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Peng Tripods: Challenging The Myth

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Now that Seanachai has become a Bren Tripodite (Yeknod got in the most telling arguement against tripods I've seen), can we finally allow the Peng Challenge Thread die?

hmm.. just remembered somefink else


Thank you very bleedin' much! Imagine my surprise when I get up Sunday morning and stumble into the kitchen for breakfast. Was it a proper Pigs-Must-Die® breakfast? NO! Bloody [sneer]scones, Devon cream and TEA[/sneer]. Now the scones were acceptable, and the Devon cream was ok, but TEA?! Right thinking people drink COFFEE, not TEA! And where the HELL were the dead pigs. Absolutely ruined my Sunday... MONDAYS FOR EVERYONE!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Right thinking people drink COFFEE, not TEA!

Only real men can handle tea!

Originally posted by Bozo:


And don't look now, but I think your dog left a little 'present' on the floor.


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Originally posted by Bozo:

'm not tubby!

Hey Berli! Ain't it time for you to feed me?


Incoming!! Oh dear, here comes 'nuther sniveling SSN. Wot! Too grogotopical in the BTR thread for your liking??? And to top it orf, <SMALL><SMALL>Bozo The Clod<BIG><BIG> had to edit his/hers post to add a toe to the paw print! tut, tut......

No bad feelings, but rules are rules, ya know. I'm sure you understand..... so, step this way please ..... that's it! Good boy!! Now turn around ...... a little more ....... that'a boy!! My you learn fast... <BIG><BIG>*BOOT*!!<SMALL><SMALL> Ta-ta....... you'all don't come back now <SMALL><SMALL>Bonzo<BIG><BIG>, ya'hear???


<SMALL>Deputy Devil<SMALL>

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Good. Now that I haven't got any, read my lips:

Seanachai Unworthy grogpup that he is, absolutely spanked my pathetic bumbling Brits in Berli's devilish Rhees-am-Rhine scenario. Ermm ... My Liege, now I understand why you mentioned "DIE A LOT" relative to the selection of said forces. Spew...

Lars We are currently engaged - whatever THAT means! His whiskey addled 'Merkins are loitering in the woods. My elf-like pixieTruppen are traipsing through the meadows, being mown down like so many thistleheads. I think he is winning - again. Spew...

OGSF Pressed GO and proceed to die-a-lot. The slaughter was so bad, I decided to take mercy on him and have withdrawn to allow his KT's to move up into defilade. Soon, no doubt I will begin to enjoy the thrill of die-a-lot, too. Gack..

Boo-Radley Is a gamey bastiche who has just knocked out my one and ONLY ARMOURED AFV in our latest QB by hiding an AT team inside a gopher hole. I hates him and shall send forth a plague of infantry to mop him up. Retch..

MrSpkr Is trying to find my UberFroggies. Little does he know how little he knows.. move this way a bit ....... no ...... THIS way ... that's better. I'm sure he will get a pleasant surprise any turn now. Thus, I am winning. Yay..

Croda Went for a stroll towards Kent Manor - a scenario HE designed. Unfortunately, the golden wheatfields his good ol' boys have been advancing through must be full of hornets. His paltrypixels are hopping and running all over the shop at present, looking for a quick way out of their master's predicament. I guess that means I'm winning this one, two..

Stuka The destruction of his 112th has just begun! My tanks have just run over his pet poodle on the northern approach road (a loverly squishing sound did it make, too). He is no doubt quacking in his jackboots at the sound of all that <U>HEAVY</U> armour approaching from all sides, with <U>DEADLY</U> guns a'bristling - hehe. If I were him, I'd give up now!

Noba #1 The Joust: Part III. GrogSlappy's Squire has just been introduced to my impenetrable Uber-armour. Thus his Polish pigdogs now run yapping from the scene of their crime. The Bridges of Toko Ri (oops ... sorry ..... wrong moofie) The <U>Bridges of Hell</U> shall soon be ALL MINE -Mwu-ha-hA-HA!! ... coff ...splutter.. <BIG>

Noba #2 The Royals Are Rooted: Part 3f.

