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Palms, Peng and a North African Challenge


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

That woman spent God knows how many minutes immortalizing the fact that she was a halfwit in song.

And this woman is responsible for leading children through the hallowed halls of learning.

But, as it's the children of Minnesota it's not as if anything's being lost now, is there? </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sometimes it's just easier to do both sides of the conversation rather than stand around waiting for some halfwit to struggle out his incoherent, spittle flecked side of it.


Halfwit? This from a person who owns a Mac?


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What the hell is it with pregnant women? Do their brains automatically disengage, on the chance they might realize the horrendous mistake they're making? I'm beginning to fear for my life. Why, you say? Well, how about an all too recent example:

Last night, my lovely wife decided that the science experiment in the 'fridge was acually some leftover spinach. She declared that it had gone bad (a rash judgement, IMO), and tossed it down the garbage disposal! A whole fecking box of the stuff.

Now there are those of you who still see modern plumbing as a unnecessary luxury, so I shall explain. Fibrous materials do not play well with disposals in general, and drains in particular. Since it was being oh, so finicky, and not going down easily, she simply added some bacon grease "to help it slide down". This is the logic of a future mother? Lord save us all.

This same drain is connected to the washing machine, and the clog was discovered by the overflowing laundry tub. It was actually discovered by the cat, who found the flooded litter box not quite up to the standards her delicate constitution demands. Evidently, licking one's own hindquarters does not preclude having to have a spotless box to crap in. And, ad campaigns notwithstanding, the overpriced clay does not "clump" upon being doused with several gallons of dirty water.

After vigorous use of the plumber's helper, several green bits appeared. Nothing to do but get out the snake, and fish the offending bits out. Oh, how simple it sounds, now. My luck held true to form, and it was not the simple plumbing job I had anticipated. Mucking out the cess would be easy in comparison.

I swear, she does this stuff on purpose.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

What the hell is it with pregnant women? Do their brains automatically disengage, on the chance they might realize the horrendous mistake they're making? I'm beginning to fear for my life. Why, you say? Well, how about an all too recent example:

Last night, my lovely wife decided that the science experiment in the 'fridge was acually some leftover spinach. She declared that it had gone bad (a rash judgement, IMO), and tossed it down the garbage disposal! A whole fecking box of the stuff.

Now there are those of you who still see modern plumbing as a unnecessary luxury, so I shall explain. Fibrous materials do not play well with disposals in general, and drains in particular. Since it was being oh, so finicky, and not going down easily, she simply added some bacon grease "to help it slide down". This is the logic of a future mother? Lord save us all.

This same drain is connected to the washing machine, and the clog was discovered by the overflowing laundry tub. It was actually discovered by the cat, who found the flooded litter box not quite up to the standards her delicate constitution demands. Evidently, licking one's own hindquarters does not preclude having to have a spotless box to crap in. And, ad campaigns notwithstanding, the overpriced clay does not "clump" upon being doused with several gallons of dirty water.

After vigorous use of the plumber's helper, several green bits appeared. Nothing to do but get out the snake, and fish the offending bits out. Oh, how simple it sounds, now. My luck held true to form, and it was not the simple plumbing job I had anticipated. Mucking out the cess would be easy in comparison.

I swear, she does this stuff on purpose.

You broke both of Peng's Unwritten rules:

Rule 1. Never get married

Rule b. Never get her pregnant

yes I broke em both too, but that's beside the point. Don't you know that the hormonal rush is like combining heroin, happy pills, tequilla and green tea? Its a hell brew of insanity. Best to just retreat to the bathroom with a laptop (wireless card of course) for the next 18 years.

oh, and its "a spotless box in which to crap"



[ November 12, 2003, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

But it's so much funnier if you think of southerners coming up north to teach the little toddlers. Maybe dream up some kind of conspiracy where this is their way of getting paybacks for the war...but why am I even explaining it to you?

You're European...it's people like you that gave Slim Whitman a career.

I hate to break it to you but I actually like Southerners and the South. Southern accents sound nice, their famous hospitality is not a myth, and, A Frown is not a Noun notwithstanding, Southerners aren't actually stupider than your average slick talking, carpetbagging Yankee. Of course none of this applies to Texas. AFAIC the Alamo was Mexico's greatest contribution to western civilization. If only they could have finished the job.

Now back to that little ditty and classification of the pawts of speech. Anything you can put the indefinite article in front of is, by definition, a noun. That means any word you can put 'a' or 'an' in front of simply must be a noun. (though not all nouns can take an article: 'mass nouns' or 'uncountables' like 'water' in some senses don't take articles... ) So the point is that by calling her little ditty A Frown is not a Noun the teacher is being doubly dimwitted, since the very title includes proof that frown is a noun. Not that it's the SOUTH'S fault of course.

[ November 13, 2003, 03:37 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Some of you may be expecting turns. Some of you may NOT. For either of those categories, this little gem from my ISP, the ever vigilant TELSTRA, should fill you in......

