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To Peng, or not to Peng, that is the Challenge

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh, we probably should'nt gang up on Goanna. I mean, the guy's Ozztraylyun, right? That in itself is a tremendous burden.

Sweet baby Cthuhlu, what kind of pathetic addle-brained do-gooders is Croda raising these days? If you see people ganging up in the cess, picking on their own like starving wolves in a Siberian winter straight from the dreams of a CMBB-crazed Finn, YOU JUMP RIGHT ON IN THERE, BOYO. Start flailing around with that dull wit of yours, and see if you can score a hit - if not on the target of everyone's vengeance and hatred, then at least a lucky sideswipe on some other participant. You can always blame it on the blood-frenzy later. I hear that works for sharks and lawyers.

And I couldn't care less about the slippers and the madness and the housecoats. That is weak and whimpering stuff, and deserving of a good whipping to snap their heads around to the pure stark simplicity of pain and hatred. I only care that his lizardness fixes his computer and gets back to the business of Dying A Lot.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Sweet baby Cthuhlu,...(SNIPPED)... back to the business of Dying A Lot.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got you there, Scummy. But see, where you were using all the subtlty of a lowland gorrilla clubbing a baby harp seal, I was finessing my way around the topic with my usual Fred Astair-like elan.

But don't feel bad there, Sparky. There's still hope.

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Guest PondScum

Finesses all you want, Crodette of the Crodas. While you're busy tap-dancing around and about in the rain, us silverbacks are taking back some nice pelts to the den. Only one previous owner, slightly bloodstained.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Imagine every enemy unit is Bauhaus.

Silly sod might have had a chance if he hadn't added that last. I'm crushing him. I've never forgotten my hatred of Bauhaus and the several completely unfair and unrealistic defeats he's subjected me to.

You never stood a chance against my vast military knowledge......that and the fact that you just SUCK.
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Originally posted by PondScum:

Finesses all you want, Crodette of the Crodas. While you're busy tap-dancing around and about in the rain, us silverbacks are taking back some nice pelts to the den. Only one previous owner, slightly bloodstained.

Crodette of the Crodas??? I kind of prefer the title Crodaphile or perhaps Cro-tesque. Little more panache.

And I hope you and your little silverfish friends have fun in your den.

What...? OH! Sorry, silverbacks! My mistake. Carry on.

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Consider how very small and ineffectual you feel as you stand by the bed in the ICU. You hope with every fiber of your being that your loved one will survive. In your mind, you rail against the powers that be. It feels so unfair that a good person would suffer. But, it happens every day. It truly “rains upon the just and unjust”.

My mind has been occupied with the upcoming surgery that my sister will go through. Surprisingly, this one scares me even more than the last one. It is the sum of the misdiagnoses that has discouraged me and made me a bit skeptical. How can so many people offer opinions and state them as fact? We laymen can only struggle to look for the silver lining. I apologize for the dose of reality upon your day. Reality dictates that life is pain interrupted by sleep. You may have thought that I was gloomy before when I was pretending. Take a gander now at my outlook on this steaming pile of feces that is life. I would gladly litter your screen with expletives to truly show my disdain for all things cancer. You know that it would be accompanied with hand gestures. Cancer has robbed me of too many family members and I am beyond pissed. I am concerned that perhaps the Creator is looking the other way. The ubiquitous sense of unfairness pervades my thoughts and I struggle with it. I gnaw on the memories of a grandmother with brain cancer. I ruminate upon the promises made by doctors who cannot tell the difference between a centimeter and an inch. You would think that a person you call “doctor” could tell the difference between a tumor “three inches wide” and “three centimeters wide”. I truly hope and pray that the next person who cuts into my sister’s head is adept at his job.

I type this while being confident that most won’t read or even quote from it. Think of it as a cathartic bit of therapy. Go about your business and don’t mind me. CM fantasy is so much more pleasant. At least when you lose, you can always challenge again.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> The Bard:

And don't get me started on Goanna, that toad, who designed this map.

Oh, let's do. Nice to see I can bring misery to your life even when I am not at contest with you personally. Right, and don't forget to mention that I wore you out like a two year old's plastic drum in, what is it, all three or four of our previous matches? The pealing of your cries of shock and horror still echo in my daydreams.</font>
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Consider how very small and ineffectual you feel as you stand by the bed in the ICU. You hope with every fiber of your being that your loved one will survive. In your mind, you rail against the powers that be. It feels so unfair that a good person would suffer...

Hiram, I, for one, appreciate these updates. Not only do I want to hear about you and your family, but I think they keep we of the Peng Challenge Thread in touch with ourselves as a Community.

