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Official Patch Version 1.04 Thread

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Of course you guys could just wait until we ASK for new ideas to put into CMx2. heheheh


Yes but we're encourage by comments like this:

Originally posted by Moon:

Indeed, and it would be good if you start another if you like to continue. I am going to lock this now. The fact that it'll be locked doesn't mean that your suggestions were useless. Quite the contrary, we've found a number of interesting ideas, as usual.

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Doing research on the Cruiser tanks, it seems they were NOT given the degination of burns easily for no reason. I am GUESSING the reason is the Cruiser tanks all had gasoline engines, whereas the majority of other British tanks were diesel. I found one reference that states the engine did burn when hit, but any engine would, so I am guessing it has to do with the fuel. More if I find anything.


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Originally posted by REVS:

I'm just guessing here, but I strongly suspect part of the problem for some of the BFC guys who post here is that sometimes they have to 'defend' a decision that they might not fully agree with. ie, they might have some good, raging debates within the BFC crew about changes that some of us are asking for. They might even also want the same changes we want, but once the 'corporate' decision has been made, they have to accept the verdict and back it publicly, even if they didn't back it privately.

It's one of the prices paid by anyone who is both part of a decision-making team, and also a spokesperson.

And I know it can really get under your skin if some critic outside the organisation accuses you of not giving a damn about an issue that you actually fought for ... and lost the fight.

Not sure if any of the BFC guys fall into that category, but somehow I suspect one or two do, every now and then.

...hmmmm... could be....


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When I suggested we all go and post in a CMX2 thread, I didn't said it would be very useful, I said it would be MORE helpful than complaining about things that as it stands now will not be fixed.

I agree threads about the new engine are just good fun and pure speculation, but I like a good brainstorming session, and if a glimmer of a new idea finds it's way into the new game, all the better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Do you think the renewable bomb loads is a showstopper?

Well it certainly is for those folks that picked some of those aircraft types in their PBEM games.

I'd even say it would be a serious shock to those who don't know it is there and then witness it. -Expecially if it happens late in a very long PBEM game. Wouldn't it be a showstopper for you? I know it would be for me.

Now the BIG question. Does it get fixed? How can it not? Leaving it there makes part of their product unusable. It is sort of like buying a new car that has a broken heater. The car is works fine until it gets cold out. Would you accept General Motors' instructions to not use the car during the winter? No, you'd ask to have it fixed. That's all that we're doing with the renewable bomb load bug.

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Oh get off it you guys. How many times has BFC said that CMAK 1.03 was it and all work was being focused on CMx2? How long did it take before anyone even noticed this bug with the aircraft bombloads? What happens if in another year someone 'discovers' something else wrong, should BFC stop the presses and fix it ASAP?

Comparing a miniscule feature of a ground tactical game to a vital component of any vehicle in the Northern Hemisphere is beyond asinine. Take a reality check or better yet ask yourselves why the vindictiveness and insistence that BFC be held hostage for a product that has been repeatedly proclaimed "finished".

If BFC comes out and says hey guys we patched up a few other things in CMAK and hell even found some time to tidy up a few things with CMBB, then great!.... but I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for that to happen.


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I'm pessimistic about the fixing of this AIR-bug (CMBB and CMAK).

As programmer I can say that this sort of bugs can be easily be found and fixed (an hour or work?).

The problem is that every change in the code has to be tested extensively because there is ever the possibility to introduce collateral effects (see the 1.02 of CMAK). Then they have to produce the patchs for all versions of CMAK and CMBB, to distribuite them and so on.

Maybe 2 days of works?

What is the prize for? Personal satisfaction? Professional satisfaction? The satisfaction of the 0.05% of the CMAK and CMBB users (I and Le Tondu)?

Say me: who of us will not buy CM2 because of this bug?

In Italy we say: not even a dog shakes its tail gratis...

[ December 13, 2004, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: FredKors ]

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