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One Peng to rule them all, one Peng to challenge them ...

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Guest PondScum

Pah. DOUBLE pah.


  • Berli can't be bothered to advance his uber-Shermans more than ten meters a day. Come on, blast you, get into my keyhole LOS so that my men can practise their "mad barndoor-hitting skillz" again.
  • Nobbit's gone on holiday. GONE ON HOLIDAY. Still, I suppose that's all we can expect from a Squire-o-Slappy.
  • Abn_Ranger has fled the field of battle, viz no turns for two weeks. The pool is a darker and smellier place without him. My job is done.
  • Mon petite general has FAILED to make the Bad Men stop their versifying. It hurts, it hurts. And not in a good way.
  • Toboggan69 is providing my only amusement, as I advance my Parisian waiters to their certain doom, i.e. a future job at Mcdonald's. "Would monsieur like pommes frites avec that?"

Now Yeknod, you flea-bitten old nag, your crimes are legion:

Numero uno: bothering the ladies.

Part deux: being fickle with your affections.

Drei: squire to OGSF, the MBT's answer to Cro-Magnon Man.

Charge-the-fourth: NOTE TO SUB-ED: insert some trumped-up charge to justify total war here.

Yes, oh mangy one, I am offering you the chance of REVENGE. Let's see if you can do better than EIGHT POINTS AGAINST THE FRENCH this time.

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The conniving Just-a-car of the pool acted as second for Peng and set up him the bomb. Peng had no chance to survive to make his time, and was

defeated in just a few turns.

chrisl you vicious and vacuous little man, I did NOTHING with that scenario save place the troops that Peng choose upon the map. The map, you may recall, was chosen by Goanna ... hmmmm.

As was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in open court, you and Goanna conspired and connived to illegally and unjustly deprive Peng and, far more importantly, the Mutha Beautiful Thread of the name of Peng.

Your lies and deceptions, while firmly within the traditions of the CessPool, have in this case been exposed as the challenge to the MBT that they are. For shame lad.


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Just stopping by to say hello. My significant other is recovering nicely from her surgery and is scheduled to come back to the Hiram abode this evening. She has been in what I consider purgatory: Her mother's house for one week. How can I get her to stop playing with her damn stitches? Thus far, displaying my twig and berries by way of distraction has only elicited guffawing on her part. Maybe I need to work on the accompanying dance number while I flash.

My turns will go out when I have more than two minutes to myself.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Pah. DOUBLE pah.

Now Yeknod, you flea-bitten old nag, your crimes are legion:

Numero uno: bothering the ladies.

Part deux: being fickle with your affections.

Drei: squire to OGSF, the MBT's answer to Cro-Magnon Man.

Charge-the-fourth: NOTE TO SUB-ED: insert some trumped-up charge to justify total war here.

Yes, oh mangy one, I am offering you the chance of REVENGE. Let's see if you can do better than EIGHT POINTS AGAINST THE FRENCH this time.


Alpha:Bother?... oh, I feel very desperate

Part ducks: ...I suppose it could have been worse, water fowl have a tendency to shed feathers.

Tres:Oh, the sloping forehead and antiquated, redundant language? Hmmmmm, it is a bit a strain. Though despite his burdens, me Liege is beyond reproach, shut yer cretinous bill, water-sod

Answer-the-fouth:NOTE TO SUB-ED... the duck wants to trump. Methane bubbles, pathetic. Offer me the chance of REVENGE. Like LAST TIME. Oh, deep joy.

Just wait...uuuuggggggggh.... I'll give it another go.... uuuuuuugggggggg.... just once more.... uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhgggggg.

I'm trying to get excited but it hurts.

You are insolent baggage; a babbling sack of half-congealed, bobbing guano. Your quacks and quocks and fluttered natter disturbs me ruminations... Yer pitiful haranguing is a boil in me ear. Quiet. Liege, the cement-mixer. Master PondDuck is to be given the concrete foie gras experience.

Idjit Yeknod

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So, now Joe resorts to straight out slander rather than do any research. I had nothing to do whatever with the battle that wussl had with Peng for the latters moniker, nor would I have. A pox on the would be McCarthy.

I am, however, setting up any and all of the quests to return it to it's original, if not rightful, position. That does not, however, mean that these quests will be easy, as some of the simpering mob here have been complaining about.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

So, now Joe resorts to straight out slander rather than do any research.

Of course he does. That's his job.

Moriarty selected the map for the battle that turned Peng into a gibbering Gates-slut. Joe simply accepted it, along with its title Fish in a Barrel. The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng had the misfortune of playing the role of the fish. Were Shaw actually paying attention and doing his job as a second he would have set up me the bomb and now I'd have a name of all caps. Lucky for me that Moriarty did his job well.

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Originally posted by chrisl:

Fish in a Barrel. The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng had the misfortune of playing the role of the fish.

So therefore YOU'RE the Fat Boy of legend. It figures. No wonder you have nothing else to do but play mumbledy-jack for Peng's.

[ February 10, 2002, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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chrisl actually wrote this:

So you found a picture of me on the web. Are you going to doctor it?

