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All this flow of warmth is worrying me.....It is appreciated however.

BTW CMPlayer , please don't try to involve me in any of your family events...doing things to small rodents, especially cute, furry hamsters, is not my cuppa.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

typical bard delusions of grandeur.

A Bard's Tale

Book Seven-The Ascension to God Hood

Chapter Six

The eternity of aimless wandering had finally come to an end. His destiny was now clear. The task ahead was, nonetheless, monumental. To achieve the true meaning of his existence he must defeat the immortal Four Horsemen.

His stategy was to first dispose of Famine, as he was the one Horseman that had some notion of culture and honor, and this could prove to be difficult to overcome given time to develop.

Next would be Pestilence, noted for his wry sense of humor and incredible uniform collection. Hardened by the wintery blasts of his Great White North abode, he would be no easy victim.

If by some great gift of Providence he had survived to this point, he would next do battle with War, perhaps the most dangerous opponent yet encountered. Not surprisingly, it would be the one opponent absolutely devoid of humor.

Then there would remain but One. The ultimate challenge, the ruler of Hell, the purveyor of one-liners, the bear who licked that again. Or more simply Death himself.

The Bard arose and with grim determination writ across his face (spelled properly we might add) he left his modest home, realizing that if or when he should visit it again, it would be with his godhead gripped firmly in his hand!

[ November 13, 2003, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Good News Nidan!

If for no other reason you can start pulling your weight around Schloss Croda again. It was always, "Lurkur, would you be a dear and bring me some more Chamomile tea?" or, "Boo, fetch another pillow, will ya?" How many pillows can one human being use anyway? And of course, I'd just be at the threshold of the door about to escape and there was always one more thing, one last favor. It would take hours to get out of his cell!

So...glad your eye is better. Here's a list of jobs that have languished during your convalescence. Here's a list of stuff that I said I was taking care of for you but really wasn't. Here's Boo's itemized bill of the things you have pay for under the CrodaHealth™ Medical Insurance policy. Apparently, the "competitive rates" Boo told us about were referring to the fact that we have to pay for everything ourselves at hospital rates. Yes, that really is $2.00 per aspirin. You have 3 days to pay in full.

Oh, and your squire, what's his name? SgtGoofy? anyway, he was stealing your cigars and drinking your whiskey. We would have stopped him, but decided it was better to let you find out later and get some much needed exercise *booting* him repeatedly.


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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

One of my peculiar horrors revolves around losing my vision

So now he thinks he's the reincarnation of Homer, Milton or Joyce... typical bard delusions of grandeur. </font>
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You know, as I get ready to head to bed and drink in yet another uplifting story or two from my current nighttime fare "The Complete Brothers Grimm", I am desirous of bringing you a story of my own, told in the fashion of the Dear Brothers:

"There once was a Dog, a Vole, and a Button. One day the Vole decided to cheat the Dog and take its favorite spinning wheel. The Button offered to help the Vole cross the stream to escape, but halfway across the Button sank and drowned them both."

Sleep tight!

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

So now he thinks he's the reincarnation of Homer, Milton or Joyce... typical bard delusions of grandeur.

Although he does have a similar body shape to our Gnome, Homer Simpson isn’t going blind. I’ve no idea who those other gents you refer to are.</font>
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

So now he thinks he's the reincarnation of Homer, Milton or Joyce... typical bard delusions of grandeur.

Although he does have a similar body shape to our Gnome, Homer Simpson isn’t going blind. I’ve no idea who those other gents you refer to are.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

So now he thinks he's the reincarnation of Homer, Milton or Joyce... typical bard delusions of grandeur.

Although he does have a similar body shape to our Gnome, Homer Simpson isn’t going blind. I’ve no idea who those other gents you refer to are.</font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

"There once was a Dog, a Vole, and a Button. One day the Vole decided to cheat the Dog and take its favorite spinning wheel. The Button offered to help the Vole cross the stream to escape, but halfway across the Button sank and drowned them both."

