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I've fallen off of the Peng Challenge and I can't get up!

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Originally posted by Persephone:


The Hippy of Persiflage of the MBT.


Is that a "soul patch" I spy under dalem's purty little mouth? It's kind of hard to tell, the way it blends in and fades with the shadows. Almost like the Brigadoon of facial hair.
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

I think maybe I need a new title. Count? Duke? Scepterophon? Marquis of The Shizznit? Hmm.

Le Petite General of House Persiflage.
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

I think maybe I need a new title. Count? Duke? Scepterophon? Marquis of The Shizznit? Hmm.

Le Petite General of House Persiflage.
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Originally posted by Persephone:

...nasty picture here...

The Hippy of Persiflage of the MBT.


Ooooo, Dear Persephone, after all of the groveling and fawning I've done on your behalf, this is a cruel, cruel pass.......
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Originally posted by Persephone:

...nasty picture here...

The Hippy of Persiflage of the MBT.


Ooooo, Dear Persephone, after all of the groveling and fawning I've done on your behalf, this is a cruel, cruel pass.......
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw

Now I could be wrong (unlikely to be sure but possible) but I seem to recall that CMPlayer was taken to Squire by Moriarty ... needless to say I argued against it at the time and, once again, my eagle eye for talent (or in the case of CMPlayer the lack of same) was proven right.

Joe Shaw, you have achieved new depths of poltroonery, ya libelous, sodding git. I only have two in my Kaniggetly lineage and they are Stuka and Leeo, the latter by the fact of his indentured servitude to my former vassal. Both are now kannigets who are much more adept at this game than I, as both have followed to the letter my only instruction – Go Forth and Kill, Maim and Destroy – whilst I still fumble about with the "Go Forth" part and rarely get to the good stuff ... unless it's against that haggis-eatin', Span'l-flayin Spaniard OGSF.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw

Now I could be wrong (unlikely to be sure but possible) but I seem to recall that CMPlayer was taken to Squire by Moriarty ... needless to say I argued against it at the time and, once again, my eagle eye for talent (or in the case of CMPlayer the lack of same) was proven right.

Joe Shaw, you have achieved new depths of poltroonery, ya libelous, sodding git. I only have two in my Kaniggetly lineage and they are Stuka and Leeo, the latter by the fact of his indentured servitude to my former vassal. Both are now kannigets who are much more adept at this game than I, as both have followed to the letter my only instruction – Go Forth and Kill, Maim and Destroy – whilst I still fumble about with the "Go Forth" part and rarely get to the good stuff ... unless it's against that haggis-eatin', Span'l-flayin Spaniard OGSF.
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See, now here precisely is the problem with the US, and Minnesota in particular, Bard. The whole place has become so impersonal. You can walk around the place for days without anyone giving you a "g'day" or a "how you doin" or what the hell ever it is they say in land of 10000 swampy misquito pits. I swear, the last time I was there I don't think I got eye contact out of a soul in three days (well, all except for that wench at the Northworst counter, who tried, unsuccessfully mind you, to explain to me that while the plane wasn't taking off because the engine wouldn't start, it was still a weather delay and they would not, therefore, be paying for the extra nights stay in the Walleye smelling flea bag I was in, but I digress). Everyone in the damn city was walking around with their chin bured in their sternum like they were looking for some secret escape hatch that would deliver them from the purgetory that is Minnesota.

Now, had you been having that particular weekend of Mondays here down under in any locale, large or small, I am absolutely sure that you could have laid bare your tale of pathetic affliction and got the bloke at the bottle-o to have his offsiter pop around to the local takeaway and collect you some fresh fish and chips to go with that smorgasboard of spirits. Of course it wouldn't arrive until approximately now, the beer would be as warm as the chips were cold and the whole thing would have cost you two weeks dole cheque, but you can't have everything, now can you? Where would you put it?

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See, now here precisely is the problem with the US, and Minnesota in particular, Bard. The whole place has become so impersonal. You can walk around the place for days without anyone giving you a "g'day" or a "how you doin" or what the hell ever it is they say in land of 10000 swampy misquito pits. I swear, the last time I was there I don't think I got eye contact out of a soul in three days (well, all except for that wench at the Northworst counter, who tried, unsuccessfully mind you, to explain to me that while the plane wasn't taking off because the engine wouldn't start, it was still a weather delay and they would not, therefore, be paying for the extra nights stay in the Walleye smelling flea bag I was in, but I digress). Everyone in the damn city was walking around with their chin bured in their sternum like they were looking for some secret escape hatch that would deliver them from the purgetory that is Minnesota.