It may be a nasty, unpleasant, inbred (for members like Slapdragon, Hakko Ichiu, MrSpkr, and others of our Southern brethren), and vile community, but it is our Community, Our Own, and significant to us.

Also, it keeps each and every one of us aware that, beyond Combat Mission, beyond the Forum, beyond the Peng Challenge Thread, there is a Real, and often impersonal and unfair World, that we all answer to.

Beyond the Abuse, beyond the Taunting, beyond the completely true and applicable disgust that many of us feel for each other, there is a certain...well, Brotherhood.

So let me just say to you and your sister:

Hiram, Hiram, Hiram, Oi, Oi, Oi!

I would have said "Hiram's Sister", but these Aussie cheers don't permit more than two syllables. Which is only appropriate, as most Aussies simply aren't capable of words beyond two syllables.

Please forgive my attemtps at blending Peng Challenge levity with a very real support and concern for you and your family.

You're a good lad, and all the best to you and yours. I've got my fingers crossed and a firm hope for good come Wednesday.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:

and even returning turns from time to time.

Now there's a novel idea</font>
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Gods almighty, I hate the Finns.

I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!

And I have no idea why. They seem like rather a nice lot, actually. Except, sometimes, they remind me just a bit of Slapdragon. Without his endearing quality of being a silly bugger.

Jesus, they're hateful! Hmm, maybe it's just 'tero'. Perhaps he's the Slapdragon of the North.

I'm conflicted. I'm going to go have a bit of a lie down, and then try to come to grips with my emotional state.

Mind, it won't change my almost overwhelming hatred for Chrisl. That's a good, unmixed hatred that anyone can get behind.

I have this vision of inviting Chrisl up to our Lake Place in Canada. Of feeding him a really great meal of pan-fried Walleye fresh from the lake, with rosemary new potatoes, salad, fresh bread, and green beans. Of opening a really good bottle of chardonnay to go with the meal, and plying him with aged whiskeys afterwards while we watch the sunset over the treeline to the west.

And then I have this vision of using the empty whiskey bottle to beat in his sodding head.

My only regret, when I come to myself again, is the waste of good Walleye.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Crodette of the Crodas???

That's right, little Crudling. And I'm calling you out. Yeknod apparently believes that if he doesn't send me his last turn he won't lose, MrSpkr is vainly trying to get a Hail Mary 'schreck hit before the AI autosurrenders his routed old men, and Goanna wouldn't know a hard disk from a hole in that scaley hissing head of his. In short, there is not enough death and destruction in my inbox. And your liege Croda is a coward and a non-setup-sending swine, so the stomping's going to be on YOUR head.

Now, all your talk of elan and panache is giving me flashbacks to the quest of my dear departed squirehood, and How I Hated Mon Petite Liege. Therefore, my only condition is that you shall play the French, aka the finessing Fred Astaires, aka the frog in a bucket. And I shall be the Germans, aka the lowland gorillas clubbing baby harp seals, aka the fat boy with a big stick. Send me a setup.

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Originally posted by Mace:

Chalk me up for 12,487,022 victories and 1 defeat during your absence, Lorak.

There'll be something in it for you! ;)


PS So I used an emoticon. So what.

......and I thought only LOSSES counted for somefink!!

{PSSST:} For Mace's Eyes Only:

Mr Macerated you seem to be as skilled at CM as moi if your heroic exploits at Dornot are any guide. I mean, the conscripted Krauts are expected to lose. I proved that. But for <U>you</U> to lose with the overwhelming firepower of the VET Yankees - come, come... you must be pulling my chain! Hmmmm... perhaps we could be a match made in heaven? Dare you sink so low?? Mu-HA-HAHA-HA!!!


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Originally posted by Lorak:

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!


I told you, LawRack - don't pat the Goanna!! They are nasty, bitey critters who don't take kindly to being poked in the eye with a big pointy stick!

More to the point, I've just strolled by your site http://www.geocities.com/lrmcgarvey/cesspool.html

to check the latest updates to the official {fanfare of strumpets} Cesspool Pages {/fanfare of strumpets}. May I say 'tis <U>excellent</U> work thus far! I am now filled to overflowing with even greater LOATHING than before.

I look forward to <U>PROUDLY</U> {note the emphasis on that term, you gamey sods Larseny and PoolFroth} seeing a mounting tally of LOSSES rack up agin' my personage. You may count me DEAD to the Uber{retch}gnome to the count of 2, Pool{gag}Froth to the count of 2, and La{hack}rs to the tune of 2. With many more total and abject <U>FAILURES</U> (unfortunately a future yet blotted with the occasional "gamey bastaaard" win) to come, you must agree - a most auspicious beginning on the path of ascencion to the crown of Most Talented Loser<SUP>tm</SUP> in this hallowed place.

