinch it off and show this here Kaniggit of Many Letters what a fine job of picking you off the block I did. If you haven't challenged his whelp Longears yet, add him to your list.


The donkey, sir? It seemed to be doing a good job of going into terminal depression all by itself, especially after that nasty incident with Persephone and the sword. Although I do hear dark rumors that the sword was actually serious overkill, and the Bride Of The Evil One needed a microscalpel to complete the operation, if you catch my drift.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut:


The Gates-slut scores a kill.

the boils on OGSFLMNOP's wee spaniel known as Croda have surrender monkeyed to the Army of Sluts.

The Score:

Volksturm Militia Sluts: 84

Sissy French Croda Bum Boils: 16

The humiliation:

Armorless, Artyless company of Alt Volks und Kinder beat the snot out of a company of Damned French Persons who had Arty, a Sherman and a Grayhound. We met at night and danced with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight. Thanks be to Berilo and his minions for this victory. The forces of evil must have truly been at work for the Army of Sluts to win with the uberwuss crew we had. Either that or Croda really smells like butt.


'Twas certainly the minions. You and your legion of Panzerschreks certainly had diving intervention. It is abnormal and unusual for a schrek to score a first shot 300m kill at night on the frontal armor of a Sherman. Perhaps not unprecedented, but at least abnormal. Seeing that, my Pawbroons simply barfed up their croysants and beat feet out of dodge. Where were the Americans when you need them?

**Editor's Note: Had Peng not cheated by "losing" the file from our original game, I would have slaughtered him wholesale and fed his inner Peng to his children spiced with Essence of Emeril.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PondScum:

The donkey, sir? It seemed to be doing a good job of going into terminal depression all by itself, especially after that nasty incident with Persephone and the sword. Although I do hear dark rumors that the sword was actually serious overkill, and the Bride Of The Evil One needed a microscalpel to complete the operation, if you catch my drift.<hr></blockquote>

'The donkey' aye! (and yeah, I heard it was a choice between a sword and some fine grit sandpaper.

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From the last installment of ... The Trial of Goanna and chrisl:

Lorak: Good, uh ... Justicar ... my hand got kinda hurt TOO you know, and well, I don't know if I'll be able to take notes too well ... and I was just ... uh ...

Justicar: Of COURSE your lordship, I was just waiting for permission to

proceed. Baliff, please open the doors ...

And with that, Lars, the Court Baliff, walked to the doors. You could have heard a pin drop and indeed did hear, from behind the closed door, a small yet piercing voice exclaim "Oh poop, I broke another nail." Lars, with an attitude approaching reverence but REALLY approaching lust, took the massive oaken handles one in each hand and reverentially opened them wide ... and in walked ... it was like ... a song ...

She walked into the courtroom like she was walking onto a yacht

Her blouse strategically cut so low oh my

Her skirt it was almost NOT

She had both eyes on Lord Lorak as he sucked in his middle aged pot

And all of the jurors dreamed they'd vote for guilty,

They'd vote for guilty, and ...

They're to blame, Goanna and chrisl are so screwed

They're to blame, they messed up and now they are so screwed,

So screwed, So screwed.

Justicar: Milord, may I be allowed the honor of introducing Miss Simile Rose, Head Stenographer of Big Al's House of Stenography and Massage Arts.

Miss Rose: Pleased tameetcha Lord, I ain't never done this with a real Lord before.

Lorak: ummmpphhhhfffff

Miss Rose: Opppsies, I guess I gotta get a little ... closer ... sos I can hear you.

And with that, Miss Rose mounted, one by one the steps to the chair of Lorak. She looked around for somewhere to sit but, seeing nothing, giggled, pulled out her stenographers pad, turned her shapely figure around and settled lightly on the lap of Lord Lorak.

Lorak: ahahhhmmmmmaaaa

Miss Rose: "ahahhhmmmmaaaa" is that with one or two ahah's?

A rising murmur from the jury pulled the attention of the Justicar from the legal formalities being carried out behind the bench. He looked to Lord Lorak, who seemed to be having a bit of trouble concentrating.

Justicar: May it please the CessPool, the stenographers for the Jury are also in the hall. With the permission of his Lordship I shall call them in.

Lorak: Hmmmsfffffsss

Justicar: Quite so milord. Ladies ... please make your way to the Jury panel.

Into the courtroom ambled ... yes, ambled would be a good description ... a collection of stenographers to please the most hardened of dictation crazed managers. There were redheads, blondes, brunettes and the odd orange and pink feathered creations, all with stenographer pads and pencils and all wearing the same identical outfits. Their shorts were ... short, very short in point of fact and they had matching tee-shirts in CessPool brown and green with the legend "chrisl ... Goanna To Jail." They marched through the partition and wiggled and pushed their way into the jury box. Some whispered consultations eventually led this one to the left, that one to the right but soon all were happy and the stenographers, upon a signal from Miss Rose, settled themselves upon the laps of the Jurors. There were, apparently, several minor adjustments to the seating positions that resulted in quite a few rustlings and shifting about. The jurors, obviously not used to this sort of workout, appeared flushed and out of breath.

Justicar: May it please your lordship, the CessPool is ready to present it's opening statement.

Lorak: Hmmmfff

Miss Rose: Was that hummppff or hemmppphh?

Justicar: Knights of the CessPool, I come before you today with a sad tale. A tale of betrayal and treason so vile as to beggar the imagination. For it is against the very fabric of the CessPool, the actual soul of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the person of Peng HIMSELF that this pair of villians have conspired against.

The CessPool shall prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the defendants, Goanna and chrisl, did conspire together to bring about the unjust and unfair defeat of Peng in order ... to deprive him of his name! And in this, my fellow Knights of the CessPool, they succeeded. But the CessPool shall show to you, shall indeed PROVE to you, that their success was ill got and shall not be upheld.

If this is not the Peng Challenge Thread ... then what is it? If we are not Pengers, what are we? The CessPool, as always, is searching for justice and is devoted to protecting YOU and your rights as CessPoolers.

Send them to hell!

And with that rousing speech that brought tears to the eyes of the jury upon whose laps the stenograhers struggled and jostled in an attempt to copy the words of the Justicar, the opening phase of the trial came to a close.

Lorak: hemmememe


[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

'The donkey' aye! (and yeah, I heard it was a choice between a sword and some fine grit sandpaper.<hr></blockquote>

(as the damp mists begin to shift to herald yet another uneventful day, new signs can be read at the paddock welcoming strangers)

Nobbits and Veterinarys

Go Away

Plastic Gloves




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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

'The donkey' aye! (and yeah, I heard it was a choice between a sword and some fine grit sandpaper.<hr></blockquote>

...thistles, grass, lots of grass, the occasional apple when someone can find the time from their busy day to drop one, more grass.... and thistles... I suppose a SnowDrop MIGHT make a change... if it didn't move, which I'm sure it might if it could... does the SnowDrop need crayons?


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