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The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.)

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Okay, Idjit, I have both poked and whacked you with my pointy stick. I have insulted every aspect of your lack of character. Yet you remain fixated on the Olde Gnome. Stop skulking about the bushes and come out here. Only because my master commands this am I willing to stand here. This time I shall be a little more direct in my approach.

Idjut, *BOOT* I *BOOT* challenge *BOOT* you *BOOT* to *BOOT* a *BOOT*contest *BOOT* of *BOOT* battle! *BOOT* *BOOT* *BOOT* You can wait here for Seanachi to respond to you forever, for all I care, as long as you do it silently, but if you aren't going to accept this challenge, then at least hold this shrubbery and make yourself less useless.

I've come to this vile place only to challenge the Gnome. I think I'll continue to stand here in the bushes and wait for the little guy with the pointy hat. Maybe if I stand very still he'll think I'm another lawn ornament. The Gnome can't resist lawn ornaments.
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The bushes whispered:

I've come to this vile place only to challenge the Gnome. I think I'll continue to stand here in the bushes and wait for the little guy with the pointy hat. Maybe if I stand very still he'll think I'm another lawn ornament. The Gnome can't resist lawn ornaments.

You'd probably have better luck if he thought you were a female lawn ornament. Perhaps if you dressed as a little dutch girl and puckered.

My liege, the beshrubbed cad refuses me. I humbly suggest we send him a white feather and be done with him.


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Originally posted by Lurkur:

My liege, the beshrubbed cad refuses me. I humbly suggest we send him a white feather and be done with him.


I agree. Without a doubt you terrified the little shrub jockey. Oh well, there's other mutated aquatic life in the Pool. Carry on.

Last call for the "McTeague" challenge. It's a free chance to wail on me. If there are no takers, I'll just have to verbally abuse somebody and we know how ugly that can get.

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Within the bowels of the dim, dank cavern there is little to hear. The winds softly hisses through the stalactites and the occassional drip is heard ...

Harv: Liege, explain to me again why we are doing this?

Joe: Exploration, my young Squire, the thrill of setting foot where no other foot has trod. The shedding of light upon the wonders of the underground that have never seen light before.

Harv: Why do the call it the "bowels" of the earth?

Joe: Lad, we've been squeezing through tight passages that twist and turn, we've gotten alternately wet and dirty and then, in turn covered in a thick, brown, smelly coating of mud. After our labors we are exhausted and, frankly, have a fairly pungent odor about us from the carbide lamps. In short, Harv, we FEEL like ****e, we LOOK like ****e and we SMELL like ****e ...

Harv: Ah yes, one does see your point. But that naturally leads to another question. Will it take a boulder falling on top of him for The_Capt to recognize that my taunting is the prelude to a challenge? Could he possibly be that stupid, that braindead, that ignorant of the proper CessPool way?

Joe: Apparently. You must remember that he hasn't your advantages, lad. He hasn't ME for a liege to lead him in the proper path and he HAS two Knights squabbling over him like rabid dogs snarling over a rancid piece of bacon left in the gutter for three days ... pretty accurate descriptions of all parties if you ask me.

Harv: But sire, surely even a simpleton such as himself would understand and accept the challenge?

Joe: Not necessarily, no. With some, like OGSF for example, it's necessary to actually come right out and say it. Do you recall from your homework of last night the relevant passage?

Harv: Yes sire, Fourteen Ways to Insult the Intellectually Challenged Squire ... number 12 was my favorite.

Joe: Yes {chuckle}, mine too. "If your worth in life were to be measured as CM measures things, you'd be an assault boat." But it needn't go that far I think. This is your Quest lad, bring me the head of The_Capt ... or as much of it as is left after you get through with it. I'm certain that either of his alleged Knights will agree to the match. I've the very thing for it ... Arty Fest '45, one of the finest scenarios ever created by Ker Dessel*.

Harv: Oh Sire, not Ker Dessel, Sire ... uh ... that is ... I mean ... {sigh} ... sounds just the ticket Sire, Arty Fest '45 it is.