Using yourself at the business end of a joke in this manner is an indication that evolution may not have been entirely thwarted in your case. What humorless person would ever admit to being this ugly? Of course, one isolated example is not full redemption... we will need to see more of the same.

Bravo, Persephone! *applause*

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By colb hab returbed with a bengeance.


Terence: His mighty armor washes like a wave up against the forebeach of my defense. When it washes back it will leave a tangled flotsam of Panthers, MkIVs, and Motorized infantry, all stinking of salty putrefication.

Speedbump: We are both testing the limits of lucky and unlucky events. Still way up in the air, although his dead clanketies are more expensive than my dead clanketies. So far.

Croda: Rigteous thoughts and clean living will carry the day for me. His cowardly forces are holding their fire until the last possible moment before engaging me. Very inconsiderate of him to leave me nothing to shoot at like that.

Seanachai: In my mind he has sent a turn. In my mind he is stumbling forward like a drunken mime. In my mind I am crushing his leotarded clowns into dust. In my mind...

outerboard game: Only mentioned here because the map was bequeathed to my opponent and myself by Berli, and it is a gorgeous map. I seem to be winning as we near the end of the second battle of the campaign. But my opponent is wiley and not to be trusted.

[ February 10, 2002, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Croda: Rigteous thoughts and clean living will carry the day for me. His cowardly forces are holding their fire until the last possible moment before engaging me. Very inconsiderate of him to leave me nothing to shoot at like that.

I might have something to shoot at if you would Send a fecking turn!!!!
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I loathe you all.

Sunday Afternoon.

Daughter's napping.

Wife's shopping.

It's me, the Olympics, and my PBEMs...

Ok, at least it's me and the Olympics.

You all owe me turns you dirty rat-bastards!


dalem walks right into every ambush I've set for him.

Terence, barring any last minute heroics by his fleeing hamstertrupen, will be dead as a dalem any turn now.

Mace sends turns as often as he brushes his teeth. We've been playing for nearly 2 weeks and are 3 turns in. I'm sure I'm winning anyway.

Hiram is excused from sending, but it is only prolonging the Crodafication of his little marchers.

Speedbump attacks in numbers, and then pulls back in numbers. One squad has held up his advance for 3 turns while he brought up his armor. Maybe he'll begin moving again by Easter.

Leeo is actually putting up a good fight. He has dismantled 2 of my cheap roving American sardine cans, and actually routed some infantry. 105VT will end that, however.

Still haven't gotten any turns.


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Originally posted by Croda:

dalem walks right into every ambush I've set for him.

I know you don't do it very often, but there is something called scouting that sometimes takes place. And if a single exchange of smallarms fire qualifies as "every ambush I've set for him" then you're right, I walked right into it.

You still have a chance to just walk away. I recommend you take advantage of it.

Brotherhood of the Wolf was a blast, by the way. Martial arts guys in tricornered hats, how can you beat that???

[ February 10, 2002, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Dalem, Ah've fergotten agin....are we playin' a gam or noo?



We're not but we should be. I uh, persiflage you. You're a, umm, doodoohead, and stuff. And you talk funny too.

Pick some darned scenario you haven't playtested and let's get crackin'.

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ÜberLizard Update!

Reptile central command (ETO) today announced a less-than-completely satisfying topplement of US forces under the command of the Knight Commander of Lost Causes. What would have been a spectacular victory, accompanied by much dancing and shouting, was reduced in its shine due to the most gamey tactics of my opponent including; (part qq) Use of cheap AFVs, (4b) defending the actual VLs, (§3.4) concealed use of multiple ATGs and high quality personal AT weapons (and the added insult of using my own previous tactics against me), and (uno) predictive use of artillery. Clearly the man has no shame. By the numbers then:

Axis(Goanna): 139 casualties (28 KIA), 12 AFV destroyed – 70 pts

Allies(Moriarty): 274 casualties (76 KIA), 56 captured, 3 mortars, 4 guns and 7 AFV destroyed – 30 pts

Axis Tactical Victory after autosurrender

The swine is currently being baited into a rematch.

The forces of scaliness also wish to announce that we are also interested in having a go at a double blind of "To the Last Man" with a mandatory review. Applicants for dismemberment will be accepted 9am-5pm AEST from suitably qualified kaniggets or their squires.

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This was written by Ano-somebody...

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off. And also help me to be careful of the toes I step on today as they may be

connected to the ass that I may have to kiss tomorrow. Help me always to give 100% at work---12% on Mon---23%on Tuesday---40% on Wed.---20%on Thurs---5% on Fri. And help me to remember.....When I'm having a really bad day, and it seems that people are trying to piss me off, that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to "BITE ME'.

Say G'nite thread.

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Originally posted by Persephone:



Well, that's enough to make anyone give up sleeping without the light on.

However, the rogue Peng Challenge member, Chrisl, informs me in an email that that is not, in fact, a picture of himself that Persephone has been pointed to.

Which, while reassuring, means that there is all the more reason for him to pull his thumb out and send her an official picture.

Chrisl, the desires of the Olde Ones you may flout, the cries for justice of the Seniour Knights you may belittle, but you need to respond to the requirements of our own Persephone.

Some things, lad, you simply don't screw around with.

[ February 11, 2002, 12:40 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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