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The Peng Challenge Thread Goes to Australia and Gets Drunk!! Woohoo whats new?

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What is "rice bubba"? It sounds like some kind of pseudo-Cajun-Creole-Oriental-curry covered-Indo-European-kebab or crawdad accompanied mutant melange!

Just the sort of thing inbred, banjo-playing Texans might enjoy with a side dish of sheep dip!

I'll not stand for it! (Although, I admit, now for some reason I'm hungry...)

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Stuka, I heard that joke an age ago and it was just around the other way, I wish you guys were not 4 steps behind us, your like our hilly billy cousins nobody wishes to invite for dinner.

If you read history correctly we been trying to seperate QLDers from the the rest of Australia forever.

If you remember rightly, before Queensland was named 'Queensland' it was New South Wales, after sending all the undesireable out of Sydney we decided to create a border to segregate the undesireables to the North.

If you look at World War 2 we were preparing a stopping line on the edge of New South Wales, to stop the Japs, actually we were trying to give it away.

New South Wales is God own land and Qld is just our pissing pool.

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Its not any thing in America so you wouldn't know <smile>


American Geography class, teacher pulls down a map of the world and it show all 50 states. There you go kiddies this is the world as we know it.

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Originally posted by Ardem:


American Geography class, teacher pulls down a map of the world and it show all 50 states. There you go kiddies this is the world as we know it.

Here in the North, that is still called 'God's Country' (although he's got some explaining to do before we let him use it for picnics or anything), we simply pull down a map that shows Minnesota and Ontario, and the borderlands like the Dakotas, Wisconsin and, in heretical schools, Iowa.

Children are then told 'America is out there'.

They are then admonished to 'never go there'.

We teach them about the rest of the world in Geography, History, and Current Affairs classes.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

But it's a nice little town, right down the street from Yosemite and far enough from Lost Angles and San Francesca so that the land prices aren't through the roof (Yet). And 29 years is a little early for UC Merced, they're just opening this year, I'll be a founding member (Wa ha, wa ha ha ha!!).

So what you're telling us, Elijah, is that the University of California has opened the equivalent of an off-shore diploma mill in the Valley?

Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

It also means I get to play fast and loose with the ol' PhD. Technically it's socio-linguistics, but it's more an interdisciplinary study of the similarities between the evolution of early writing and modern computer coding.

Ah, then I imagine you will be doing major papers, if not your dissertation, on the Peng Challenge Thread. Well, keep this in mind, my educated friend.

I'm not some simple native that you can con with beads, feathers and palm wine into an interview when you're out playing at 'Margaret Mead'. I'm not a bloody Australian. If you're going to use me as a source for the story of 'the Peng Challenge Thread' for your graduate work, you'd better show up with at least a case of imported beer, and a liter of single malt.

And if you want me to reveal the incredible shamanistic underpinnings of the Thread, with all the dark rituals and hidden sacraments, we're talking some serious fecking chemicals. Not that tiddly crap you can get by sidling around the Student Union and going 'nudge, nudge'.

We're talking Hunter S. Thompson, 'Heart of Darkness' ****e that would rip the skull right out of your average undergrad and leave him alone and weeping in the corner.

Otherwise, all you're going to ever know is that it's some silly thread on a WWII game site message board...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

What's with all the Australians all of a sudden?

Sigh. Hardly surprising.

The words 'Drunk' and 'Australia' were used in the Thread title.

Frankly, I'm surprised we're not actually catching them in our zippers as we do them up after a slash.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

HEY Pal, this is a family board ... He laughed the laugh of the danged ...

But this is not a 'family thread'. It is, at best...no, it's not even truly 'family friendly'.

I hate families. Arrrr! Curse and split 'em, says I!

I think it's important that we keep children out of this Thread. That is the primary reason we behave like gentlemen. In a modern society, nothing is more off-putting to children than behaving like adults.

They don't need to know that the adults are all raving lunatics, foul-mouthed, drunken, and abusive.

Children are attracted to that sort of thing.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The Conservatives would be on you like white on rice bubba ... not that I'm suggesting that all conservatives are white ... or rice for that matter ... Joe

Conservatives are 'minute rice'. Minute Rice is devoid of any nutritional value, easily prepared, tasteless and offered as the mass market alternative to anything of real value.

You may draw your own conclusions.

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Originally posted by The Smurf:

Conservatives are 'minute rice'. Minute Rice is devoid of any nutritional value, easily prepared, tasteless and offered as the mass market alternative to anything of real value.

It doesn't surprise me that a liberal, tree huggin', freak such as yourself can't tell the difference between Conservative and Neo-Con Barbarian
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

It doesn't surprise me that a liberal, tree huggin', freak such as yourself can't tell the difference between Conservative and Neo-Con Barbarian

It would help if you lot would publish a freaking 'field guide', or something.

I mean, I'd hate to shoot something that wasn't in season...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Kinda what I thought. That kinda pissin'-n-moanin' can only come from a Kiwi or a Finn. Whadda ya expext from goober nations?

How about you land seven kinds of pestilence on their heads.

Thats your schtick isn't it?

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