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The Hell Freezes Over Tour and the Economics of the New CMx2 Artificial Inteligence

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Sorry about the "Skill Set" quote

it won't happen again smile.gif

THANKS for the info on games and AI and agent-based AI

I found this:

"AI in Computer Games

Find out more on 'smart' computer games that incorporate verious AI techniques and learn about new AI-based SDKs for game developers.

Almost two years ago I published an article on AI in computer games industry, starting with the claim that "knowledge about Artificial Intelligence techniques tend to be somewhat limited within the game-programming community". Fortunately enough, the advances in both hardware and software technologies have contributed to the overall acceptance of AI-related technologies. To quote Steven Woodcock and his excellent two-part report on the state of game AI in Gamastura, game AI has finally "made it" in the minds of developers, producers, and management. It is recognized as an important part of the game design process. Good old fashioned AI, state-machines, rule-based AI, etc., have made their way to every game programmer's toolbox. "Nontraditional" AI techniques like Artificial Life are starting to be used to create realistic, lifelike behavior in games like q and Creatures. The main goal of every game developer has always been to fully leverage the increased computing power, in order to produce games that are different enough to be noticed on the market. So, let's explore various software development kits and similar tools available to AI developers - maybe you can try to create your new masterpiece in just few weeks?

For an easy start, just relax and play with several extensible computer games that allow creating editable, rule-based strategies. Age of Kings is an excellent example of a strategy game that allows users to edit the rules that control their strategic opponents. Quake II, on the other hand, is a best known example of an action game that can be modified by writing various DLL extensions. CogniToy recently announced MindRover, a game that encompasses the depth of play found in strategy games with a new concept in player control. This 3D strategy/programming game requires that you equip the vehicle (hovercraft, wheeled or treaded) with various sensors, movement components and weapons and program its behavior in a graphical interface where you wire the components together and set their properties. It is an advanced descendant of various "games for programmers" like Crobots. The scenario for Jrobots is very simple: you'll have to develop the AI algorithms of your own robot using the Java language, then upload it in the arena and follow on-line its fights against other robots."

here at aboutAI.net

This course atnorth texas university teaches students how to program agent-based AI into video games:

"CSCI 4410: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Instructor: Paul Tarau, Associate Professor - see my home page for office hour information.

Teaching Assistant: Vivek Dahiya

Please post questions and answers on topics related to the course to the 4410 forum.

Objectives: The course will provide a gentle, agent based introduction to Artificial Intelligence. We will focus on intuitive, often visual presentation of  key AI programming techniques, logical modeling of agents and their interaction with the environment,  inference methods, knowledge representation and natural language processing algorithms, as well as applications of AI to virtual reality and simulation of social behaviors through multi-agent systems."

I wish I knew A GREAT deal more about artificial inteligence, it is a very interesting subject area.


-tom w

Originally posted by John D Salt:

here at aboutAI.net north texas university
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As some have guessed, we don't outsource core parts of projects. If anybody here has worked with more than one programmer on one project, then you'd know why :D Unless the coding is VERY distinct and different from each other, more programmers = more troubles.

AI is not something that can just be programmed in a vacuum, and therefore it can not be neatly handed off to someone else. Especially someone else who doesn't have practical experience making AIs that work "in the real world" (i.e. a general entry commercial project with a budget and a time for shipping that isn't measured in decades). Most guys that are really good at AI programming don't fit this description. No slight on them... research projects and acedemic study are important things too.

Charles has a clean slate and 6 years of CM development under his belt. He is also the sole coder of all the other bits of code. I doubt any AI programmer could possibly make a better functional AI in the same time it will take Charles to do his.

And yes... although there are different levels of the AI, that doesn't mean there are HUGE amounts of programming for each. Just that Charles is going to have to do somethings differently than he did CMx1.


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Hey Battlefront guys, I know you stated that you don't want/need any help on the AI front, but I thought I'd make an offer anyway. Plus, if anyone on here is up for talking about Game AI in general I'm always interested.

Begin self-pimping:

I've been an AI programmer in the game industry for the past 5 years. I also started a PhD, but have yet to finish. A couple links to my last two published papers:



(I'm Gregory Paull)

I'm also a member of the International Game Developer's Association AI committee.

(End self-pimping)

Anyway, I'm a huge CM fan, and would love to help out in any way I can.

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Charles has to invent TWO new levels of Artificial Inteligence (Soldier AI and Unit AI) and make the graphics engine run on both MAC and PC, AND code the rest of the game for simultaneous release.

System development (and game development) doesn't start with coding, but with discussion to define process flows, 'business/game' rules and logic structures.

Coding is converting these into computer algorithms.

Hence I think you'll find a lot of thought and time would have already gone into the Soldier AI and Unit AI, how it relates to and interacts with the 'upper echelon' AIs, and how it all works together.

Also remember the upper echelon AIs have already been developed (and already appear in the current CM engine) and appear to do the job quite well, and I would expect them to use those as a basis for the new engine, with maybe some tweaks and fine tuning.

As for OS conversion, I don't believe this is as big an issue as the core coding will be the same regardless of Operating System, with conversion more addressing how each OS handles graphics, interface, file management etc.

Another influencing factor is programmer experience.

To get a new coder will not necessarily speed things up at first because the coder has to review and learn the existing code and know how it hangs together...there will always be a learning curve that will affect that person's output.


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Originally posted by Mord:

BFC I want to know how much you SOB's made on Combat Mission. If you refuse to tell me I will eat your children and fill Charlie's nutrient tank with Mr Plumber. Not only will this be unpleasant for ole Chuck in a bottle, it'll derive you of your disembodied brain trust. If this still does not convince you to fork over the figures I will wax Maddmat's head down with Preperation H causing it to shrink until there is nothing left but a wrinkle with ears.

I have no concept of sales, internet figures, or business practices of any kind but I do work in a parking garage and am saving up for a PLAYSTATION....incidently will there be a CMx2 port for PS2? Computers are for XOR N00B Homos!!!

Not Mord,

Someone else

I may frame this.
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