Ah, that one always makes me laugh.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Draw mustaches on posters.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

"There once was a Dog, a Vole, and a Button. One day the Vole decided to cheat the Dog and take its favorite spinning wheel. The Button offered to help the Vole cross the stream to escape, but halfway across the Button sank and drowned them both."

Ah, that one always makes me laugh.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Draw mustaches on posters.

Now sod off. </font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

So now he thinks he's the reincarnation of Homer, Milton or Joyce... typical bard delusions of grandeur.

Although he does have a similar body shape to our Gnome, Homer Simpson isn’t going blind. I’ve no idea who those other gents you refer to are.</font>
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[And as the November mists swirl to the muffled sounds of fat hunting owls slamming into leafless trees the paddock is holding a gala tea-party... and today's guest is a rubber gnome]

*sniff* Oh, Mr Gnome, perhaps a nice juicy sandwich?

Some tea Mr Gnome? One lump or two?

Owl pellet?

Perhaps another slice of fruit cake, Mr Gnome? It's very nice buttered. Very good with rubber.


But we insist! One cannot have enough fruit cake!

Or another owl pellet, perhaps? *hoot* *hoot*?

No? Too full? No, no, no... one can't be too full. One must shed the pounds, Mr Gnome, with exertion and martial discipline or strenuous exercise of a bracing and thoroughly sweaty kind. *sniff*

[Thinks a bit about all of these possibilities]

Okay... we'll just go for the discipline...

*thwack* *smack* *thwack* *thwack*


[ November 14, 2003, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[And as the November mists swirl to the muffled sounds of fat hunting owls slamming into leafless trees ]


The metaphorical imagery here is clearly of the highest quality. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

You will all be pleased to hear that I have returned to the labour (how's that you demented Gnome ?} force once again.

My last visit to the opthalmologist has produced excellent news...well for me anyway, my retina is firmly re-attached to the eyewall once again (if I hear any more references to wallpapering, I will lose it, or perhaps just bash CMPlayer with the butt end of an AT Rifle).

Other than some vision distortion..which takes the form of curving all straight objects..I have complete eyesight in the eye. The doctor said it might take some time for the distortion to go away, I hope not as long as it takes Seanachai to go away, but the Gods must be thanked for small miracles.

To all of my opponents who figured out that attacking my right flank would be an advantage...I say Feh!!! to all of you, and I wave my private parts at you. Now that I can see again, I hope all your pixelated forces are out in the open and unsuspecting.

That is all.......

Well...I just flew in from California, and boy are my arms tired *snicker, guffaw, snort*

Fantastic news about your eye Nidan . I am sure the return of depth perception will be a boon. You will once again be able to place a slice of bread into the toaster and pee into the commode vice everywhere but...erm, thats providing you actually ever made the effort in the first place prior to the occular trauma. If not, to each his own I suppose. Just make sure you mop up with one of the pillows provided by Boo , wouldn't want you slipping and breaking a hip. I will get your turn out first thing in the am. Same for you girlie .

tiny_turd, did you ever get that oversized paper weight of yours fixed? If so, send a turn twit.

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Posted by the Gnome Supplicant:

What's this wannabe crap? Or were you perhaps trying to mumble out "wallaby" in that beer induced perpetual haze of yours, maybe recalling that favored Saturday morning cartoon character, "Wallace Wallaby and his Dingo-Delightful Wakey-Wakey Pajama-rama Review" that you watched every week back when you were a wee Coober Pedy in your damp nappies trying to make sense of a world that will soon find you wanting in every aspect of your life, causing a steep downward spiral that finds you as you are today in a life that could only get marginally worse if you were elected Prime Minister of Oddzstralya.

Is that what you meant, Sparky?

Your carminative qualities really come to the fore when you are angry. Must be something about the pressure buildup, or somefink. Your espousals run the gamut from caliginous crap to chittering screams of jealousy... get a life. Stop ogling our magnificence from afar, assauge your longings. Hop on a boat and come over for a visit. We have some loverly places you can stay whilst the government figures you out.


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