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Can a sherman do this?

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Here is the to the turn: http://www.the111.com/rockmacrowIII071.txt

password is "303"

The action happens at 59-60 seconds.

Wow! I'm impressed! I've always thought that when you get a ricochet, the shell just disappears. Instead of CM calculating where that shell actually goes. I've never seen an explosion on the ground after a ricochet (maybe I've seen one, but didn't recognise it was made by a ricochet), but now saw how a tank is destroyed by one.

BTW, that Russian tank hunter team did very well also.

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Originally posted by dieseltaylor:

The first Tiger captured was abandoned as a 6pdr shell jammed the turret ring --- flukey but it happened.

Not flukey - just good shooting. Targetting the turret ring was SOP for German light ATG and tank gun crews when faced with heavy tanks where they could not defeat the armour. I suspect that other nations'armies cottoned on to this as well.
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Hi, first apologies for my bad english.

About Sherman destroy the tiger;Beren you dont tell that this same game another sherman take 2 penetrations by one STGIII at 150 metres... it dont death and kill stg, another "hit" of luck at same game; you are the most lucky gamer i know (too much for me) all this cases can happend at CM of course... i am looking for another cases "with great Luck". When at a game happend a lucky hit, it is rare, when two times very, very rare, when 3 times, for me something is wrong. I dont see nobody tell you "cheater" at public but for me "you are the MOST lucky gamer i see ever and it is normally people talk about it. Salutes everybody.

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Originally posted by Bravido:

Hi, first apologies for my bad english.

About Sherman destroy the tiger;Beren you dont tell that this same game another sherman take 2 penetrations by one STGIII at 150 metres... it dont death and kill stg, another "hit" of luck at same game; you are the most lucky gamer i know (too much for me) all this cases can happend at CM of course... i am looking for another cases "with great Luck". When at a game happend a lucky hit, it is rare, when two times very, very rare, when 3 times, for me something is wrong. I dont see nobody tell you "cheater" at public but for me "you are the MOST lucky gamer i see ever and it is normally people talk about it. Salutes everybody.

I have seen StuGs and Shermans survive 75mm shell hits on a number of occasions. If you are concerned, the best thing to do is to create a test scenario and repeat it 100 times to see how often tanks survive.

In a game I am playing at the moment, one of my Panzer IIIF was knocked out by a British 2pdr pillbox at 3,960m first shot. And one of my Pioneer teams blew up a building and the explosion destroyed an enemy tank nearby.

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I recall an old thread on 'lucky hits' where people (including me) were complaining bitterly about that danged annoying - and seemingly frequent - 'gun damage'. Then someone posted portions of a report documenting the high proportion of tanks withdrawn due to gun damage. I guess gun damage can range from recoil cylinder breaking, to breech jamming, to a big chunk taken out of the barrel! 'Gun damage' became a little bit more acceptable in-game after reading that.

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Yes, the unusual happens on the real battlefield quite frequently. It's just that the circumstances are often very different. For example, "Gun Hit" is a result that can come from dozens of different causes. Each cause is lucky, but overall the result is fairly common.

There is a good account of a US 57mm ATG killing a Panther by penetrating the ball MG. This was in thick fog. The ATG gunner could only see the muzzle flash of the Panther's MG so he aimed for it. Spot on hit and brewed up the tank quite nicely. The rest withdrew. Lucky? You bet.

Shermans are well known for their ability to absorb certain kinds of penetrations. The main reason is that they are a fairly big vehicle and can therefore have a lot of non-critical areas to hit. From the enemy player's perspective it might look like multiple hits aren't doing anything, but it could be that crew members are killed, main gun knocked out, or immobilized. Stuff like that is harder to see. I've seen on this forum discussions like this:

"I hit your tank 3 times and it didn't die. That's seems wrong"

"Yeah, but the first hit killed a crew member, the second hit apparently did nothing, and the third hit immobilized me. That doesn't seem wrong to me"


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Originally posted by Bravido:

Sir I dont told about it is or not possible at CM, it is, but if these "hits of luck" repeat too much at diferents games, for me it is very strange. Salutes

They appear "so often" because we remember them.

we may have played 100-200 or more CM games, and there are thousands of people playing more games. And in each of those games probably hundreds of shots are fired.

