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The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.)

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Originally posted by idjit:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

ijut gone away hooray

Simone...Idjit is never gone...muuaaahhhaaaahaaaahaaaahaaa</font>
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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Capt, back off the FU-O-meter there mate. Even the Peng/Cesspool has rules and either you play along or can go run and play somewhere else. Comprende?



Dear Madmatt,

Just for clarification;

"MrPengish: talk to me will!

MrPengish: I am going out of my MIND

willthiel: sorry buddy, i got caught up in my work

willthiel: plus . . . i'm not loaded

MrPengish: it is nearly 2 am here and I am stillwaiting for this ****ing migration to finish

willthiel: a sad state of affairs I must say

MrPengish: i have been her on and off since 8:30 am YESTERDAY

willthiel: i would say "you poor ****er" but you probably make 3-5 times what i do annually

MrPengish: the ****ing thing has beena t 9 more minutes to go for the last 40 ****ing minutes - it keeps processing files but it is liek stuck on 9 more minutes!

MrPengish: goddammmit you make more than I do

MrPengish: I cant go to the ****ing middle east

MrPengish: not that I would want to

MrPengish: and what has that got to do with anything!

MrPengish: jesus I am about to go insane here

MrPengish: i cna barely keep my eyes open

willthiel: see now thats a misconception lots of folks have. My COMPANY may make a lot of revenue, but after expenses and taxes etc. I barely have enough to keep myself in narcotics

MrPengish: i have to finish this before I sleep - it all has to work the files the printing the whole KANT BUY NARCOTICS!!!??? Well why didn't you sday so?

willthiel: plus, my clients in oman never pay on time, so its like loaning money to the third largest oil company in the world with no interest

willthiel: sounds like you could use an illegal diet pill right now

MrPengish: i never realized that you were deprived of narcotics - shall I send a wee bit of heroiin to you then? a bit of the old crack cocaine? would that help? it is cheaper than dirt here you know

MrPengish: the hell with pills I need some goddam meth!

MrPengish: ok i am going to go kill myself now

willthiel: ok, i will tell the cops the exact time if you leave im running

willthiel: its the least i can do

MrPengish: thanks

willthiel: frankly, if I were you, I'd call Elvis collect and see what he thinks

willthiel: make sure its collect

MrPengish: I'll be sure to hit the F2 key to alert them - it shows the time stamp for each entry

MrPengish: i just left my girlfriend - she is drunk and sick in a hotel room - with my EX friend Shane - he tried to BANG her while I was over here checking on the progress of this idiot mission - and goddammit I don't think I can handle any more nearby friends right not

MrPengish: now

MrPengish: how i hate being alive

MrPengish: I have lusted after this woman for 9 years


MrPengish: and never got anywhere because of course I am MARRIED

MrPengish: Hell I even waited through her FAILED MARRIAGE

MrPengish: and in ONE NIGHT my "friend" bange her in the hotel room

MrPengish: "I'll take care of her" he said

MrPengish: bastard

willthiel: arent you still married? and if so, why would you have a girlfriend

MrPengish: good questions

MrPengish: yes and why not?

MrPengish: she actually isn't really my girlfriend

MrPengish: I have just lusted after her for the last nine years of our lives

willthiel: well (a) would typically preclude (B) unless your wife is either very understanding or very oblivious

willthiel: ah well then you should be happy that at least someone (i.e her) is getting laid

MrPengish: and found her tonight in a position in which she seemed amenable to extra curricular activity

willthiel: but shane has to go up against the wall in any case

MrPengish: as luck would have it - the gods intervened and got shane in the way so that I am still "faithful" to my wife - at least in deed if not in heart, and I have not banged a woman who is not my wife

MrPengish: nor did I get shane in the rear - as I was here tending the migration while he betrayed me in a very good way at the hotel

MrPengish: all is well that ends well

MrPengish: now if this goddam migration would finish so I can get the damn server back up an drunning I could go and get an hour or two of sleep

MrPengish: before I have to take my lustable girl back to her car

willthiel: whooo, thats a hoot, you have to take her to her car after?

