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One Flew Over the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

She sat there on the second shelf below the milk.


Well, yes. I venture the opinion that only a hopeless lunatic keeps the cheetos in the refrigerator.

If they were not being kept in the refrigerator, I admonish you from drinking milk.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lorak:

Hunting The Pats


Lorak the loathed<hr></blockquote>

Being a native New Englander, I feel I must stand up against this foolish Steeler prattle. I am surrounded by Pittsburghians and they drive me near to a frenzy. Why don't you dig out our old QB if you still have it and we'll finish it up the right way.

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ÜberLizard Update!

He hardly even rates a real update, given the obvious outcome of any battle against the Bard, but I am required to report the utter topplement of Seanachai by the forces of scaliness in a mere 8 turns. It was a completely random computer selected ME which only goes to show the disdain that even artificial intelligences show for the likes of garden gnomes. For those who can stand the gory details:

Axis (Goanna): 9 casualties (3 KIA) some due to falling down from laughing, one HT lost (79 pt)

Allies (Seanachai: 60 casualties (17 KIA), 2 mortars one Sexton and two Kangaroos lost (21 pt)

Axis Major Victory

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I must also report that the Bard has yet to make his selection of forces in the "Wrath of the Gnome" against wussl so Peng will be stuck in Coventry for a while yet unless Berli is able to muster some intestinal fortitude.

Further, I wish to support my squire Patch and recommend that all good kaniggets refer to chrisl as wussl until such time as he supplies Patch with the required photograph.

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There was a Cesspooler called Croda

Who dreamed of marrying Abe Vigoda

But he drove all of his defending German armor out from behind good cover,

And gave my advancing Shermans great shots from multiple angles against his thin side armor and so basically bent himself over

And so now his rectum feels like he's just passed a pagoda


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Ah, how I would have loved to post more this evening, but was taken away by duties more flavourful.

I was, in fact, quite caught up in the business of making Lamb Stew. And not just any lamb stew, that even a lot of sordid fast-food excresences like yourselves might, with the help of all the culinary gods, pull together. No, this is Seanachai's Lamb Stew, famed in song and story.

This stew could make Peng smile, Berli show mercy, and Shaw post briefly. It could add 5 years to the life expectancy of Iskander's liver. It would cause Lawyer to murmur 'nolle prosequi'. One bowl would make Hiram, Sir Eeyore himself, dance, laugh, and become quite jolly.

One helping of this stew would make Bauhaus refuse to rise from the table, until he'd been given another serving, no matter what the provocation of suggestive postings.

A single ladleful of this stew would cause Moriarity, Stuka, and Mark IV to stand cheek to jowl, and sing "We are Poor Little Lambs, that Have Lost Our Way", with soulful looks.

Goanna, after tasting, would declare it 'a bit of alright', and curse the years he'd spent eating insects and smaller reptiles.

After a good meal of this stew, with a crusty bread accompaniment and a decent red wine, Simon Fox would be heard to actually laugh in a pleasant and carefree manner.

Finally, eating this stew would bring about a life change in Mace, who would stand forth weeping, declaring 'How deeply I regret the years I wasted in carnal knowledge of these beautiful animals, when they could have been more gainfully employed in making this Ambrosia.'

Okay, some of the above may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it's truly a damn good stew.

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It seems that my GrandLiege has returned bearing with him a title in need of a suitable recipient. The title in question is

Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug

Now, I ask if this title was not created especially for me then I would have to believe in Fate or somefink. All points of description doth pertain to my humble self.

Large Since I'm just shy of 2 meters in height I more than qualify. I've since put on a few pounds over my damn skinny Army weight of 17 stones. Also my current battle with Nobo(dy) is indeed quite large. It will be entertaining to watch to bodies of his Canucks floating in the mire. His sporatic arty fire on undefended woods is amusing.

Vicious Oh, indeed I am. A favorite blow off line when working at the bar is "I don't smile unless I'm hurting people" which is all too true. The sensation of pounding someone's face into a brick wall and asking them "Are you alright sir?" and repeating it until they stop answering is a wonderful thing. The battle between myself and CMPlatter is also showing this level of viciousness. Something about his 800 points of MGs and the billiard table my troops are advancing over brings back memories of WWI and I don't even have the option to use mustard gas on his airborne gits. The body count on this little bit of scarlet greens will be impressive indeed.

Amoral My Liege Sir Lars can attest to this bit. Can one truly be of moral purity when he tries to hook his Liege up with a pre-op transexual at the local bondage bar? Enuff said methinks. Our current game of Combat Mission involves lots of things running around, sound contacts and a couple of screams here and there. Sounds like another night at the bar if you ask me.

and lastly

Thug Who else but a malicious bastard would kick sand in the face of one so gentle and unassuming as ShandyJeff? His eloquent flowery posts and inner feminine stirrings will be violently crushed under the hob nailed boots of my übertruppen in the little abortion of a scenario we are competing in. I'm afraid that he will act in typical XX chromosome fashion and lie, steal, cheat or cry with puffy eyes to try and win. Unfortunately these fall on deaf ears and cold ground.

A title such as this is not merely given but earned by it's merits. If recognized for my efforts I shall put the fear of the Justicariate into the mewling souls of the legion of SSNs that have infested the Cesspool of late. I stand ready!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

It seems that my GrandLiege has returned bearing with him a title in need of a suitable recipient. The title in question is

Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug

Now, I ask if this title was not created especially for me then I would have to believe in Fate or somefink. All points of description doth pertain to my humble self.


Well, far be it from me to label another with the epitaph of 'Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug', but if any man would serve on short notice, it would be Hanns.