Now, had you been having that particular weekend of Mondays here down under in any locale, large or small, I am absolutely sure that you could have laid bare your tale of pathetic affliction and got the bloke at the bottle-o to have his offsiter pop around to the local takeaway and collect you some fresh fish and chips to go with that smorgasboard of spirits. Of course it wouldn't arrive until approximately now, the beer would be as warm as the chips were cold and the whole thing would have cost you two weeks dole cheque, but you can't have everything, now can you? Where would you put it?

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw

Now I could be wrong (unlikely to be sure but possible) but I seem to recall that CMPlayer was taken to Squire by Moriarty ... needless to say I argued against it at the time and, once again, my eagle eye for talent (or in the case of CMPlayer the lack of same) was proven right.

Joe Shaw, you have achieved new depths of poltroonery, ya libelous, sodding git. I only have two in my Kaniggetly lineage and they are Stuka and Leeo, the latter by the fact of his indentured servitude to my former vassal. Both are now kannigets who are much more adept at this game than I, as both have followed to the letter my only instruction – Go Forth and Kill, Maim and Destroy – whilst I still fumble about with the "Go Forth" part and rarely get to the good stuff ... unless it's against that haggis-eatin', Span'l-flayin Spaniard OGSF.</font>
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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw

Now I could be wrong (unlikely to be sure but possible) but I seem to recall that CMPlayer was taken to Squire by Moriarty ... needless to say I argued against it at the time and, once again, my eagle eye for talent (or in the case of CMPlayer the lack of same) was proven right.

Joe Shaw, you have achieved new depths of poltroonery, ya libelous, sodding git. I only have two in my Kaniggetly lineage and they are Stuka and Leeo, the latter by the fact of his indentured servitude to my former vassal. Both are now kannigets who are much more adept at this game than I, as both have followed to the letter my only instruction – Go Forth and Kill, Maim and Destroy – whilst I still fumble about with the "Go Forth" part and rarely get to the good stuff ... unless it's against that haggis-eatin', Span'l-flayin Spaniard OGSF.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:


The trials and tribulations of a neanderthal's throwback...

You gamey bastard you, you almost had me going there for a moment...

You wait until I am returning turns (no, Berli's home has NOT frozen over) and consume a bottle of wine as my repast to post that mini-essay combining "My life is f'ed, how about yours?" and "Colonel Sanders ain't my friend."

Yet, even in my drunkedness (is that a word?), I shall not succumb to your pitiable ploy.

I will not surrender! San Andres and I (he's a Sauvignon Blanc from the Lontue Valley of Chile) have looked over our turn and deem it enough to tromp you. You will have to open the file, enter your typical password ("I_Forget"), and hit "Go" in order to defeat me.

So get to it unter-gnome!

[edited because I am wasted AND the recollection that Andreas is such a perfectionist just rankles me to no end.)

[ June 03, 2002, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


The trials and tribulations of a neanderthal's throwback...

You gamey bastard you, you almost had me going there for a moment...

You wait until I am returning turns (no, Berli's home has NOT frozen over) and consume a bottle of wine as my repast to post that mini-essay combining "My life is f'ed, how about yours?" and "Colonel Sanders ain't my friend."

Yet, even in my drunkedness (is that a word?), I shall not succumb to your pitiable ploy.

I will not surrender! San Andres and I (he's a Sauvignon Blanc from the Lontue Valley of Chile) have looked over our turn and deem it enough to tromp you. You will have to open the file, enter your typical password ("I_Forget"), and hit "Go" in order to defeat me.

So get to it unter-gnome!

[edited because I am wasted AND the recollection that Andreas is such a perfectionist just rankles me to no end.)

[ June 03, 2002, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Oh dear! How pitiful can it get...

At last the truth is out. Berli's true origins are known.

Kommen zu Berli's Page.

Not only is Berli a Grog, he's a computer grog at that!

Oh how the might have gefallen!

It is time! Berli, if you truly merit the attentions of the fair Persephone, you shall have to meet me on the field of battle and prove your worth!

Should you be competent enough, select your troops and press go continuously turn after turn, with a modicum of interdiction for the computer AI. Should you refuse this challenge, I shall name you henceforth the "Lowly Worm of Cesstown" hereafter.

