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I realize that the universe is governed by a system of checks and balances. Light has dark, yin has yang, for every action there must be an equal reaction. I understand this and am at home with the concept. But it hardly seems fair that just because I whup the living daylights out of SpeedBump in "A Clash of Minors", I then get whupped in return by Aussie Jeff.

It just doesn't seem right.

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You forget, little grasshopper, that there is also a food chain, a pecking order, a scale of things, rank with privilege, a balance of fear, the natural order of life, precedence, priorities, right of way, a wider expanse of experience, a level playing field, an order of magnitude, and, of course motherhood an apple pie.

None of which is important.

A victory over Judder bar hardly seems worthy of mention at all - you must be dredging to bottom of the barrel to have been forced to recall it - oh, yes - indeed you are, because you LOST to him too.

There is only one proper response to your sad predicament: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [pause to breath]....[/pause to breath] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Don't you owe me a turn?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I realize that the universe is governed by a system of checks and balances. Light has dark, yin has yang, for every action there must be an equal reaction. I understand this and am at home with the concept. But it hardly seems fair that just because I whup the living daylights out of SpeedBump in "A Clash of Minors", I then get whupped in return by Aussie Jeff.

It just doesn't seem right.

I suppose we will now be subject to an outrageous post which contains the butchering of the English language as Flamin AJ seeks to humiliate and otherwise cause you to crawl back into your Ohioan hobbit hole.
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Originally posted by Mike:

(Various twaddle, meanderings and vapid posturings SNIPPED!)

A victory over Judder bar hardly seems worthy of mention at all - you must be dredging to bottom of the barrel to have been forced to recall it - oh, yes - indeed you are, because you LOST to him too.

Who the hell is Judder bar???

(More spittle festooned braying SNIPPED!)

Don't you owe me a turn?

We're not even playing a game, you addle-pated chair sniffer.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Who the hell is Judder bar???

Spedbump = judder bar you linguistically challenged sparrow fart!

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />(More spittle festooned braying SNIPPED!)

Don't you owe me a turn?

We're not even playing a game, you addle-pated chair sniffer.[/qb]</font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I realize that the universe is governed by a system of checks and balances. Light has dark, yin has yang, for every action there must be an equal reaction. I understand this and am at home with the concept. But it hardly seems fair that just because I whup the living daylights out of SpeedBump in "A Clash of Minors", I then get whupped in return by Aussie Jeff.

It just doesn't seem right.

I suppose we will now be subject to an outrageous post which contains the butchering of the English language as Flamin AJ seeks to humiliate and otherwise cause you to crawl back into your Ohioan hobbit hole.</font>
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AussieJeff, that is the WORST, most horrid screenshot of CM that I've seen since one of the Pre-Aplha shots that came out three years ago. Either get a decent grass mod or shoot yourself ... preferably the later.

Mikey ... THIS is the reason I continue to champion the cause of properly spelling and bolding the names of the members of the CessPool. Every once in a while some cretin (hint: Look in the mirror) comes along with what he conceives to be the ultimate in clever name mangling. It is invariably (8***) done to death six months ago when YOU weren't around or (%^&*} SO horribly mangled that only someone who is "In On The Joke" (i.e. as brain dead as you) could possible understand.

To the rest of you ... I'll be out of town Monday through Thursday. By the time I return I expect all the SSNs to be dealt with properly.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

AussieJeff, that is the WORST, most horrid screenshot of CM that I've seen since one of the Pre-Aplha shots that came out three years ago. Either get a decent grass mod or shoot yourself ... preferably the later.


Ha! The funny thing is, it's his own! Trying to make it look like the 'outback' or somefink.
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Fortunately for Herr Boo, I have finally cracked the secret Micro$oft code that allows me to Print a frickin' screenshot using me now-not-so-new frickin' M$ keyboard.


Good grief, Charlie Brown, er...I mean AJ. What are you running CM on, a Palm Pilot???
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Originally posted by YK2:

But of course you do Persephone ....

You know those times when you think...

"I wanna kick some Ass" or those days you have when you wish your boss would drop of the edge of the planet and never return, leaving you to run the office?