Joe: Very good lad, say, test that handhold and see if it's secure.

Harv: Seems secure enough my LIIIeeeeggggggggggggggg!

Joe: Now lad, no lolly gagging about down there, climb up immediately ... stop being a baby you've still ONE arm functioning.


*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

[ May 31, 2002, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

... Ker Dessel...brrrrrrrrrr...

[shudders like a frostbite victim]

No, no, this one is very well balanced ... really! I expect full and complete DARs and AARs from both participants ... screenshots would be lovely too. Harv already doesn't like me (a Knight is NOT your friend lad, he's your mentor. Even Luke got pissed off at Yoda.) and I can't wait to hear what The_Capt has to say about the scenario.


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Ah, where do I begin...I've experienced many changes in my life recently. I've found myself doing things I've never done before...such as saying "good morning" to my co-workers and letting the cat play with my beard. I notice the flowers blooming now and even stop to smell them. I'm afraid I'm becoming .......aaaaagh ....... nice ....... aaaaagh! Maybe this is just a bad dream and I'll wake up and be evil again. Tell me this is just a bad dream!......

.....or maybe I forgot to log off the forum. Dammit!

[ May 31, 2002, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Good Evening all , welcome .

So what have we here today

Ohh look an ijut in a bush , I think its shy , It won't come out to play .

A J oh woe how did he pull out a minor defeat , cos he is a bastiche , bastiche and a bastishe , I hates him forever and ever .

Lars ho hum , its my church and its staying mine mine mine .

Everybody else , a turn would be nice execept for Harpo who knows how to , the nasty man .

Are nearly there yet ? we must be near the top by now .

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

McTeague, what is that 'draw you a picture' or sumpfin?

Sigh... I try to educate you people and I'm afraid it's all for nought. Talking to you leads me to believe that on the bottom of all bottles in Sweden is actually printed the phrase, "Apnas pa andra sidan."

Which reminds me, when you go ice fishing up there, how much ice do you actually catch? Is there a legal limit?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Turn out the lights and hit *PLAY*! The wife is away at her girlfriend's (tickle and pillow-fights all nite I'm sure) and I get to curl up with the 209 minute Directors cut of Das Boot!! In widescreen on DVD no less!


It doesn't get any better than this.

Panzer Leader, you would rather curl up with the movie Das Boot rather than with your wife? All I can say is...Pathetic!


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Turn out the lights and hit *PLAY*! The wife is away at her girlfriend's (tickle and pillow-fights all nite I'm sure) and I get to curl up with the 209 minute Directors cut of Das Boot!! In widescreen on DVD no less!


It doesn't get any better than this.

So...what are you wearing?
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Posted by Lurker.

Choose the manner of engagement and send me the file.
Wrong. Fail. Incompetent.

You will send the file. Just make sure I have undoubted superiority in quality of troops. You are green, I shall be "Elite". Has a nice ring to it, that word does.

Oh, and 1500 points is fine. You may have the rest of the choices. Just let me know what you have chosen for your demise.


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Hmmm. From a previous post.

"So many idiots, so little time."

Where to start ? There are only so many cheap shots to take in one post. Can't go around throwing things hoping someone will get their back up. Hmm. What we need is a class-one clown to target. Joe, and his sychophantic cross-border Kelpie make a tag-team look positively enticing. Maybe not. The Thistle-sucker and the object of his desire, The Gnome are another possibilty. Nah, no style involved. The Lackwitted Span'l lover is away, so that's no go. Lars ? Nope - too big. Now my GrandLiege is a possibilty, but no, He's going through a crisis. Scratch that idea. Dalem ? Wouldn't waste my time. Boo ? Ditto. None of the eastern Australians will get a guernsey, although the Uber-Lizard almost got a response from his postulating propaganderising. AJ ? (Can't. He lives up in the hills and they are like Arkansas and West Virginia up there).

This is not easy. I will consult the tea leaves.


[ May 31, 2002, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Boo, you long suffering pillock. Go to bed, you need large amounts of beauty sleep. When that doesn't work, don't call us, we'll call you. Maybe.