Now THAT is a good idea. Why don't you all get filled in ? [Except those of you directly working on the new game. You can get filled in later on....no rush]


Dear BigPond Customer,

The BigPond team would like to apologise for some intermittent email problems you may have experienced this week. We quickly dedicated all available resources to the problem, working to address it by rebalancing the email load. We had the capacity to deal with the problem and we believe it was resolved by early Wednesday afternoon. We will continue to closely monitor email performance.

Thank you for your patience.

You can check the current state of all of our systems at http://telstra.com/servicestatus/

Yours faithfully,

The BigPond Team


Trade Mark of Telstra Corporation Limited ABN 33 051 775 55

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

I hate to break it to you but I actually like Southerners and the South. Southern accents sound nice, their famous hospitality is not a myth, and, A Frown is not a Noun notwithstanding, Southerners aren't actually stupider than your average slick talking, carpetbagging Yankee. Of course none of this applies to Texas. AFAIC the Alamo was Mexico's greatest contribution to western civilization. If only they could have finished the job.

Now back to that little ditty and classification of the pawts of speech. Anything you can put the indefinite article in front of is, by definition, a noun. That means any word you can put 'a' or 'an' in front of simply must be a noun. (though not all nouns can take an article: 'mass nouns' or 'uncountables' like 'water' in some senses don't take articles... ) So the point is that by calling her little ditty A Frown is not a Noun the teacher is being doubly dimwitted, since the very title includes proof that frown is a noun. Not that it's the SOUTH'S fault of course.

That was just lovely, Rainman.

I make an water upon you from a considerable height.

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Oh, the fox went out on a chilly night

and he prayed to the moon to give him light

he had many a mile to go that night

before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o

he had many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o.

He ran til he came to a great big pen,

Where the ducks and the geese were all kept in,

"A couple of you are gonna grease my chin,

Before I leave this town-o, town-o, town-o,

A couple of you will grease my chin,

Before I leave this town-o."

He grabbed the gray goose by the neck,

Throwed a duck across his back,

He didn't mind their quack, quack, quack,

And their legs a-dangling down-o, down-o, down-o,

He didn't mind their quack, quack, quack,

And their legs a-dangling down-o.

Then old Mother Flipper-Flopper jumped out of bed,

Out of the window she stuck her head,

Crying, "John, John! The gray goose is gone,

And the fox is on the town-o, town-o, town-o!"

Crying, "John, John! The gray goose is gone,

And the fox is on the town-o!"

Then John, he went to the top of the hill,

Blowed his horn both loud and shrill,

The fox he said, "I better flee with my kill,

Or they'll soon be on my trail-o, trail-o, trail-o!"

The fox he said, "I better flee with my kill,

Or they'll soon be on my trail-o!"

He ran till he came to his cozy den,

There were the little ones, eight, nine, ten,

They said, "Daddy, better go back again,

'Cause it must be a mighty fine town-o, town-o, town-o!"

They said, "Daddy, better go back again,

'Cause it must be a mighty fine town-o!

Then the fox and his wife without any strife,

Cut up the goose with a fork and knife,

They never had such a supper in their life,

And the little ones chewed on the bones-o, bones-o, bones-o,

They never had such a supper in their life,

And the little ones chewed on the bones-o.

In honour of Berli's Thanksgiving To Be.

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You will all be pleased to hear that I have returned to the labour (how's that you demented Gnome ?} force once again.

My last visit to the opthalmologist has produced excellent news...well for me anyway, my retina is firmly re-attached to the eyewall once again (if I hear any more references to wallpapering, I will lose it, or perhaps just bash CMPlayer with the butt end of an AT Rifle).

Other than some vision distortion..which takes the form of curving all straight objects..I have complete eyesight in the eye. The doctor said it might take some time for the distortion to go away, I hope not as long as it takes Seanachai to go away, but the Gods must be thanked for small miracles.

To all of my opponents who figured out that attacking my right flank would be an advantage...I say Feh!!! to all of you, and I wave my private parts at you. Now that I can see again, I hope all your pixelated forces are out in the open and unsuspecting.

That is all.......

[ November 13, 2003, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Nidan1, glad to hear about your eye.[/serious] This is the first I knew of it, and I'm especially glad you won't have any excuses after you die-a-lot in our challenge. What do you say we up the ante. The loser must perform unmentionables with a hamster. Or should the winner get to do that? I don't know, you decide.

At least I didn't get tricked into deploying on your right flank.

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Nidan, that's great news.

One of my peculiar horrors revolves around losing my vision, so I'm glad to hear you're doing so much better.

I hate you in the same, solid, meat and potatoes way I've always hated you, mind, but I'm relieved to hear that you'll be able to see me flipping you off for many years to come.

Good luck on recovering full vision. I hope your remaining distortion doesn't cause you to see your fired rounds landing behind the firing vehicle.

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