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When will the patch be done?

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Well, it's been awhile since the gold version was produced and there are some pretty big ones that needs to be corrected. Not that I require it now, but an rough estimated date would be nice. Is it in beta yet? I assume the demo will get a patch of its own.

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One thing that is ALWAYS over looked here

BFC hasa GREAT reputation of ALWAYS releasing their games and Patches for the MAC and PC BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.

That takes alot of extra time and we should all be patient.

Even though I am a Mac user in Canada (still waiting for my copy) I thank them EVERY day for releasing the Mac version and PC version simulteaneously!!! smile.gif Who else does that??

Serioulsy, think about it, in the development of ANY software not just games, who else releases the Mac and PC versions at the same time??

and they always release the patch at the same time too! smile.gif


I think we can wait till its good and ready. :cool:

-tom w

[ October 07, 2002, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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I don't know how much was already done, but there are A LOT of shared models. I would really like to see a list.

I would definitely rather wait until each vehicle got its own model than to have to play through the life of this game with shared models just because we couldn't wait long enough.

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When it is good and ready.
From reading about all these bugs and defects, I really wonder what makes you believe in that? If CMBB was "ready", then why would a patch be needed? Is it even possible to make a game like that? And if not, then what on earth does that phrase mean, compared to, say, "when it is ready enough"? :confused:
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Originally posted by Soddball:

A while It's been on sale for less than three weeks!

I always thought that was standard proceedure for PC games: Buy it on the day of release, install it, and download the patch.

Hell, I think Neverwinter Nights had a patch *before* it was released.

Of course, BTS isn't under pressure from Wal-Mart etc so they can wait until their games are actually finished before releasing them. The most pressure they get is from us! smile.gif

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Originally posted by Sergei:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> When it is good and ready.

From reading about all these bugs and defects, I really wonder what makes you believe in that? If CMBB was "ready", then why would a patch be needed? Is it even possible to make a game like that? And if not, then what on earth does that phrase mean, compared to, say, "when it is ready enough"? :confused: </font>
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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Well if you recall they patched CMBO 3 or 4 times until they thought it was finished then they moved on to CMBB. I think they will try to catch all the "bugs" that they can and I have every confidence they will do so as promptly as humanly possible for them because after all Charles is ONLY one guy and it is HIS code (as I understand it). smile.gif

-tom w

Yeah, I'm not complaining about CMBB at all, actually. I just hate that "when it's ready" oneliner, and couldn't resist... ;)

In my view, CMBO wouldn't be as good as it became if it was "ready" from the beginning and in no need of patching, because through feedback BTS could respond better to the wishes of the audience. Some of those wishes were implemented in CMBB, some will wait for the engine rewrite.

Besides, if there was no patches, then there was no thrill of waiting for patches and then trying out the new or improved features in it!

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Actually, I hope BFC address these LOS issues as soon as possible. (Like, this week?)If correctly reported, they're pretty serious bugs. Serious enough to put my playing on hold, and not acquire any new PBM games. Right now, in one of these, I'm advancing stealthily thru brush/scattered trees on a strong Commie positon and I feel naked!

But I have total confidence in BFC. After all, there were 12 patches for CMBO. It's not a pure, 100% commercial proposition for them- they love the subject.

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Concerning the issue of shared vehicle models, I'm a little confused. I'm under the impression that many vehicles share models and textures because they ran out of room on the CD to include all them all. If this is the case, why can't the textures and models that did not fit simply be made available for download? Why would their release be tied to waiting for all the bugs to worked out? I agree that it would be disappointing to play the game for many months only to have all vehicle models released after finishing many of the scenarios.

Perhaps not just space, but time was also a concern. All the models and textures were not included to get the game released on time.

I guess my question is: are we waiting for the missing models and textures to be released or are we waiting for them to be completed? Are we even going to see them all, or will some dissimilar vehicles always share the same models?

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Because if the vehicles are not added into the executable, then you don't see them no matter what .bmp you have. The models of the tanks are within the execuatble, therefore the only way you see new models is with a new executable. The reason the vehicles are not in, is as you guessed, mainly not enough room, but yes, ran out of time anyway. Dan has been working on the new vehicles, and the models and bitmaps are up to his usual standard of excellence. [KD, I still call you a god]

Bottom line, vehicles can and will only be added with a patch.


[ October 07, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: rune ]

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We are currently working on and adding stuff to the patch. I have no ETA nor will I give one at this time. ALL CMBB versions will have the patch released simulataneously by us (yes even the CDV versions).

Look for an official post later this week with the current list of fixes and additions.


[ October 07, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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there were 12 patches for CMBO
wow i didnt realize that..i didnt order the till two years later....

Wow, people already harassing em about the patch!
no ones harassing...just asking for an possible eta...i never had BO back in its hayday when it first came out so i wasnt sure how long the patch was released...

We are currently working on and adding stuff to the patch. I have no ETA nor will I give one at this time. ALL CMBB versions will have the patch released simulataneously by us (yes even the CDV versions).

Look for an official post later this week with the current list of fixes and additions.


thnx Matt! thats all i wanted to know
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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

One thing that is ALWAYS over looked here

BFC hasa GREAT reputation of ALWAYS releasing their games and Patches for the MAC and PC BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.

That takes alot of extra time and we should all be patient.

-tom w

It doesn't take a lot of extra time. The code is basically the same, but the compilers are different. The only time this makes a difference is when you are dealing with hardware related issues such a graphics and sound glitches. For game play and realism issues it's not that much of an issue. If you know why and where to fix one version fixing the other is easy.
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