As far as morons go - you havn't gone far enough. Stop prattling around like Dalem's Dog.

You forget, you lost to me.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

...an' hae scoffed aet doon aen a picque, at baen whooped naer tae deeth aen oer last exceetin' encoonta'! Aye, at weer a reel Hoots, mon!!! Ah canna' weet fer a'noother oppertunaety tae doo ye agin'...rant, rant...

First your attempts at German, and now this.

Is there any bloody language or accent you can make an actual stab at?

I call for a Peng Challenge Thread vote:

Should AussieJeff be enjoined against any and all further attempts at posting in any parody of another accent, dialect, language, or patois other than his own native Australian?

Vote now. Vote: No More AussieJeff attempts at posting outside Aussie. Vote for the good of all mankind.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

While I admit that Goanna would likely bring the lad to heel in a right smart fashion and , let's face it, CMPlayer is a buffoon of the first order, it's just not the right thing to do. Now mind I still think that I should be consulted on each choice of Squire since, as Seanachai so rightly point out, MY choices have been excellent additions to the CessPool. I think that blackball authority is one that should reside in the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread.


Upon reviewal, I realize that I may have overstepped the actual 'bounds' of being one of the Olde Ones. Our job, after all, is less to govern the folk, than to beat them back on to the paths of righteousness whenever the stupid little sods stray excessively.

Oh, and handing out completely arbitrary and jolly rulings on all sorts of silly ****e. Not that this wouldn't qualify, necessarily, but Shaw is right, and bringing the weight of being one of the Olde Ones to bear on CMplayer (I still don't believe the bastard is an actual Knight. Who took him to Squire, again?) is like asking the Pontiff to rule on whether cats have souls. Who cares?

So, Joe, please do your best to mediate between Goanna, Eldest Australian, and CMplayer (most juniour 'I can't believe the pseduo-Swedish halfwit is even a Knight. Who took him as Squire, again?) in their disagreement over Squireship.

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Originally posted by Shandorf:

Good gawd... Some of you are STILL here. Eeegahds.

Anways.. I have ALOT of free time at the the moment on my hands and I would be up for some game... Any kind of game... Fuzzy, cuddly game... Could Mace or Harv spare a few???


Oh, how the mighty have fallen...
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Turn out the lights and hit *PLAY*! The wife is away at her girlfriend's (tickle and pillow-fights all nite I'm sure) and I get to curl up with the 209 minute Directors cut of Das Boot!! In widescreen on DVD no less!


It doesn't get any better than this.

Panzer Leader, you would rather curl up with the movie Das Boot rather than with your wife? All I can say is...Pathetic!


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Originally posted by idjit:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

Okay, Idjit, I have both poked and whacked you with my pointy stick. I have insulted every aspect of your lack of character. Yet you remain fixated on the Olde Gnome. Stop skulking about the bushes and come out here. Only because my master commands this am I willing to stand here. This time I shall be a little more direct in my approach.

Idjut, *BOOT* I *BOOT* challenge *BOOT* you *BOOT* to *BOOT* a *BOOT*contest *BOOT* of *BOOT* battle! *BOOT* *BOOT* *BOOT* You can wait here for Seanachi to respond to you forever, for all I care, as long as you do it silently, but if you aren't going to accept this challenge, then at least hold this shrubbery and make yourself less useless.

I've come to this vile place only to challenge the Gnome. I think I'll continue to stand here in the bushes and wait for the little guy with the pointy hat. Maybe if I stand very still he'll think I'm another lawn ornament. The Gnome can't resist lawn ornaments.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

like asking the Pontiff to rule on whether cats have souls.

They do. All cats go to heaven (don't want those useless bastards in Hell

But, to more important matters...

Who here can vouch for CMPlayer (not bolded because I seriously doubt he's a knight) being a knight? Let his knight step forth and claim him. If no one steps forward, we will know that Seanachai and I have the right of it and all may put the *BOOT* in ta the usurping little ****e

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