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Answer: A hungover Brit, a CMAK-less Canadian and a Cheery Waffle


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Boggs!!! Maggot! Look at your own Penguinese at the top of the page. Hardly the stuff of angry, disturbed TNT crisping lips and melting faces, hmmmmmmmm? The gloves come off in our match now. Time to pay the TNT chucker... GRGRGRARRGHRGHHRHHRRHG :mad:

Well, well, Mr Tilde!

It would appear that Mr Colon is plugged again.

Perhaps you should stop posting like Mr Period and come down off that ridge line to fight my brave Italics.

We shall have to # your sorry Limey butt, while your asterikal screams resound throughout the vast desert wasteland.

MAGGOT!!!!! </font>

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Originally posted by Snarker:

ps how do your tankers like the custom central air conditioning? No charge.

You Nong!!

If you would come down off that ridge you would see that the smoke curling up through the hatches of my Italio-microwaves, would be the smoke generated by boiling pasta. :rolleyes:

We're having lunch. Why don't you come and join us? tongue.gif

Maggot :mad: :mad:

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So, Soddball, if you're serious about sending me a setup, make it for "Meet me at Medjez."

Was about to play this as US, but noticed it had no victory locations -- I've been itching to play a map like this v. a human. You'll have to fill in. I'll take the US side, have not looked at the German side and didn't play a turn.

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And who else spent all weekend, holed up in the house playing CMAK, and didn't send any crappy CMBB turns out? You don't have to answer Axe2121. :D

I would quote the silly slap-monkey that was snivelling about Italian tanks but he was insignificant and wrong....as well as a boorish, hoorish boob to boot*. I like those silly little Italian, British and odd Ami clanky bits to field.

I hope that you imbeciles (yes Dave H, I mean you) are poring over the unit availability tables so that you lackluster, half-wits might mount a semblence of a game versus the hapless flailing that has been your past experiences. Didn't catch that thread? Too bad, I even bumped it once so that the less-capable of you (read all of you) might happen upon whilst searching the web for goat porn.

*Speaking of boorish, hoorish boobs, want another go at Armored Car Rally Racing, Dave H?

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

I like those silly little Italian, British and odd Ami clanky bits to field.

Well now, look who finally crawled out from behind the detox dumpster. It's Soddy's drinking buddy.

Apparently the two of them have invented a new language that requires a complete brain shut-down to understand.

So then, wino, have you memorised all the set-ups now and feel capable of actually playing CMAK against human opponents, or is that still a couple weeks away?


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

And who else spent all weekend, holed up in the house playing CMAK, and didn't send any crappy CMBB turns out?

Yes that's right, mike_the_hoor was losing against me in the most significant front of all time, and now he has this "well I didn't much care about it, now I got CMAK and latest goat porn mag with me" -routine. :mad:
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:


*Speaking of boorish, hoorish boobs, want another go at Armored Car Rally Racing, Dave H?

Mike_t_w, I think you're being a little hard on yourself. Not very much, but just a tiny little bit. Oh, all right, actually you're probably understating what a sodden, pathetic flatworm you really are. Oops, I left out gamey. I can't talk about you without mentioning gamey. :D:D

I'm ready to take you on again, in armored cars, halftracks, jeeps, tanks, infantry, whatever, it doesn't matter. Allow me to finish off THumpre, Becket, Stikkypixie, Keke, Lurkur, and 86smopuim in CMBB, and we'll have at each other - again! :mad: :mad:

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- Walks in with pack over right shoulder...*Sniff*... Looks around room; focuses on dark corner and sees multiple beady little eyes staring back......Fantastic... Drops ruck places hands on knees addresses assembled Wafflers -

Why hello there, you must be the Cherry Wafflers I have heard so much about. No need to be shy, but if you insist on staying in the dark, so be it. First an introduction then on to my purpose. I am Aces_and_8's. I came over from the good side of town, better known as the PENG, Cesspool, etc. (choose your favorite) Every now and again, we like to come down from on high, see how our poorer cousins are doing, then cull the heard...so to speak. Which brings me to my next point, my purpose for visiting.

Well, I have been sent forth to challenge one, some, or all of you to a PBEM, CMBB or CMAK (your choice), bat you smartly about the head and shoulders, and return so those of my ilk can have a good chuckle about the sound thrashing delivered to one, some, or all of you. Now, we do enjoy proposing these challenges in a verbose and entertaining manner, and I had drafted one the likes of which would have made angels weep, but alas, I decided against issuing it. First: One must be understood by his audience. It just would not do having all of you standing about, scratching your bums, and asking... "Whad'he say?!?." Second: Because you all are just one step removed from single celled organisms, calling into question your manhood, relative levels of intelligence, tactical acumen, or genetic heritages (where none actually exist), in the greater scheme of things, would have been like pissing into hurricane force winds...You see my problem? So, simplify I did.

Now, while some of my erstwhile brothers and sisters in that Beverly Hills of threads, consider you beneath contempt, not worth spitting on, and wouldn't give you a pot to piss in, I am here as proof positive that this is not a universally held belief...

- *HHAAAWWRRRKKK PPTOOOEY*... Hears tiny anguished scream of "MY EYE, MY EYE"... Rummages through ruck......AHA!... Chucks iron kettle into corner...hears satisfying crunch of little bones -

You see, we're not all so bad.


- Removes steel gauntlet from right hand and whirls toward corner...*Whack*...*Whack*...*Whack*...followed by impish..."Ow!"..."Ow!"..."Ow!"...gauntlet returns to right hand like a boomerang. -

Listen up ya snivelling maggots!!! I just got back from COSTCO and have the Kirkland 10 gallon Bucket 'O' Whoopass ready to be released upon the sorry little excuses that laughingly pass for your lives!!! To quote the ever popular Ash ..."Who wants some?..Ya wanna little?..Huh?..Well, do ya!?!" :mad: I've got a never ending torrent of angst and hatred to release upon your heads and the dams about to burst! :mad: The heat of the desert, along the cobblestones of the Appian Way, or the frozen steppes of Russia, it matters not, all will fall before my wrath!!! As I urinate on the still smoking corpses of your troops, I will reflect on what a great deal that 10 gallons was then marvel at how much is leftover. Now, BRING IT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Another dirge of not-yet-arrived-itis

There's a CMAK in the post,

Dear Michael, dear Michael

there's a CMAK in the post

Dear Michael

It's in the post!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Becket:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Sound of one hand clapping

The fact you are sub-anything to Burpy makes me hold you in contempt. :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Becket:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Sound of one hand clapping

The fact you are sub-anything to Burpy makes me hold you in contempt. :mad: :mad: </font>
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