MrPengish: she is passed out naked wrapped in a duvet - her car is in the parking lot of the bar where we all met

willthiel: good thing you dont have to wash the sheets and clean up the used condoms too

MrPengish: that is a good thing

MrPengish: yes

willthiel: mmmm passed out naked. gotta love that picture

MrPengish: oh will if you only knew what this whole scene was doing to me

MrPengish: i am out of my mind with jealousy

MrPengish: and completely drained from the fear and loathing of the file migration for the whole damn day

MrPengish: and I still have more work to do

MrPengish: i am damn near to snapping

willthiel: sounds like a hunter s thompson book for sure

MrPengish: hehe

MrPengish: here is a good one - this is what a good goddam system admin I am

MrPengish: the very last bits of this file migration are going on right now

MrPengish: do you know what I am migrating to my new server?

willthiel: drawings, specifications and technical data

willthiel: no, I'm not clairvoiyant, i read the cesspool

MrPengish: right now the folder that has all of the quarentined viruses that we have caught for the past two years is migrating! I AM ****ING COPYING GODDAM VIRUSES! OH **** ME IN THE HEAD WITH ASPIKE

willthiel: ha ha ha aha ahaahahhahahah

oh now i need a rest

MrPengish: i forgot to delete the folder before I started the process

MrPengish: i hate you

MrPengish: i hate me more - but I hate you too

willthiel: do i smell a Goanna update in the cesspool coming on

MrPengish: it reall sucks being this ****ing stupid

MrPengish: go ahead

MrPengish: I will never go back there again

willthiel: no, i meant from you

willthiel: how do i hate the lizard king, let me count the ways

MrPengish: just copy and past this whole thing from the IM thing and put it on the thread

MrPengish: it will be a hoot

Or not. Who cares?! it is better than the crap you lot have spilled out the last two months. Just me and the Lizard King havin a yak."

I count seven "F" violations, granted I gave ten.

For an official word what is the allowed limit?

Mine was strictly in jest. I cannot speak for MrPeng yet he seems to be tolerated.

I have no problem following the rules as laid out by this board and I hope I can continue to contribute to said board but I do need to know what the limits are...

As these have not been posted I can only take a look at previous "acceptable" post and try and do likewise.

Humbely your servant..e-mail to follow.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by The_Capt:

whine... self-justification... whine... pleading... whine...

Look, it's simple. We know and hate Peng. He is a long-standing member (down Bauhaus) of our dysfunctional little pond. Therefore, he gets an extra bye.

You, on the other hand, are a scum-sucking newbie and have not shown that you can do anything other than roil the waters and talk potty-mouth. We do not know you - but of course you still get our hatred FREE OF CHARGE. You get no extra bye.

No, it's not fair. Yes, it's arbitrary. No, you do not get any right of appeal. Yes, SODDING OFF would be a fine choice.

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For an official word what is the allowed limit?

Mine was strictly in jest. I cannot speak for MrPeng yet he seems to be tolerated.

I have no problem following the rules as laid out by this board and I hope I can continue to contribute to said board but I do need to know

what the limits are...

As these have not been posted I can only take a look at previous "acceptable" post and try and do likewise.

Humbely your servant..e-mail to follow.

Well now, The_Crap, I really can't speak for MadMatt (thanks be to Gawd) but just in general it would seem likely that there are some possible explanations, to wit:

(tertiary} MadMatt not, contrary to popular belief, being omniscient, may not have seen the particular post you referred to in your tedious rehashing of a previous post used solely for the purpose of counting the offending words and whining like a three year old that "HE said it first, how come I get yelled at HUH, HUH, HUH?"

{Eight and Seven Eighths Percent) He, meaning MadMatt of course, may have seen the post but, knowing Peng as he does, may have chosen to ignore the offense since Peng is, after all, Peng and allowed a bit more latitude than a whining, supercilious character such as yourself.

(())) Said MadMatt may have seen the offense and replied via private email, a course which, I'm sure you'd agree, he is well within his rights to pursue being as how this is the BTS forum.

(First) MadMatt may have decided that Peng's use of the offensive word was decidedly more humorous than yours and was, therefore, justified.

{DON'T click on .exe files attached to suspect emails} MadMatt may have chosen to disregard Peng's post since it is, by GAWD, BTS's forum and he can do whatever he likes so there!

In short, ****e happens! Now kindly stop sulking and SOD OFF! like a good 'un.


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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Just for clarification;

Really, you impudent twit.

"For clarification," you've gotten way to serious about this whole Circus. Take a chill pill or take a hike.

"For clarification," you apparently have not the brain matter to realize that a few ribald comments spent through a lengthy post is not equivalent to someone smearing their potty on the wall, say "ook, ook, I can spell durty wurds!"

"For clarification," this place is to exchange witty barbs (which you were on your way to doing), and not to flagrantly break the rules of the board in an effort to call attention to your ability to mimic communication.

"For clarification," You really are an impudent twit.

{edited because the importance of placing the word "not" was so much more apparent the morning after.}

[ May 26, 2002, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Dear Peng,

Ah now the pathetic invertabrates of the lower colon come out to speak.