Loathedly Not Yours,


[ May 03, 2002, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hmmmm... perhaps we could be a match made in heaven? Dare you sink so low?? Mu-HA-HAHA-HA!!!

As a Government employee with a passion for sheep, I honestly don't think there is any way I can sink any lower.

So... let's play in the dirt. Send me a setup.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I mean, the guy's Ozztraylyun, right? That in itself is a tremendous burden.

Oh yes.

We Aussies must live with the tremendous burden of being the most manly of men. I just don't know how we do it.


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Originally posted by Mace:

We Aussies must live with the tremendous burden of being the most manly of men. I just don't know how we do it.

With Sheep



[ May 03, 2002, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Goanna, did you fix HD yet? Or are you still using that for an excuse not to set up that game with Seanachai?
Oh sure that was yesterday's problem. But let's just say I got the new HD like a snap. What then must go on the HD? Anyone? Anyone? No fair looking at bauhaus' answer you half-cooked standin at a Ron Howard film.

Correct. Now I must reinstall the software and disk image that allow me to restart my deliverance of the most awesome and hateful can of whoopass that certain blue-grreen species have ever seen. And, for the record, the offer with the Bard was for him to setup a game, purchase and place my troops so that I might acquaint him with how low he might become. What's the chance that is waiting for me in Sydney? Uh huh, slim and none and slim left town.

Cheerio lads, I'm off to the airport and will see you all Sunday am AEST. Good luck Mike and hope to catch you online next week.

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Yes, it is now time to place the virtual bitch slap on the untergnomen Seanachi. Out game is coming into extra innings. Dozens of smoking carriers sit wrecked before my parapets as my dazed but sturdy warriors recover from the last carrier rush. They are ready for the crews which are soon to boil forward in the company of running Piats and expended mortar teams, but instead a lull falls across the battlefield.


Now must your conscience my victory seal,

And you must put me in your heart for foe,

Sith you have heard, and with a knowing Stugs,

That he which hath your noble Hetzer slain

Pursued my life.


It well appears: but tell me

Why you proceeded not against these gamey feats,

So crimeful and so capital in nature,

As by your safety, wisdom, all things else,

You mainly were stirr'd up and woeful.


O, for two special reasons (mainly you were kicking my ass);

Which may to you, perhaps, seem much unsinew'd,

But yet to me they are strong. The Hetzer is busting my balls,

Lives almost by dozens are lost; and for myself--

My virtue or my plague, be it either which--

That tank so conjunctive to my life and soul,

That, as the star moves not but in his sphere,

I could not by her. The other motive,

That Pak 40 giving it to my rear,

Despite my great love for that gen’ral direction of assault;

Was, dipping all my faults in the gun’s affection,

Would, like the spring that turneth wood to stone,

And was certainly harming my lunge; so that my arrows,

Too slightly timber'd for so loud a wind,

Would have reverted to my bow again,

And not where I had aim'd them.


And so have I a noble cannon lost;

A Hetzer driven into desperate terms,

Whose worth, if praises may go back again,

Stood challenger on mount of all the age

For it’s perfections: but my revenge will come.


Break not your sleeps for that: you must not think

That we are made of stuff so flat and dull

That we can let our beard be shook with danger

And think it pastime. You shortly shall hear more:

I will charge you, as I love myself (to the tunes of Barry Manilow);

And that, I hope, will teach you to imagine victory against me.

My forces though, aught they struggle in gamey rush,

And no match for such a stout defence, look to

Take the next flag by means, fare or foul.

No more crews ere I send into jaws of screaming death,

My Carriers and burning wrecks, but my soldiers now carefully horded will rush the flags as the last turn draws near.


Gamey though thou are, you play at tough battle sir,

No mercy toward your men, and flags in your grasp,

Still, in the summer perfection of day,

Sitting before you not yet plumed,

You run toward a sudden death,

Even if the last turns draw near.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Crodette of the Crodas???

That's right, little Crudling. And I'm calling you out. Yeknod apparently believes that if he doesn't send me his last turn he won't lose, MrSpkr is vainly trying to get a Hail Mary 'schreck hit before the AI autosurrenders his routed old men, and Goanna wouldn't know a hard disk from a hole in that scaley hissing head of his. In short, there is not enough death and destruction in my inbox. And your liege Croda is a coward and a non-setup-sending swine, so the stomping's going to be on YOUR head.

Now, all your talk of elan and panache is giving me flashbacks to the quest of my dear departed squirehood, and How I Hated Mon Petite Liege. Therefore, my only condition is that you shall play the French, aka the finessing Fred Astaires, aka the frog in a bucket. And I shall be the Germans, aka the lowland gorillas clubbing baby harp seals, aka the fat boy with a big stick. Send me a setup.</font>

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