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Worst friendly fire incidents in CMBB

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Had a KV-1 fire a load of canister shot right into the back of the light-armored car right in front of it (which was backing up). Two casualties, and it looked absolutely hilarious.

Car: "Reverse! Reverse! that Mark III is starting to look this way!!"

KV-1 Commander: "Infantry contact 200 meters, load canister shot. Fire at will."

KV-1 Gunner: "...but sir!"

Commander: "You heard me, now FIRE!"

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I had a T34 sitting in scattered trees at the base of a hill providing overwatch as another T34 moved up the hill on a road in front of the overwatching tank when an enemy tank appeared on the crest of the hill. The overwatching tank fired and blew the head off of the commander of the traveling tank. Friendly fire sucks! :mad:

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It wasn't so much friendly fire as the best lucky shot ever.

150mm infantry gun fires at vehicle on one hill, misses badly. Shot continues all the way to the next hill behind and takes out the carefully placed spotter in the woods on the next hill back. Knocked the stuffing out of his cunning plan, that did.

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In CMBO, I once lost 5 Elite Brit paras, while subduing a German green sharpshooter. Did I mention it was at night and such low viz that the sharpshooter couldn't shoot anyways?

Platoon HQ and Para squad running into a small building, overwatched by another Para squad (all Elite). Squad is delayed and Platoon HQ reaches the building first. Discovers the green sharpshooter, sounds of hand-to-hand, one guy down from the Platoon HQ (no big deal, guy was waiting in ambush with a brick I figure). Running squad arrives in the next second, shoots and kills the sharpshooter, and another guy from the Platoon HQ. Overwatching squad wakes up and fires at the sharpshooter as his body is falling, hitting 3 guys from the squad now in the building, leaving both assaulting units pinned... That's a hefty price to pay for knocking out one enemy with no offensive capability.

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CMBO - Had a Hummel parked next to a building and a second Hummel next to him. The Hummel next to the building caught sight of some Ami infantry scurrying across open ground. The gunner promptly traversed the gun and began tracking the squad as the loaders rammed in a new round. The gunner, with complete line-of-sight to the squad, happily blazed away. The shot immediately deflected into the corner of the building (less than 3 meters away), destroying the building and both Hummels.

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Worst absolute in CMBO when in turn one a fighter bomber dropped 2 bombs directly on my starting area, I was playing stick to scenario default. Bombs blasted one Sherman Firefly and killed 38 men of two alligned platoons. This happened after 43 seconds from the very beginning of the game.

I restared the game but I never forgot the schock.

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Enemy friendly fire (haha): I have an 88mm Pak 43. It is dueling a T-34/85 and being charged by a clumped-up platoon. The 88 fires, a sure shot and misses. I think, "oh no, the T-34 is gonna get my ATG now (it was my last AT asset). The T-34 fires...

...and the HE shell lands smack dab in the middle of the charging platoon, causing 50% casualties and routing them. The 88 fires agin and kills the tank.

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When playing a double-blind PBEM as the Russians against an opponent, one of my AA units opened up on a Stuka which proceeded to drop a huge payload on some woods near one of my front-line recon squads.

The next turn my opponent says, "Man, your plane just beat the hell out of some of my troops."

My answer: "Umm, that was your plane dude."

Needless to say he wasn't too impressed. :D

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Hey in CMBO, your guns would stop firing if they detected friendlies within proximity of the target...not so in CMBB?

Worst friendly fire,

In one of the scenarios, my troops start in a convoy....turn one, my stukas bomb my convoy (even though the deployment area is miles away from the designated enemy).....burning trucks, dead tank, dead squads, dead half track, shouts of sanitator, etc. etc.

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2 ISU 152mm's are hull down on a hill and are ordered to fire at the 2nd story of a building in the distance. The first one fires alright, the second fires, but I guess it was a little too hull down because the round struck the plateau of the hill 10m away, killing the TC of the first ISU :mad: Idiots, idiots! Must I always be surrounded by idiots?

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Coe, I think that only happens with area fire.

In a recent game, I lost three tank commanders to my own artillery....in another CMBB game, my opponent lost a tank to his own rocket arty.

Once in CMBO, one of my opponent's tanks - a M8 HMC I think - knocked itself out. It was half-hidden behind a building and one of its shells hit the building by mistake.

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Had a platoon of British infantry once, placed in a tight semicircle behind a wooden German bunker, waiting fot the crew to bail out. They bailed out, the men started firing and eliminnated the bunkercrew instantly, along with two thirds of their own platoon. Heh, did I mention it was night? :D

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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

The first one fires alright, the second fires, but I guess it was a little too hull down because the round struck the plateau of the hill 10m away, killing the TC of the first ISU :mad:

Haha, had a similar thing happen to me. two T34's in hull down positions were area firing a building hundreds of meters out. After a turn I was wondering why the building was still standing, and what the hell had happened to half a platoon just in front of the two tanks. :D
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