But when something strange is remembered as having happened 3-4 times over the entire population suddenly it seems like a lot because we forget about all those thousands of shots fired where it did not happen.

It is a known phenomena of memory called confirmatino bias - see http://skepdic.com/confirmbias.html

Basically we cannot say anything about whehter it happens too often or not unless we do a proper survey of how often it happens.

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I think the most important question here is not if a Sherman can knocked out a Tiger from 600-700 meters or not, but if is possible to cheat playing by PBEM. I think it's very difficult to read the "language" of the PBEM files and more difficult is to modify them to "get advantage" (cheat) playing CM by PBEM. I'm sure this question has been discussed here before but i don't know is Battlefront has something to tell about it. Is it possible to cheat by PBEM?. That's the question. smile.gif

Personally i don't think so. Maybe but very, very unlikely. ;)

PD: Ah!, BTW, are you sure guys that "bounce shot" is modelled in CM?. Some mates of my community don't think so. Is it really possible that a T-34/85mm firing at a Panther could destroy another T-34/85mm after the shell have bounced at the Panther armor?. "Bounce shots" are modelled in CM?. I thought that CM's engine didn't "follow" the shell after it had bounced at an armor. :confused:

[ July 13, 2005, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Haplo_Patryn ]

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I know that a few people have figured out limited ways to hack PBEM files. Took nearly 3 years, but give a hacker enough time (and Mountain Dew), they'll figure it out. The types of cheats I can recall were changing unit types and positions. I don't remember hearing anything like faking a critical hit.

When someting unusual happens in CM the first thought should not be "is he cheating" nor should it be "is there a bug in the game". The time for new bugs is pretty much long gone and cheating is not something that appears to be a big issue.

As for the Sherman's lucky Tiger hit, and the StuG's multiple hits for a KO... that all sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Having a couple of Tigers show up in a 500 point game... THAT is something that would concern me.


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Originally posted by Bravido:

Hi, first apologies for my bad english.

About Sherman destroy the tiger;Beren you dont tell that this same game another sherman take 2 penetrations by one STGIII at 150 metres... it dont death and kill stg, another "hit" of luck at same game; you are the most lucky gamer i know (too much for me) all this cases can happend at CM of course... i am looking for another cases "with great Luck". When at a game happend a lucky hit, it is rare, when two times very, very rare, when 3 times, for me something is wrong. I dont see nobody tell you "cheater" at public but for me "you are the MOST lucky gamer i see ever and it is normally people talk about it. Salutes everybody.

you think thats lucky - One of guy, who I played a few times (and usually trounce) had a tiger that took multiple penetrations from T34/85s at close range (I think 4 in one turn) before calmly popping three of my tanks. Equally I've had tanks immobilsed by small calibre artillery, flame throwers that torch themselves and captured prisoners unsurrender. Its war, weird **** happens.
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"a tiger that took multiple penetrations from T34/85s at close range (I think 4 in one turn) before calmly popping three of my tanks"

That's not even rare. BAE is very low against the big tanks. In some of my tests, I saw 76mm APCR at 100m needed 6 full penetrations per actual Tiger kill. Average. A full platoon at point blank is even money.

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You dont understand me (it is reasonable for me poor english) i think i dont talk about 3 or 4 penetrations at a tank is strange at CM ( i play for years this game) and i saw a lot of strange things happend. I was talking about a lot of "hit of lucky" like this at same game, and others game with same player, for me it is very interesting and i am looking for more notices. I dont think this person or persons are cheaters for this reasson i am taking dates from games for stadistics to me. salutes.

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