Incapable of a reponse in their own primative tongue they run to the apron strings of the Board Admin. "Ya what he said" pretty much sums up their inspired response.

"We are to stoopid and low to come up with originality! Please ban this interloper who has shaken our poor pathetic balance of the "reaching to be average".

The bottom line ladies is that there is a standard or a vendeta...either way I have given Matt the benefit of more doubts than the scum parading in their delicates in this thread deserve.

I will curb my profanities to whatever level this board applies across the board.

BUT if this is a case of "Cavete Emptor" than I would ask Matty and Steve to "speak into the mike" as to the official policy of the CM board so that all may know just what they are getting into....

If this is too much for the lower order to absorb may I suggest a course in "salt and cigarettes"to bring them up to speed.

Matt I have shown myself to be a law abiding citizen at every turn but I do need to know the "color of the traffic lights" here....

[ May 26, 2002, 12:07 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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The_Capt, strange as it may seem, we of the MBT are a bit touchy about the use of obscenities. The reason is simple. In the early days of this thread, Madmatt came in with both boots, compared to the kid-gloving just administered, and there was no mistaking his message. Since that time, we have voluntarily refrained from the use of such language, although there occasionally is some slippage. All in all, serious breaches are rare.

BTS has deigned to give us this MBT and we have agreed to abide by their rules and the ones we put in place to keep ourselves in line ... as well as visitors such as yourself.

You, sir, have posted well in many a thread with a good grasp of irony and wit. Even in the post in question here, your intent was obvious but the delivery was in error.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

The_Capt, strange as it may seem, we of the MBT are a bit touchy about the use of obscenities. The reason is simple. In the early days of this thread, Madmatt came in with both boots, compared to the kid-gloving just administered, and there was no mistaking his message. Since that time, we have voluntarily refrained from the use of such language, although there occasionally is some slippage. All in all, serious breaches are rare.

BTS has deigned to give us this MBT and we have agreed to abide by their rules and the ones we put in place to keep ourselves in line ... as well as visitors such as yourself.

You, sir, have posted well in many a thread with a good grasp of irony and wit. Even in the post in question here, your intent was obvious but the delivery was in error.

Dear God,

A coherent response.

If I have violated the unwritten rules of the Peng then I wholeheartedly apologize but upon viewing the uninhibited glory of the post by MrPeng I perhaps went to far...

I think a clarifiacation is in order as tothe acceptability of profanity on the CM Forum...

Do I need a lower number than "X" to be able to say F-U-C-X "ad infinitime"? If so let me know so I may mark the date on my calendar.

The bottom line is all you pathetic SOC suck and I will continue to point this out until one worthy of my Tactical and Written Prowess can even come close to my brilliance...If I do say so myself...

[ May 26, 2002, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

The_Capt, strange as it may seem, we of the MBT are a bit touchy about the use of obscenities. The reason is simple. In the early days of this thread, Madmatt came in with both boots, compared to the kid-gloving just administered, and there was no mistaking his message. Since that time, we have voluntarily refrained from the use of such language, although there occasionally is some slippage. All in all, serious breaches are rare.

BTS has deigned to give us this MBT and we have agreed to abide by their rules and the ones we put in place to keep ourselves in line ... as well as visitors such as yourself.

You, sir, have posted well in many a thread with a good grasp of irony and wit. Even in the post in question here, your intent was obvious but the delivery was in error.

Dear God,

A coherent response.

If I have violated the unwritten rules of the Peng then I wholeheartedly apologize but upon viewing the uninhibited glory of the post by MrPeng I perhaps went to far...

I think a clarifiacation is in order as tothe acceptability of profanity on the CM Forum...

Do I need a lower number than "X" to be able to say F-U-C-X "ad infinitime"? If so let me know so I may mark the date on my calendar.

The bottom line is all you pathetic SOC suck and I will continue to point this out until one worthy of my Tactical and Written Prowess can even come clos to my brilliance...</font>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Just for clarification;

Really, you impudent twit.

"For clarification," you've gotten way to serious about this whole Circus. Take a chill pill or take a hike.

"For clarification," you apparently have not the brain matter to realize that a few ribald comments spent through a lengthy post is equivalent to someone smearing their potty on the wall, say "ook, ook, I can spell durty wurds!"

"For clarification," this place is to exchange witty barbs (which you were on your way to doing), and not to flagrantly break the rules of the board in an effort to call attention to your ability to mimic communication.

"For clarification," You really are an impudent twit.</font>

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Dear God,

A coherent response.

If I have violated the unwritten rules of the Peng then I wholeheartedly apologize but upon viewing the uninhibited glory of the post by MrPeng I perhaps went to far...