My eyes are hurtin' from all the flashing, banging splody stuff going orf in me face here! I think some of it is HIS tanks going BOOM and some of it is MY tanks going BOOM! Unfortunately, he has more tanks that can go BOOM. I might lose. Sniff..

Yeknodathon He'd better hope the AI does the DECENT thing and surrenders up this miserable QB soon on his behalf, else uncountable mutilated mules will twitch a'lying in the mud and the blood and the tears. So sad ...

Simon Elwin Ah, Simmo, poor lad has ended up on the wrong side of the ledger, having drawn the Brit short straw in Rhees-am-Rhine. Know tell me, HOW could that have happened {snicker}... His loss is my gain. For now.


So, there you have nothing.

Sod back off to your keyboards and type inanely...


<small>[ April 22, 2002, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Ahh, a Monday. (Thanks Berli -- Someday you'll pay for these blasted things!)

Although Mondays are depressingly tedious affairs, I did get a turn back from Speedbump that brightened my day. The accompanying email read:



Now, I haven't opened the attached CMBO turn-file yet, but I am pretty sure this is good news; thus, my Monday is now at least a Tuesday, and maybe even a Wednesday.

Life is good.


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I've decided that my reputation on the board is in need of a facelift. I'm tired of people thinking that just because I can't tell one Ausf of a Panther from another just by the muffler (do they have mufflers then?) that I don't know what I'm talking about or can't participate in any Groggly games.

So, to take a leaf from my previous post in the Bren Gun Thread, I'd like to take a few dozen posts to explore the subject of:


STEN GUN TRIPODS! As can be seen from this mostly unretouched photo, Tripods for Sten Guns WERE used in at least ONE case. I have attempted to find further evidence of it's issue in the CES but the website for the Consumer Electronic Show said zilch about it and since Aunty Don't Know Jack hasn't bothered to tell us the OTHER, Double Secret meaning of the term I'm pretty much at a loss.

NONETHELESS, I DEMAND that BTS scrap everything they've been working on and get this puppy included in CMBO and I mean RIGHT NOW BUBBA!

Furthermore, I'd like to apologize for my harping on a mere movie star and hereby promise not to talk about John Wayne for a while ... besides, how can you compare John Wayne to a Starship Captain like Jean-Luc Picard!


[ April 22, 2002, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Furthermore, I'd like to apologize for my harping on a mere movie star and hereby promise not to talk about John Wayne for a while ... besides, how can you compare John Wayne to a Starship Captain like Jean-Luc Picard!

Here's a comparison: John Wayne had more hair. Cpt. Picard was, according to all the documentary evidence, a total slaphead, except when cross-dressing as a Romulan streetwalker. I have heard rumors, however, that Scott Bakula is a tripod.
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Now that Seanachai has become a Bren Tripodite (Yeknod got in the most telling arguement against tripods I've seen), can we finally allow the Peng Challenge Thread die?

hmm.. just remembered somefink else


Thank you very bleedin' much! Imagine my surprise when I get up Sunday morning and stumble into the kitchen for breakfast. Was it a proper Pigs-Must-Die® breakfast? NO! Bloody [sneer]scones, Devon cream and TEA[/sneer]. Now the scones were acceptable, and the Devon cream was ok, but TEA?! Right thinking people drink COFFEE, not TEA! And where the HELL were the dead pigs. Absolutely ruined my Sunday... MONDAYS FOR EVERYONE!

Muhahahahahahahahahahahha... the pigs come later... muhahahahahahahahahahahaha

Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


NONETHELESS, I DEMAND that BTS scrap everything they've been working on and get this puppy included in CMBO and I mean RIGHT NOW BUBBA!


Oh, yes BTS, more Joe Shaws in CM. I wish to have a whole of company of 'em for ahem... "experiments".

Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Dalem doesn't need no stinkin' tripod!


Well DUH! Of COURSE he doesn't have a tripod, it's a Tommy Gun! A STEN Gun, OTOH, is clearly a superior weapon because, HELLO, it's BRITISH! I shouldn't have to explain these things to you Patch. If you'd READ my original post instead of only quoting the parts that bolstered your case and then totally changing the meaning of the whole thing you'd have been better of and why haven't you apologized yet anyway?

