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Peaceful and benevolent MasterGoodale chucks TNT in the Cheery Waffle Thread

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Kitty, if it's not prying too much, how did you get into wargaming? There are so few women who partake that I'm curious about how you got started. :D

8 beers, a pint of vodka and 2 glasses of wine
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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Unbelievable that A) a woman would post in this sewer and B) post a photo in this sewer.

Yeah, it's amazing the things I'll do after 8 beers, a pint of vodka and 2 glasses of wine. :mad: :mad: :mad: smile.gif :mad:

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

So what do you have for lunch?

(Back to work today maggots. :mad: ) I'm off again for the last two weeks in July. And Thursday and Friday this week because of Canada Day.

90th anniversary of Ferdinand's assassination today.

Canada DAY is Thursday and Friday? You big silly, TNT chuckin' Nord of the Border maggots and your new math! :mad:
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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

So what do you have for lunch?

(Back to work today maggots. :mad: ) I'm off again for the last two weeks in July. And Thursday and Friday this week because of Canada Day.

90th anniversary of Ferdinand's assassination today.

Canada DAY is Thursday and Friday? You big silly, TNT chuckin' Nord of the Border maggots and your new math! :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by Dave H:

Kitty, if it's not prying too much, how did you get into wargaming? There are so few women who partake that I'm curious about how you got started. :D

When I was but a wee lass of maybe 6, my dad made me play Avalon Hill's "Gettysburg" against him. He was always into military history, especially the Civil War. Then I read "The Longest Day" at about the same age and he gave me A.H.'s "D-Day" for my birthday. I guess I was the son he never had. Anyway, I started kicking his butt at these games so he stopped playing me, the maggot! :mad: From about 10 - 12 years I found a guy at school who played and I got into Panzer Blitz and Panzer Leader. Then in high school I met another guy I played Squad Leader, ASL, and a ton of other A.H. and Victory games with. Then I went off on a Napoleonic tangent and started painting and gaming 15mm miniatures. But then I didn't have anyone to play with because most of the miniatures crowd is so geeky. So I put all my miniatures in boxes and display cases and brooded until Talonsoft started their series of ACW and Napoleonic games. Again, no one to play with and vs the computer was too boring. Then I found this game. *shrug* Ok, so I'm weird. So what?!?! :mad:


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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dave H:

Kitty, if it's not prying too much, how did you get into wargaming? There are so few women who partake that I'm curious about how you got started. :D

When I was but a wee lass of maybe 6, my dad made me play Avalon Hill's "Gettysburg" against him. He was always into military history, especially the Civil War. Then I read "The Longest Day" at about the same age and he gave me A.H.'s "D-Day" for my birthday. I guess I was the son he never had. Anyway, I started kicking his butt at these games so he stopped playing me, the maggot! :mad: From about 10 - 12 years I found a guy at school who played and I got into Panzer Blitz and Panzer Leader. Then in high school I met another guy I played Squad Leader, ASL, and a ton of other A.H. and Victory games with. Then I went off on a Napoleonic tangent and started painting and gaming 15mm miniatures. But then I didn't have anyone to play with because most of the miniatures crowd is so geeky. So I put all my miniatures in boxes and display cases and brooded until Talonsoft started their series of ACW and Napoleonic games. Again, no one to play with and vs the computer was too boring. Then I found this game. *shrug* Ok, so I'm weird. So what?!?! :mad:

Kitty </font>

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Kitty, I don't think you're weird at all. It's really too bad your Dad stopped playing games with you once you started winning. You probably could have taught him a few things about military games - and history. Make that a lot of things. :D:D:D

I agree with you 100 percent about the miniatures players. My experience was that painting the miniatures became far more of a priority than actually playing any games. I only bought a handful of Microarmor, and I gave it all away. I wanted to play games, not paint! :mad: :mad:

That's why I enjoy this forum, and this thread, so much. Everybody's ready to start a PBEM at the drop of a hat, and just about everybody can be counted on to send turns and to play the game through. Even when I set up a tremendously gamey situation like I did in the BDLRM. Most maggots aren't terribly bright, you know. tongue.gif:D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

I agree with you 100 percent about the miniatures players. My experience was that painting the miniatures became far more of a priority than actually playing any games. I only bought a handful of Microarmor, and I gave it all away. I wanted to play games, not paint!

That too. I spent SO much time and money researching and painting these enormous Napoleonic armies so that they'd be accurate, like 2 years, and I think I played a total of two games. One of those was vs. myself. *shrug* They do make nice display pieces though.

This one time I went to a miniature wargaming convention just to see what was going on . . . like all these pimply, pasty-faced 18 - 21 year old geeks that were there started staring at me. So I took quick a walk around the room, checked out the tables and ran back to my car. =)

It was pretty creepy. *shivers*

Oh, I almost forgot. :mad:


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OK - sounds like autobiography time!! :D

I thni my kick into toy soldiers was the Valentine tank in the playground at my Grandparent's little town in my early years (it's still there, my kids have played on it a few times, but if anyone wants me to check the armour thicknesses they can go get stuffed!! tongue.gif )

then i went on holiday at hte other end of the country, worked abit in an uncle's book shop and got a copy of Purnells' WW2 "Special" on tanks - the middle spread was of Soviet weapons - mainly armour, all in plain grey steel finishes & that's about as far as my artistic abilities extend so I was hooked!

I've been playing with miniatures ever since (33 years now!! :eek: ), and yes I hate painting too - but I have a few armies and they seem to be enough for the moment.

I still like the 1:1 and face:face aspects of playing with toy soldiers.

plus if I have a run of bad luck it's a lot cheaper to burn the dice than my CPU!!

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Originally posted by Mike:

if anyone wants me to check the armour thicknesses they can go get stuffed!! tongue.gif )

Wouldn't you have to poke a hole through it or something to that? I wouldn't want you to go to jail. =/


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Originally posted by Mike:

Nah - just use ultrasound ;)

Hey Mike, maybe you could get Keke or another of the uberFinns down there to punch a few holes. That seems like a much easier way to measure the armor thickness. Are there pinecones in New Zealand? :D :eek: :D

Axe, you're not slumming on the General Forum, are you? That message was for a certain Mr. Rambo and his superiority complex. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Axe, you're not slumming on the General Forum, are you?

Mea culpa. It really gets my goat that he sees fit to ruin a perfectly interesting thread on WWI.

Humans are to blame, indeed. Well, d'uh. Even an athiest would tell you that. :rolleyes::D

I just finished Lyn Macdonald's 1914. I am so impressed with how the BEF fought in the early going -- the Old Contemptibles -- and Joffre's strategy. Good show chaps! Remember what Boney said -- an orderly retreat is as good as a victory.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

You're knocked up? Congratulations!! =)

Oddly enough ultrasound has other uses than measuring the development of gravid women!! tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Mike:

Oddly enough ultrasound has other uses than measuring the development of gravid women!! tongue.gif

Damn. I'll have to get down to the post office then as I just sent you two nice pairs of blue and pink knitted booties. =(


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I told you not to sniff the bottle!! :(

And tanks for the thought - how did you know it was goign to be twins??!! ;)

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