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Peng, I Challenge you to a breathalyzer test

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

That bottle is waiting for both of us, MrSpkr. But please, we will be drinking something better than Boone's Farm. I have my standards, you know.

Oooh yes, Seanachai has his standards, doesn't he? No mere Boone's Farm for him. Not when MD20/20 has a better bite to it. Especially when it's sipped through a Flavour Straw!

That's what I like to hear, chauvinistically rendered remarks concerning liquor etiquette from a man who keeps his Prozac in a Pez dispenser.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You are a low and boorish fellow, Boo Radley.

I wonder if HE comes with a Strategy Guide ... and if so why would someone buy it?

Panzer Leader, serves you right for sticking your nose into Groggly matters ... it will come to no good end, you may count on it.


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I have never been so completely embarrassed, humiliated, shamed, shown the door, and then tripped on my own feet as I stumbled, head down with tears blurring my vision, as a stiff and Erect boss holds the door open, then commences to *smack* it on my ass as I stumble out into the dark and cold.

[Couldn't even get that right the first go]

[ December 12, 2002, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I have never been so completely embarrassed, humiliated, shamed, shown the door, and then tripped on my own feet as I stumbled, head down with tears blurring my vision, as a stiff and Erect boss holds the door open, then commences to *smack* it on my ass as I stumble out into the dark and cold.

No, that will be how you feel after I finish with you in our current game.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I have never been so completely embarrassed, humiliated, shamed, shown the door, and then tripped on my own feet as I stumbled, head down with tears blurring my vision, as a stiff and Erect boss holds the door open, then commences to *smack* it on my ass as I stumble out into the dark and cold.

[Couldn't even get that right the first go]

Oh, I'm sure you have been many times.

{edited to point out that I was proven right in a mere five minutes}

[ December 12, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

That long, protruding thing in the bottom photo is not a Yeknod, but a tree branch that violated the sanctity of the office of She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Wow, it looks like that tree branch just missed the door to Seanachai's guest room!</font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

That long, protruding thing in the bottom photo is not a Yeknod, but a tree branch that violated the sanctity of the office of She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Wow, it looks like that tree branch just missed the door to Seanachai's guest room!</font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

That long, protruding thing in the bottom photo is not a Yeknod, but a tree branch that violated the sanctity of the office of She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Wow, it looks like that tree branch just missed the door to Seanachai's guest room!</font>

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I have never been so completely embarrassed, humiliated, shamed, shown the door, and then tripped on my own feet as I stumbled, head down with tears blurring my vision, as a stiff and Erect boss holds the door open, then commences to *smack* it on my ass as I stumble out into the dark and cold.

[Couldn't even get that right the first go]

Step right up, everyone! Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys, chickens, dogs, and Outer Boarders! Step right on up and shiver at the sight of this unnattural freak of nature!

Panzer Leader, the Grogless Boy!

Recoil in horror as he endlessly states that 'something just doesn't seem right to him'!

Watch as he keeps repeating "34 SECONDS"!

See him ignore every attempt to offer him reasons for why his fears are bootless!

Share his anguish as 'The Powers That Are' pat him on his misshapen head, hand him a cookie, and gently send him forth to have the drool hosed off.

Do not pass up this, the most disturbing Oddity of the Combat Mission Forum!

Panzer Leader, the Lebowski of the Combat Mission Forum!

Finally, do not let this opportunity to mock, revile, and spit upon him pass! Everyone join in! Let this 'Poster Child for Pillocks Everywhere' know exactly how much he fills you with pity, horror, and loathing!

Hurray, hurray, hurray to see, despise, and laugh at this gormless, clueless, graspless git!

Panzer Leader! You won't find him in Ripley's Believe it or Not! You won't find him at any Circus, Carnival, or travelling Freak Show! Cesspool attraction only!

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Guest PondScum

Goodness the first: I'm back from Reno at last, the biggest little hellhole on earth. Slot machines to the left of me, slot machines to the right of me, but bravely into the valley of the Hilton bar did I ride.

Goodness the second: everyone I'm playing is losing (note that although Goanna isn't technically Returning Turns, he's currently in Siberia and thus I still classify him as Losing)

Goodness the third: my copy of the strategy guide arrived. You're all even more doomed than before.


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Originally posted by PondScum:

Goodness the third: my copy of the strategy guide arrived. You're all even more doomed than before.


