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The clock is ticking but PL Wont be hosting the Peng Challenge Thread....

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dalem, I suggest you dig through your dresser for your old pairs of those skin tight and very sort nylon jobs that you used to wear in the eighties then. But avoid smoking in them as I think they were banned as a fire hazard.

[ September 16, 2002, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I'm at the grocery store yesterday, which was a lucky thing because I needed some groceries. I was standing in the produce section trying to open one of those annoying little plastic bags that come on rolls so I can drop in my tomato, and while I'm doing this, I casually look around the store...just people watching, you know how it is.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see some guy wearing a baseball hat about 15 yards away and I think to myself, "Wow, there's one big doofussy looking individual." Then I look closer and realize it's a mirror and I'm looking at myself.

I don't know what the moral of the story is. Maybe look carefully before you pass judgement or first impressions are usually spot on. Could go either way.

Just thouht I'd share.

The moral of this story is "that upon recognizing your inner Boo for the very first time, you suddenly became blindingly aware of the real meaning of the term <BIG>"PILLOCK"</BIG>."

Sad, but true.

Now, put aside the soggy Kleenex and send me a turn, you doofussy pillock.


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Time for the annual question, "What SHALL I get Sir Joe Shaw for his birthday THIS year?

Since that date is upon us, and a fine lot of slackers YOU are for not remembering, I decided to help out with a suggestion.

What, after all, DO you get a chap who has his (that is to say, MY) looks, skill, charm and wit? Granted he IS chronically short of cash but the chances of getting you lot to spring for actual money is more than can be hoped.

Last year, if you'll recall and even if you won't, I was terribly disappointed when not one of you came through with the surrender I'd so hoped to see and specifically requested.

This year I've decided that a few simple lines here on the topic "Boy, is Joe Shaw great and here's why." will suffice.

I'm off to interior of Colorado tomorrow and will be there through the week so DON'T DELAY!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What, after all, DO you get a chap who has his (that is to say, MY) looks, skill, charm and wit?

A shatter-proof mirror, a copy of the CM manual in Braille, and a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by our Outerboard favorites.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Let everyone know how hard you work.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Now, put aside the soggy Kleenex and send me a turn, you doofussy pillock.


I'd love to Jeff, I'd truly, truly love to. I couldn't be happier sending you a move, but there's just one teensy-weensie, little problem concerning that.

I don't owe you a move. You owe me a move, you feeble minded, poor excuse for a hominid. My Gawd, with 2% more intellegence, you could be classifed as plant life.

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by Persephone

Mr. Shaw's Justiciariate Class

Boy, is Joe Shaw great and here's why



















...ummm, I tried but I just couldn't think of anything to write about...

















[ September 16, 2002, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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MrSpkrI see that I have made your list of future CMBB opponents. At first I was offended to find myself book ended by two utter pillocks (Stormbringer and Terence), but I guess you need a real challenge in between those two patsies in order to keep it interesting. In order to give you a fighting chance, I'll refrain from playing CMBB until our match. Maybe after 11 practice matches you will have figured out which is the dangerous end of a machine gun. At least you can rely on your match with Terence to provide a little boost in spirits after I have crushed you.

I think I will install some special sound mods for this match. Does anyone know German or Russian for “die vile lawyer spawn”?

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Evening all . After votes taken and a recount as well when Heather reminded me thet her vote counts double because she's a lady and partner to a squire of the pool , myself . The result now stands as follows .

J Russell 0

Ridgeback 0

Retreiver 0

Poodle -2 Heather said "NO WAY" sorry A J

Sheep 0

Donkey 1/2 A creditable 2nd place

Wolf 0

Wee Spaniel 0 Heather was very taken with the photo , an honourable mention

1 Whippet 0

2 Whippets 3 The Winner

Others 0

Its has also been decided that they will come from a rescue as well . The idea of having only 1 dog fell away when we realised that with us both being at work during the day it would be too cruel to leave the poor hound alone , so a pair its going to be . Now comes the really tough bit

What shall they be named ? Any suggestions anyone .

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

The idea of having only 1 dog fell away when we realised that with us both being at work during the day it would be too cruel to leave the poor hound alone , so a pair its going to be . Now comes the really tough bit

What shall they be named ? Any suggestions anyone .

Why not just eat the first one and be done with it?

For names, I would go with AussieJeff

That way you'll feel better when you kick it.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Oh my God (sorry Berli), I just realized you're getting two dogs.

Well, then name one Aussie and the other one Jeff.

Then you could kick a whole island or just one idjit in particular, depending on mood.

It kinda makes me feel all ........ FUZZY knowing that you "CAN'T GET ME OUTTA YOUR HEAD!!"

It really hurt when I almost whupped yo' ass wid' ma' Green Connie Flosschers, didn't it!!


Go on, Lars baby, say those two words AGAIN. I dare you!

"......no he can't get me outta his head...!"

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Time for the annual question, "What SHALL I get Sir Joe Shaw for his birthday THIS year?Joe

Well, I suppose a WREATH would be a suitable gesture for a geriatric 95 year old.

But then I thought, you've already regressed to the earliest days of your childhood, so a bunch of Snugglers<SUP>tm</SUP> might be more apt.

Eventually I settled on an old, rusty, bent electric sheep prod once used on Mace.

I'll hook it up to my e-mail outbox so every time I send YOU a turn, you will get a pleasant yet timeless reminder to SEND A FECKIN' TURN IN REPLY!!

Oh, I nearly fergot - Have a good one ya' old gummer!!


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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

... Now comes the really tough bit

What shall they be named ? Any suggestions anyone.

Obviously, this Simon Elfin character is even more daft than I had suspected. Studying hard to work our IQ up to the level of "fencepost", are we?

Nevertheless, it did ask us for naming suggestions, so to do my part to help out I'll offer a few suggestions on what NOT to name them.

Aussie and Jeff, already mentioned by that Lard creature, is of course a viable solution. That is, if you feel like reminding yourself of that insidious git AJ every time you call your dogs. Personally, I'd just shoot myself now and get it over with.

On the same note, I'd avoid Go and Anna, for fear of reminding myself of yet another inbred, unkempt, ill-mannered Australian. Not to mention that it would sound like you were putting one dog out to do it's "business" and completely ignoring the other.

Panter and Bleeder has possibilities, though I'm not sure you'd want to burden poor defenseless puppies with being the namesake of the one of the Pool's foremost idjits.

My cousin (no, Lard, not your cousin, MY cousin) used to have a dog named Macey. I swear it's true. Fortunately the poor thing passed away before I became aware of the connotations involved due to Mace's fascination with sheep.


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