I think a clarifiacation is in order as tothe acceptability of profanity on the CM Forum...

Do I need a lower number than "X" to be able to say F-U-C-X "ad infinitime"? If so let me know so I may mark the date on my calendar.

The bottom line is all you pathetic SOC suck and I will continue to point this out until one worthy of my Tactical and Written Prowess can even come close to my brilliance...If I do say so myself...

Challenge, laddie, where's yer challenge? Pick one out and make a challenge, play a game, write about it, refuse to send turns, lose badly, nurse yer hatreds, and show occasional brilliance to entertain and embarrass.

Clarification, rules, formulae? Profanity penetration tables, perhaps? Come now, The_Capt, we understand, really we do, tell us about yer little groggy dreams? *snicker* *snicker*

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

A coherent response.

If I have violated the unwritten rules of the Peng then I wholeheartedly apologize but upon viewing the uninhibited glory of the post by MrPeng I perhaps went to far...

I think a clarifiacation is in order as tothe acceptability of profanity on the CM Forum...

Do I need a lower number than "X" to be able to say F-U-C-X "ad infinitime"? If so let me know so I may mark the date on my calendar.

The bottom line is all you pathetic SOC suck and I will continue to point this out until one worthy of my Tactical and Written Prowess can even come close to my brilliance...If I do say so myself...

I always loved 'Pippuu the sock monkey', or whatever it was, but I do not care for this.

Hmm, 'your brilliance'?

You have shown no spectacular ability against many able and even humourous posters here, despite a certain facility with words and a sense of satire.

As opposed to myself? Well, lad, you couldn't defeat me in a posting battle if you had a scout axe in either hand.

What Peng does, and what you do, are two different things. I myself, not particularly given to profanity or an exuberance of expletives, still sometimes falter, and give myself over to bad language.

You see, lad, you're not being held up to a 'double standard'. You are, in fact, being held up to a triple, or perhaps even quadruple standard.

Now, people with nothing much to add to the Universe always want to deny all standards, and demand that all participation should be 'equal' in the eyes of the Powers That Be.

When your best offering, of course, is constant references to bodily functions, women as the sentient equivalent of 'kleenex', and the glories of how often you can talk '****e' as evidence of 'satirical ability', well, a 'lowest common denominator' approach to posting is certainly in order.

On another level of posting is the concept that even otherwise intelligent, humourous, and worthwhile individuals occasionally talk trash, or do so for 'humourous impact'.

Now, the 'standard' by which all this gets judged is, and this is where we get in to all those triple and quadruple conditionals, the 'Standing' of the individual.

And that 'Standing' lad, is based on a very simple thing.

It's called 'Honour'.

There is almost no one in the Peng Challenge Thread who has not gone overboard, at times, or been vulgar, at times, or who has not been unbelievably offensive, at times.

But we do not, out of arrogance, maintain a standard of 'Screw You, I'll Be As Nasty As I Want To Be'. I cannot think of a single individual, in good standing in the Peng Challenge Thread who would not, if they went over the line, simply apologize, as opposed to pointing the finger at others.

We do not, for example, take the attitude:

"I'm going to be an arsehole until you force me to toe the line."


"So-and-So behaved like a stupid, sodding, useless pillock, and I demand the same right"


"Hey, I've found a really useless, vulgar post, and I think I can match or even beat it!"

You see, lad, although everyone laughs about it, and makes fun of it, there's an actual concept behind the 'Knights of the Cesspool'.

They are, everything considered, Knights.

If you really believe you have the ability to jest, and to satirize, to mock and to taunt, without reverting to being disgusting, or stupid, then do so.

But don't claim 'Being an Arsehole' as a gods given right, and support it by the lapses of others.

Because beyond the standard that BTS quite rightly maintains, we'll hold you to a more significant one. It is called 'Honour'.

Impress me. Make me want to reply.

[ May 26, 2002, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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I am out of touch.

I am trying to get caught up on theThread, and I owe about 8 people turns.

I apologize, and have only this to say:

Never assume you've covered every base, thought out every possibility, and foreseen every disaster, before you actually backup all files, wipe your hard-drive, and restore.

Life, like the Peng Challenge Thread, has a way of turning ugly and smirking at you...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

A coherent response.

If I have violated the unwritten rules of the Peng then I wholeheartedly apologize but upon viewing the uninhibited glory of the post by MrPeng I perhaps went to far...

I think a clarifiacation is in order as tothe acceptability of profanity on the CM Forum...

Do I need a lower number than "X" to be able to say F-U-C-X "ad infinitime"? If so let me know so I may mark the date on my calendar.