The way I see it, first, you'll notice that there are no pop-ups in it and that the pictures that ARE there really can't be colored effectively, so you'll decide that you actually have to READ it. Then after about a half an hour of that, your lips will get tired and you'll wander off to take a nap.

I don't see any of us really having to worry for five, maybe six months.

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Tae a Mousie

But Mousie, thou art no thy lane,

In proving foresight may be vain:

The best-laid schemes o mice an men

Gang aft agley,

An lea'e us nought but grief an pain,

For promis'd joy

- Rabbie Burns

Whuch means a glorious Victory tae OGSF an' a fish-slappin' tae Panzer Leader (noo tae bae confused wi' Guderian, wha knoo wha tha feck hae were dwin).

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

My men fought hard. They came home on their shields. It may've been a loss (tactical *snicker*) but it was a glorious loss.

Was it anything like the 97-3 destructification that I dropped on your pointy haid earlier this week?
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Panzer, your incoherent ramblings in this thread and your slightly amusing, yet tragic ramblings in the other thread reminded me why you owe me a setup.

To be perfectly honest I had forgotten about it, and your vicious post directed at me left me in a strangely bewildered state. Like a Budhist monk pondering over the sound of one hand clapping I sat at my office staring at the screen "why did I think he owed me a setup" I thought..."was it all a dream? A wild and beautiful dream..or was it some figment of imagination stemming from a thoroughly drunk mind?"

Then, when I read your 34-second thread. And I swear, I did not want to read it, it was more like the situation you face when you pass a horribly ugly girl with an enormous big nose in a bar...you dont want to look, but yet you cant help it because "WOW that is a big nose you think...is it really THAT big?" So you look and stare when you dont think she sees you. She notice how you are looking at her and thinks you are interested in her. You on the other hand panic as you realize that she is looking at you now and you force yourself not to look, but then you think "I have to make sure that she doesnt look at me right now" so you look at her, and she was looking at you and now she thinks "yes, he likes me, that is the only reasonable explanation to why hes looking at me all the time". And you panic again, worse this time and you order in lots of shooters and beer thinking "if Im drunk enough, she will leave me alone" but soon you find yourself staring like crazy at her and generally you are behaving like a baboon on a bad acid trip. (Then you end up following her back to her place, and when you wake up the next morning you just want to cry/join the foreign legion and you feel an uncontrollable urge to scrub your entire body with iodine).

Then I thought "I've seen these incoherent ramblings before...yes, I recognize the so-very-not-logic arguments presented with the finesse of a drunken elephant having a panic attack inside a small porcelain gift shop."

You know why you owe me a setup, you STALKER.

Anyway, the 34-second thread inspired me to write a small poem in your honour:

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and your thread was cute.

But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.

Setup please.

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Attention to Those of You Who Can Read:

I'm tired and annoyed at constantly being followed around the adult areas of the CM forum by that small yapping chihuahua mutt called Panzer Leader. And so I return reluctantly to this Den of Nosepicking Naysayers to call him out:

Hey PL!

You salivate at the thought of sniffing the bicycle seat of SpongeBob Squarepants.

Your greatest sexual adventure is painting your wife's toenails every Saturday night while she watches "Batchelor" and wishes for life on another planet.

You are one of those ridiculous idiots who uses "Panzer" in his nickname on the forum.

Your children are so ashamed that they legally changed their names to Tank Follower after learning how the British royal fops went on to even greater public enrichment when they dropped their German-sounding name.

Your dog pees on your leg instead of a tree, and then acts like it was a "mistake".

Kansas City gave you its 2003 Man of the Year Award in advance because you are now and will remain the biggest dork in town, an immense honor in the heartland. They gave you the traditional gift of a ketchup-stained clip-on nylon necktie with a matching "Western Auto" tie clip. Nuff said.

You lick your fingers when you throw cow pies.

I still blame you for the continual nightmares that afflict me since you posted that (shudder) upper nude picture of yourself on the MBT to shock the unwary who innocently came here for something to read while doing "Number Two".

Thus, you must Die at the Hands of the Law. The challenge was sent, and you foolishly (as usual) answered it.

This will be the FINAL episode of "PL Plays House With Lumpy While Wishing to be Eddie Haskell's B**tch". The rest of you can clean up the mess when I'm finished with him.

[ December 13, 2002, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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