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Why doesn't the Peng Challenge come with a printed manual?


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

And by the way, thanks for being such a good sport about being forced to move out of your room in Mom and Dad's basement to make room for my storage area. It doesn't upset you that I'm already calling them Mom and Dad, does it? I think the favoritism they're currently showing towards me will wear off in time. The guilt of losing me in the first place, etc.


No problem at all. It's funny how these things work out. Why it was only yesterday that your mom was telling me that I'm like the son she never had, which is kind of a "dope slap-upside the head" for you and your brothers, Larry, Curly and Moe.

And while I'm thinking about it,

Oh Frabjous Day, Calloo-Callay!

The Brownies didn't lose after all yesterday. I turned off the tube late in the 4th quarter when they were down 14 points. Imagine my surprise when I find out they won it in overtime with a field goal.

On top of that piece of good news, the boss is out of the office until tomorrow, so it's almost like a vacation day. If CMBB comes today, I'll have to consider myself the recipient of a happy hat trick.

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Joe is muttering about how much he hates bocage and wants to quit. He sucks, I am winning.

AussieJeff has decided that the only proper way to deal with my surprise counterattack is to recklessly charge his frogs across 1030m or so of open terrain. I hope he uses this tactic early and often in CMBB. He sucks, I might win this one.

Boo_Radley isn't actually playing a game with me right now, but he still sucks, and I would be winning if we were playing.

dalem doesn't seem to like Stare Yelnia. He is whining about not having any Panzerschrecks or ranged AT assets. He sucks, I am winning.

Wildman hasn't sent a turn in ages. He sucks, I am winning.

Roxy hasn't sent a turn in ages, the useless shemale. Last I heard, she was whining about my email -- but nobody else seems to have any problems with it. He sucks, I am winning.

Now Sod off!


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I am off from work, waiting in hope the game will ariive today. Since I am new to this thread, I anticipate severe recriminations from the senior members. However, the sheer joy of the child-like anticipation I am feeling today has caused me to throw caution to the wind and post here.

Since I dont understand exactly how this works,( I guess Im a pillock, or some other insulting thing that I do not know the meaning of), I will ask a favor. My E Mail address is included in my profile, I guess that favors will be immediately dismissed because I am an FNG I would however like to play against someone involved in this thread. I think I understand most of the other things involved here, but I cant figure out how or who to challenge. (Dopey me) :confused:

I do have a fair command of English, but I dont suppose that means anything, I expect to be told to SODD OFF!!!, but I think I will stick around.

Thank you, and I hope you liked the audition.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Thank you, and I hope you liked the audition.

Yes, yes, that was a lovely effort . . . take care . . . no, REALLY, we liked it . . . that's right, just exit over there . . .no, no, don't call us, we'll call you . . . uh huh . . . buh-bye . . . yes, we have your number . . . buh-bye, no, not right now . . . buh-bye.

door closes

I thought he'd NEVER leave. Puss-ugly little bugger he was -- glad he decided to just sod off -- never would ahve made it around here what with only two brain cells to his name and having lost the one and pawned the other.



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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Thank you, and I hope you liked the audition.

Yes, yes, that was a lovely effort . . . take care . . . no, REALLY, we liked it . . . that's right, just exit over there . . .no, no, don't call us, we'll call you . . . uh huh . . . buh-bye . . . yes, we have your number . . . buh-bye, no, not right now . . . buh-bye.

door closes

I thought he'd NEVER leave. Puss-ugly little bugger he was -- glad he decided to just sod off -- never would ahve made it around here what with only two brain cells to his name and having lost the one and pawned the other.



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Originally posted by Andreas:

Now, Amsterdam Leather Press™ - are they busy with the hookers down the road or why is their publications department slacking? Get on with it.

Absent a copy of CM:BB with which to do the research necessary to create finely crafted Grog-Porn™, the plucky denizens of Leather Tiger Press (Amsterdam, just upstairs from the Cosmic Café) have diversified into the music business. You can see their latest effort here.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Thank you, and I hope you liked the audition.

Hmm. I am reminded of something my Sensei told me many years ago. His precise words were, "Kusai-yo!" Then he hit me. It hurt a lot.

If he were a participant in this, the Mutha' Beautiful Thread That Will Always Be There, he would probably extend his remarks by saying something along the lines of, "Read the rules, pillock." He would probably close with a hearty, "Sod off!", and would most likely regret being unable to reach out and touch you through the marvelous electronic medium that we share.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo_Radley isn't actually playing a game with me right now, but he still sucks, and I would be winning if we were playing.


Made the mistake of reading this while taking a big old drink of water. Almost ended up wearing said water.

I'll have to admit that although I still think of you as a bit of a prancing ninny, that wasn't too bad.

Now go someplace and be quiet.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andreas:

Now, Amsterdam Leather Press™ - are they busy with the hookers down the road or why is their publications department slacking? Get on with it.

Absent a copy of CM:BB with which to do the research necessary to create finely crafted Grog-Porn™, the plucky denizens of Leather Tiger Press (Amsterdam, just upstairs from the Cosmic Café) have diversified into the music business. You can see their latest effort here.</font>
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Thank you, and I hope you liked the audition.

