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The Peng Challenge - The Abomination of Desolation


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

]Look at it this way, it was good training for your current career path.


What's that? Beating the snot out of you at CM? Oh wait. That's not my vocation. That's my avocation. </font>
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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Heavy metal tone poem? How dare you use "Thick as a Brick" in the same sentence as heavy metal. I would saw open your skull and tweezer out your brain if I had tweezers that small.

Ah, I see Slapdragon (that ass) is back. But I have to agree with him here. Anyone who'd use the same breath to mention Tull's "Thick as a Brick" and 'Heavy Metal' should probably be clubbed like a 'marked for culling' baby harp seal.

Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Noba my friend, please chastize this bastage until his braille reader makes his fingers of his left hand bleed. For good measure, accuse Seanachai of a putred perversion.

It's 'putrid' you half-witted former Sheriff's Deputy, and I'm not buying your emailed explanation about why you aren't one, any longer. Claim injury all you want, we all know that they caught you sitting in the Evidence Room with your fecking pants around your ankles, your nose looking like you'd been bobbing for apples in the powdered-sugar donut box, watching videos of yourself on recovered stolen VCR players reprising your role as the 'bad cop' doing 'interrogations' and strip searches of 16 year old runaways.

Anyone else seeing Harvey Keitel tapped to do a remake of one of his films as 'The Bad Sheriff's Deputy'?

Slapdragon. How truly good, lad, to see you back! Is there any chance that you'll start up a game and actually play it out this time?!

I don't ask for myself, you realize. I ask for future Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread that might agree to a game with you, only to have you wander off looking for a gullible Physical Therapist who wouldn't realize that your 'wounded in the line of duty' injury looked suspiciously similar to that of someone who'd simply been touching himself too fecking much.\

But I forgive you, Slapdragon. After all, the game engine has advanced considerably, and we're both older, and I, at least, am wiser.

I think, at this point, you most likely owe me some sort of...hmm...Tribute?

Sing my praises, you game dodging weasel.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Oh god a pun.

That's not a pun, you sodding foreigner. That is, at worst, a play on words.

What is it with this 'stikkypixie' creature? It's been here a great deal. Is it a serf, yet? A Squire?

Justicar, we need a ruling on this...small dying creature. Does anyone here claim it?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Worthless ****e, except for about Jethro Tull

I owed you a game! I thought I stiffed Meeks on one. Must be getting old to confuse you and him. In any case, I now have the fastest computer on the planet. I also have an ancient crochety computer with a brand new video card. Unfortunately, my lightning fast mamba with 6 gigabytes of RAM and 10k RPM SATAs cannot play CM, and my new fecking ATI video card for my old computer makes my screen go all sorts of unusual colors when CM is launched. In addition, I had a Dell for exactly six weeks before it dies a horrible death.

In other words, I now have nothing that can play CM!!!

Since you challenge me so nicely, and since I skanked you, Meeks, Mace or everyone, I accept your challenge. Give me a week or so to figure out how to rearrange video cards and I challenge you to a QB at midnight in the fog, or to something equally terrible. Maybe in Italy.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Oh god a pun.

That's not a pun, you sodding foreigner. That is, at worst, a play on words.

What is it with this 'stikkypixie' creature? It's been here a great deal. Is it a serf, yet? A Squire?

Justicar, we need a ruling on this...small dying creature. Does anyone here claim it? </font>

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

I accept your challenge. Give me a week or so to figure out how to rearrange video cards and I challenge you to a QB at midnight in the fog, or to something equally terrible. Maybe in Italy.

What the hell? What are you going to tell me next, that the dog ate your genitalia?

I'm not sure I'm ready for that sort of revelation.

Okay, Slappy (you bastard). I'll give you the same terms as last time. We play a game, and I win, and you write a fecking paean to me, you bugger.

I'd be more understanding, but I already bought a new computer, and I worked out the whole same computer graphic card issue, you pillock.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Give me a week or so to figure out how to rearrange video cards and I challenge you to a QB at midnight in the fog, or to something equally terrible. Maybe in Italy.

Just ask Seanachai how to fix your video problem - he's an old pro at it.
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Oh friends, not these tones!

Let us raise our voices in more

pleasing and more joyful sounds!

Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,

Daughter of Elysium,

We enter fire imbibed,

Heavenly, thy sanctuary.

Thy magic reunites those

Whom stern custom has parted;

All men will become brothers

Under thy gentle wing.