There is battle afoot (or in your case "a-cloven-hoof"), and it needs be resolved.

Your setup or mine, it matters not to me.

(edited 'cause Andreas still annoys me)

(edited again, 'cause San Andres is now empty)

[ June 03, 2002, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Oh dear! How pitiful can it get...

At last the truth is out. Berli's true origins are known.

Kommen zu Berli's Page.

Not only is Berli a Grog, he's a computer grog at that!

Oh how the might have gefallen!

It is time! Berli, if you truly merit the attentions of the fair Persephone, you shall have to meet me on the field of battle and prove your worth!

Should you be competent enough, select your troops and press go continuously turn after turn, with a modicum of interdiction for the computer AI. Should you refuse this challenge, I shall name you henceforth the "Lowly Worm of Cesstown" hereafter.

There is battle afoot (or in your case "a-cloven-hoof"), and it needs be resolved.

Your setup or mine, it matters not to me.

(edited 'cause Andreas still annoys me)

(edited again, 'cause San Andres is now empty)

[ June 03, 2002, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

It is time! Berli, if you truly merit the attentions of the fair Persephone, you shall have to meet me on the field of battle and prove your worth!

Should you be competent enough, select your troops and press go continuously turn after turn, with a modicum of interdiction for the computer AI. Should you refuse this challenge, I shall name you henceforth the "Lowly Worm of Cesstown" hereafter.

There is battle afoot (or in your case "a-cloven-hoof"), and it needs be resolved.

Your setup or mine, it matters not to me.

(edited 'cause Andreas still annoys me)

(edited again, 'cause San Andres is now empty)

Oh very well.

Meeting Engagement

August 1943

German Mech vs Soviet Mech

You may choose the other settings. Send setup when you can

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

It is time! Berli, if you truly merit the attentions of the fair Persephone, you shall have to meet me on the field of battle and prove your worth!

Should you be competent enough, select your troops and press go continuously turn after turn, with a modicum of interdiction for the computer AI. Should you refuse this challenge, I shall name you henceforth the "Lowly Worm of Cesstown" hereafter.

There is battle afoot (or in your case "a-cloven-hoof"), and it needs be resolved.

Your setup or mine, it matters not to me.

(edited 'cause Andreas still annoys me)

(edited again, 'cause San Andres is now empty)

Oh very well.

Meeting Engagement

August 1943

German Mech vs Soviet Mech

You may choose the other settings. Send setup when you can

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

It is time! Berli, if you truly merit the attentions of the fair Persephone, you shall have to meet me on the field of battle and prove your worth!

Should you be competent enough, select your troops and press go continuously turn after turn, with a modicum of interdiction for the computer AI. Should you refuse this challenge, I shall name you henceforth the "Lowly Worm of Cesstown" hereafter.

There is battle afoot (or in your case "a-cloven-hoof"), and it needs be resolved.

Your setup or mine, it matters not to me.

(edited 'cause Andreas still annoys me)

(edited again, 'cause San Andres is now empty)

Oh very well.

Meeting Engagement

August 1943

German Mech vs Soviet Mech

You may choose the other settings. Send setup when you can</font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

It is time! Berli, if you truly merit the attentions of the fair Persephone, you shall have to meet me on the field of battle and prove your worth!

Should you be competent enough, select your troops and press go continuously turn after turn, with a modicum of interdiction for the computer AI. Should you refuse this challenge, I shall name you henceforth the "Lowly Worm of Cesstown" hereafter.

There is battle afoot (or in your case "a-cloven-hoof"), and it needs be resolved.

Your setup or mine, it matters not to me.

(edited 'cause Andreas still annoys me)

(edited again, 'cause San Andres is now empty)

Oh very well.

Meeting Engagement

August 1943

German Mech vs Soviet Mech

You may choose the other settings. Send setup when you can</font>

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Herr Oberst

I answered your rather pathetic challenge. Not my problem you lack the means to continue. Now, perhaps, if you could come up with a worthy challenge I might consider blowing the dust off my CMBO cd. Until then, play with the SSNs as your challenges warrent

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Herr Oberst

I answered your rather pathetic challenge. Not my problem you lack the means to continue. Now, perhaps, if you could come up with a worthy challenge I might consider blowing the dust off my CMBO cd. Until then, play with the SSNs as your challenges warrent

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