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When will the patch be done?

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

One thing that is ALWAYS over looked here

BFC hasa GREAT reputation of ALWAYS releasing their games and Patches for the MAC and PC BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.

That takes alot of extra time and we should all be patient.

Even though I am a Mac user in Canada (still waiting for my copy) I thank them EVERY day for releasing the Mac version and PC version simulteaneously!!! smile.gif Who else does that??

Serioulsy, think about it, in the development of ANY software not just games, who else releases the Mac and PC versions at the same time??

and they always release the patch at the same time too! smile.gif


I think we can wait till its good and ready. :cool:

-tom w

id Software released Quake 3 for mac first, Carmack has a hard-on for Macs, or rather NeXT machines.
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