Having, in fact, met Hanns face to face (or, well, actually, 'face to muscled ribcage', in my case), I can attest to his immediate qualifications vis-a-vis 'large thug'.

Now, given the nature of his conversation on the night we spent drinking pitcher after pitcher of beer, I can also sign on to the concept of his being 'amoral'. In fact, many of the things that he unblushingly shared with us, and, in fact, went on about at some length, would normally qualify as 'completely and soddingly immoral', but then, I'm not a judgemental man.

The only thing I question in his 'job description' is 'Vicious'. During the evening I spent in his jolly if rather sordid company, he was quite the entertaining individual, and brought to the Olde Ones pitcher after pitcher of beer.

But, I feel that Hanns is most likely up to the challenge of being vicious, and I concur with the concept of him as a sort of 'Pool enforcer.

By the by, is anyone else alarmed by the fact that Shaw is on a generational cycle of Squireship? I mean, the man's Squires now have Squires. That can't be right.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

It seems that my GrandLiege has returned bearing with him a title in need of a suitable recipient. The title in question is

Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug



Please be advised new position will require official conveyance: offer of Large, Suspicious, Floral Donkey for your personal transportation needs: please report to paddock to fit jompers and riding crop.


[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Further, I wish to support my squire Patch and recommend that all good kaniggets refer to chrisl as wussl until such time as he supplies Patch with the required photograph.<hr></blockquote>

Damned fine suggestion... even from an Anti-Peng Revolutionary such as your self. However, I see no reason to stop calling him wussl just because he sends the picture

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I was, in fact, quite caught up in the business of making Lamb Stew.


This stew could make... Berli show mercy<hr></blockquote>

The Hell it would! Sheep is not fit for human concumption. I can think of few things as vile tasting as sheep. I would rather eat a big mac that allow sheep to pass my lips

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Originally posted by yakfurball

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> offer of Leprous Suspiciously-gay Flacid Donkey <hr></blockquote>

Listen here SSN, the club I work at already has a S&M donkey. Well, it's more of a pony and he gives rides to properly attired women. His mistress is one mean b*tch and that's meant in a good way. I heard something about him having his own corral to sleep in or somefink like it. All of which HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! It's humorous and all but I shall swat down your pityful brayings like the insignifigant horsefly (donkey, whatever) that you are. Maybe Germanboy (wink, wink) will take pity and find you a nice new adoptive home in an Amsterdam donkey show. Or maybe just send you off to the slaughterhouse. I vote for the second and would like to see the look on the face of the Frenchman who ends up with you on his plate. Perhaps noting the suckiness of your posts they would send you to the glue factory. Imagine the looks on the cherubic little faces of kindergardeners when they get a new tub of donkeyglue, end up eating it and develop Inane Donkey Rambling Syndrome. One can only hope.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

Originally posted by yakfurball

Listen here SSN, the club I work at already has a S&M donkey. Well, it's more of a pony and he gives rides to properly attired women. His mistress is one mean b*tch and that's meant in a good way. I heard something about him having his own corral to sleep in or somefink like it. All of which HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! It's humorous and all but I shall swat down your pityful brayings like the insignifigant horsefly (donkey, whatever) that you are. Maybe Germanboy (wink, wink) will take pity and find you a nice new adoptive home in an Amsterdam donkey show. Or maybe just send you off to the slaughterhouse. I vote for the second and would like to see the look on the face of the Frenchman who ends up with you on his plate. Perhaps noting the suckiness of your posts they would send you to the glue factory. Imagine the looks on the cherubic little faces of kindergardeners when they get a new tub of donkeyglue, end up eating it and develop Inane Donkey Rambling Syndrome. One can only hope.



No, no, no what I meant by position was... oh, gawd, look, okay... (aside: bleedin' ell, get one that's one haricot bean short of a full can, tch)...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I would rather eat a big mac than allow sheep to pass my lips<hr></blockquote>

*Zooms in from outer boards*

Too bad you couldn't say the same about your hips

*Zooms back to outer boards*

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Deer donkeyboy.

Get a life. Stop trolloping yourself around the 'pool and have a little shred of decency. Donkeys have an un-measurably bad habit of braying to enjoy their own noise. You too have this annoyingly limp-wristed habit. Cease this cacophany. Why don't you do something to enhance all of humanities future...donate your pea-brain to science. Now


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Dear pondie, floating as you do at the whim of nature, do you feel your life can be flicked out at the whisper of a breeze...or the Kersplash of a brick in your tepid universe.

Never mind. All life is transient, yours especially and that of your froggie friends. Make sure they stop at the pub on the way into the village, they will need some dutch courage to face the might of the German Army.

By the way ! Who took down the road signs ?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I can think of few things as vile tasting as sheep. <hr></blockquote>

You have to skin then cook them first!

btw Seanachai. Lamb stew huh? I'll forgive you as long as you reveal the ingredients.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:


There was a Cesspooler called Croda

Who dreamed of marrying Abe Vigoda

But he drove all of his defending German armor out from behind good cover,

And gave my advancing Shermans great shots from multiple angles against his thin side armor and so basically bent himself over

And so now his rectum feels like he's just passed a pagoda

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!<hr></blockquote>

If those Germans were so smart, they would have placed turrets on all of their AFVs. Stoopid bastages liked having to rotate the whole machine to get a shot I suppose.

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So Seanachai is cooking babies for dinner, and thoroughly enjoying it... How sickening in all respects.

As Mace might say:

Thank heaven for leetle lambs,

because they grow up to be big fat sheepie girls...

BTW, you haven't posted the logo, Mace. Get to work.

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