May he who has had the fortune

To gain a true friend

And he who has won a noble wife

Join in our jubilation!

Yes, even if he calls but one soul

His own in all the world.

But he who has failed in this

Must steal away alone and in tears.

All the world's creatures

Draw joy from nature's breast;

Both the good and the evil

Follow her rose-strewn path.

She gave us kisses and wine

And a friend loyal unto death;

She gave lust for life to the lowliest,

And the Cherub stands before God.

Joyously, as his suns speed

Through Heaven's glorious order,

Hasten, Brothers, on your way,

Exulting as a knight in victory.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Now thou art an 0 without a figure. I am better than thou art now. I am a fool, thou art nothing. King Lear, I: iv

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Originally posted by Noba:

Apart from that, you are a closet Collingwood supporter !

You cruel bastage!

That hurt. That hurt a lot. *sobs*


[ April 20, 2004, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, I've had about enough of THIS nonsense. Mace I've said it before but doubtless there was so much extraneous noise (baaahhhhhing to be specific) that you didn't hear) ... while you ARE A Seniour Knight you are NOT THE Seniour Knight. I am the Seniour Seniour Knight and you are having another of those pesky delusions of grandeur.

Neeener neeener neeeeener!! *pokes out tongue and gives the royal version of both middle digits*

You're just jealous that I saw the discarded crown and the empty thrown and acted while you were swaning about polishing your name plate.

*pokes out tongue again*

Now that WE're here, the view is too good to give up ....*starts padlocking self to throne with industrial strength metal chains*.... and the secret tunnel to the wine cellar a job bonus!

I can see that the only way to bring you down to earth is to beat you to within an inch of your life ... again.
WE are still waiting for the first beating. Let's see, first one was a victory for his Royal Highness (that's WE by the way).

Second one WE gave up due to a boredom factor greater than that WE usual suffer from in our mutual games.

you be sending the setup or shall I?
What's this 'YOU' business, white man?

WE expect a bit more recognition of OUR most noble title when you address US.

Anyhow, too busy waving to my adoring public *waves*. You send setup.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Apart from that, you are a closet Collingwood supporter !

You cruel bastage!

That hurt. That hurt a lot. *sobs*


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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Oh god a pun.

That's not a pun, you sodding foreigner. That is, at worst, a play on words.

What is it with this 'stikkypixie' creature? It's been here a great deal. Is it a serf, yet? A Squire?

Justicar, we need a ruling on this...small dying creature. Does anyone here claim it? </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Noba. The name of the Ozzie Chap who owes me a set-up. I'll take German, you may take your "home team".

Sig-less Git ! Your setup will follow, my busy social calendar requires me to be at a party, very soon. Wait by your e-mail inbox...

(Lets actually finish this one, eh ??) </font>

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Since I sponsored said stikkypixie, I claim the first right to take him to Squire as set forth in the rules???? of the MBT .

Said stikkypixie has endured the slings and arrows, and returned in kind, not to mention he does have a slight modicum of wit about him. The fact that he is from Belgium, not his fault I'm sure, and Vietnamese, well again not really his fault , should not be held against him, after all we have Ohioans and Minnysotans.

I call on the Justicar for an ofal, I mean official ruling. (There could be a set up in it for you Joe )

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Since I sponsored said stikkypixie, I claim the first right to take him to Squire as set forth in the rules???? of the MBT .

Said stikkypixie has endured the slings and arrows, and returned in kind, not to mention he does have a slight modicum of wit about him. The fact that he is from Belgium, not his fault I'm sure, and Vietnamese, well again not really his fault , should not be held against him, after all we have Ohioans and Minnysotans.

I call on the Justicar for an ofal, I mean official ruling. (There could be a set up in it for you Joe )

Oh terrific. So, he's going to become part of OUR line? I knew I should have fed you more salt peter on your morning corn flakes.
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Yer all still a bunch of useless old wankering sods... except for Kitty of course, who's just the cat's miaow... and the other ladies of the Cesspool... no, no Joe, that does not include you!

And what thrust-jawed, slope-headed, knuckle-dragger would ever cook on a gas grill inside his garage? Sheesh, you should have let it go *boom*, at least then you'd have a page in the Darwin Awards to point to as the crowning achievement in your lifetime.

[ April 20, 2004, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Bad news from the Front.

In a battle of TITANIC proportions, featuring Tigers, King Tigers, JagdTigers, SturmTigers, JagdPanthers, and, apparently just thrown in for the hell of it by rune, Panthers, I'm here to report uberkitties suck.

