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Peaceful and benevolent MasterGoodale chucks TNT in the Cheery Waffle Thread

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

I don't know if they pissed him off on purpose or this dog is generally pissed off.

A real Aussie sheepdog would be chewing on a piece of your backside by now! :mad: :mad: :mad:


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Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Is that Sleestack playing a ukelele?

Did you ever watch Land of the Lost? Or were you too busy having fantasies about Floyd the Barber in the Andy Griffith Show? That is a crossbow. Something that I wish I had right now. And unlike William Tell, I would purposely miss the apple. Useless git. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Dear Witless and Crock,

I believe I watched Land of the Lost once or twice before running from the room with a rictus of horror etched onto my chisled, manly features. What an unbelievably horrid TV Show. But, what can you do with a budget of $1.97 per show?

So, tell me lad, did you watch the show a lot? Did you sit there in front of the Rent-A-Center portable TV as it flickered magically on the chipped formica counter of your parents double wide, transporting you to the wonderful world of Sid and Marty Croft's bong induced imagination?

Did you squirm about in restless anticipation in your faded, hand me down p j's, grinning your vacuous grin through your Kool Aid stained lips? Cramming handful after dirty handful of Cap'n Crunch in your bottomless gullet in a sugary feeding frenzy, the cereal shrapnel forming yet another layer of undefinable detritus matting down the wall to wall shag carpeting.

Takes you back doesn't it? Back to those simpler days before the other, bigger kids at school would beat on you for being so graceful.

That's okay. Go ahead and reminisce. Shhhh... close your eyes...that's a good boy...shhhhh.


Oh, thank you very much for those fond memories. But why don't we dwelve into your past? As your old next door neighbor at the trailor park, I think that I can enlighten the folks here about your childhood. Run in terror? Chiseled "manly" features??? Any more delusions? Why don't you tell the good folks the truth here? You never watched the show ever. As a matter of fact, you spent every waking hour w/ your collection of Ken & Barbie dolls. Your poor parents had to bring food to your room because you just were too wrapped up in your warped little world. Oh, you would imagine what it would be like to be "Ken." But most of the time it was spent being "Barbie." And as you can see, he still wishes he was Barbie. Look at him all dressed up in his pink stewardess outfit, w/ his little blond wig and estrogen therapy regime. Oh pink, really looks good on you Boo :rolleyes: When will you face reality? Pathetic. Why don't you go back to your room like a good little whatever you are and play w/ your dolls. Your presence here (as in this planet) disgusts us.
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Hey, Axe2121, how you you like dem apples? Well, not apples, really. We ran out of apples but had plenty of mortar rounds left over to lob at yer troops ya gamey, map-edge-hugging fecker.

And what's with, Dave H? Are you weak with hunger awaiting your monthly Social Security check? All out of gubmint cheese-loaf? Pick up the pace or I will have to amuse myself by smacking Snarker around like he enjoys so good.

On a semi-related note, is Sockpuppet still making maggot inspired scenarios full of 'splodies and fire?

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Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

Oh, thank you very much...(and other seal like barkings of the Dynamic Duo of Wassup? & Cricket SNIPPED! because of their sheer, grinding dullness)

You're quite welcome and don't you forget it. You were wide of the mark on the pink stewardess outfit, you know. Not my color. Now, I'll admit that I looked very much the hottie in the kicky green jumper, I'm just glad I had the legs to pull it off.

Dave Aitch? I'm still waiting for my turn, you scum encrusted, encrusted scum-type person. I may not be at home to process it right now, but since I'm playing this blindingly gamey scenario against you, at least you should be at my beck and call (or is that Watson and Crick) for returning moves to me.

So, chop-chop, chump.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

I don't know if they pissed him off on purpose or this dog is generally pissed off.

A real Aussie sheepdog would be chewing on a piece of your backside by now! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Mace, you maggot! Are these dogs OK as family pets, or are they ultra protective and lkely to cause a problem with neighbors?

There are no bad dogs, only lice-encrusted, Foster's-drinking, koala-humping, brain-dead git owners.

editted to add: Snarker my understanding is that the Aussies breed a more aggresive line(s) of Australian Cattle Dogs that is(/ are) not recognized in by the AKC due to repeated introductions of Dingos back into the line. One fellow believed that 1/8th and 1/16th Dingo Cattle Dogs were better suited for the harsh Outback and provide the necessary protection that such isolation demanded. These dogs tend to be a little more 'wild' and hence more unpredictable but some swear by them for herding.

[ June 30, 2004, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino2 ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

There are no bad dogs, only lice-encrusted, Foster's-drinking, koala-humping, brain-dead git owners.

editted to add: Snarker my understanding is that the Aussies breed a more aggresive line(s) of Australian Cattle Dogs that is(/ are) not recognized in by the AKC due to repeated introductions of Dingos back into the line. One fellow believed that 1/8th and 1/16th Dingo Cattle Dogs were better suited for the harsh Outback and provide the necessary protection that such isolation demanded. These dogs tend to be a little more 'wild' and hence more unpredictable but some swear by them for herding.

So there are 'Aussie Cattle Dogs' with no Dingo in them? The pic you posted looks like there is some Dingo in the dog. The reason I'm curious is one of my neighbors is hot on getting one because it's "cool-looking". He claims they're gentle, but everything I've read said " territorial" and "extremely protective of their families". I tend to translate that type of description as "feckers will bite anyone or anything they think might be infringing on its' turf or hurting a family member".

Strikes me as a dog for a fenced yard or a family living on a few hundred acres or more.

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ACDs are great with kids, if raised with them. Only one ACD in the US is a working Police Dog. Here in NoCal, actually. Not mean or ill-tempered by nature but a bit cool to strangers. Very loving and protective of their owners. They need a lot, A LOT, of your time. I wouldn't buy one and stick in the back yard to 'look cool'. If you do, your yard will look like the surface of the moon and anything that can be damaged, will be damaged.

I had a red male a few years back that used to like to sneak up on my Uncle Jerry as he wandered through the gardens. Patches would sneak up on Jerry and hunker down like he was gonna nip him in the ankle. Typical herding instinct. This started after I had to leave the dog with my mom for my last year of school (mom and Uncle Jerry were neighbors and they had removed the fence between the properties to expand the garden). I suspect the lack of attention and exercise was driving the poor pooch to odd behaviour. Other than this odd quirk, Patches only barked at the mailman (typical dog) or when there were raccoons tearing up the back yard. He hated them feckers.

More anecdotes should you need/ want them.

editted to add: Gawd all that prattling and missed the main point....yes, Dingo in the ACD line but that was way back. Later introductions take that line out of the AKC standards. let me get some links up....

[ June 30, 2004, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino2 ]

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Originally posted by Kitty:

GAR AGRAGR AG G G HHH H! I read somewhere that ACDs were actually first bred in the U.S.! :mad: Is this true?!?!? :mad: And if it IS true why do they call them Australian?!?!? :mad:


What would a "Kitty" know about pooches? :mad: :mad: Read the history link and in the first paragraph it states the Australian origin of...now see if you can follow this...the "Australian" Cattle Dog.

Kathy Christian wrote a book, available @ amazon.com, that details all things Australian Cattle Dog.

And to Axe2121, your love of ADD explains your poor gaming skills. maggot. :mad: :mad:

[ June 30, 2004, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino2 ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

What would a "Kitty" know about pooches? :mad: :mad: Read the history link and in the first paragraph it states the Australian origin of...now see if you can follow this...the "Australian" Cattle Dog.

:mad: I read on another website that they were first bred in the U.S.!!!!! I think that website was right and yours is wrong!!!

Dogs suck anyway! :mad:


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