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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

besides, MrSpkr is the lawyer here and HE should be the one to try anyone who needs to be tried.


Only if they pay my hourly fee, in advance, as a retainer.

Oh yeah, they have to buy the drinks, too.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

besides, MrSpkr is the lawyer here and HE should be the one to try anyone who needs to be tried.


Only if they pay my hourly fee, in advance, as a retainer.

Oh yeah, they have to buy the drinks, too.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

besides, MrSpkr is the lawyer here and HE should be the one to try anyone who needs to be tried.


Only if they pay my hourly fee, in advance, as a retainer.

Oh yeah, they have to buy the drinks, too.

Steve </font>

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Jim Boggs is still upset about the drubbing I gave him in our recent game but I would think that even HE would understand the old legal maxim ... "There's no such thing as a hopeless case ... if the retainer is large or the publicity pervasive."

I think that Boo Radley could trust MrSpkr to do his best ... it would be a POOR best but it would be HIS best.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I think that Boo Radley could trust MrSpkr to do his best ... it would be a POOR best but it would be HIS best.


And it would, regardless of outcome, be a community service.

Ain't indefinite pronouns grand?


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I think that Boo Radley could trust MrSpkr to do his best ... it would be a POOR best but it would be HIS best.


And it would, regardless of outcome, be a community service.

Ain't indefinite pronouns grand?

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I would only ask that the sordid details be kept between them.

I forgot this week's code -- does that mean you want 8x10 high gloss black and white photos, or high definition full color video with sensurround sound?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

The only bad thing about a Brust book is that they are so eminently readable that I finish them too quickly.

You do realize that his father was one of the Midwest's preeminent Communists, don't you, you pillock? </font>
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Attention All!

It has been announced on the General Forum (which means it is a fact beyond dispute) that the color Purple is the internationally recognized Color of Equality

You may wish to make a note of this and make changes in your wardrobe purchases to reflect this new trend in fashion statements.

That is all.

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Congratulations. You now come up as the THIRD most viewed site (according to Google) for the phrase "bang Salma Hayek".

You should tell your mom. She'd be proud -- it's much more than she ever expected of you.


P.S. Yes, I am bored enough at work to do to Google phrases from BFC member's sigs. So sue me -- wait, no, that's why I'm bored.

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No, I'm not back, so stop wagging your tails like beaten dogs given a bowl of chunky, headmeat porridge. I just needed to expel a little flatulence and I figured you boneheads could use a little air-freshener.

The fact of the matter is that I still play CMBO exclusively, am the best damned twitch gamer ever, am running amok in the Call of Duty world, and STILL TO THIS DAY have dalem's dog's ears above my mantle! All that combined with already having Marc Bulger, Torry Holt, and Corey Dillon locked up for the upcoming Fantasy Football season makes me so much better than all of you that sniffing my anal effusions may actually make you smarter, more cultured, and help regrow the hair on your aged scalps.

HA! Long live me.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:


Congratulations. You now come up as the THIRD most viewed site (according to Google) for the phrase "bang Salma Hayek".

You should tell your mom. She'd be proud -- it's much more than she ever expected of you.


P.S. Yes, I am bored enough at work to do to Google phrases from BFC member's sigs. So sue me -- wait, no, that's why I'm bored.

I rock!
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dalem I would calculate your chances of banging(as you so elegantly put it) Salma Hayek to be quite high ... oh wait ... we WERE including the use of drugs and force weren't we?


p.s. I'm feeling benevolent tonight, possibly it's the drugs I'm taking for my teeth, but I've left you the opportunity to "misunderstand" the above post and make something of the last line that wasn't intended ... don't waste the opportunity afforded lad, it won't come often.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

dalem I would calculate your chances of banging(as you so elegantly put it) Salma Hayek to be quite high ... oh wait ... we WERE including the use of drugs and force weren't we?


p.s. I'm feeling benevolent tonight, possibly it's the drugs I'm taking for my teeth, but I've left you the opportunity to "misunderstand" the above post and make something of the last line that wasn't intended ... don't waste the opportunity afforded lad, it won't come often.

Joe, I would be willing to use drugs and The Force to bang Salma. Hell, I'd pay her $50.00 just to slap me.

waves hand

"That is not the pepperspray you are looking for."

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Originally posted by dalem:

Hell, I'd pay her $50.00 just to slap me.

I think we could all get on board with that.

Hell, most of us would be willing to slap you for free.

I'll bet we could get a concession stand at the fair or a kiosk at the local mall: BITCH-SLAP dalem FOR FIVE BUCKS!.

We could make some serious coin.

p.s. I also wanted to say that the only one of my enemies who seems to be returning moves with any kind of regularity is Shaw and it's quite the unsavory situation.

I blame it on the prunes in his diet.

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No turns out last night. Spent the evening with a contractor discussing the proper procedures to gut a house in order to remodel. My dear sweet wife has been taken with the notion that we should make some Major renovations to our once humble abode.

So last night the contractor comes by. I think he measured every wall, floor, and ceiling in the house. Then he pulled out his yellow legal pad and began to jot notes and make diagrams, while humming softly under his breath the all-time classic tune Ka-Ching.

After huddling with my better half, as he was sharp enough to realize where the true purchasing power lay, he then proceeded to pull out his samples! Carpet, Tile, Wallpaper, it was all there.

My dear wife would thoroughly inspect each texture, color, and pattern as if viewing a Monet or Rembrandt. Occaisionaly I would be shown a sample and asked, "What do you think dear?" I would then furrow my brow, squint narrowly at the sample and speak my line on cue, "Why, I think it's perfect, sweetheart".

I switched to this tactic after my remark that "Purple is the color of equality" was met with a withering stare that would have dropped a squirrel from the top of the highest oak tree.

So here I was, locked in a world beyond my comprehension (interior design), whilst my PBEM opponents lay unspanked in my in-box.

Finally, after much good natured banter, "Yeah, the cost of everything has gone way up since 1980 Mr. Boggs" and "I would really recommend that you get the stain retardant for the tile floors. It is a one time application with a lifetime guarantee, unless you spill something on it"

At this point, my wife had asked every possible question, and the contractor had run out of sample books, so it was finally time to wrap up the session.

"Okay Mr. Boggs, give me a couple of days to run the numbers" I suppose it takes time to network a Cray in order to generate the necessary processing speed to calculate the cost of this project.

After he had gone, my dear sweet wife turned to me and said, "Don't worry dear, you'll love it when it's finished" meaning, I better like it or else be prepared to sleep in the car.

So now I curse the Home & Garden Network. I spit on all the remodeling shows. I urinate from a great height upon the shows that completely gut and rebuild a house in the 30 minute timeslot, making it look easy and wonderful.

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Talk about from bad to worse! Come to find out that in a moment of drug-induced stupor I apparently invited Lars and his GF to visit my humble home tomorrow afternoon.

They will be here around noon, and according to Lars I offered to buy their lunch and provide beer and other refreshments for their visit.

Hey, you Minnesota Miscreants, does Lars eat or drink more? I'm thinking that I'll pay for the food and let Lars pay for the drinks.

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