Final Tally:

SOV – 58 vehicles KO'd

GER – 59 vehicles KO'd

I really hate IS-2's and –3's. I'd really hate Boo too, but we all know he just had more and better tanks.

I mean, it couldn't possibly be due to his tactical skill, now could it?

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Yer all still a bunch of useless old wankering sods... except for Kitty of course, who's just the cat's miaow... and the other ladies of the Cesspool... no, no Joe, that does not include you!

And what thrust-jawed, slope-headed, knuckle-dragger would ever cook on a gas grill inside his garage? Sheesh, you should have let it go *boom*, at least then you'd have a page in the Darwin Awards to point to as the crowning achievement in your lifetime.

Hello, hello, hello....wot 'ave we goin' on 'ere, then ?? Eh ? Nuffink ? Hah !

Grab your bike, Noddy. And SOD OFF.


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I've my work cut out for me THIS morning I see. Always nice when that happens though, the nice gentlemen in the white coats don't always do that and I'm forced to use the blunt scissors and cut my own work out, drudgery that.

I'll not be, however, cutting and pasting each and every post slung in my direction. I'll address each concern and if I miss one or two YOU lot will never notice.

Seanachai I'm saddened that you noticed young stinkypencil but now that you've opened the can of worms, we're forced to buy a larger can I suppose.

First, you're quite right about the pun of course ... vocation and avocation is hardly a pun ... had he said vocation and AVACADO, now THAT would have been a pun. I see that Nidan1 has laid claim to the lad ... worse luck for him, still they're both Ferriners ... after a manner of speaking. Belgium, after all, spawned one of my great grandfathers ... perhaps great, great grandfathers, have to look it up, whilst Australia hasn't spawned anything of note. Still, the TRADITIONS must be obeyed ...

SSN stickypencil is now and shall henceforth BE considered a SERF of the CessPool with first rights of refusal going to that vapid bore Nidan1. Should the day ever arise with the sun rising in the west we MAY see said serf stikkypixie (spelt but not bolded) climb to the rank of Squire ... he should live so long and he probably won't since Nidan1 is the ultimate in latchkey Lieges as all well know.

Mace you are a bounder and a cad ... and those are your GOOD qualities. A setup will be on it's way, as soon as I can find a good ker Dessel* scenario to mark the occassion.

Slapdragon has indeed returned AND has been properly chastened by ME on the GF for improper scholarship ... essentially for NO scholarship since to be a scholar one must really know how to read to SOME degree. Still he's back here ... hmmm.

Herr Oberst has returned also ... making even LESS sense than normal, who'd a thunk it possible eh?

THERE, morning chores done and time for my gruel, with bananas this morning I'm told.


* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way

[ April 20, 2004, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

And what thrust-jawed, slope-headed, knuckle-dragger would ever cook on a gas grill inside his garage? Sheesh, you should have let it go *boom*, at least then you'd have a page in the Darwin Awards to point to as the crowning achievement in your lifetime.

Not Inside the garage, Thickie, but rather outside the garage. The wife's car was inside the garage and I was outside the garage. Your reading comprehension skills aren't very good, are they. Or is it just that you're not doing as much outdoor cooking down there in the Projects anymore, is that it, Bubbeleh?
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've my work cut out for me THIS morning I see. Always nice when that happens though, the nice gentlemen in the white coats don't always do that and I'm forced to use the blunt scissors and cut my own work out, drudgery that.


Belgium, after all, spawned one of my great grandfathers ... perhaps great, great grandfathers, have to look it up,


So recently spawned is it. Climbed up out of the muck did he? Have to look it up, do we? Well the web is a wonderful place, complete with pictures of the Justicar's great-great-grandfather courting his soon to be wife...


Quite remarkable that Joe even has fingers to type with... or are those his foreflippers???

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've my work cut out for me THIS morning I see. Always nice when that happens though, the nice gentlemen in the white coats don't always do that and I'm forced to use the blunt scissors and cut my own work out, drudgery that.


Belgium, after all, spawned one of my great grandfathers ... perhaps great, great grandfathers, have to look it up,


So recently spawned is it. Climbed up out of the muck did he? Have to look it up, do we? Well the web is a wonderful place, complete with pictures of the Justicar's great-great-grandfather courting his soon to be wife...

{snipped photo out of regard for the little ones ... Boo mostly.}

Quite remarkable that Joe even has fingers to type with... or are those his foreflippers??? </font>

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