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Joe Has A Heart,Boo Has A Soul,Whatever Happened To Nip And The Peng Challenge Thread

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Pondscum has never looked so good.

Wanna bet? *spew* *vomitus* *hack...* *GAG!*


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I'm going to reformat my hard drive, i can't preview my posts, and i know if i reformat i can actualy pay attention to my configurations this time so i won't have that problem.

Do you like to kill flies with your sledgehammer, too?

The preview is in a popup window, so if you have a pop-blocker, it won't work. Spare yourself 6 hours of installing and just turn the blocker off...</font>

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It is with great sadness that I must report that the evil, kilt wearing German hordes of the gamey, plow loving bastiche hereafter known as OGSF. Has inflicted a minor defeat on the glorious red army in the scenario called 'Directive Number 3'.

This OGSFian victory was totally undeserved, I mean with a score of 60 to 40 it should have been a draw dammit!!!

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Pondscum has never looked so good.

<BIG><BIG>*WHUMPP!*</BIG></BIG> {sound of Yeknod's jaw hitting the floor....}

<BIG><BIG>*WHUMMMMMMMPP!* *FLOP* WHUUUUUUMMMMMMP!* </BIG></BIG> {sound of prime donkey hitting the floor....}


[ November 01, 2002, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Speedy:

It is with great sadness that I must report that the evil, kilt wearing German hordes of the gamey, plow loving bastiche hereafter known as OGSF. Has inflicted a minor defeat on the glorious red army in the scenario called 'Directive Number 3'.

This OGSFian victory was totally undeserved, I mean with a score of 60 to 40 it should have been a draw dammit!!!

Ah whupped his gamey, flag-rushin' arrse. Killed 17 o' hais 18 vehicles, an' DM'd tha snot oot o' haes round-faced, squinty-eyed pixelRuskies.

Ah toss haes beaten carcass on tha pile wi' Dalem, Goanna, Aussie Jeff, et al!

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I've been away for awhile. Now I'm back. Did ya miss me?



For those of you currently engaged in games of CM with me, please note the new email address in my profile. PondScum got distracted and left the door at MSN ajar, allowing me to make good an escape. Oh the many fond memories I take with me as I sprint headlong towards freedom (not to mention technical support staff who appear to be further along the evolutionary scale than your basic amoeba).

Turns out tomorrow, if I feel like it.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Papa Khann-

My arms hurt.

And not in a good way.


dalem, thanks again for all the help. It was much appreciated. You and 'da boyz' did a wonderful job.

By the way, most of my stuff with any resale value has gone missing....


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Dear reader,

Lately I have seen much wailing and gnashing on the outerboards by many 'poolscum befuddled by the intricacies of the new CMBB gamey engine.

Mostly along the lines of "It takes too friggin' long to advance" or "The friggin' maps are too friggin' big" or "the friggin' inf are exhausted trying to friggin' march 100metres to the friggin' battle" or "I can't friggin' understand why my friggin' 8mm mortars don't friggin blast the enemy to friggin' kingdom come" or "Frig me! This friggin game is friggin' with me mind!!" and so forth.......

Far be it from ME to friggin' complain, so I set about pandering to this pathetic pile of putridinous pillocks by creating THE-BESTEST-AND-MOST-FAIREST, INSTANT-ACTION-PACKED, GRIPPINGLY-STRATEGIC, HISTORICALLY-AHISTORICAL, FAST-PLAYING, BANDWIDTH-FRIENDLY and most importantly FUN-INDUCING CMBB scenarios of the century, to soothe these poor beasts before they harm themselves in some depraved way.

Yes, dear reader, I give you FREE and UNSOLICITED access to the following two Aussiejeff CMBB Classics to play with at your hearts content or to send to a friend with hateful intent:

{Item 36b} AJ's ArtyXCess for CMBB - Those of you fortunate {read - SMART} enough to have played my previous best-selling ArtyXCess for CMBO would know what thrills and spills await them in this up-dated version! BIGGER SPLODIES! MORE CLANKETTYS! MORE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION! MORE FUN!! A wonderfully balanced 3x10 turn Quick Operation on a small map. Order now! Limited supplies!!

and as a special offer this month only,

{Item Part the third} AJ's WW1 TrenchWarfare For Beginners This new development from the development team of AJ & AJ developed specifically for those with short attention spans and only two digits on each hand will DELIGHT YOU FOR MINUTES with a rare blend of TRENCHES, HMGS, BARBED WIRE, SCADS OF HEAVY ARTY and MORTARS A-PLENTY on a TINY map crafted in minute detail from The Fields of Flanders. Every blade of grass has been hand painted to offer the player that feeling of utter reality. No crater left unturned!

