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I just got Combat Mission 2 one week ago.

I really enjoy its gameplay,graphics,units...

Now lets stop at graphics:

Terrain looks a little old i think it could be better.I really hate those trees that are always watching you:)

Explosins are cool,expecaly when you hit building or when you knock vehicle out.

When im playing large scenarios,where there are a lot of objects it sometimes work slow.

I have Duron 800,Geforce2,196ram...and as i can see i have better graphics than my father (P450,Voodoo3),thats probably because he has voodoo.

Then,soldiers could be more lifely,they are running and moving very dumm.

Tanks are made very excellent :cool:

What sometimes pisses me off is that they can see through the trees,ok cant say its impossible but that happens too often,i wanted to set up an ambush and t-34 saw me through the tree and bang!!!

Sometimes tanks,vehicles work stupid,when im waiting with stummel halftrack 75mm on t-34 1941,i had armor arc and when it came my halftrack retreated.armor against halftrack,well it makes sense,but it could just shot and damage its gun.

What i really miss are some more options.

In the menu,more options!!!,to set graphics,sound,more orders (i dont know how to cease fire,even if troops are hide they will shot anyway)

there are only those hotkeys:(

ok,thats enough for the first time,i saw that there is a new patch,maybe i will dl it


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Originally posted by TheMan:


What i really miss are some more options.

In the menu,more options!!!,to set graphics,sound,more orders (i dont know how to cease fire,even if troops are hide they will shot anyway)


Use the covered arcs to cease fire. The trees are an abstraction - refer to the manual.

Hope it helps abit - have fun.

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What sometimes pisses me off is that they can see through the trees,ok cant say its impossible but that happens too often,i wanted to set up an ambush and t-34 saw me through the tree and bang!!!
Do remember that, as another poster wrote, the trees are an abstraction - the trees you seen on your screen are just markers for "tree terrain." There may or may not be an actual tree there. In fact - you can assume there isn't.

The way the game handles the abstraction is by steadily degrading LOS through trees, rather than tracking actual tree/leaf positions and checking for a LOS block.

But that degredation is steady and constant. You can use the LOS tool to discover how far into the trees LOS will extend, and it will always extend that far and no further. (Note that light and atmospheric conditions do effectively alter this distance.)

So, at the beginning of a game, use the LOS tool and see how far LOS will extend into trees of a given type and make your plans accordingly.

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Originally posted by TheMan:

sometimes tanks can shot through the terrain,i tryed to make an ambush behind the hill and opponent saw me.

i think this LOS could be a little more complete.

Sure it wasn't a nearby unit on YOUR side of the hill that saw you, and you didn't see HIM?
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Originally posted by TheMan:

[QB]sometimes tanks can shot through the terrain,i tryed to make an ambush behind the hill and opponent saw me.

i think this LOS could be a little more complete.

I think it's more likely that LOS is too complete, by which I mean the terrain is often so detailed that it's very easy to be decieved about the LOS. Unlike almost all other games, the terrain in CMBB is often full of little irregularities. Not as many as real life, but FAR more than you'll find almost anywhere without a 3D engine.

OTOH, maybe you mean that the LOS is "absolute" not "relative" - the usual terms used to describe the fact that in CM if _any_ enemy unit has spotted your unit that _all_ enemy units know it's there (though they can sometimes take awhile to actually "lock" on the unit - a tank with poor visibility trying to find an infantry unit is a common example of this.). This absolute or "Borg" spotting is a known, much discussed, flaw in the game - one difficult to find an acceptable programming fix for. IIRC, BFC is going to try to move to relative spotting in the next game.

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It's not just trees that are abstractions, either. Don't trust ANYTHING you see on the screen without checking LOS. The following happened to me in a game recently.



IbuildingII...[ a ].............North

IIIIIIIIIIIII...[ n ]...............^

IIIIIIIIIIIII...[ k ]....West <.....> East

.............IIIIIIIIIIIII ..........v

....( t )...IIIIIIIIIIIII ........South

....( a )...IbuildingII



My own German (tank) was hiding, facing south, covering the approach from south and west. On the screen, there was no gap between the two large, heavy buildings, but suddenly a Russian [tank] rumbled up on the other side of them and pumped a shot into its rear armour, knocking it out. I was not amused.

It wasn't until it was too late that I checked the LOS and realised that there was an "invisible" gap between the two buildings. If my Stug had been even 5 metres further south, it would probably have been safe.

Anybody else witness this in a game, or am I the only poor sod to get done in this way?

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Originally posted by ColdSober:



IbuildingII...[ a ].............North

IIIIIIIIIIIII...[ n ]...............^

IIIIIIIIIIIII...[ k ]....West <.....> East

.............IIIIIIIIIIIII ..........v

....( t )...IIIIIIIIIIIII ........South

....( a )...IbuildingII



Nice graphics, what grass are you using?


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I've seen it, I had enemy tanks shoot "through" a light bldg in CMBO, killing two of my Shermans who thought the house gave them flank cover... just about everything you see in CM is an abstraction, so use the LOS tool a lot, don't trust your eyes. The same kind of thing goes for infantry squads, for example. They actually occupy a 20m x 20m "tile" so sometimes they might appear to "close assault" a tank that is "too" far away, but at least one guy in the squad is at the "edge" of the tile the squad occupies. It's all in the abstraction, yes, yes...

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Originally posted by ColdSober:

Anybody else witness this in a game, or am I the only poor sod to get done in this way?

IIRC as long as some part of a tank is viewable, it is considered in LOS by the engine. I'll bet your tank was 99% covered, but that last one percent was still in the LOS of the other tank. It's an all or nothing deal.
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Strangely enough I too am newbie that’s just purchased CMBB ;)

I will agree as with any design there’s always room for improvement.

And with out trying to sound too much like a creep, but I find the 3d engine and graphics environment totally Gobsmacking, I just run the videos over, over and over.

Even if the graphic did look a bit sad or old , which is not the case here by a long chalk!

When you look at a new game Graphics are nice but it’s got to be depth that’s counts, and that’s what I see with CMBB.

And was it from The Lord of the rings “Not all that glitters is gold”


[ December 03, 2002, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Mach ]

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