The bottom line is all you pathetic SOC suck and I will continue to point this out until one worthy of my Tactical and Written Prowess can even come close to my brilliance...If I do say so myself...

I always loved 'Pippuu the sock monkey', or whatever it was, but I do not care for this.

Hmm, 'your brilliance'?

You have shown no spectacular ability against many able and even humourous posters here, despite a certain facility with words and a sense of satire.

As opposed to myself? Well, lad, you couldn't defeat me in a posting battle if you had a scout axe in either hand.

What Peng does, and what you do, are two different things. I myself, not particularly given to profanity or an exuberance of expletives, still sometimes falter, and give myself over to bad language.

You see, lad, you're not being held up to a 'double standard'. You are, in fact, being held up to a triple, or perhaps even quadruple standard.

Now, people with nothing much to add to the Universe always want to deny all standards, and demand that all participation should be 'equal' in the eyes of the Powers That Be.

When your best offering, of course, is constant references to bodily functions, women as the sentient equivalent of 'kleenex', and the glories of how often you can talk '****e' as evidence of 'satirical ability', well, a 'lowest common denominator' approach to posting is certainly in order.

On another level of posting is the concept that even otherwise intelligent, humourous, and worthwhile individuals occasionally talk trash, or do so for 'humourous impact'.

Now, the 'standard' by which all this gets judged is, and this is where we get in to all those triple and quadruple conditionals, the 'Standing' of the individual.

And that 'Standing' lad, is based on a very simple thing.

It's called 'Honour'.

There is almost no one in the Peng Challenge Thread who has not gone overboard, at times, or been vulgar, at times, or who has not been unbelievably offensive, at times.

But we do not, out of arrogance, maintain a standard of 'Screw You, I'll Be As Nasty As I Want To Be'. I cannot think of a single individual, in good standing in the Peng Challenge Thread who would not, if they went over the line, simply apologize, as opposed to pointing the finger at others.

We do not, for example, take the attitude:

"I'm going to be an arsehole until you force me to toe the line."


"So-and-So behaved like a stupid, sodding, useless pillock, and I demand the same right"


"Hey, I've found a really useless, vulgar post, and I think I can match or even beat it!"

You see, lad, although everyone laughs about it, and makes fun of it, there's an actual concept behind the 'Knights of the Cesspool'.

They are, everything considered, Knights.

If you really believe you have the ability to jest, and to satirize, to mock and to taunt, without reverting to being disgusting, or stupid, then do so.

But don't claim 'Being an Arsehole' as a gods given right, and support it by the lapses of others.

Because beyond the standard that BTS quite rightly maintains, we'll hold you to a more significant one. It is called 'Honour'.

Impress me. Make me want to reply.</font>

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Is this 'Captain' unclaimed? If so I hereby delevate him to squire. Please direct any further complaints about poopy language on his part to my hotmail account.

Now The_Capt, you need no longer hem and haw. You are no longer an SSN, *sniff*. Such a touching moment...

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And after deep reflection I have come upon a suitable virgin quest for the newly besquired The_Capt.

Seek thee out a pom by the name of Simon Elwen and make him look like Beetle Baily after a fight with the Sarge. Whether by challenge or by taunt is no matter. The choice of words or weapons is up to you.

I trust you will come victorious, or at the very least beslimed out of the exchange. (oh and brush off any clingy bits of fuzz before returning to report)

[edited to disrespectfully unbold the pom's moniker]

[ May 26, 2002, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Is there anything you want me to do Master ?

Make me proud, Squire, make me proud!

Oh, and rake out the sheep pen....

Oh, and did I say the sheep need crutching?...

Oh, and Fluffy is fly blown, deal with her....

And some of the flock are getting a bit daggy...

Fence needs repair...

My sword's a bit rusty and needs sharpening....

Oh, and be sure to heap scorn on my nemesis, Harv, because he has eyes on my flock (he's a pervert, you have to watch those types)....

and check my stash of Victorian Bitter, I want the bottles chilled to the proper temperature....

Make sure that Kitty's cat litter is topped up for her return (as fortold in legend)

And now and then remind Berli (my mentor), how evil he is (he likes that).

And whatever you do, stay away from my sheep costume. That's reserved for special occassions only.

Until tomorrow. Good night.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

meep meep

No, no, that never went through. I'm informed that you secretly proposed me for the title of kneutred knight (offical pool castrati) but if I may jog your memory, I scratched and clawed so much you were forced to cancel the procedure.

[edited for the sheer knerdiness of it all]

[ May 26, 2002, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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