Well that's your "Inner Croda"... when it happens again just relax and go with the flow, it's pretty painless really, and who knows, you may even like it?

Just think.... ENTRAILS for lunch!!!!

No more Peanut Butter and Jellie on Black Russian Bread.

It brings me pain to have to correct a Lady in public, but where an Inner Croda is concerned, 'twere best done quickly....

An Inner Croda is not at all like what you describe above, dear Lady. What you are describing is akin to your standard "M1 Hate" model, stock, no flourishes. An Inner Croda is related to that feeling you get the morning after eating something Very Bad For You. Perhaps something that is normally okay, just not when consumed in Mass Quantities. Or maybe something a friend dared you to eat. Maybe something you saw on the side of the road that looked okay, or something you cut out of the pack because it looked sick.

The next morning, you feel.... out of sorts.... The kind of out of sorts that makes you not want to go into work quite yet, because some things are best handled in private. The kind of out of sorts that makes you glad for a second bathroom in the basement if you have one, or feel sad if you don't. The kind of out of sorts that you don't really want to begin, but once begun, you don't really want to stop, either.

That is your Inner Croda. Sadly, no matter how much you punish yourself, it never leaves you, although there are times when you thought it surely must have been caught in the riptide. But it is always there, waiting for the next time.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

AussieJeff, that is the WORST, most horrid screenshot of CM that I've seen since one of the Pre-Aplha shots that came out three years ago. Either get a decent grass mod or shoot yourself ... preferably the later.


Ha! The funny thing is, it's his own! Trying to make it look like the 'outback' or somefink.</font>
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Let it be henceforth knewn around these here parts that I, Sir Flamin' Aussiejeff am a tactically superiour being. How so, you may ask?

















Well, in some scenario or other called "Hard Boiled Eggs" or somefink, I have just handed Leeo "the-not-so-lion-hearted" an abject lesson in how to counterattack a counterattack.

However, for some reason the blasted gamey game engine decided to only award a piffling "Tactical Victory" to my <U>Totally Victorious</U> Munchentruppen. I say, BFC old chaps - WTF??? I score 71 to 29, destroy ALL his AFV's (20 assault guns - count 'em) and hold 3 of the 4 VL flags with one small flag undecided. HUH???? Please patch or do somefink!!

Anyhoo, notwithstanding my righteous claim, for yer viewing pleasure I give you - THE SCORE


and not least - THE HORROR of Leeo's shattered field of dreams... 3 x SU-122's and 5 x SU-152's help fertilise this lil' patch of blood-soaked Sunny Steppes.... MU-HAA-HAA-HAAAA!


Sir AJ

Tactical Genius

PS: Joe - I hope you like my toned down Sunny Steppes mod.. I'll e-mail the 5gig of files to you as you asked, ok?

[ December 09, 2002, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh, I thought you knew. The money's funneled directly to Delaney. She said something about unbreakable alibis don't come cheap...but perhaps I've said too much.

Thank-you Boo (may I call you Boo?) I hope you'll understand if I don't send a receipt.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

AussieJeff, that is the WORST, most horrid screenshot of CM that I've seen since one of the Pre-Aplha shots that came out three years ago. Either get a decent grass mod or shoot yourself ... preferably the later.

It's CMBB retro


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Bah rootless scum and assorted larrikins,

I'm only playing Mace at this point and it's a slow grinding game with the pillion deciding that hiding is the new sure-fire way of winning when he's attacking. Monstrous, the other two games I’ve got going are terrifying with out borders that seem to know what they’re doing, t-34s and PIV closing on my poor lads from all directions.

[ December 09, 2002, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Bastables ]

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GAWD!!! its even worse than I thought it would be... Not only do AJ's screenshots look like ground zero at the moment of a nuclear detonation, but then we get what looks like the aftermath of nuclear winter from young Gaylord.

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I'm currently waiting for my ride to the airport ... I think I may buy the new Jeff Shaara novel about the Revolutionary War at the bookstore, yeah it'll be more expensive there but you gotta have a book on an airplane if you can't have CMBB.

I knew you'd all be interested.


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