As to Picard, my point was that a mere movie star can't compare to a gallant and brilliant startship captain like Picard. Now obviously if you're comparing Wayne to KIRK, for example, I'd have to be in full agreement with you.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to Picard, my point was that a mere movie star can't compare to a gallant and brilliant startship captain like Picard. Now obviously if you're comparing Wayne to KIRK, for example, I'd have to be in full agreement with you.

I am next in line to be bludgeoned by anyone who is bored to tears because of my long windedness.


Joe, you insufferable bore. Sometimes, your posts have to be misquoted so that we won't go into a coma. I can feel my pulse rate dropping just replying to your pedantic mewlings. Captain James Tiberius Kirk was the man!! You know you loved that dancing green chick. (admit once and for all that you're human and we will stop poking you with sharp sticks)

My favorite quote is from Captain Kirk: "He had a little too much LDS in college"

Edited because I fell asleep while trying to reply to the Justicarrot.

[ April 22, 2002, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Pardon me, Ol' Foul Joe but I believe that is the much-vaunted Sten Quad-Pod.

Check yer CES!

You must be even dumber than you look and I'd have thought that impossible.

EVERYONE with at least half a brain (admittedly that DOES exclude you) knows that the Pod, Quad, Gun, Sten, One wasn't even invented until 1957 when the British finally got around to realizing that the TRIpod wasn't working as well when the three legs occupied three corners of a square. The reports from the field, particularly in Arnhem, of the Mounted Sten Gun falling over were initially dismissed as more Yankee propaganda against Monty and the troops were advised to remember what Wellington would have done. This led, of course, to some unfortunate incidents of British troops forming square in the face of Panzers but TRADITION was upheld even if the Sten Guns weren't.

Your so-called fourth leg in the photo is CLEARLY a photographic artifact ... or a shadow ... maybe a stick. As to the CES, an extensive Google search yielded the following:

Nortel Networks Contivity Extranet Switch (CES) has a weakness in it's IPSEC key exchange when using 3DES encryption.
Well ... there you have it then, that should answer any questions.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to Picard, my point was that a mere movie star can't compare to a gallant and brilliant startship captain like Picard. Now obviously if you're comparing Wayne to KIRK, for example, I'd have to be in full agreement with you.

I am next in line to be bludgeoned by anyone who is bored to tears because of my long windedness.


Joe, you insufferable bore. Sometimes, your posts have to be misquoted so that we won't go into a coma. I can feel my pulse rate dropping just replying to your pedantic mewlings. Captain James Tiberius Kirk was the man!! You know you loved that dancing green chick. (admit once and for all that you're human and we will stop poking you with sharp sticks)

My favorite quote is from Captain Kirk: "He had a little too much LDS in college"

Edited because I fell asleep while trying to reply to the Justicarrot.[/QB]</font>

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X) Joe, I think that looks more like a Sterling than a Sten anyway, so your attempt at grog-porn has fallen flat. About what we'd expect from a Utahoid. Although, come to think of it, I'll bet that guilty young Mormon girls are an order of magnitude more ...interesting... than guilty young Catholic girls. And that's saying something. Do the Mormon girls wear Mormon High School girl uniforms?

marks) John Wayne was nothing more than the Arnold Schwarzennager of his time. Give us a break.

the) I'm telling you - Tropicana Blvd., the Las Vegas Gun Store - rent the Tommy Gun, have Persephone make you famous. It's all good.

spot) I hate Croda. I mean hate. The kind of hate that, when you even try to think about it, makes your eyes all squinchy and your teeth clench. The kind of hate that makes you want to see him fired into the sun head first, or dropped down into a hole drilled all the way into the Earth's core. That kind of hate. Not the kind of hate, unfortunately, that gives me the strength to beat him in CM games.

I therefore announce my quest to find a new kind of hate. The "I can beat Croda hate" that so many of you have already made a part of you.

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