Hmm. I am reminded of something my Sensei told me many years ago. His precise words were, "Kusai-yo!" Then he hit me. It hurt a lot.

If he were a participant in this, the Mutha' Beautiful Thread That Will Always Be There, he would probably extend his remarks by saying something along the lines of, "Read the rules, pillock." He would probably close with a hearty, "Sod off!", and would most likely regret being unable to reach out and touch you through the marvelous electronic medium that we share.</font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

"Dozo onagai shimasu"

I am sad now because the game did not arrive. I dont suppose you care though, I guess I will just go and read the rules, I will be back, however, "Arigato gozaimasu" :(

Why should I care? You are already dead, not to mention being a SSN. And you spelled "o-negai" incorrectly.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Thank you, and I hope you liked the audition.

Hmm. I am reminded of something my Sensei told me many years ago. His precise words were, "Kusai-yo!" Then he hit me. It hurt a lot.

If he were a participant in this, the Mutha' Beautiful Thread That Will Always Be There, he would probably extend his remarks by saying something along the lines of, "Read the rules, pillock." He would probably close with a hearty, "Sod off!", and would most likely regret being unable to reach out and touch you through the marvelous electronic medium that we share.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo_Radley isn't actually playing a game with me right now, but he still sucks, and I would be winning if we were playing.


Made the mistake of reading this while taking a big old drink of water. Almost ended up wearing said water.

I'll have to admit that although I still think of you as a bit of a prancing ninny, that wasn't too bad.

Now go someplace and be quiet.</font>

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I can see now that you have all finally come awake, and are now singing the praises of the newest member of your thread.

Hakko Ichiu: In the future, I will be more careful with Japanese spelling, "oss", I am not leaving. smile.gif

Joe Shaw: The 1 in my sig does have a meaning, but I am not prepared to tell you what it is yet.

OK I'm an SSN, but that can't be worse than being a Mortgage Banker. I am not leaving tongue.gif

MrSpkr: Since you were the first to dismiss me out of hand, before recognizing what a truly nice person I am, I now consider you my MENTOR, and I will annoy you incessantly. I am not leaving smile.gif

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Originally posted by dalem: I played a game against the AI and called it Joe. It was like playing Joe only a) faster, because Joe spends more time distracting you with silly pregame rituals than actually playing, and B) more fun, because the AI plays better than Joe.

Try it, it's a good time.[/QB]

dalem lad, while you've managed to convince yourself that Flixible Felicia is just as good as a REAL girl (barring the necessity to buy her clothes ... of course if you guess wrong on the size I suppose you can just let some of the air out), CM really is best played against an opponent.

As I recall from our last bout, you didn't stand a chance from the start and it got worse from there. I don't recall any protracted negotiations but then no doubt YOU would consider the necessity of choosing a side as onerous.

Tell you what lad, why don't you get CMBB in your hot little hands, put Felicia aside for a moment (btw, it's not a good idea to sit her on a stove ... I know you want to "get her hot", but trust me on this one) and fire a setup my way.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

and anyway didn't they ban all sharp objects in Texas?

Only if you're referring to wit.

(Edited to remove the offending smiley, as I hates them thoroughly.)</font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I can see now that you have all finally come awake, and are now singing the praises of the newest member of your thread.

Hakko Ichiu: In the future, I will be more careful with Japanese spelling, "oss", I am not leaving. smile.gif

Joe Shaw: The 1 in my sig does have a meaning, but I am not prepared to tell you what it is yet.

OK I'm an SSN, but that can't be worse than being a Mortgage Banker. I am not leaving tongue.gif

MrSpkr: Since you were the first to dismiss me out of hand, before recognizing what a truly nice person I am, I now consider you my MENTOR, and I will annoy you incessantly. I am not leaving smile.gif

Well lad you'd best show some gumption then because so far all we've learned is (6.875% and rising) you're not leaving and (7.25 APR) you're a nice guy.

The first assertion has yet to meet the test of time and the second has ZERO value in here.

Mind you I DO like your approach to MrSpkr, don't be mislead, he really LIKES mentoring people and would love to guide you in your efforts {snort}.

dalem I suspect that you're mistaken (now THERE'S a safe bet). "skraeling" was a term used by the Vikings to refer to the Native Americans they encountered in their voyages. Since those chaps were vicious and persistent enough to make a Viking settlement LEAVE, I can't see anything that would recommend Nimrod1 for that title.


[ September 23, 2002, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Then you will have to always know that if I poke fun at you I really dont mean it. Hmmm.....

No, no, no. You have to mean it. And don't poke fun, lad. Tear into them as a mongrel into a vagrant or a toddler into a Happy Meal. I don't know which is the uglier image. Oh I know, anything that includes Joe.

But I digress...

Remember, always go for the eyes, unless you feint at the eyes and attack about three feet south of there.

Your object is to make them weep like little school girls...or Joe.

Just be nice to the Ladies of the Pool and don't go challenging a Knight, and before too long, you will win friends and influence people

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