This one is SURE TO GO GOLD within hours of release, so ORDER NOW and receive a bonus Soft Scunthorpe Donkey Toy to *BOOT*!!

All you have to do is send me a self addressed e-mail and I send FREE to YOU either one or both of these AMAZING titles for FREE. This is an INCREDIBLE FREE OFFER YOU CANNOT REFUSE!!!

Appply NOW!!! Your country NEEDS YOU!!!!


[ November 01, 2002, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Now, Persephone these pictures have me puzzled. In the first one, you have only four fingers on your left hand, in the second one you have five. Whats going on here, are you doctoring these shots?

Nidan, you are mistaken. It is the Fair Emma. I'm too camera shy to post my own piccy!


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Originally posted by "thewood" on the "AI cheats thread:"

[sNIP...While this board, like any, ranges from immature to PENG.../SNIP]

The 'pool has been given more confirmation of it's illustrious position of "Flagship Thread."

And regarding the preposterous self-glamourising-advertising by AussieJeff.... Remember, he designed scenarios with his awe-full desert mods. E-Nuff said !


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Dear reader,

...so I set about pandering to this pathetic pile of putridinous pillocks by creating THE-BESTEST-AND-MOST-FAIREST, INSTANT-ACTION-PACKED, GRIPPINGLY-STRATEGIC, HISTORICALLY-AHISTORICAL, FAST-PLAYING, BANDWIDTH-FRIENDLY and most importantly FUN-INDUCING CMBB scenarios of the century...


In other words, bend over, here it comes again.
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I've decided that CMBB is clearly flawed. How else to explain my current ... issues, vis-a-vis winning that is, with my former loyal and trustworthy squire Agua Perdido, the vile and loathsome "HEY, play one of MY Scenarios ... preferably against ME" Australian AJ and even "Say it Now and Say It Loud, I'm a Cow and I'm Proud" Panzer Leader.

If the engine weren't flawed it's clear that I'd be winning.

I'm also playing Hakko Ichiu but it's still early in that one ... although I'm not feeling sanguine, no indeed I'm not.

Treeburst155 is hiding in one or another treeline ... I expected no better of him.

I'd also like to mention that ATRs are basically worthless.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm also playing Hakko Ichiu but it's still early in that one ... although I'm not feeling sanguine, no indeed I'm not.

Oh, I'd say things are getting quite sanguinary in our little contretemps, wouldn't you.

Of course, if you really want to see blood, gore, and the futility of human action, see my current uncivil litigation against MrSpkr.

Seanachai is playing "Laughing Gnome" in the snows of Russia. Whether he'll still be squeaking, "Ha ha ha. Hee hee hee," in a few minutes remains to be seen.

Geier is staving off defeat through the ingenious expedient of not sending turns.

Andreas is doing likewise, although not before giving me a 105mm going away present.

Some outerboarder is playing me too. At the current rate, he'll be getting a little visit from his Political Commisar, and not before time.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How else to explain my current ... issues, vis-a-vis winning that is, with my former loyal and trustworthy squire Agua Perdido.

Well, let's consider the issues..


Have you modified your tactics from CMBO?


CMBB requires more patience as the attacker...

[bURP]couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag with battalion of sharp scissors[/bURP]

Perhaps you're having trouble adapting to the new game.

[sTOMACH RUMBLE]but why don't you go for a nice long run with that battalion of sharp scissors down a short, ball-bearing-strewn pier[/sTOMACH RUMBLE]

I'm sure you'll get used to it soon enough.

[sNEEZE]who let Ethan in here?[/sNEEZE]

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Happy Halloween!!!, Persephone ,i thought there was going ot be a Halloween party here? Must fight urge to break pumkins.....well i'm a little too tired tonight to go out asking for candy so i'm sure i'll end up back here in an hour or few.

Gaylord, where were you last night? Out smashing pumpkins? You missed the big party!

Now you can start cleaning up the mess like a good serf.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

<BIG><BIG>*WHUMPP!*</BIG></BIG> {sound of Yeknod's jaw hitting the floor....}

<BIG><BIG>*WHUMMMMMMMPP!* *FLOP* WHUUUUUUMMMMMMP!* </BIG></BIG> {sound of prime donkey hitting the floor....}

Does anyone have any smelling salts?


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